PDF printing with proxy server

I installed Apex 3.0.1 and configured it for pdf printing using OC4J and Apache FOP. The OC4J process is running on the same server as the database. I used localhost as hostname and 8888 as port.
Everything works fine, however, when I specify a proxy server in the Application Definition, the pdf printing stops working ... I suppose this is because the print server is now located through the proxy server and this doesn't work ... But, I need to configure the proxy server because I want to use an external web service ...
Anyone else that has this problem and knows of a possible workaround ?

Well, in my case this is not an option, since I used a demo host and domain name which can't be resolved through the proxy server ... If only there was an option to skip the proxy server for localhost settings (like there is in Internet Explorer).

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    P.S. I`am from germany ;-)

    Thanks! But on which machine do i have to put the lp command?
    Tarantella Server?
    I have put it on my Client! But nothinng happens.
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    my script -->
    me@my-notebook:~> cat /usr/local/sgdee/lp
    export PATH
    [ -f $1 ] && mv $1 $LPINFILE
    [ -f $2 ] && mv $2 $LPINFILE
    echo "Print: $* -> $LPINFILE" >> /tmp/nclog.`logname`
    echo "/usr/bin/xpdf -display $DISPLAY $LPINFILE; rm -f $LPINFILE" | at now
    exit 0

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    Excuse me bad english.
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    18.03.2007 18:12 546.765 xml.jar
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    18.03.2007 18:14 1.238.899 xmlparserv2.jar
    10.06.2007 22:59 674.005 xquery.jar
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    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response
    root cause
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

    at the end of the apex_fop.jsp put the follow code just before the driver.run(); line:
    out = pageContext.pushBody();
    and explanation of why this works is here:

  • Apex 4.2.2 PDF Printing with Apex 2.0 Listener

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    <img src = "http://hr.unm.edu/common/images/unm_dept_logo.gif">
    No Logo Prints
    Prints in header:
    Prints in header: /i/unm_dept_logo.gif
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    Does the Apex Listener only render text?  Is there any way to get the logo to print in the header without using a third party tool?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    There are different options to include images in your PDF exports. What's important to understand though is that with the PDF export functionality we separate the formatting from the actual data. So the formatting is defined in your RTF or XSL-FO templates and the data is stored in the XML that APEX generates based on your report data. We have several formatting options exposed on the print attributes pages, i.e. you can define page formatting, dimensions, fonts, colors, etc - all of these are applied to what we call generic XSL-FO templates. Those templates are generic in that they can be used with different reports, having variable numbers of columns and variable column names. Those formatting attributes can not be used however with named column templates, such as those that you generate with BI Publisher or those third-party tools I talked about in my Blog.
    So if you want to use these formatting options, you need a generic report layout - which you get out of the box using the built-in layout. But you also have the option to create your own generic report layout (see Shared Components -> Report Layouts). When creating a custom generic report layout, you'll get a copy of the built-in layout as a starting point. Once created, you can manually modify this layout to meet your needs. As you edit this template, you'll find a number of #....# substitution strings. This is what APEX uses at runtime to fill in your formatting values as well as to assemble your generic layout based on your result set.
    Now one way to include your own image would be to add an image reference to this generic report layout. You can't use the page header or footer attributes on the print attributes page for that because the FOP rendering engine does not understand or translate HTML. It renders XSL-FO. So to add your own image reference, you need to use XSL-FO mark-up. If you want to add an image to your page header, look for the #PAGE_HEADER# substitution string in the "Page Template" attribute of your generic report layout. You should be able to find the following:
    <fo:inline xsl:use-attribute-sets="page-header">
    Now assuming you have a file stored in your local images directory on localhost, you could add the following external graphic reference:
    <fo:inline xsl:use-attribute-sets="page-header">
        <fo:external-graphic src="http://localhost:8080/i/cloud.gif" content-height="scale-to-fit" height="30px"  content-width="150px" scaling="non-uniform"/>
    Once you're done with your chanages, save the report layout and edit your report. Go to the print attributes and select your generic report layout and then run your report page and export the PDF. Provided the APEX Listener is able to find this external image reference, it will now be included above your report in your PDF document.

