Perfomance issue

Hi All, I have a one performace issue with sql query ,
I am fetching data from table its using 2 date columns in where clause. those 2columns indexed seperatly.
but when i use = operator query running fast , but if i use > or < for these columns in where clause its taking long time (10times more) i guess its not considering the indexes ,please advise any idea on this,
Thanks & Regs

Hi Karthik,
Database version is
Query is
SELECT   pd.segment20 discipline, ppx.employee_number,
         SUBSTR (ppx.full_name, 1, 50) fullname, pj.NAME designation,
         horg.NAME department, SUM (a.measure) hours,
         d.segment1 projectnumber, d.NAME project
    FROM hxc_time_building_blocks a,
         hxc_time_attribute_usages b,
         hxc_time_attributes c,
         pa_projects_all d,
         hxc_time_building_blocks DAY,
         hxc_time_building_blocks TIME,
         pa_tasks pat,
         per_people_x ppx,
         per_assignments_f pax,
         hxc_timecard_summary summary,
         per_jobs_v pj,
         hr_all_organization_units horg,
         per_analysis_criteria pd,
         per_person_analyses pe,
         per_special_info_types_v pf
   WHERE pax.organization_id = horg.organization_id
     AND pax.job_id = pj.job_id
     AND c.attribute1 = pat.project_id
     AND c.attribute2 = pat.task_id
     AND a.time_building_block_id = b.time_building_block_id
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN a.date_from AND a.date_to
     AND a.object_version_number =
                  (SELECT MAX (b.object_version_number)
                     FROM hxc_time_building_blocks b
                    WHERE b.time_building_block_id = a.time_building_block_id)
     AND d.project_id = c.attribute1
     AND pat.task_id = c.attribute2
     AND a.object_version_number = b.time_building_block_ovn
     AND b.time_attribute_id = c.time_attribute_id
     AND c.attribute_category = 'PROJECTS'
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN DAY.date_from AND DAY.date_to
     AND a.parent_building_block_id = DAY.time_building_block_id
     AND a.parent_building_block_ovn = DAY.object_version_number
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN TIME.date_from AND TIME.date_to
     AND DAY.parent_building_block_id = TIME.time_building_block_id
     AND DAY.parent_building_block_ovn = TIME.object_version_number
     AND TIME.time_building_block_id = summary.timecard_id
     AND TIME.object_version_number = summary.timecard_ovn
     AND a.resource_id = ppx.person_id
     AND ppx.person_id = pax.person_id
     AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y'
     AND summary.approval_status = 'APPROVED'
     AND (   (d.segment1 = :p_project_number AND :p_project_number IS NOT NULL
          OR (d.segment1 = d.segment1 AND :p_project_number IS NULL)
     AND d.segment1 LIKE '905%'
     *AND DAY.start_time >= :p_start_date*
     *AND TRUNC (DAY.stop_time) <= :p_end_date*
     AND pd.analysis_criteria_id = pe.analysis_criteria_id
     AND pe.person_id = ppx.person_id
     AND pd.id_flex_num = pf.id_flex_num
     AND pf.NAME = 'SEC Staff Movement'
     AND pf.id_flex_num = pe.id_flex_num
     AND pf.business_group_id = pe.business_group_id
     AND pe.date_from = (SELECT MAX (xsm.date_from)
                           FROM xsec_staff_movement_incl_resgn xsm
                          WHERE xsm.emp_person_id = ppx.person_id)
     AND TRUNC (pax.effective_end_date) =
                                    (SELECT MAX (TRUNC (effective_end_date))
                                       FROM per_assignments_f
                                      WHERE person_id = pax.person_id)
GROUP BY pd.segment20,
         SUBSTR (ppx.full_name, 1, 50),
ORDER BY fullnameindexes information for Hxc_time_building_blocks
XX_HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_N2     NORMAL                                     NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_N3                     NORMAL                                     NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_FK1     NORMAL                                     NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_FK2     NORMAL                                    NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_FK3     NORMAL                                    NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_N1                     NORMAL                                    NONUNIQUE
HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_PK                    NORMAL                                     UNIQUEExplain plan
| Id  | Operation                                       |  Name                          | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                |                                |     1 |   548 |   387 |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                                  |                                |     1 |   548 |   352 |
|   2 |   FILTER                                        |                                |       |       |       |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                                 |                                |     1 |   548 |   327 |
|   4 |     NESTED LOOPS                                |                                |     1 |   529 |   325 |
|   5 |      NESTED LOOPS                               |                                |     1 |   504 |   323 |
|   6 |       NESTED LOOPS                              |                                |     1 |   461 |   321 |
|   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                             |                                |     1 |   453 |   320 |
