PDF Preview / Pages do not match Aperture

I am preparing to buy a softcover book. I prepared the book using Aperture 2.1.2, softcover. In Aperture the reverse side of the cover is blank, with page 1 starting on the right, turning the page you get page 2 on the left, 3 on the right, and so on.
When I selected "BUY" and prepared the book for purchase, I reviewed the PDF and it appears as though page 1 would start on the left, page 2 on the right, turning the page to page 3 on the left and so on.
When the book is bound, I assume it will match Aperture, not the PDF. Can someone confirm that who has bought a softcover.

I had a similar problem and my solution to view two pages at a time in the PDf file was in Adobe Acrobat Professional go to VIEW: PAGE DISPLAY and check TWO-UP as well as SHOW COVER PAGE DURING TWO-UP. This second item made the pages line up up the way they did in APERTURE two page view.
I have ordered my books but have not received them yet, so it is up to the Great Printing Karma King to make sure they come out they way I designed them.

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  • Template and child pages do not match

    Hi, there are several issues here and I'm pretty sure they're linked so I'll tell you them all. I was recently editing my website and I was changing the title of a page a created. I noticed that after I changed the name, when I clicked off it it just went back to the default title in the template. I then looked up how to sort and I think I changed a few bit of coding (I can't remember what though, sorry. It seemed to work. Then I decided to add another page which I listed in the navbar... when I got round to pressing save on the template, this happened....
    I'm sorry to sound so vague but I can't really remember what I did. Anyway, it says this for nearly every page when you save the template. I've noticed some of the coding on the template and the child pages do not match. This is the code on the template.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    and this is the coding for another page. The index for example.
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    Is there any way I can just create a new template to match the pages already created?
    Sorry if I sound silly but this is my first post on these forums and I'm not really sure what you need to know.

    You can do everything, (and I mean absolutely EVERYTHING) in a regular HTML page that you can do in a DWT, and you don't have any of the parent/child/editable/non-editable/nested/nesting region problems that you will get with DWT's until you are very highly proficient at coding HTML and know exactly how to lay one out from the start so these things don't happen.
    DWT's are good for putting together a "mockup" to show a client, and have a good idea of the layout you will eventually use. They are also good for a teaching tool (the only time I ever created one was part of a class). If you have a group of people working on a site together, they are helpful too, but if none of the above apply, just make a plain HTML page and "Save As" when you need to make additional pages from it.

  • Brush preview size does not match brush stroke

    The brush preview size does not match brush stroke. I've insert a pic of the problem. I tried allmost everythning, but nothing works.
    Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
    *I use a wacom tablet.

    Is your system cursor size set to something other than normal?
    under Apple, System Preferences, Universal Access.

  • Error in converting from a PDF (first page does not convert)

    I want to convert a PDF to an excel worksheet. The file is some 30 pages this month, the first page renders as a picture, the rest of the pages convert correctly! I have tries converting to other formats but end up with either unusable text or the first page as an image, albeit of the first page but not usable.
    I think the graphic at the top of the first page is the cause as the conversion process is looking at the whole page now as a graphic and not 'seeing' the text in the table below.
    Any help, ideas appreciated as I have spent hours on the Internet and in front of the pc trying to sort this out.

    Customer Support: http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?step=CPDF_how-tos-troubleshooting_stillNeedHelp
    Cancel your subscription: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cancel-subscription-acrobat-online-servi ces.html
    [topic moved to PDF Pack forum]

  • PDF Preview Handler is not working

    I am using Windows 7 32-bit with MS Office 2010 Professional.
    In 'My Documents' I have files associated with .pdf but it is not showing me any previews.
    I can go to another PC and I don't have that issue. For example if I am in explorer and
    have my pdf files listed it wouldn't allow me to preview.

    Nope, using 32-bit. And I recently uninstalled Acrobat Pro completely and reinstalled it due to an issue with it not updating due to having the "Error Applying Transforms" issue. After I reinstalled, I updated it completely. I suppose I can try uninstalling and reinstalling again, but that seems like overkill.
    - Merg

  • PDF Preview Handler will not open 1 file

    I have Office 2013 and Acrobat XI, the PDF Handler works fine on all my files except one.
    Through our online ordering, I get a confirmation email with E-Order.pdf with every confirmation, worked for a while and now gives me the
    "This file cannot be previewed because of an error with the following previewer
    PDF Preview Handler
    To open this file in its own program, double-click it."
    If I go to any other PDF attachment it works fine.