  • JAX-WS client - WebLogic - SSL with proxy server

    Good night!
    I'm having trouble communicating with webservices using certificate authentication (weblogic.wsee.jaxws.sslclient.PersistentSSLInfo) through and going through a proxy server (weblogic.wsee.jaxws.proxy.ClientProxyFeature) .
    If communication with the webservice is done directly (no proxy server) everything happens perfectly, but to set the proxy server I get the exception "BAD_CERTIFICATE." it is as if the certificate was not attached in the request.
    The webservice client was generated by JDeveloper.
    Has anyone experienced this problem?
    Sorry for my bad english
    javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException: FATAL Alert:BAD_CERTIFICATE - A corrupt or unuseable certificate was received.
         at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpClientTransport.readResponseCodeAndMessage(HttpClientTransport.java:218)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.process(HttpTransportPipe.java:204)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.processRequest(HttpTransportPipe.java:124)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.DeferredTransportPipe.processRequest(DeferredTransportPipe.java:121)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.__doRun(Fiber.java:866)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber._doRun(Fiber.java:815)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.doRun(Fiber.java:778)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.runSync(Fiber.java:680)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.client.Stub.process(Stub.java:272)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.doProcess(SEIStub.java:153)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:115)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:95)
         at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.invoke(SEIStub.java:136)
         at $Proxy30.cleCadastroLote(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.ClientInstanceInvocationHandler.invoke(ClientInstanceInvocationHandler.java:84)
         at $Proxy31.cleCadastroLote(Unknown Source)
         at br.com.tbl.ws.CleCadastroPortClient.main(CleCadastroPortClient.java:51)
    Webservice client with proxy server (error)
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.sslclient.PersistentSSLInfo;
    import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSProperties;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.proxy.ClientProxyFeature;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.sslclient.SSLClientUtil;
    public class CleCadastroPortClient
    public static void main(String [] args)
    CleCadastro_Service cleCadastro_Service = new CleCadastro_Service();
    CleCadastro cleCadastro = cleCadastro_Service.getCleCadastroPort();
    String clientKeyStore = "C:\\certificados.jks";
    String clientKeyStorePasswd = "xxxxx";
    String clientKeyAlias = "xxxxx";
    String clientKeyPass = "xxxxx";
    String trustKeystore = "C:\\keystore_completo.jks";
    String trustKeystorePasswd = "xxxxx";
    PersistentSSLInfo sslInfo = new PersistentSSLInfo();
    ClientProxyFeature clientProxy = new ClientProxyFeature();
    clientProxy.setProxyPort(Integer.parseInt("3128") );
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.CLIENT_PERSISTENT_SSL_INFO, sslInfo);
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY, SSLClientUtil.getSSLSocketFactory(sslInfo));
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "https:/xxxx/ws");
    String retorno = cleCadastro.cleCadastroLote("xml", "xml");
    }catch(Exception ex){
    Webservice client without proxy server (OK)
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.sslclient.PersistentSSLInfo;
    import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSProperties;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.proxy.ClientProxyFeature;
    import weblogic.wsee.jaxws.sslclient.SSLClientUtil;
    public class CleCadastroPortClient
    public static void main(String [] args)
    CleCadastro_Service cleCadastro_Service = new CleCadastro_Service();
    CleCadastro cleCadastro = cleCadastro_Service.getCleCadastroPort();
    String clientKeyStore = "C:\\certificados.jks";
    String clientKeyStorePasswd = "xxxxx";
    String clientKeyAlias = "xxxxx";
    String clientKeyPass = "xxxxx";
    String trustKeystore = "C:\\keystore_completo.jks";
    String trustKeystorePasswd = "xxxxx";
    PersistentSSLInfo sslInfo = new PersistentSSLInfo();
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.CLIENT_PERSISTENT_SSL_INFO, sslInfo);
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY, SSLClientUtil.getSSLSocketFactory(sslInfo));
    ((BindingProvider) cleCadastro).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "https:/xxxx/ws");
    String retorno = cleCadastro.cleCadastroLote("xml", "xml");
    }catch(Exception ex){