|   8 |         NESTED LOOPS                            |                                |     1 |   409 |   319 |
|   9 |          NESTED LOOPS                           |                                |     1 |   386 |   317 |
|  10 |           NESTED LOOPS                          |                                |     1 |   371 |   314 |
|  11 |            NESTED LOOPS                         |                                |     1 |   320 |   144 |
|  12 |             NESTED LOOPS                        |                                |     1 |   308 |   143 |
|  13 |              NESTED LOOPS                       |                                |     1 |   271 |   142 |
|  14 |               NESTED LOOPS                      |                                |     1 |   257 |   141 |
|  15 |                NESTED LOOPS                     |                                |     1 |   249 |   139 |
|  16 |                 NESTED LOOPS                    |                                |     1 |   223 |   127 |
|  17 |                  NESTED LOOPS                   |                                |     1 |   200 |   126 |
|  18 |                   NESTED LOOPS                  |                                |     1 |   192 |   125 |
|  19 |                    NESTED LOOPS                 |                                |     1 |   182 |   124 |
|  20 |                     NESTED LOOPS                |                                |     1 |   151 |   123 |
|  21 |                      TABLE ACCESS FULL          | PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F          |     1 |    33 |   121 |
|  22 |                      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F               |     1 |   118 |     2 |
|  23 |                       INDEX RANGE SCAN          | PER_PEOPLE_F_PK                |     1 |       |     1 |
|  24 |                     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS      |     1 |    31 |     1 |
|  25 |                      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_PK       |     1 |       |       |
|  26 |                    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | PER_JOBS                       |     1 |    10 |     1 |
|  27 |                     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | PER_JOBS_PK                    |     1 |       |       |
|  28 |                   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID   | PER_JOB_GROUPS                 |     1 |     8 |     1 |
|  29 |                    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN            | PER_JOB_GROUPS_PK              |     1 |       |       |
|  30 |                  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID    | PER_JOBS_TL                    |     1 |    23 |     1 |
|  31 |                   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN             | PER_JOBS_TL_PK                 |     1 |       |       |
|  32 |                 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     | PER_PERSON_ANALYSES            |     1 |    26 |    12 |
|  33 |                  INDEX RANGE SCAN               | PER_PERSON_ANALYSES_N3         |    16 |       |     1 |
|  34 |                TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID      | PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES         |     1 |     8 |     2 |
|  35 |                 INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES_FK1     |    23 |       |       |
|  36 |               INDEX FULL SCAN                   | FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES_U1      |     1 |    14 |     1 |
|  37 |              TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID        | FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES_TL      |     1 |    37 |     1 |
|  38 |               INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                 | FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES_TL_U1   |     1 |       |       |
|  39 |             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID         | PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA          |     1 |    12 |     1 |
|  40 |              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  | PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA_PK       |     1 |       |       |
|  41 |            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID          | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS       |     9 |   459 |   170 |
|  42 |             INDEX RANGE SCAN                    | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_FK2   |   578 |       |     5 |
|  43 |           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID           | HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES      |     1 |    15 |     3 |
|  44 |            INDEX RANGE SCAN                     | HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES_FK2  |     1 |       |     2 |
|  45 |          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID            | HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES            |     1 |    23 |     2 |
|  46 |           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                     | HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES_PK         |     1 |       |     1 |
|  47 |         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID             | PA_PROJECTS_ALL                |     1 |    44 |     1 |
|  48 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                      | PA_PROJECTS_U1                 |     1 |       |       |
