PE 9 - Instant movie

Hello, thank you in advance for reviewing my question(s). So, here is what I have. I imported about 100 pictures to create a nice slide show. I want to use either instant movie or a theme. I am adding 2 songs to the slide show (for sake of argument 1 song = 50 photos). The instant movie only allows for one song. Also, the instant movie does not allow me to place the photos in a specific order.
My question is. with all of these photos and 2 audio clips for them, what is the best way to apply a theme (or instant movie), organize my photos in the order I wish and add the music to the selected songs. Note, I want the pics to be evenly spread through each song. So if song 1 is 3 minutes and it is 50 pics, it would be 3.6 seconds per pic.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!!!

First, make sure your photos are no larger than 1000x750 pixels in size! This will save you a lot of headaches (and probably even a program crash) later.
Second, if you're determined to make an InstantMovie, just go ahead and make it with one of your songs.(Or even no song at all.)
Then, when it's done, right-click on the InstantMovie on your timeline and select the option to break it apart.
You should then be able to remove the audio from your movie clips and replace it with both your songs.

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    As to your thread question..not that I have ever run into. You can customize the Adobe Instant Movies by creating an Instant Movie and then using the Break Apart Instant Movie at the Timeline level to do just that and modify that just created Instant Movie as wanted.
    There are no additional theme to purchase. And, the existing Instant Movie (Content Download type) for an Adobe design needs to be downloaded from within the program (See Instant Movie display of choices and thumbnail with blue ban at the top right corner of that thumbnail. Select Download Now (to obtain completed files for theme) or Download All (to obtain completed files for All Instant Movie theme choices).

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    Process Explorer is like task manager on steroids (so good that Microsoft bought the sysinternals company). If gives far more information about each process and you can drill down to get more info on those processes - this might give a better indication of whether or not PRE is still an active process.
    But ... it's not the utility I meant to recommend (oops!). I meant to recommend Process Monitor. "Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity". i.e. you can see what it's reading and writing and therefore if PRE is still writing files. From the help file:
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    Thank you, Jerry

    Jerry W B
    There will be those that report Content download of a few minutes. Although we are happy for them, many have found that this is not usually the case. Download of the Premiere Elements 11 and 12 Content download is often a slow process which demands a lot of patience whether the download be "Download Now" or "Download All".  Just two of the factors in this situation are the Internet Speed/Status and the status of the Adobe Server. Many times it is time of the day.
    I have DSL Service on the east coast of the USA. It is now about 6 pm Saturday February 22, 2014.
    I right clicked the blue ban at the top right corner of the Instant Movie thumbnail for the Secret Agent theme. I selected Download Now to download just that one Instant Movie theme.
    a. The file size was given as 75.8 MB, not 118.7 MB. It took 11 minutes and 19 seconds to download that Instant Movie.
    I checked the download on two different computers, one Windows 7 64 bit and the other Windows 8.1 64 bit. The Instant Movie Secret Agent had a file size of 75.8 MB according to the download pop up in the opened project.
    b. If you are talking days for this download, then I would first check with your Internet provider. There is no other place for these downloads except from within the program. And, when you do get them, I would encourage you to save them as per my blog posts on this topic to avoid having to go through an labored downloading processes again.
    Do you find the downloading of Content to be the same for all the other categories requiring this type of download, not just Instant Movies?
    Please review and update us on your progress.
    Thank you.
    Add On...Although you did say that you disabled McAfee, be advised that McAfee's recent update(s) have created some serious problems for Premiere Elements. So, I would re-evaluate McAfee's possible role in all this along with the firewalls settings.

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    As you can see, the program will download the other themes as needed. That's what it's trying to do in the illustration you provided.
    Have you registered the program and signed in with your Adobe ID?
    Do you have a good, reliable internet connection?
    If the answer to both of those questions is yes, you may have just caught the Adobe site offline. Try again. Depending on your internet speed, it can take a couple of minutes.