    I tried to use the option "-DUseSunHttpHandler=true" and enabled "JSSE SSL", but it did not work, now showing the exception "General SSLEngine problem".
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: General SSLEngine problem>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpClientTransport.readResponseCodeAndMessage(HttpClientTransport.java:218)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.process(HttpTransportPipe.java:204)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.processRequest(HttpTransportPipe.java:124)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.__doRun(Fiber.java:866)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.DeferredTransportPipe.processRequest(DeferredTransportPipe.java:121)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber._doRun(Fiber.java:815)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.doRun(Fiber.java:778)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.runSync(Fiber.java:680)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at $Proxy308.cleCadastroLote(Unknown Source)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.invoke(SEIStub.java:136)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:95)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:115)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.doProcess(SEIStub.java:153)>
    <05/09/2012 15h36min55s GMT-03:00> <Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000> <at com.sun.xml.ws.client.Stub.process(Stub.java:272)>

  • PDFs print with magenta when printing in greyscale

    PDFs print with magenta when printing in greyscale

    BTW... Asking the SAME thing THREE TIMES WON'T change the answer.

  • Adobe Reader 9.0 has delay when downloading PDF file through proxy server

    There is an issue with the Adobe Reader (and Acrobat) 9.0 PDF Link Helper ActiveX control for Internet Explorer (6 or 7) on Windows computers with respect to proxy servers. Due to this issue, there is a 2 minute delay for any Internet Explorer web browser on the Deere network before any PDF file will open from the Internet within the IE web browser if In-Place activation (Display PDF in Browser) is enabled in Adobe Reader 9. This problem does not affect Adobe Reader 8.
    What we are seeing is that when someone on the Deere network clicks on a links to a PDF file in the Internet, the PDF file downloads immediately. But then, after the PDF file is downloaded, the Adobe Reader 9 PDF Link Helper ActiveX control tries to talk directly to the Internet web site. The Adobe Reader 9 PDF Link Helper ActiveX control does not know how to negotiate our proxy server. So after a minute or two, the Adobe Reader 9 PDF Link Helper ActiveX control times out (gives up) and allows the IE browser to display the downloaded PDF file in the IE browser.
    We work around this issue by disabling In Place Activation for PDF files in IE (uncheck Display PDF in Browser). But we would like a fix for the PDF Link Helper ActiveX control.
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Originals]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\Originals]
    Here's what our proxy people see when they do a trace of a PDF file download through their proxy server with IE 7 and Adobe Reader 9 with Display PDF in Browser checked.
    The browser tells the proxy to download the pdf, it does and sends it to the browser. Before the browser opens it something in Acrobat ( or I.E. ? ) tries to make a connection back to the content server that hosted the pdf. Unfortunately this agent does not ask the proxy to make the request for it, but rather asks local DNS to resolve the Internet server name. This request dies because our internal private network does not know anything about the Internet. Only the DNS used by the proxy can resolve Interent names. After two unsuccessful DNS queries into the private network, the agent tries to resolve the same Internet name with NBNS ( netbios name service) queries again into the private network, with the same results. These requests persists for more than two minutes ( over 200 unresolved queries ). Then for whatever reason the agent gives up and the already downloaded pdf file loads into the browser.
    I have a TCP capture file if you want it.

