Per mouseover, bzw. -click mehrere bilder/grafiken wechseln

hallo ng,
es soll ja funktionieren, aber ich find die lösung
einfach nicht.
beim überfahren der navigationsbutton soll auch der
seitentitel wechseln,
der als bild in einer anderen tab-zelle liegt. die jeweilige
seite wird dann
im iframe geladen.
wie kann ich das programmieren?

Hi Kryz,
Du hast geschrieben:
> Wenn dieser Thread nicht Gefahr laufen soll, als
"Christian ist ja so
> ein toller Hecht"-Promothread darzustehen,
Na, das ist doch heutzutage gar nicht so falsch :-)
> solltest du für alle, die
> ebenfalls mit diesem Problem kämpfen (aktuell und
auch zukünftig --
> diese NG wird ja auch durchsucht), deine soooo einfache
Lösung nochmal
> notieren.
Das ist dann schwieriger, als die Lösung es war.
Aber der Versuch ist es wert.
Also: Vorausgesetzt, man arbeitet mit DWMX, ist eine
Navigationsleiste der Ausgangspunkt.
(zumindest bei mir war das so, es sollte aber mit anderen
Links genauso
Erst einen Button/Link markieren, dann geht man zum Fenster
(meist zu finden in der Bedienfeldgruppe "Design") und
fügt zu den
bereits vorhandenen "Aktionen", für jeden Button
einzeln, eine neue
Aktion "Bild austauschen" hinzu (zu finden beim Klick auf das
+ Zeichen).
Bei dem sich öffnenden Fester markiert man oben
("Bilder") das zu
wechselnde Element, und stellt unten ("Quelle einstellen
auf") das neue
Bild ein, das erscheinen soll. (das zu wechselnde Element
muß vorher im
Eigenschafteninspektor einen Namen bekommen!!)
Unten sollte das Häkchen bei "Bilder vorausladen stehen
bleiben, bei
"Bilder bei onMouseOut wiederherstellen" dagegen rausgenommen
Zuletzt muß die "Aktion" noch auf "onClick" eingestellt
werden, in dem
man auf den kleinen Pfeil klickt und sich "onClick"
(Das ganze geht auch mit "MouseOver", und "Bild wieder
mir aber zu zappelig)
Ich hoffe, das man es nachvollziehen kann...
Mit Freundliche Grüßen

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    bei den einstellungen habe ich bereits geschaut, aber nichts gefunden das man für's öffnen einstellen kann. bei der vorherigen version CS5 hat alles gut funktioniert.
    weiss jemand rat?
    das kann's ja nicht sein, dass man z.b. 20 Fotos einzeln öffnen muss oder? oder doch.... da hat adobe aber keinen fortschritt gemacht...
    danke für die hilfe.
    gruss bluefighter

    Hallo Bernhard
    Wir benutzen Win 7 und 64-Bit CS6 mit den aktuellen Updates.
    Wir haben erst kürzlich das Update von CS5 auf CS6 gemacht und eben festgestellt, dass man mehrere markierte jpg-Dateien nicht mehr aus dem Explorer öffnen kann wenn man die einzelnen jpg's markiert und die Enter-Taste drückt.
    Klar kann man das mit Bridge machen, aber die "Explorer-Variante" war halt sehr praktisch vorallem für Leute die keine Ahnung haben von Bridge.
    Hallo Willi
    Privat verwende und arbeite ich auch mit Bridge und öffne alle jpg's, tiff's und nef's damit. Und das schon seit einigen Jahren.
    Aber hier im Büro sind halt nicht alle mit Bridge vertraut und auch keine Grafikexperten und für diese ist es halt mühsam und umständlich wenn man über den Explorer die jpg's nur noch einzeln oder zwei auf einmal öffnen kann. Das finde ich auch. Es ist halt nicht jeder mit allen Grafikprogrammen vertraut und ein Profi. Deshalb für Otto Normalverbraucher einfache und leichte Arbeitsabläufe abschaffen finde ich nicht so gut.
    Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten und Tipps. Offenbar scheint es keine "Explorer-Lösung" zu geben. Für mich ist Bridge kein Problem, für meine Kollegen aber schon. Aber die müssen sich halt jetzt damit abfinden.

