PE 9 download update errors/

I have successfully installed PE 9 on my Mac (10.9) but when I try to download updates I get continuous "download error messages". My router seems ok and other downloads have installed ok. Is there an issue with the update process

You can manually install the updates from here:
Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Macintosh
However, you should consider whether or not you really want to do the 9.0.3 update:
Photoshop Elements 9.0.3 | Barbara's Sort-of-Tech Blog

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    Kind regards,

    From MUCatalog
    UpdateID: ad99d2a2-9483-4a22-be93-b2f422024ba0
    Title: Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 2 for x64-based Systems (KB954430)
    BulletinID: MSRC Number: MS08-069
    Architecture: AMD64
    Classification: Security Updates
    Supported products: Windows 7 , Windows Server 2003 , Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition , Windows Server 2008 , Windows Server 2008 R2 , Windows Vista , Windows XP x64 Edition
    UpdateID: 26311986-1f8b-4f43-8f56-b67c072c8832
    is not found in MUCatalog
    Further detail and reading is here:
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

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    You can also refer :
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    Hi Trevor,
    Thank you for your enquiry, I have however resolved the problem by manually downloading the update from Adobe's web sight as suggested in the FAQ answers. As an answer to your question  my system is Windows 8.1.
    Thank you for your offer of help.
    Best Regards.          Eric.

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    I would probably kill the process.
    From what I can tell, the best thing is to download again. From where were you getting the download?

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    Searching in the Microsoft Knowledge Base takes only few minutes and so I have founded this article:
    Its not the same error code as you have but to solve the problem you should disable the antivirus program and maybe also the firewall.
    Check this!

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    Try downloading and installing outside of the Organizer or Welcome Screen. Uninstall AIR and IB via the control panel. Then do ctrl+alt+delete and open the  processes tab in task manager. Highlight any running Adobe application or process and end it. Use the link below and it will install both IB and AIR.
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    Hi Flour Piet,
    Please refer the KB :

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    If you Google around you will find tons of forums where people post about this issue.
    Jeka posted very interesting link. Check it out and let us know if this will help you.
    Have you tried to find some solution Googling around?

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    Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 (This update includes Flex support for Apple iOS and BlackBerry Tablet OS devices, as well as fixing important bugs.)
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    Photoshop Camera Raw (Update to the Camera Raw plug-in that ships with Photoshop CS5.  Adds raw support for new camera models.)
    And the error code I keep getting is as follows:
    There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later. Error Code: U43M1D204
    Anybody know what this error is? I've tried downloading these updates 3 times now.
    Thanks for any feedback,

    I to was whacked with the same download/update error when updating to the Prelude CC 2.0.1. But deleting the "1.0" folder didn't fix anything, same old, same old, no  workie, workie. Below is the error in the log. The log complains about a size mismatch. The problem is not a size mismatch, it's a missing install package: C:\Users\******\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install\AdobePrelude-2.0.0-Trial\2.0.1 \ ->the directory that supposed to contain the the download package is empty. While the Data directory contains the download file download information. This happened to two of my Windows 8 PCs so it's not me. So please, fix your software.
    07/16/13 20:08:16:851 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 7988 | ThreadDownloadUpdates:: ERROR: FileSize Mismatch
    07/16/13 20:08:16:859 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 7988 | GDEDownloader:: GDE Closed
    07/16/13 20:08:16:859 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 7988 | ThreadDownloadUpdates:: ERROR: Download Stopped
    07/16/13 20:08:16:860 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 7988 | ThreadDownloadUpdates: ERROR: File Size Mismatch, between what is given in manifest and what is that of bob.
    07/16/13 20:08:17:797 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | SetDownloadUpdatesInProgress :  = 0
    07/16/13 20:08:17:797 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : WARNING - Download failed due to file size mismatch at server.
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | SetDownloadUpdatesInProgress :  = 0
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : Updates download returning state for reffId  = AdobePrelude-2.0.0-Trial/2.0.1
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : Updates download returning state     = 43
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : Updates download returning outError  = 204
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : Updates download returning percent   = 0
    07/16/13 20:08:17:812 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 9096 | UCGetprogress : Updates download returning unique error code string   = U43M1D204
    07/16/13 20:08:17:914 | [INFO] |  | UPDATER | CORE |  |  |  | 536 | Stepped into << UCTerminate >> call.

