Performance Management - Default Appraiser

   I have this new requirement to set default appraiser for a document which will replace existing Manager PERNR. This should happen while Mass document creation process. I tried using BADI HRHAP00_DOC_DEF_D1 but it does not hit
while document creation. Can any one suggest Appropriate  BADI and steps involved to accomplish this task?

The BADI <b> HRHAP00_DOC_DEF_D1 </b> is used for picking manager of the logged in person.
The foll fn module is used in the badi ..
READ MYSELF (with default object type)
      plan_version = plan_version
    TO_DATE      = SY-DATUM
      t_myself     = lt_myself.
So if u use it for Mass upload, it will fetch the manger of the person who execute it.
We have faced the same issue and we have created a filter to fetch the given employees manager.You have to modify the BADI.
Mark useful answrs.

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    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Chris,
    This component must be deployed in Portal because have a lot of services which need ESS in order to work properly. According with note 1408243 you must add those business components in your iView and only are available in that component. Once you deploy this component you do not need to assign any special role to users. The business object component is in Content Administration --> Portal Content --> Business Object --> ERP Common Parts --> Human Resources --> Employee.
    Follow this link:
    And get rid of mismatch issues!!!!
    David Cortés
    Edited by: David Cortes on Apr 22, 2010 11:53 PM

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    Hello surya,
    is the problem solved?
    Best regards Oliver

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    Hi Vikrant,
    Performance management is the concept to set the appraisal document and feedback system for employee.
    A appraisal template is created using PHAP_CATALOG tcode. This will be taken care by BSP HAP_DOCUMENT. Once the appraisal template is created the template is displayed in portal by giving the template id in HAP_DOCUMENT. From R3, user can able to create the appraisal document using PHAP_CREATE, PHAP_ADMIN tcodes.
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    Thanks & Regards,
    Ganesh R K

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    Appriasal Templatate II ( Used in 2009)
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    Good Day.
    In standard, there is no any possibility to default an specif value for the template there. The values  for the template are sorted in alphabetical order by default and the first value with be displayed there.
    Thanks & Best Regards

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    Thank you,

    Hello H2R,
    I copied the Iview Generic Performance Management ( with Application Name 'HAP_START_PAGE_POWL_UI_MSS' and the Application Configuration Name 'HAP_START_PG_POW_MSS_AC'.
    Activated the SICF services of 'hap_main_document', 'HAP_START_PG_POW_MSS_AC', 'HAP_START_PAGE_POWL_UI_MSS. Also, I would activate the services that begin with 'HAP' that l thought that I would need.
    In SE80, there are 2 locations to find these Applications: 1) Web Dynpro Comp./Intf. = FPM_OIF_COMPONENT and 2) Package = PAOC_HAP_DOCUMENT_WD_UI.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Many thanks

    Many thanks for this - we have checked the template level and have the column access for column 'objectives' (which is what is used at element level for appraisee comments) and if we change the column owner to 'appriaser and appraisee' it works for the appraisee but  not for the appraiser.  So we have a choice either it is set to appraiser and it works fine for the manager or we change it to appraisee and appraiser and it works fine for the ESS user.
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    Hi Tiberiu,
    As the previous answer says, you need to make a new implementation of the BADI: HRHAP00_DOC_DEF_D1 (Appraisal Document - Default Appraiser).
    To do that you need an ABAP programmer using the transaction SE19. I recommend to your ABAP programmer to copy the implementation named HRHAP00_DOC_DEF_D101 delivered by SAP and change the code in the method DEFAULT_APPRAISER with your customer logic.
    I hope this can help you too.

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    Are you on ECC 6?
    If yes there is a new Enhancement pack 4 comming with new functionalities for MBO , you can check out the features, i feel there are a few features matching your scenario , it may not be a perfect match, still check it out.

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    - Is there any documentation on the use of columns like OBJH, OBJB, QBJ7, QBJ8 etc. How to identify which column best suits our need?
    - Depending on the situation, one EE may have 5 areas (criteria groups in SAP) to work on this year whereas the other EE may have 3. Does SAP allow the ability to add one row at a time for each criteria group?
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    - There is a need wherein an employee can choose from various development plan for the current year. The development plans (about 25 in number) are like "Conflict Management", "Decision Quality" etc. One EE can have 4 developement plans whereas the other may have 8 plans for the same year. We thought of adding the development plans as qualifications in Qual. catalog and then link it in Appraisal template.
    Is this the best way to approch the requirement? If so, how do we link the qualifications to appraisal template? If not, what other options can be explored?
    Please advice. Many thanks in advance,

    Here is the updated information:
    - Is there any documentation on the use of columns like OBJH, OBJB, QBJ7, QBJ8 etc. How to identify which column best suits our need?
    <i>No documentation found</i>
    - Depending on the situation, one EE may have 5 areas (criteria groups in SAP) to work on this year whereas the other EE may have 3. Does SAP allow the ability to add one row at a time for each criteria group?
    <i>It seems it is available in the latest version of We Dynpro.</i>
    - There is a requirment that once the manager completes the EE appraisal in MSS, it should be available to the Manager's Manager and HR Dept for final
    approval. How should we approch this requirement?
    <i>This can be achieved via the status flow of the appraisal document</i>
    - Does SAP allow the ability to display the appraisal form in various tabs like one tab each for "Competency", one for "Goals", etc. OR does it all have to be on one long form?
    <i>It seems it is available in the latest version of We Dynpro.</i>
    - There is a need wherein an employee can choose from various development plan for the current year. The development plans (about 25 in number) are like "Conflict Management", "Decision Quality" etc. One EE can have 4 developement plans whereas the other may have 8 plans for the same year. We thought of adding the development plans as qualifications in Qual. catalog and then link it in Appraisal template.
    Is this the best way to approch the requirement? If so, how do we link the qualifications to appraisal template? If not, what other options can be explored?
    <i>No answer found yet.</i>

  • Performance Management - Appraisal details

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    It is not possible to disable the refresh button. You will have to find some alternative solution. Are you doing a controller substitution? The refresh should cause the PR to be called again, perhaps you can do something there. Look at the OADBtransaction object. It appears as if the original one has a default setting of commit when the object is destroyed.
    If there is a transaction open when the user navigates to the page, see if you can instead not open the transaction until a confirmed update is clicked, then open the transaction , make the changes and close the transaction.
    Hope this helps.

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    I have a business requirement to report on Final Performance Ratings via Org. Units.  Standard SAP Reporting for Performance Management appears to be very limited with phap_search_pa...
    I want to be able to report on Org. Units and their Final Performance Ratings so to visualize the data I am looking for:
    Appraisal Template --> Org. Unit --> Individual Employee Data
    Is this possible?
    Adam P.

    Hi Adam,
    I dont think there is any standard report that is available to get the data as per you your requirement.
    I would suggest you to develop a custom report to get the data.
    Get the appraisal related data from PHAP*
    Get the OM (Org units) related data from employee's 0001 infotype and pass details from FM "RH_STRUC_GET".
    Get the employee related data from PA tables.
    Hope this helps you.

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    Does anyone know where in the webdynpro this change should be made?
    D. Maupin
    University of Kentucky

    Hi Donna -
    This is interesting that you posted this question.
    My client and I are currently trying to come up with a solution design that would work given their requirements. Without getting into details, they do not have OM implementing currently, and need a performance management process implemented now.
    One solution was to build position to position and keep it very simple.
    My question to you is: Are you using other functionalities in performance management, such as cascading goals? If so, are you only using it for direct reports and not at the corporate level?

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