    Hi Anubha,
    Yes I do have the latest version of Acrobat 11, 11.0.10.
    I have tried turning the PDF Handler off and back on, that didn’t fix it.
    I also installed Reader 11 and that did not fix it.
    If there is something else I can try please let me know.
    Gregg Hynda
    General Manager
    P     07 5576 5757
    F     07 5576 6990
    M   0412 644819
    E      <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]

  • ITunes podcast preview page will not link with itunes store in windows

    My external url still connects correctly with the itunes preview page and opens the iTune's store in iTunes (versions 9 & 10) on my Mac but when I check the link on a windows vista pc, since the latest version of iTunes was made available, I cannot get beyond the preview page as iTunes is not recognised despite clicking on the 'already' installed link on the page.
    Anyone having this problem since iTunes v10 was made available? I've tried it with the full url and the shortened url with the same results.

    followed these steps...NO LUCK 5 days and stillnot working
    The recommended steps are:
    1) Sign out of the iTunes Store by choosing Sign Out from the Store menu in iTunes.
    2) Visit the My Apple ID website at:
    3) If the site is not displayed in your preferred language, click the Change Language link in the upper-right corner, type the name of your language in the field that appears, then click the Save button.
    4) Click the "Manage your account" link.
    5) Type your iTunes Store account name (which is your Apple ID) in the Apple ID field, type your password in the password field, then click the Sign In button.
    6) Click "Addresses" in the column on the left. Look at your shipping addresses at the bottom. If you have multiple shipping addresses, remove any out-of-date or duplicate addresses by clicking Delete. Also, make sure the state or province field is filled out correctly for each address. To edit an address, click Edit.
    7) Now click "Phone Numbers" on the left. The area codes should be in the area code fields and the phone numbers should be in the phone number fields. If an area code is missing, or if it is in a phone number field, your account information may not save properly.
    8) Make any other necessary corrections, then click the Save Changes button.
    9) Click Log out in the upper-right corner.
    <Edited by Host>

  • PDF preview in workspace not working for Financial Reporting

    I have an issue in workspace with doinga PDF preview on a Financial Reporting report. PDF preview works fine via workspace but only FR has the problem, here is the error that is displayed. I am running FR server on AIX and the print servers are on windows platform. We have two installations pointing to same windows box for print server. The 1st if FR for HFM running all on windows, the 2nd is FR on AIX for an Essbase installation. The HFM FR install works great via workspace but the the 2nd produces the following error:
    Error 500--Internal Server Error
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
    We made the port for the print server static(it is normally dynamic) so we could open the firewall port to the print server and have verifed it is open.
    Does anyone have a suggestion of what could be producing the Internal Server Error. I should mention that we use Weblogic for the web deployment of workspace if that should have any bearing on the issue.

    Firewall issues were preventing this problem.

  • TS3946 Aperture Book: images look fine in Aperture but not in PDF preview.  OS 10.9, Aperture 3.4.5

    Aperture 3.4.5, OS 10.9.  When making a PDF prior to ordering a book, I note that images look fine within Aperture book module, but about 10 out of 100 images look terrible in the PDF.  Shall I ignore this and go ahead and order the book?

    Strangely I'm now having exactly the same problem all of a sudden.  I've been building the book for about a month now (I've made about 6 before without any trouble) and along the way have been producing a pdf of the book to see how it will look.  Yesterday I noticed some of the images seemed to have lost colour when looking at the pdf version and then today, many pictures all of a sudden look exactly like the example you've supplied above. 
    I've tried shutting down my imac and restarting thinking it was a memory issue, have checked if I had any filters activated (which I don't and I haven't used filters in books before either), have tried repairing then rebuilding aperture, copying the book to a new library, new location, opening on a different mac and then printing again but none of this had any positive effect. 
    So from what I understand from your last post, the workaround you came up with was to revert to the original of each image that had the problem and then make the adjustments again? 

  • "Preview in Firefox" for pdf web pages but not for file links ?

    I like the preview pdf in Firefox feature but I seem to be having a bit of a problem with it.
    In options>applications I have the pdf entry set to preview in Firefox and when I click a link to pdf webpages they load in Firefox just fine.
    The problem seems to be with download links to pdf files. When I click a link to a pdf file the only options are to save the file, open with my pdf viewer (Foxit Reader) or other. Preview with Firefox is not an option any more.
    I've been trying everything to get that option back.
    I know I have seen it there before but I've no idea how it disappeared.
    Any suggestions?

    The build-in PDF Viewer only works for files that are send as application/pdf and not for other MIME types.<br />
    So it won't work for links that open a download dialog and you would need an extension to open such a file as application/pdf.
    *Open in Browser: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/open-in-browser/