  • Tabbar tab mouseover or click events..newbie

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    with a mouseover event over each tab. I can't seem to get the
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    things by reading the index property with a script and import, but not with the code below. And I don't
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    the mx:TextArea tags. Any guidance is appreciated.
    l version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" height="600" width="753"
    <mx:ViewStack x="543" y="381" id="viewstack1" width="200"
    height="200" click="textarea1.text='viewstack'">
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    <mx:Canvas label="Locations" width="100%" height="100%"
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    horizontalAlign="center" click="textarea1.text='bww'"
    <mx:Label text="View 122" fontSize="36"
    <mx:TextArea x="124" y="528" text="xxx" id="textarea1"
    <mx:TabBar x="10" y="70" width="653"
    dataProvider="viewstack1" click="textarea1.text='tabbar'">

    Thank you Mike, I had itemClick wrong for sure, and I can
    look at event.index and see which tab was clicked and that is
    great. But what I can't do is see which tab had a mouseover or
    rollover event, since event.index does not change with mouseover. I
    am concluding that tabbar has focus and therefore the Canvas items
    do not and that is why the Canvas mouseover events do not fire. Am
    I getting close?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" height="600" width="753"
    <mx:ViewStack x="543" y="381" id="viewstack1" width="200"
    height="200" click="textarea1.text='viewstack'">
    <mx:Canvas label="Home" width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:Canvas label="Locations" width="100%" height="100%"
    click="textarea1.text='bbb'" id="mxLocations"
    <mx:VBox label="View 1" width="100%" height="100%"
    horizontalAlign="center" click="textarea1.text='bww'"
    <mx:Label text="View 122" fontSize="36"
    <mx:TextArea x="124" y="528" text="xxx" id="textarea1"
    <mx:TabBar x="10" y="70" width="653"
    dataProvider="viewstack1" itemClick="textarea1.text='tabbar'" >

  • Mehrere bilder auf einer seite?

    wie kann ich mehrere, unterschiedliche bilder der größe 9x13 oder 10x15 (beziehungsweise 13x9,75 / 15x11,25) auf einer din A4-seite drucken?
    welche auflösung wähle ich am besten? sowohl für die bilder, die ich ins neue, leere dokument kopiere und für das neue, leere dokument?
    erm, ist meine frage verständlich?
    und, ach ja, ich arbeite mit photoshop elements 2.0, installiert auf mac os 9.2.
    vielen dank schon mal für eure hilfe.

    erst mal machst du dir ein neues A4 Dokument auf. Aufloesung sollte so bei 200-300 ppi liegen, mehr koennen die meisten Heimdrucker sowieso nicht vernuenftig umsetzen. Dann oeffnest du dir die Bilder, die du drucken willst, nacheinander, und bringst sie auf die GLEICHE (wichtig!!) Aufloesung wie dein A4-Dokument und die passende Bildgroesse. Danach einfach rueberkopieren auf das A4-Blatt. Photoshop richtet fuer jedes kopierte Objekt eine neue Ebene ein, so dass du das Layout dann noch rumschieben kannst.
    Ich hoffe, das klappt,
    Gruss, Per

  • Photshop element 12 - Wie kann ich aufgerufenen Bilder minimieren  bzw. in freibeweglichen Fenster öffnen?

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    Kann mir da jemand einen Tipp geben wie ich das hinbekomme.
    Vielen Dank.
    Grüße Dagmar

    Ist doch Quatsch. Genau dafür hast du doch den Organizer, damit du eben nicht erst alle Bilder im Editor öffnen mußt... Zum Rest kann man nix sagen, weil keinerlei technische Informationen über's System und was sosnt noch so relevant sein könnte...

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    ich habe mehrere RGB Grafiken in einem Indesign Dokument (Indesign CS6) und möchte die gern alle von RGB nach CMYK umwandeln. Muß ich die alle einzeln in Photoshop öffnen und einzeln umwandeln oder gibt es einen Befehl, der diese alle direkt in PS öffnet und sie direkt alle in CMYK umwandelt? Oder geht es vielleicht sogar in Indesign selbst? Ich möchte dieses Dokument im Anschluss als PDF exportieren. Geht es vielleicht auch bei diesem Schritt?
    Herzlichen Dank für eine Hilfe.