    I have the same problem with some specific PDF files. For more than 90% it hangs when opening the file, but sometimes it works (with the same file).
    The workflows where it sometimes worked:
    a) Loading the PDF, the reader is started the first time and displays license dialog.
    b) The reader was already runing and file is loaded with Drag&Drop or File/Open in the Reader
    But most times it does not load.
    I could not find out which file is missing or trying to be opened. So I tried with the CP949.TXT.
    I found no CP949.TXT in Reader 8 installation, so I took it from the link, pasted into notepad and stored in the respective directory
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Resource\TypeSupport\Unicode\Mappings\win\
    Now it seems to work fine, opening PDFs with double click from exporer.
    But why did Adobe Reader 8 not have the TypeSupport directory at all?
    Even when having found a fix (hack?), I think I did not understand the cause of this problem.

  • PDF Printing with FOP/Apache Tomcat/J4LFOPServer in windows

    Hi everyone,
    I have been learning to create pdf report with Apex 4.2 and BI Publisher 10 which I have been successful with. Now I like to learn how to create pdf reports using FOP thinking of the customers who will not spend money on BI Publisher. I have gone through the documents and procedures described in Java 4 Less. http://www.java4less.com/apache/fop.php and http://www.java4less.com/fopdesigner/fodesigner.php?info=apex. Configured Apex instance setting accordingly.
    For default layout a tabular pdf report is created.
    I have created an xsl-fo file named Formatted_report.fo on same query and xml file from report query with BI Desktop. But when I try to print a formatted output with Formatted_report.fo report layout it does not work(J4LFOPServer ). but same layout with .rtf template works fine (BI Publisher Print Server).
    Please help
    Hasan Al Mamun
    Programmer/Assistant Systems Analyst
    Bangladesh Bank
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Edited by: 913230 on Dec 15, 2012 9:37 AM

    if you use the J4lFOPServer as you write, you can set it in debug mode as described here:
    you will then see the XML data and the FO data in the server window. Maybe you can see there if there is an error and that can help you fixing it.

  • PDF Printing with images

    Hello all-
    I was wondering if it is possible to create a PDF document with images from a report that has images, through the FOP. I have tried this on APEX 3.2.1 and APEX 4.0.1, but with no success. I installed FOP in a standalone OC4J that I have installed on my PC and this works fine. I am using the Demonstration Application to test creating the PDF with images by trying to print page 23 - it is a report with images. I get a PDF report, but the image column is blank - no image, no errors. Has anyone been able to accomplish this?
    Thanks in advance,

    yes you can, this tool allows you to create FOP templates with images (look at the examples)
    You can of course create your own FOP templates without this tool, there is a XSL-FO tag to do that, you must make sure the images are available to the print server, either by referencing images on the file system or deploying the images in the print server.

  • Communication problem with proxy server

    We have establish the configuration of an iPad to access the enterprise net, but when trying to access any webpage we get the next message: Safari can not open the page. Error:"There is a communication problem with proxy web server (HTTP)"
    The access has no problems with other movile devices.
    Ahy help?

    I am not sure whether you have already solved the problem or not....
    Do the following to deploy MobileBIService.war file on tomcat
    1.Stop Tomcat Web application server.
    2.Copy the file, MobileBIService.war from [Install directory]\Mobile 14\Client to the Tomcat's "Webapps" directory.
    In my case, I copied the MobileBIService.war from C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Mobile14\Client to C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\webapps. ( I used BO 4.0 SP02)
    3.     Start Tomcat.
    Restarting Tomcat would automatically deploy war file as a Web App
    One folder u201CMobileBiServiceu201D will appear in webapps folder when MobileBIService.war is deployed successfully.
    Hope it helps.

  • Acrobat 8 PDF printing with Windows 8.1/MS office 2013

    I upgraded computer to Windows 8.1 and MS office professional 2013 and reinstalled adobe acrobat 8. 
    When I try to create pdf files from office 2013 document (Excel, Word, Publisher), computer freezes when window opens to select pfd document destination.
    I tried opening office document in acrobat and try to create pdf file. I get pdf maker missing at this point. 
    Before updating computer I ran compatibility tool and it indicated my acrobat 8.3.1 was compatible with Windows 8.1; however noted that I needed to go to adobe website for help with adobe ExtendScript toolkit 2.  I don’t know what adobe ExtendScript toolkit 2 is and if it is associated with Adobe Acrobat or CS3.