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 errors when downloading updates

    Currently using SCCM 2012 SP1 with CU2 and I am having some update download issue with Automatic Deployment Rules.
    The Environment is:
      Server 2008 R2
      SCCM 2012 SP1 CU2 (Upgraded from SCCM 2012 CU2)
    I created an Automatic Deployment Rule for Adobe Flash. Since I was having the same issue with Adobe Reader, when I published via SCUP to WSUS I chose not to sign the updates.
    After publishing to WSUS I then sync SCCM, I see the updates and then in the ADR I had it download the updates and I see this error:
    Authentication of file C:\Windows\TEMP\CABDEC5.tmp failed, error 0x800b0004 Software Updates Patch Downloader 8/15/2013 6:49:43 PM 3712 (0x0E80)
    ERROR: DownloadContentFiles() failed with hr=0x80073633 Software Updates Patch Downloader 8/15/2013 6:49:43 PM 6876 (0x1ADC)
    Failed to download the update from internet. Error = 13875 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 8/15/2013 6:49:43 PM 6876 (0x1ADC)
    Failed to download ContentID 16845337 for UpdateID 16841530. Error code = 13875 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 8/15/2013 6:49:43 PM 6876 (0x1ADC)
    Now the funny thing is if I go to the update itself within update group that Flash is a member I can right click it and choose download and the error doesn't occur.
    I observed that the UNC path for ADR Adobe flash, when the rule is ran, is populated with folders that have a name something like 44738297895427890.1 or 423154325378u867234789.1. I have come to realize that those are failed downloads. So for the
    heck of it I then right clicked the update itself and chose download and it downloaded without issue. Now I'm guessing that when I chose to download directly from the update maybe the system is getting the update from adobe and not from wherever the rule was
    trying to get it from.  I then see the .1 removed from the directory name and there are updates within them.
    Just for clarity here are the steps I go through from SCUP to Syncing...
    Log in to WSUS server
    Run SCUP as administrator
    Get notified there are updates from Adobe and let SCUP download updates
    Find the updates the specify the following publishing options
    Full Content
    Sign all software updates with a new publishing certificate .... (Is this necessary by the way?)
    Then click Next
    After that's done I then go to SCCM Manager Console and go to Software Updates and right click to Synchronize them.
    After that's done then I run the ADR for Adobe Flash and when it goes to download the updates that's when the error occurs.
    What am I missing?
    Also, while I wait for help I just recently added the WSUS SCUP certificate to the SCCM server to see if by chance that fixes stuff. If it does then I'll post the results of adding the certificate to the SCCM server.
    One other thing, is there a way to delete updates? When I was having this issue in the past, I went in to SCUP I marked the updates as expired and then deleted the updates. Went to SCCM and synchronized the updates and they went from not expired to expired
    then I waited, maybe 30 days or so before I could add the updates back in.
    Thanks for the help!

    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up. Did you solve this problem, if so what was the solution?
    Have you seen the note at the bottom of this page about this error?
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    I cannot open iphoto. I decided to reinstall iphoto from my app disk and now I get an error message"......iphoto may be damaged or incomplete"  Any suggestions how to get iphoto going again???
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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Sign Out of your Acount... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

  • I bought a Mac Book Pro retina display, Serial Number  C02J2****2, on 8/11/2012. Unfortunately, I am unable to download updates from the App store.Whenever I tried to download updates, it shows me an error message, "we could not complete your request. t

    I bought a Mac Book Pro retina display, Serial Number  C02J*****2, on 8/11/2012. Unfortunately, I am unable to download updates from the App store.Whenever I tried to download updates, it shows me an error message, "we could not complete your request. there is an error in the App Store. Try again later (100). Your Apple ID has been disabled, contact iTune support". However,the problem still persists even after my password has been successfully reset. What is is the error in the app store? I really need help to resolve this issue.
    Moreover,I also need help how to update to the mountain lion free of charge as my Mac pro is four(4) days old.
    Asrat Kahsay
    N.B. I'M not exactly sure the operating system is "Mac OS X v10.7.x". However, I do know for sure it's Mac OS X v10.7.4
    <Edited by Host>

    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico, Spanish is my native tongue. I do not speak English very well, however, I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
    The OS X Mt Lion up-to-date program;

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