    Some of the PDF presets, especially, PDF/X-1a, automatically convert RGB images to CMYK. Look at the Output panel when you choose PDF/X-1a.

  • PSD 7.0 Bilder Zentral auf Server. Miniatur Probleme

    Hier erstmal meine tech Daten:
    Arbeitplatz ist WinXP SP3 und PSE 7.0 installiert.
    Netzwerk ist ein  1 Gbit Netzwerk
    Server ist ein Win  Homeserver.
    So, nun zu meinem Problem.
    Die gesamten Bilder liegen Zetral auf dem Homeserver. Beim öffnen der Bilder unter PSE auf dem Desktop Rechner ist es nicht möglich den Schieberegler unter Miniaturgröße nach ganz links bzw. die Bilder ganz klein anzeigen zu lassen. Es geht bis max 3 Bilder nebeneinander. Will ich mehrere Bilder anzeigen lassen sind nur Sanduhren im Bild zu sehen. ( Selbst nach 1 Std nur Sanduhren)
    Es kann aber auch kein Performance Problem sein, da seltsamerweise alle alten Bilder die vor der zentralen Verwaltung auf dem Homeserver waren, werden auch korrekt ganz klein angezeigt.
    Nur wenn man jetzt neue Bilder hinzufügt,- egal von welcher Quelle ( Ordner, Kamera, Scanner usw) habe ich das Problem mit den kleinen Miniaturbildern.
    Das ist für mich natürlich so nicht zu gebrauchen, da ich eine große Übersicht der gemachten Bilder brauche um diese auch zu korrigieren, einzuordnen usw.
    Ist das ein bekannter Bug oder mache ich hier irgendwas falsch?

    Keine Ahnung, da ich nie PSE benutzt habe. Möglicherweise hat das aber was mit dem Thumbnail Cache zu tun - die alten Dateien liegen mit Sicherheit lokal vor (Eigene Dateien\Eigene Bilder\Adobe usw.), für die neuen weiß er eben nicht, wo er die Thumbs speichern soll. Könnte auch einfach ein Problem mit Benutzerrechten sein...

  • Follow-up email triggered on email campaign click

    I am wondering if it is possible for a follow-up email campaign to be triggered once someone has clicked a link in the previous email.
    For example, I want to send out an email to subscribers of an email campaign, with a link to an informative webinar. I then would like only those that have opened the email, and preferably clicked the link, to be sent a follow-up email (a day or 2 later) with extra contextual information that assumes they have watched the video.
    My needs are not limited to this example, but hopefully you get the idea.
    How might I go about doing this?

    Hi Dayle,
    You can't trigger campaigns based on a user's interaction with the e-mail content itself, if it points externally, but you could try to redirect the user to a BC page where you could auto subscribe him to a "follow-up mailing list" before redirecting to the video itself, as per your scenario (or having the video embedded there). In regards to enabling the webform to properly autosubmit the apropriate information, you could build the link by this pattern:{module_emailaddress}&fullname={module_fullname}. This way the url will be different per each user clicking it, but it will point to the same page. On that page you can prepopulate the subscribe form fields with {module_url,email} and {module_url,fullname}
    Kind Regards,

  • When downloading i can only download one link at a time per window. i used to be able to download six links at a time per page. how do i go back to this?

    got a new laptop. unsure of firefox verson on old as the computer quit taking a charge.
    but essentially on my old laptop if a window had six downloadable links i would be able to download all six at once. now i can only download one link at a time. this is very annoying. i do not believe it is an issue with the new laptop itself as it is a highend toshiba.

    Hello cherokeeguy, go to [ about:config] find [ network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server] right-click on it, select modify and put a greater value, try 10 or 16, click ok to save it, exit firefox and restart it.
    BUT this normally should not happen !
    check it also in [ Safe Mode], select '''''"Start in Safe Mode" '''''and see if this happen again, if not see: [ Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]
    also try to update to the latest firefox 16.0.1
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

  • 2500 box shuts off about 4 times per week when i try to sign into the Facebook widget

    basically what the title says.. I have the old 2500 boxes (and slow guide navigation issues as well).. but another problem I face is that I use the Facebook widget daily to look at my photo albums.. but about 4 times or so per week, upon clicking the Facebook widget, my box will turn itself off and go through the initial download all over again, which takes about two minutes..  more frustrating is that this resets my Facebook login so I have to log in again, which takes another few minutes..  anyone have this happen to them?