|  49 |        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID              | PA_TASKS                       |     1 |     8 |     1 |
|  50 |         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                       | PA_TASKS_U1                    |     1 |       |       |
|  51 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS       |     1 |    43 |     2 |
|  52 |        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_PK    |     1 |       |     1 |
|  53 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS       |     1 |    25 |     2 |
|  54 |       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                         | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_PK    |     1 |       |     1 |
|  55 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                 | HXC_TIMECARD_SUMMARY           |     1 |    19 |     2 |
|  56 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                          | HXC_TIMECARD_SUMMARY_PK        |     1 |       |     1 |
|  57 |    SORT AGGREGATE                               |                                |     1 |     9 |       |
|  58 |     FIRST ROW                                   |                                |     1 |     9 |     3 |
|  59 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN (MIN/MAX)                 | HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS_PK    |    11M|       |     3 |
|  60 |    SORT AGGREGATE                               |                                |     1 |   401 |       |
|  61 |     NESTED LOOPS OUTER                          |                                |     1 |   401 |    26 |
|  62 |      NESTED LOOPS OUTER                         |                                |     1 |   303 |    24 |
|  63 |       NESTED LOOPS OUTER                        |                                |     1 |   205 |    22 |
|  64 |        NESTED LOOPS OUTER                       |                                |     1 |   201 |    22 |
|  65 |         NESTED LOOPS OUTER                      |                                |     1 |   197 |    22 |
|  66 |          NESTED LOOPS OUTER                     |                                |     1 |   193 |    22 |
|  67 |           NESTED LOOPS OUTER                    |                                |     1 |   189 |    22 |
|  68 |            HASH JOIN                            |                                |     1 |   185 |    22 |
|  69 |             NESTED LOOPS                        |                                |     1 |   161 |    19 |
|  70 |              NESTED LOOPS                       |                                |     1 |    35 |    18 |
|  71 |               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID       | PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F          |     1 |    17 |     6 |
|  72 |                INDEX RANGE SCAN                 | PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N12          |     3 |       |     2 |
|  73 |               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID       | PER_PERSON_ANALYSES            |     1 |    18 |    12 |
|  74 |                INDEX RANGE SCAN                 | PER_PERSON_ANALYSES_N3         |     1 |       |     1 |
|  75 |              TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID        | PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA          |     1 |   126 |     1 |
|  76 |               INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                 | PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA_PK       |     1 |       |       |
|  77 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL                   | FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES         |     1 |    24 |     2 |
|  78 |            INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    | PA_TASKS_U1                    |     1 |     4 |       |
|  79 |           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                     | PA_TASKS_U1                    |     1 |     4 |       |
|  80 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                      | PA_TASKS_U1                    |     1 |     4 |       |
|  81 |         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                       | PA_PROJECTS_U1                 |     1 |     4 |       |
|  82 |        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        | PA_PROJECTS_U1                 |     1 |     4 |       |
|  83 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               | PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F               |     1 |    98 |     2 |
|  84 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                         | PER_PEOPLE_F_PK                |     1 |       |     1 |
|  85 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                | PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F               |     1 |    98 |     2 |
|  86 |       INDEX RANGE SCAN                          | PER_PEOPLE_F_PK                |     1 |       |     1 |
|  87 |    SORT AGGREGATE                               |                                |     1 |    23 |       |
|  88 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                 | PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F          |     1 |    23 |     6 |
|  89 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                           | PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N12          |     3 |       |     2 |
Note: cpu costing is off, PLAN_TABLE' is old version