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    Apple has made no announcement as to any relationship with Redbox. They may or may not be discussing a deal. However, and I may be mistaken, I believe Redbox has an exclusive deal with Verizon for this service, so this has nothing to do with Apple "favoring" anyone. It takes 2 to tango.
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    Were the Still Images Scaled to match the Frame Size of the Project in PrE 10?
    If not, Scale those overly-large Still Images.
    This article covers that subject in more detail, and also gives steps on doing Automated Scaling in PSE:
    Good luck,

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    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on? For now, I will assume Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit.
    1. For order of photos in News Reel Instant Movie, in setup,
    no check mark next to AutoEdit
    dot next to Entire Movie
    check mark next to AutoAnalyzer
    no dot for selected clips
    dot the Use All Clips
    2. To center a photo in the finished Instant Movie
    Right click the finished Instant Movie on the Timeline, and select Break Apart Instant Movie.
    That command will do just that. Once the Instant Movie is broken apart, then find the photos
    on the Timeline and move and resize them carefully.
    If you need further details, please let me know.

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    Check your Editing preferences in the organizer (Edit -> Preferences -> Editing)
    Ensure that both editors are selected - the Instant Movie should then show up under Create.

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    I don't know if this was mere coincidence or if star rating had anything to do with it. I couldn't find any reference to star ratings in the premiere elements help where it talks about instant movie projects.
    What has been your experience on this?

    Thank you Steve.
    I know the star rating doesn't affect the clips, I just wondered if they had any effect on the Instant Movie algorithms.
    Like you say they must be only for personal reference, as there is no mention of them in the instant movie help files.

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    Nothing beats about:blank in my opinion for clarity and for tab history.
    Here is an extension that does what you asked for, it is VERY large for what you get out it (which to me, what I would get out of it is confusion).
    '''NewTabURL''' :: Add-ons for Firefox (49.2 KB)
    :Select default URL when new tabs are opened: "Blank page", "Home page", ""Current page" or a user defined URL.

  • Where can I find animations from the instant movie function?

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    After the Yearbook Instant Movie is applied to your Timeine, you can right click the Timeline content and select Break Apart Instant Movie. It will do just that.
    That Opening Locker appears to be part of a .mpg video file that comes with video and audio components at the very beginning of the Timeline. If this is to be used in another project, you will have to export it first and then import that export into the new project. However...
    Is that what you are asking? Or are you asking where to find the file on the hard drive? If so, check out:
    for Windows 7 or 8 64 bit
    Local Disk C
    Program Data
    Premiere Elements
    Movie Themes
    Have you downloaded all the Movie Themes (in particular Yearbook) to your computer direct from the Instant Movie Tab section at the bottom of the Premiere Elements 11 Expert view interface?

  • Downloading Instant Movie Themes -Premiere Elements 13

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    Premiere Elements 13 on Windows 7 64 bit. Have you updated 13 to 13.1 yet using an opened project's Help Menu/Updates? If not, please do so.
    But to the matter of the Instant Movie content downloads. Is the issue restricted to Instant Movie or to other content download as well.
    What is the down/up Internet speeds?
    The loss of the Adobe content installation disc has been of concern. But, I managed with content download with my DSL Internet (with
    speeds in the Kbps (kilobits per second). The content download was often time consuming but did eventually go to completion. Recently
    I was forced into an Internet change, resulting in Internet speeds that are in the megabits per second range. What a difference in Content download.
    So, let us look at the Internet speeds first and then decide what next if those do not explain the situation you face obtaining content download.
    Have you check with your Internet provider to determine if there are problems with your Internet connection? Did you clear the browser Options/Advanced/Network/Cached Web Content and turned off the route for about 45 seconds?
    Looking forward to your results.
    Thank you.

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    Have you downloaded all the Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 content?
    If so, then you probably have as much as is available. There were scattered reports on how to make one's own, but the bottom line (easy way) seems to be, if you want something different than what Adobe has provided, then you take Adobe's Instant Movie and customize it. After the Instant Movie is created, you can right click it on the Timeline and select Break Apart Instant Movie. Then do your editing of the components that went into the Instant Movie.

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    I just searched the user guide PDF and did not find "instant movie" te-applications/

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