Permissions getting reset on new xserve when saving a file

I have seen various posts around the web about some bug with 10.6 and office but none of them explain what is happening to me so I thought someone might have an idea of what is happening.
We recently migrated to a new xserve moving from 10.4 to 10.6 and all of a sudden now when anyone on a pc tries to simply save an office file, they are not then able to reopen it as it removes their perms?
I can inspect a simple word doc and see the groups that have perms to open and write to it.. there are no 'users' listed only groups. So I open the file and save it then inspect the perms and notice that it has added me as a user and set my perms to nothing!
is anyone aware of this anywhere else?

We are having the same issues with CS5 photoshop files. Primarily PSB but also with PSD. One error states "The disc copy has changed since your last save. Do you wish to continue" . The one that is a real problem however states "You have not been granted write permissions" THIS COMES AFTER THE FILE HAS BEGUN TO SAVE, SO IT THEN DELETES THE ORIGINAL FILE!!!.

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    Try deleting the iPod Photo Cache folder.  For its locations see:
    iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder

  • Adobe bridge crashes when saving illustrator files

    Hi there,
    We are developing custom connector using Adobe Drive SDK for our DAM system, the integration with CS was working fine, we recently updated Adobe Drive to 4.2, and we are encountering bridge crashes when saving illustrator file. It didn't happen with older version(4.0.2) of Adobe Drive, not sure why. I pin point the part that causing the issue: in our custom connector, we have READ_XMP_METADATA capability which we need to display the thumbnails and previews, and in the ftp sample connector, this capablity is not included originally, so the issue does not happen, but if I add this capabilty, the crash issue happens as well. If we exclude this capablity from our connector, this crash issue doesn't happen.
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    Could you please advice what's the cause of this issue?

    Has it ever worked?
    What kind of files are they and where do you save them?
    Is a printer connected, set up and turned ON?
    Have you already tried resetting the preferences?
    Generally it's not a good idea to just save old files, because then some artwork may be automatically flattened. Illustrator will save the file to the old version file-format and if you used new features in-between, those cannot stay live in the old version file format.

  • The niFPui.mxx plug-in caused an exception in the CmxAggregateItemUI::InvokeCommand function in the NIMax process. When saving *.iak file in MAX4.6

    The niFPui.mxx plug-in caused an exception in the CmxAggregateItemUI::InvokeCommand function in the NIMax process. When saving *.iak file in MAX4.6
    Hi There,
    The subject header just about says it all. This is the first action I took with MAX - it is a fresh install. The file I wanted to save was still written and the FP seems to be working ok. However, I need to know what happened.
    I can't post the whole log file due to the amount of characters allowed on this post. I can cut and paste sections if there is a specific part of the file you need. Below is the first section and last section.
     Context where exception was caught:
    CmxAggregateItemUI::InvokeCommand Args: plugin=niFPui.mxx Item=0107EAB1
    cmdID.cmdId={4A36174B-EC0C-4D73-A23D-F15D164542DE} cmdID.index=0
    Application   : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\NIMax.exe
    User Name     : slaney
    OS Version    : 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3)
    Exception Code: C000001E
    Exception Addr: 457BC448
    Return Address: 457BC448
    Function Name : nNIFPServer::tFpLinearScaleRange::`vftable'
    Module Name   : FieldPoint71
    Parameters    : F001008E 7800FDDD C5100DFC EC0107EA
    Source File   : (not available)
    Return Address: 481000C3
    Function Name : (not available)
    Module Name   : (not available)
    Parameters    : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    Source File   : (not available) 

    I did a research on your error message and it seems this problem was introduced with MAX 4.6. This version switched to a new error reporting mechanism and reports even errors that are which are not critical to your task.
    These errors typically show up as "unexpected" and if your error falls into this category have a look to this KB for further assistance.
    If it doesn't fall into this category, your could try to go back to the MAX 4.5 or 4.4.. Of course you would need to reinstall some components and might not be able to use newer drivers at all.
    Let me know.

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    To add a tag:
    Click on a recent tag that appears in the menu to link it your document. You can even add multiple tags.
    Click “Show All…” to see the all of the tags you have created. Then, click on a tag to add it.
    You can also add tag by typing. As you type in the Tags field, you’ll see matching suggestions from your existing tags.
    To add a new tag, just type it in the field.
    New tags you create automatically appear in other locations where tags are visible, such as in the Finder sidebar.
    The fourth bullet is the one I'm referring to. I think this might be a bug, but I can't find a way to report it. If it's not a bug, I would really appreciate some guidance.
    Here's some system info:
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 8 GB
    Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B27
    SMC Version (system): 1.69f4
    Yosemite version:10.10 (14A389)
    Thank you very sincerely for your time,

    What sort of file(s) are you trying to tag while saving?
    Have you tried saving the file first, then tagging it/them afterwards?