  • Thumbnails & Preview filenames do not match Master filename

    Hi - can't find any threads regarding this...
    Basic problem is that Aperture is not renaming the Preview & Thumbnail filenames when it renames images on import - anyone else experiencing this problem?
    I have a managed Aperture Library (2.1.3). I rename my image files on import using the Import dialogue set to Custom Name & Counter and Apply to Master filename checked. However the Preview file, the Thumbnail file and the Finder folder holding the images do not get renamed.
    Since the Media Browser uses the Preview files rather than the Master files when importing images into other apps (eg. Pages or uploading to a blog) the files used all have the wrong names.
    For Instance:
    I have a canon image file named IMG1234.JPG.
    I import this file to Aperture and use the import dialogue to rename to Custom Name SUNSETNEVADA.JPG (with apply to Master Filename checked).
    In Aperture what I see in my project is SUNSETNEVADA.JPG as the Version Name and the Master filename - as expected.
    However the Thumbnail & Preview files are still called IMG1234.JPG - you can't see this directly from within Aperture you need to open Finder and drill down thru the Library package where you find that your Master file is called SUNSETNEVADA.JPG but it lives in a folder called IMG1234.JPG with a Thumbnail file called IMG1234.JPG and a Preview file called IMG1234.JPG.
    I then open Pages and open the Media Browser.
    I select Photos, and then my Aperture library, find my project and select SUNSETNEVADA.JPG.
    The file that gets imported into Pages is the preview file called IMG1234.JPG.
    The same happens in any situation where I use the Media Browser to browse the Apertuer library and import images, because the Media Browser always uses the Preview file.
    The only work around I have is to export images directly from Aperture and then browse the Finder to import them to other apps - avoiding the Media Browser and Preview files altogether.
    I have notified Apple Pro Support who claimed to be unaware of this error.
    If you have seen the same problem please notify Apple Support.
    Any thoughts or solutions welcome. Thanks

    I am seeing the same thing, as I have lost all my masters and can only get my pics by copying preview files, which all have the old names.

  • PDF Preview Handler does not work

    We installed Outlook 2010 on a new Windows 7 32bit machine with Acrobat Reader X.
    The preview handler for PDF files does not work in Outlook 2010.  Reader works fine by itself.
    If I uninstall Reader X and install verison 9.3 then the Preview Handler works fine.  Any suggestioers?  I have run the repoair on Office and reinstalled Reader X again but to no avail.
    - Neil

    No i didnt check for office updates.. however i did locate a fix.  I am not usually keen to try random fixes so i tested it solo first to confirm it was legitimate.  worked fine.      http://www.pretentiousname.com/adobe_pdf_x64_fix/
    Thank you for attempting to help me though.

  • Preview image does not match content image

    I have been using Bridge CS3 on MAC OS X 10.4 for about 2 years and have happily used it as part of my image processing work flow for thousands of images. A Canon 1DS is my main camera. Some time ago I have started using a Canon G9 in addition to the 1DS. So far so good.
    Recently and for no reason I can see, Bridge has started displaying an entirely different image in the preview panel than the image selected in the content panel. This only seems to happen when selecting RAW G9 images in the content panel; the image shown in the preview panel will be a processed PSD file originally taken on the 1DS, or a 1DS RAW image (of an entirely different subject and processed months earlier). Needless to say, the file name format of RAW G9 images and processed / RAW 1DS images is entirely different. What ever Bridge is using to marry content image selected with preview image displayed, its getting it wrong. I should add that that this doesn't always happen all of the time - but it does happen about 25% of the time.
    When I open in ACR I get the correct image. Also Bridge meta data refers to the correct image. It is just preview that is incorrect.
    I have compacted and refreshed the cache. This resolves the issue the first time I go back in and select images from the content panel, but if I reselect, I'm back where I started.
    Has anyone ever experienced this?
    (in preferences against "When Creating Thumbnails Generate:" I have "Convert To High Quality When Previewed". Also I have both "Use Software Rendering" and "Use High-quality Previews" checked. I'm using Bridge CS3
    Many thanks, Tom

    I had this with my Canon30D files as well. Spurious previews. I met with Adobe in person and went over this. I then moved to Bridge 3.x and went over why I needed high quality images and the person I was working with took many copies of my images to work on the high quality previews.
    I found when I went to one of the 3.x versions of Bridge, this was corrected and I got to use High Quality without the spurious previews.
    I did not have to give up my High Quality. At least not in my case.
    I will note that I was on the prerelease member site and so did get Bridge 3.x versions that may not have made it to the public, hard to know as I have since moved on to CS4.
    I remember a time when I could not use the global purge command and had to throw away all cache folders but this is no longer the case.
    I think Adobe did all they could to fix this issue and still feel that it was incredible that they met with me several times and did conference calls with 6-7 engineers in the room with me and how they really seemed to want to know what was up.
    So I, for one, cannot say there will remain a black eye. Adobe was very supportive with me.
    b One thing though, I could not use "software render" ever with any success.

  • Win 7 32 bit Adobe PDF preview handler issues (NOT 64 bit issue)

    No previews available in Outlook or Explorer (for documents in folders). Investigation shows the Vista preview handler installed.  repeated reinstall of Reader changes nothing.
    Attempts to use the registry hack provided on several sites for W7 64 do not work (because this is 32 bit)  Download site correctly identifies the OS as Win 7.. What to do? Thank you. 

    I have fifteen minutes to mark this as a question, despite the fact that no question link or icon exists. Adobe?

  • Default page setup not matching with document size.

    working on Acrobat X 10.1.4, windows7 64bit, have created lots of boards in AI saved as PDF in Legal size but when opening to print thru Acrobat it always defaults to Letter, why cant Acrobat detect size? this is very annoying.
    I did try using "choose paper source by PDF page size", same problem,
    Can anyone please help me.

    Use Page Setup to set what you would like as defaults. Before clicking OK, choose Save As Default from the Settings popup. If you have more than one printer, I suggest selecting your default printer, as well.

Maybe you are looking for