PDF Reader in Edge

Can we place a PDF reader in Edge? I'm building a portfolio site and would rather use a PDF reader than links to existing documents

Have a look at this older thread.
PDF files in edge animate

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    I've a big problem with adobe acrobat reader XI pro and I hope you can help me.
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    What can I do?
    thank you a lot.

    There is no product called Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro. There is
    - Adobe Acrobat Pro ($$)
    - Adobe Reader (free)
    Which do you have? And are you a programmer?

  • Issue while opening pdf reader on mac

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    Odd?!  That appears to be a window of sorts.  It has two buttons on the end.  Are you able to close or expand the window by pushing one of them ??  It also appears to have a window expand handle on the lower right corner.  Try dragging the handle to expand the window size and see what is there being displayed in the window.

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    I am speechless -- but happy.
    The complaint about the file type only appears if you try to open a PDF stored in the phone memory but not if you try to open a PDF stored on the memory card.
    Problem solved.

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    How about if you right click on the PDF and select Save Link As..., and then open it locally from within Reader? Does it work ok then?  That might be a workaround until the issue within the browser is resolved.
    Rob Jaworski
    Intl Program Manager

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    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Please locate to Windows Charm menu, click Settings, change PC settings, and find Devices option, then remove all printers in Devices.
    Following this, please try printing through PDF Reader.
    Hope this helps!
    Andy Altmann
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to show two or more PDF in one PDF-Reader / Concatenate PDF-Files

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    We use WD4A and ADS.
    Have someone an idea to solve this without an external program?
    Thx in advance

    We have done this successfully a few times using WDA - it wasn't easy - it took us 2 full weeks to figure it out, so i need to get full points for this one!
    It's going to much easier to do this if you start a brand new WDA. If not, you'll have to re-do all your Context Node navigations within your methods.
    The first thing you need to do is to define your Context properly:
    You need a top level Node defined as 1:1 cardinality (as with all PDF development)
    Next, you need another Container Node 1:n cardinality (this holds the collection of content nodes)
    Finally, you have your PDF Content Node 1:n cardinality - This holds each instance of your PDF form
    In our scenario, we are passed in a list of Project Numbers. We need to generate a PDF sheet for each project in the same PDF session.
    pseudo code - i'm leaving out some of the unnessary details
    Loop through the project number table.
    ADD 1 TO v_cnt.
    * navigate from <TOP> to <PDF_CONTAINER> via lead selection
        lo_nd_pdf_container = lo_nd_top->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_pdf_container ).
    * This is the Important Part - we check to see if there is an element where index = v_cnt
    * If not, we create one where we can store the new set of data
    * get element via lead selection
        lo_el_pdf_container = lo_nd_pdf_container->get_element( index = v_cnt ).
        IF lo_el_pdf_container IS INITIAL.
          lo_el_pdf_container  = lo_nd_pdf_container->create_element( ).
          lo_nd_pdf_container->bind_element( new_item = lo_el_pdf_container
                                               set_initial_elements = ' '   ).
        lo_nd_ideasheet_data =  lo_el_pdf_container->get_child_node( 'IDEASHEET_DATA' ).
        lo_el_ideasheet_data = lo_nd_ideasheet_data->get_element( index = 1 ).
    * fill all the data then bind the structure
    Select * from XXX into lt_XXX
      where project_number = lt_project-project_number.
    * Move Data to appropriate fields/tables
    * Bind the info back to the element
        lo_el_ideasheet_data->set_static_attributes( static_attributes =
                                                  ls_ideasheet_data ).

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    When you're looking at the list of documents, touch the Edit button at the upper-right. Then select the file you want to move by touching the check box to its left, and click the Move File icon, it's the third one from the left at the top of the screen. You'll be prompted to "Move selected document" after which the "Choose a location" dialog will appear to allow you to select a destination folder.

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    Have tried a couple & they fizzled.
    -Jeff in NYC

    SAme problems here and when i tried to use foliant it didnt work with the books all it gave me was a bunch of weird looking characters 
    HELP US!!!
    If you found this post or any other psot helpful please press the green kudus star

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    Remove Adobe plug ins if any.
    Macintosh HD > Library > Internet Plug-ins

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    Yes I'm enabled iCloud on both my PDFReader's and in my iPad for my documents.  I can't even select one of my PDFs to transfer into my dropbox or another cloud storage device so again these documents which I've collected over the last few months or now trapped in this horrible PDF reading program.

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    It's like once they go into iBooks they're stuck forever.

  • Problem with PDF Reader and Create PDF plugins

    I use Internet Explorer Nine. The Adobe PDF Reader plugin disappeared from my browser. When I look at the listing of my add-ons, Adobe PDF reader appears in the list of all add-ons but not in the list of currently loaded add-ons. I have tried reinstalling Adobe Reader X and adding the FileOpen.api file to the plug-ins subfolder of the reader folder of the Reader 10.0 program files folder to no avail. How did the plugin disappear from by browser? How can I reinstall the plugin? Would reinstalling Adobe Acrobat Standard XI help?
    I was once able, on every website, to turn in a portion of the text and/or pictures on the website into a PDF file by right-clicking and clicking on "Convert to Adobe PDF." Now, I can perform this action only on certain websites. When I cannot perform the action correctly, the entire webpage is converted into a PDF file. What could be causing the malfunction? How can I fix it?
    Thank your for your help. Have an excellent day.

    I&m not quite sure I understand your problem.  You have Adobe PDF Reader under All Add-ons; is it enabled?
    Can you view any PDFs in Internet Explorer?

  • How can I change the default pdf reader from the installed (but not yet registered) Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro to Adobe Reader XI?

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    It worked! Thank you so much.
    I'd opened file with the 'Open with' feature then clicking Adobe Reader,
    but that didn't do it. When I used 'Open with', then 'Choose default
    program...', it worked like a charm.
    Again, thank you!
    On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Anubha Goel <[email protected]>

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