    I have no idea about the extend tool. You need to update to the latest version of AA 8, but it appears you are there with 8.3.1. You should print to the Adobe PDF printer. OFFICE 2013 is not compatible with the AA8 PDF Maker. So far I have only seen one person suggesting success with AA8 and Win8.1. If you can give details about your problem, we might be able to help, but you may not be successful. Only time and trial will tell.

  • I can not print an PDF using the Adobe PDF-Printer with Acrobat DC

    Hi all,
    i installed the Trial of Acrobat DC but it dont let me use the Adobe PDF-Printer well, because i cannot print from any third-party-application using Adobe PDF.
    I tryed to print from within Word, Editor and Browser and selected the Adobe PDF-Printer as target, but at 75% both, the Application from which i print and the PDF-Creating-Wizzard are freezing (for hours) and i need to kill the procesed. No PDF-File is created. Same Problem with trying to print a Testfile from within the Windows-Printer-Dialogs.
    Only Adobe DC cause this issue, if i use freeware like Bullzip PDF the files get created successfully, so i assume its not a generally problem with PDF on my system.
    What could be the problem? (pls dont say its because of the trial, a trail should allow to test all features and Why should i buy a programm if it cannot do what a freeware can do?)

    Hey Daniel,
    Have you tried repair Adobe Acrobat DC?
    If no, then please repair the installation under Help menu.
    This could also happen due to an Adobe Acrobat DC installation file corruption. To resolve this issue :-
    Uninstall Adobe Acrobat DC using the Acrobat cleaner utility.
    Restart your computer.
    Re-install Acrobat Acrobat DC  Download Adobe Acrobat free trial | Acrobat Pro DC.
    Let me know if the issue persist.

  • PDF Printing with XSL-FO and Apache FOP

    Can anyone show me in the right direction for this? I've been hitting a wall for the past 2 weeks or so and it's really starting to infuriate me. How am I supposed to work this out? Where do I start? Let's say I create a layout file with a WYSIWYG XSL editor, in what format do I export it? XSL, XSLT or XSL-FO? I figured it was XSL-FO, but who knows. I tried them all anyways, but nothing seems to work. I seem to be missing a step or something, 'cause something's definitely not right.
    I created a report query (which actually contains two queries):
    select distinct
    V_Usager.NUMEROPERSONNE NoPersonne,
    V_Usager.NOMUSUEL || ', ' || V_Usager.PRENOM Usager,
    V_Usager.DATENAISSANCE DateNaissance,
    V_Usager.DESCRIPTION Sexe,
    NomNature || nvl2(PrecisionNature,', Précision: ' || PrecisionNature,'') Nature,
    decode(IND_Securitaire, 1, 'Oui', '0', 'Non') Securitaire,
    ltrim(decode(IND_DEMANDEIVAC,1,'Dossier IVAC','') || decode(IND_DEMANDEFLORES,1,', Dossier Florès','') || decode(IND_RISQUECRISE,1,', Risque de crise','') || decode(IND_MENOTTES,1,', Menottes nécessaires','') || decode(IND_ADRESSECONFIDENTIELLE,1,', Adresse confidentielle','') || decode(IND_TELEPHONECONFIDENTIEL,1,', Téléphone confidentiel','') || decode(IND_RISQUEFUGUE,1,', Risque de fugue','') || decode(IND_RISQUEVIOLENCE,1,', Risque de violence','') || decode(IND_MALDESTRANSPORTS,1,', Mal des transports','') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_SIEGE,1,'',2,', Siège fourni',3,', Siège d''enfant requis',4,', Siège de nouveau-né requis',5,', Siège d''appoint requis') || decode(IND_HANDICAP,1,'',2,', Handicap mental',3,', Handicap physique') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_JUMELER,1,'',2,', Ne pas jumeler',3,', Ne pas jumeler avec une fille',4,', Ne pas jumeler avec un garçon') || decode(IND_TRANSPORTEUR,1,'',2,', Transporteur féminin',3,', Transporteur masculin') || nvl2(REMARQUEPRECISIONS,', ' || REMARQUEPRECISIONS,''),',') Precisions,
    Disp1.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp1.NOM SaisiePar,
    Disp2.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp2.NOM || nvl2(Elem2.Description, ', ' || Elem2.Description,'') Requerant,
    ltrim(nvl(NOMPERSONNEAVISER,'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,7,4),'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,7,4),''),',') PersonneAAviser
    V_Dispensateur Disp1,
    V_Dispensateur Disp2,
    V_ElemStruct Elem2,
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeID
    and ID_Usager = UsagerID
    and ID_CLegal = IDCadre
    and ID_Nature = IDNature
    and IND_Ressource = IDRessource
    and ID_Intervenant LIKE Disp1.NumeroDispensateur
    and ID_SaisiePar LIKE Disp2.NumeroDispensateur
    and Elem2.ElemStructID = ID_ElemStructSaisiePar
    to_char(DT_TRANSPORT, 'dd/mm/yyyy') || ' à ' || HR_TRANSPORT || nvl2(DUREE,' durée: ' || DUREE,'') DateTRSP,
    decode(IND_TYPETRANSPORT,1,'Aller',2,'Retour',3,'Aller/Retour') TypeTransport,
    when 1 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEP,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEP,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEP,
    when 1 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEST,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEST,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEST,
    decode(RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL, ', , ', '', RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL) AdresseRET,
    substr(RET_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(RET_POSTE,' poste ' || RET_POSTE,'') TelRET
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeIDI then created a report layout in XSL-FO with XSLfast, but it won't work at all. I always get the dreaded "corrupted file" when I test my PDF Report... any ideas why it doesn't work? Have I missed something obvious?
    Best regards,