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    It has been a while since the last time we heard from you, so I assume this issue is solved by now.
    I will mark a reply as answer, please feel free to unmark it if it’s not helpful, and we will be happy to continuously support you.
    Have a nice day!
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    Anyone else that had the same problem? Anyone having a suggestion of what the problem might be?

    Maybe it's Chrome. Maybe your update to 10.7.2 or 10.7.3 needs help. You could consider reinstalling Lion:
    Reinstalling Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

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    Hi all,
    I am encountering a performance issue when seelcting from BSIS table.
    The requirement is I have Internal Orders extracted from a Master table, based on these internal orders and company code I need to go to BSIS table and do an extraction for other fields. When I am doing a Select on BSIS with the above conditions, the performance is very bad. Is there any other better ways to handle this.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi gunjan,
    to improve the performance on BSIS fetch,
    then first of check your fields in where condition..
    then go to se11. and display BSIS table.
    In application tool bar there is push button named 'Indexes'
    click on it.
    and see if there is any index already present there which contains all your fields in where condition clause.
    if not then ask your senior if you can create a seconadry index on it.
    if he allows you to create then go for it.
    hope this will help u..

  • Perfomance Issue after Database Upgrade in 11i

    Hi All,
    We upgraded database from to, the system was running fine. One month after upgrade we changed the compatibility from 9.2.0 to 10.2.0 for compatibilty and optimizers. Since then perfomance is poor for self service and PTO carry over is taking more then 10 hours, earlier which completes in 1:15 min to 1:30 min. I logged a SR and following with Oracle Support.
    Are there any _"Best Practices"_ to be followed after database upgrade from 9i to 10g in
    All the database parameters has been set as recommeded by metalink note:216205.1
    How frequently gather schema statistics should be run on production?
    Thnaks in Advance for help.

    Are there any _"Best Practices"_ to be followed after database upgrade from 9i to 10g in
    All the database parameters has been set as recommended by metalink note:216205.1
    The best practice is to adjust initialization parameters as per the note referenced above.
    In addition, review the following note carefully:
    Note: 744143.1 - Tuning performance on eBusiness suite
    How frequently gather schema statistics should be run on production?Note: 168136.1 - How Often Should Gather Schema Statistics Program be Run?

  • EJB perfomance issue while migrating from weblogic 10.0 to 10.3

    I have an EJB service which I am migrating from 10.0 to 10.3
    The service contains an entityManager.find() method which takes less than 2 secs to execute on 10.0 and more than 10 secs on 10.3.
    The code snippet and the log trace are as below --
          logger.debug("Looking up Person for id " + personId);
       Person info = entityMngr.find(Person.class, personId);
        if(info != null) {
            logger.debug("Found Person" + info.getFirstName() + " " + info.getLastName() + " for id " + personId);
    log entries:
    05/31/2010 *02:35:25,197* DEBUG persistence.bean.PersistenceService [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '8' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)':822] - Looking up Person for id 12014
    05/31/2010 *02:35:36,272* DEBUG persistence.bean.PersistenceService [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '8' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)':829] - Found Person Vitasha Harinarine for id 12014
    Could somebody please help me debugging this issue? The code has not changed before migrating to 10.3. I have checked that the datasources on both environments are exactly the same.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Don't do that. The ClassLoader used to manage web components is the child of the classloader used to manage EJB components - the servlet can use EJB classes, the EJB's cannot use web classes.
    This is also very poor practice as it couples the business logic layers of you system to the presentation - only the reverse should be done. WLS 6.0 is behaving appropriately.

  • Perfomance issue with SharePoint List.

    Current System:
    Our application (for submitting and publishing articles) is using WSS 3.0
     to store content and host workflows.
    Article content like PDFs, Images & Videos are stored in a SharePoint document library.
    There is also a list in which we have configured a custom state machine workflow. While creating an list SP item from the UI, instance of the configured workflow instance will be triggered and start monitoring.
    Each article belongs to a Journal.  We have TBs of data stored in content databases. Initially there was only one site collection (“http://<myweb:8080>/ArtcleLibrary”) and entire article data was storing it the same document library.
    Later we decided to split the document library based on journal.  
    To achieve better scalability, we have now changed the application architecture by creating site collection for each journal and keep article content (there are many articles in a journal) in corresponding site collections. We have added more content databases
    and sites collections are equally distributed among these Dbs.
    Now it is like (“http://<myweb:8080>/<journalID>/ ArtcleLibrary”)
    Actual Problem:
    We have achieved scalability in the case of content management by splitting document libraries among different site collections and content databases.
    But still the SP list for managing workflow is in the initial site collection (“http://<myweb>:8080/WorkflowTasks”). This single list contains now 60,000 items (=60,000 workflow instances) even if we deleted completed list items older than 3 months.
    We have performance issues with the current workflow list. It is taking time (avg 20s) to create/read list item from the SP List. Sometimes items are not getting created in the list item.
    From MSDN I came to know than there are recommended count for items in SPList (2000
     or 5000 items).
    What is the best solution to solve the above performance issue with SharePoint list?
    Whether the above mentioned our approach to document library will work for SP list also (means split current SP List and keep in each Journal site collection)?
    Please advise.