    Hi Anthony_VZ,
    Oh I do so very wish that I could provide you with a detailed sequence of navigation that would repeat the box reboot ‘X’ many times out of 100. That would be awesome. Unfortunately that’s not usually my goal as a TV addict. I am usually looking to forget my troubles, not go looking for more. What I can tell you is this: box reboots can happen at any time of day or night. They can be caused by the type of activity I am doing or they can happen when I’m doing nothing at all. They can be generated from your end, my end, or happen seemingly spontaneously. And because no error messages are displayed either before or after, I have no idea what just happened.
    As far as the ones that I have been able to reproduce, these happen mostly when I am using the search feature or the On Demand menus. Sometimes they happen while I am scrolling. But the most reproducible are usually when I use the OK button to select a program for its information page. I press OK, the box goes “click”. After the reboot, I remember what program I wanted to see, navigate all the way back to it, press OK and the box goes “click”. At this point I have to be a real meathead or glutton for punishment to go back again. But I have just to see what would happen. And what happened was “click”. I’m not sure I’ve ever gone back more than a third time. Or if I did, it was working by then.
    So, was it a certain combination of buttons? Was it some bad code? Was it the gremlins that live inside the mysterious black box? (I hate those little guys. And yes, they do multiply when you get them wet.) I don’t have a clue. It’s irritating. I live with it. Life goes on.
    Ideally, you would have a software program installed on the boxes that logs the last ‘X’ many commands given by the user and the last menus or options accessed before a crash. A sort of black box for the black box. Then after a reboot, an error report containing this information would be uploaded to a central server that would in turn have a program to analyze these reports for similarities and notify you when it finds them. Perhaps something you might want to suggest to your developers while they are working on the next generation of devices.
    Now, if you want to pay me for my time and effort, I’d be more than happy to troubleshoot and log. I already have a half-dozen issues with STB/DVR malfunctions and limited functionality that I haven’t taken the time to write out and post to the Idea board yet. For starters, you are telling avemaria92 that she can “change an option to remember the last guide setting”. While this is true, the last viewed guide state is forgotten every time the box gets rebooted, and the guide reverts back to “All Channels”. If she is having an issue with her box getting rebooted all the time, telling her that this will fix her issue might not be the best idea, as it will only last till the next reboot. This problem also used to happen to the channel change mode as well. But a recent update made this setting persistent beyond the reboot. Wherever this setting is now saved, you need to put the guide setting right with it so that it remains persistent after a reboot as well.
    Thanks for listening, Anthony_VZ. I will try your SET TOP BOX AUTO CORRECTION and let you know if I continue having issues.
    Find this post helpful, informative or just something you agree with? Click the red ‘thumbs-up’ button.
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  • Swap Image NOT mouseover

    I am trying to swap images in Dreamweaver so when a user goes
    to my website, the images swap automatically. I have 4 images that
    I want to swap and I want them to change every 7 seconds. I don't
    want the user to have to mouseover or click anything, i want the
    images to change automatically. I can't get this to work right in
    Dreamweaver. It always only swap to 1 image and it never goes back
    to the original image.
    Also, the images are different sizes and I want them to stay
    different sizes. I have 4 images, I want the images to swap every 7
    seconds and then restore back to the original image. I want them to
    keep swapping every 7 seconds, or I might just want them to swap
    through the 4 images once and then restore to the original image
    and not swap anymore after that. Can you help me with both of these
    scenarios please?

    1. Make the images to all be the same size by adding canvas
    to the shorter
    dimensions in your graphics editor.
    2. Once you have done this, use an image rotator script to
    make the images
    rotate. You can find such things in many places on the web -
    from free to
    commercial. I have used SlideShowMagic from PVII,,
    and the image rotation script from KaosWeaver,,
    before and found them both to be excellent for
    this purpose....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "originalit" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f859tu$5v9$[email protected]..
    >I am trying to swap images in Dreamweaver so when a user
    goes to my
    > the images swap automatically. I have 4 images that I
    want to swap and I
    > want
    > them to change every 7 seconds. I don't want the user to
    have to mouseover
    > or
    > click anything, i want the images to change
    automatically. I can't get
    > this to
    > work right in Dreamweaver. It always only swap to 1
    image and it never
    > goes
    > back to the original image.
    > Also, the images are different sizes and I want them to
    stay different
    > sizes.
    > I have 4 images, I want the images to swap every 7
    seconds and then
    > restore
    > back to the original image. I want them to keep swapping
    every 7 seconds,
    > or I
    > might just want them to swap through the 4 images once
    and then restore to
    > the
    > original image and not swap anymore after that. Can you
    help me with both
    > of
    > these scenarios please?