    Hello Mathieu
    i assume that the default PDF printing is working, but that you want to create some better looking reports and therefore use a different non-generic XSL-FO.
    You can do several things in Apex but you can use the Apache-Fop conversion also indepent from Apex.
    What you need is:
    1) An XML (Data) File. You can get it from your report query when you say export it to XML.
    2) The XSL-FO (Layout) file. THis is the processing instruction that says how convert the XML Data into an XML-FO. You can create it manually or with some tool.
    3) The next step is to render the XML-FO into any output format (pdf, rtf, html)
    The creation of the XML-FO and of the PDF are done by the apache fop converter (cocoon or Batik framework if I remember correctly) in a single process but you can influence it so that both steps are done separately. See also: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/running.html
    The advantage is that you usually get much better error messages from the single steps.
    My recommendation would be to do all the steps with a very basic report first.
    Then gradually improve the complexity of the report, the data and the layout.

  • PDF printing with oc4j apache fop not working

    I am configuring PDF printing in Apex 3.1.1. I have set up a shared component report query with a simple query. I have implemented the oc4j standalone and implemented the fop.war as specified in the "pdf printing in Apex" documentation. When I use the test button to verify the output of the report, I am redirected to a 404-page not found and the oc4j instance logs the following:
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [ERROR] Logger not set
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [INFO] Using oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [INFO] building formatting object tree
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [INFO] setting up fonts
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [INFO] [1]
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [WARNING] table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [WARNING] Sum of fixed column widths 662000 greater than maximum specified IPD 658800
    08/09/09 12:02:36 [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    Any ideas why this is happening?
    Database is oracle
    OC4J standalone 10.1.3

    Just did some more search on this, and apparently it's a more common problem:
    Re: PDF problem FOP mod_plsql: /pls/apex/wwv_flow.accept ORA-22293

  • APEX PDF Printing with DEfault OC4J in 11g

    is it possible to use the default oc4j installation that comes with 11g for PDF printing ?
    I tried that worked
    but failed
    The examples (available from the start-page) /examples/jsp doesn´t work also.

    What do you mean by -
    but failed
    failed how exactly?

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