    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for your post.
    I still have some doubts.
    If we go like this, will OWSTIMER be able to handle workflows (custom workflow is attached to SP List) of these many site collections. We have now more than 600 site collections.

  • Perfomance issue - back buffer

    I`m having trouble with the back buffer issue that has been fixed in Java 1.6. I`m still using Java 1.5. Because it`s a large system it`s not easy to upgrade over night.
    Part of the system is a lightweight machine with a 400Mhz VIA Eden and 256 MB memory. During startup the machine has a lot of trouble with the back buffer issue, and it lasts for about 10 min and then the machine runs smoothly for the rest of the period. The GUI is still responsive during startup if you know were to push, but it`s not usable because of the gray rectangles. Is there any way that I can optimize the JVM faster, so it starts running more smoothly sooner? I`m already using -Xincgc. This is a real-time system, so performance is really important
    If there is anyone that know any tips or tricks regarding this issue I would be happy to hear them

    That`s not possible because this machine is the only one I available. It`s decided by the company that this is the machine we are using for all our systems as remote control. It takes over a half year to classify a new machine so we can use.
    But it`s not a problem that the machine is to weak, it`s been running for over an hour now and the GUI is very responsive. The problem is the first 10 minutes after startup, before the JVM optimizes.
    By the way the machine is running java 1.5.11 on Linux. This is suppose to be a "quick fix" before we have the resources to upgrade to Java 1.6 and the back buffer issue is fixed


    Hi Gurus,
    I am using the FM CONVERSION_EXIT_ABPSP_INPUT  in my user exit to convert WBS element(POSID's -  24 char) to PSPNR (8 char).It is being inside a loop which causes performance issues.I want to convert all the POSID's in my internal table to PSPNR at one shot without using the loop statement.Is it possible?

    You can do one thing like for duplicate records(POSID) in loop you can avoid going for FM CONVERSION_EXIT_ABPSP_INPUT instead fetch from previously got value from this FM.
    Hope this is useful.

  • SRW2024P mixed speed perfomance issues

    We purchased 4 SRW2024P Gigabit switches to replace our old fast ethernet switches. When testing them in a small network I found a strange behavior regarding mixed operation of gigabit and fast ethernet: File transfers from gigabit to fast ethernet (100Mbps full duplex) connected computers are far to slow, sometimes below 1 Mbps. Gigabit to gigabit was very fast as expected and 100 to 100 Mbps also was about the expected speed.
    Then I found that the bad performance in mixed operation can be fixed by enabling flow control on any single port (even a non-connected).
    Has anybody encountered a similar behavior with this or another switch?

    I purchased 6 of these back in September, and if I could turn back the clock I wouldn't make the same mistake twice!
    I have also had slow traffic speed, especially when using ghost, used to get 460Mb/min now I get 9Mb/min using these, I have tried flow control and QOS bandwidth etc, having spoken to linksys support.
    I have now been told by them that this is an issue on mixed networks and that only a new firmware release will solve this for me!

Maybe you are looking for

  • I can't open itunes after installation, says"itunes.exe-application error"

    first time, I installed ipod and itunes from the cd, it failed. then I downloaded from the website and reinstalled, it didn't work, either. afterward I have tried many times to delete,restart and reinstall, it just didn't work at all>_< every time i

  • Increasing  number of rows in Pagination Schema

    Hi All, I have one sql report . That reports contains more than 30000 rows . For that report I am using Row Ranges 1-15 16-30 in select list(with pagination) pagination Schema. If I am giving Maximum Row Count 15000 its working properly. If more than

  • How can i make a field mandatory in SO header .

    Dear expart How can i make Customer group  mandatory in SO header data.Under sales tab pricing and static. Plz give me spro or the direct transaction code if any. Yeasin

  • Am not able to reinstall FIRMWARE 10.45-ovi suite ...

    Am using NOKIA 2730c which is currently running with firmware v10.45 RM-578,I want to reinstall my firmware. I tried through ovi suite v3.0.91 ,but it shows some error after 2-3 steps(after backup of phone step).I've attached the image showing error

  • Compatibility - Leopard

    I have an easy question. I have been searching through the forums and I believe I know the answer, but wanted to post and find out before spending money to upgrade, since I may be forced by Apple to spend more money unnecessarily. I just installed Le