  • How to make mouseover scroll buttons attached to textarea with external loaded text ?

    I am working in Flash CS3 and AS3, and I'm not good in
    I want to make a dynamic textarea with loaded text from an
    external textfile, and then I want custom made arrow buttons to
    start scrolling the loaded text on mouseover (not click) andt stop
    scrolling on mouseout. Ala like in this webpage:
    The part with the loaded text is fine, but I can't manage to
    script the arrow buttons to do what I've just described. Even
    though I have searched the Internet for recipes I just find how to
    scroll loaded text on click or with a scrollbar. This problem is
    starting to drive me crazy!! Is there anyone that have a recipe for

    Here's one approach:
    First you need to create a dynamic mutline textfield that has
    autoSize properties set to handle a varying amount of text.
    Then you need to embed the font because you are going to use
    a mask over the textfield to define the viewable area of it.
    Then you will use the buttons to change the textfield's y
    property to move the textfield up/down vertically. You will
    probably need to use an ENTER_FRAME event handler so that a
    continuous hovering of a button will cause the textfield to
    continue moving until it either reaches one end or the other or
    when the hovering ends.
    Before you try to tackle that though, just make it so that
    hovering a button will cause the textfield to move up or down one
    increment of distance. Just take it one step at a time.

  • Mouseover /Swap image

    I have an image with several hotspots, is there an
    (automatic) way to shade
    the area on the mouse over rather than creating a image and
    using the swap
    image SB?

    1. Make the images to all be the same size by adding canvas
    to the shorter
    dimensions in your graphics editor.
    2. Once you have done this, use an image rotator script to
    make the images
    rotate. You can find such things in many places on the web -
    from free to
    commercial. I have used SlideShowMagic from PVII,,
    and the image rotation script from KaosWeaver,,
    before and found them both to be excellent for
    this purpose....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "originalit" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f859tu$5v9$[email protected]..
    >I am trying to swap images in Dreamweaver so when a user
    goes to my
    > the images swap automatically. I have 4 images that I
    want to swap and I
    > want
    > them to change every 7 seconds. I don't want the user to
    have to mouseover
    > or
    > click anything, i want the images to change
    automatically. I can't get
    > this to
    > work right in Dreamweaver. It always only swap to 1
    image and it never
    > goes
    > back to the original image.
    > Also, the images are different sizes and I want them to
    stay different
    > sizes.
    > I have 4 images, I want the images to swap every 7
    seconds and then
    > restore
    > back to the original image. I want them to keep swapping
    every 7 seconds,
    > or I
    > might just want them to swap through the 4 images once
    and then restore to
    > the
    > original image and not swap anymore after that. Can you
    help me with both
    > of
    > these scenarios please?

  • Overlapping elements mouseover DrawState

    Hi guys!
    Soo I'm really desperate and some hints or solution would be really appreciated!
    I'm building custom framework for more than a year now that have some classes handling UI elements, since I want to draw elements exactly as I want. I've managed to make some goodies as drawing dashed lines, stack multiple images to build a skin with single element, but I have problems with the event handling.
    I came to conclusion that you can override Group element behavior and design it quite nice, but at the moment you add custom .onDraw function, the group stops to receive MouseEvent-s, except in the Bubbling phase from a child element.
    Best scenario:
    Group 2 has images, borders and so on (custom onDraw) + receives mouse events (mouseover, mouseout, click) - simulates button element, but can have child elements. In this case Group 3 and 4 are children of Group 2 and Group 2 is child of Group 1:
    Group 1
    Group 2Group 3
    Group 4
    Closest so far:
    Group 3 and Group 4 are children of Group 2. Group 2 and Button 1 are children of Group 1.
    Group 1Button 1
    Group 2Group 3
    Group 4
    The problem:
    Button 1 does not receive "mouseover" when the mouse is over the Group 2 area. And because Group 2 is not child of Button 1, Button 1 can't have .addEventListener( 'mouseover', handlerFunction, false ) for the bubbling phase.
    My workaround and the new problem:
    I've decided to simulate "mouseover" event and update the onDraw method of Button 1 using the notify method of the element, but the onDraw method's DrawState always has mouseOver = false no matter what!
    Simple code:
    buttonOne.onDraw = function( /*DrawState*/ $drawState ){
        $.writeln( $drawState.mouseOver ) // always false except if the mouse is really over the button
    function buttonOneMouseover( /*MouseEvent*/ $e ){
        $ 'onDraw' );
    function simulateButtonOver( /*MouseEvent*/ $e ){
        var fakeMouseEvent ='MouseEvent');
        fakeMouseEvent.initMouseEvent( "mouseover", true, true, $, 1, $[0]+5, $[1]+5, 1, 1, undefined, undefined, undefined, -1 );
        $ fakeMouseEvent );
    groupTwo.addEventListener( 'mouseover', simulateButtonOver, false );
    buttonOne.addEventListener( 'mouseover', buttonOneMouseover, false );
    Any help is REALLY appreciated!

    OK I've managed to hack another solution. I've added customDrawState and removeDrawState methods to my element's controller. They take as argument basic object that must override the original DrawState object that the element receives onDraw( /*DrawState*/ $drawState ). In my case the .mouseOver property of the DrawState object. Also dispatching custom event is useless if you override the draw state so calling the element's notify('onDraw') works like a charm. Beware that Custom elements do not have .relatedTarget for the MouseEvent object if you use addEventListener('mouseover') for instance. You have to use Button class instead in your UI.

  • How do I get rid of the scaling border and double click on mobile devices?

    I'm running into some trouble with two things on mobile.
    1. The project has no border on a desktop computer. When you view it on an ipad or iphone it puts a border around it. I found out this is due to scaling as it goes away when I add viewport, but I don't want viewport turned on. Does anybody know how to get rid of the border?
    2. I have a navigation bar with a png image sitting inside the div. When you click the div it shows a video which works perfect on a desktop computer. When it's on an ipad or iphone you have to tap it twice. The first tap shows the mouseover effect (background color change) then you have to tap it again to show the video. How do I set it to show the video on the first tap? I tried touchstart but had no luck.

    Hi, Scott-
    Regarding the first one, it's the only way I know of to get rid of that outline.  The second question, have you tried getting rid of your mouseover and click event and just relying on the touch event?  The only reason I ask is that sometimes the various events will interfere with one another, especially since the mobile browsers will try to mimic the desktop events as much as possible, but the reaction time can be poorer.  For instance, I've found that iOS, touch events fire much quicker than a click event.  Having both touch events and click events is kind of just a race condition waiting to happen.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Mac mini Late 2012 very slow with 10.9.3

    Hello, Since the upgrade to Mavericks, wathever flavour 10.9 - 10.9.1 - 10.9.2 - 10.9.3, my Mac min Late 2012, 16 Gb of RAM, is very slow. Slow to boot, slow to open Finder windows, etc. Annoying. Here is the EtreCheck report. Thanks for any help, I

  • I have InDesign CS 5.5 and my printer does not - can I save it as an older version

    I made a document using InDesign 5.5 and sent it as a packaged InDesign file to a printer who cannot open it. Is there a way for me to save it as an older version so I can send it to them? Thanks

  • Every button on my blackberry curve 8520 has stopped working help!!!

    Hi all, i dont know if this is a popular question but all the buttons have stopped working on my phone it started with a few of the not working like the n button the o button ect and the the other day all the buttons just stopped can someone help me

  • Upgrading my phone to iOS 5.1.1

    Guys. I'm trying to update my iPhone 4 which is currently running 4.0.1 to 5.1.1 I've never really been bothered about upgrading the iOS, but now time has passed I'm finding that an increasing number of apps require iOS 5 or above.   Some months ago

  • Can't undeploy - what am I doing wrong?

    I am deploying an application using a deployment plan. Weblogic 10.3.6 is the version. The deployment works fine: java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3:// -user weblogic -password xxxx -verbose -deploy -targets ASM1,ASM2 \ -name a