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    Both TIFFs are 300dpi CMYK, but are different sizes (the sharp one is smaller).

    when I save my Pages file as Word '.doc' format (using the standard 'save copy as' method, OR exporting as .doc) one of the high resolution TIFFs in the file ... Both TIFFs are 300dpi CMYK, but are different sizes
    The thing is that .DOC is the file format for versions of Microsoft Word which were developed to work with the Windows GDI Graphics Device Interface, the counterpart of QuickDraw in Mac OS 9.2 and lower.
    Neither GDI nor QuickDraw are capable of colourant formats other than RGB. There are tried and true ways around this in prepress,
    1. do not pick TIFF, JPEG, PICT or BMP file formats that are processed by GDI and QuickDraw, but pick a file format that is not processed by GDI and QuickDraw (EPS, PDF).
    2. pick a colour managed path through GDI and QuickDraw so that CMYK tagged with a source ICC colour space is converted into some form of colour managed RGB which in turn can be converted back into some form of colour managed CMYK for whatever printing condition is to be chosen (whether by a third party driver installed in the OS or by other means).
    There are other possibilities, as Peter mentioned, but transparency isn't supported in GDI and DOC any more than CMYK is supported. And to go back to the beginning, why in the world are you trying to work in CMYK when you in all likelihood have no knowledge of the ink limit, graybalance and paper for the intended printing condition? You should be working in ICC colour managed RGB.

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    This happens on Windows 8 PRO, on Win7 no problem at all.
    Tried on EXCEL 2010 and EXCEL 2013 Customer Preview.
    Checking the file after the app crash shows no file exists however 2 files exist instead:
    *.TMP file
    *.[NOTHING] file
    The *.TMP is the new file i just saved, if I change it to *.XLSX it works fine, no curroption.
    This was done saving on DESKTOP.
    Since file was saved I assumed there is some kind of permission error so I changed the directory permission for "C:\Users\MYUSER\DESKTOP" to "EVERYONE".
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    I guess EXCEL tries to save under  a different user which has no permission but why no error?
    Any ideas?

    Check to see whether the user you logged on to the system has the permission to the file.
    Also, check to see whether the following link is helpful:
    And, based on my research, hang when saving the file also maybe caused by a printer installation.
    Check to see the following link:
    Jaynet Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks. FWIW I'm very keen on improving tethering and lobbied Adobe endlessly until they added the overlay for shooting into layouts because it was a major reason why some of my clients were unable to switch to Lightroom from PhaseOne. But we have to be realistic and remember that tethering just isn't a key market for Adobe as it is for PhaseOne, so progress is painfully slow. For example, where is live view or setting exposure which are in PhaseOne? I'd be amazed if we get those features for a few versions, and that's why I point serious tethered shooters to other solutions. And realistically, assuming your understanding of the SDK is correct you shouldn't expect a change until the next full version of Lightroom.  Good if it happens, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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    Old save dialog:
    New save dialog:

    No, you can't.
    It changes in what encoding a file is *shown*. It does not affect in what encoding a file is *saved*. I think it is a bug, or a forgotten feature. I've downgraded kate because of that(looks like only solution).
    And there is the bug report I've reported about issue:

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    Good day! When saving a file in Illustrator, I can not keep the older version. How You can save the file in an older version?

    When you save a file that's what options offers application
    05 мая 2014 г., в 13:40, Jacob Bugge <[email protected]> написал(а):
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  • When saving a file in [.jpg] format, i am asked to choose a quality from 1 to 100. what changes in the file created based on the quality parameter chosen?

    when saving a file in [.jpg] format, i am asked to choose a quality from 1 to 100. what changes in the file created based on the quality parameter chosen?. i would like to know what changes, so in the future i can set my camera to a setting that will give me the highest quality to begin with,allowing me to make crops and still preserve the quality.
    thank you

    It's the level of compression. Lower number, more aggressive compression, more visual artifacts.
    Aside from that you should never use jpeg as a working format. The compression is destructive and cumulative, and the file deteriorates every time you resave it.
    Use TIFF or PSD, and if you need jpeg save out a copy as a single final step.

  • FrameMaker crashes when saving a file as XML

    Hello -
    I am encountering a problem saving a .fm file as a .xml file. I have saved many .fm files as .xml files in the past with no issues. However, lately FM crashes with a "serious error" on certain files when I try the same save process. My initial thought was that the file was somehow corrupted, but this morning I ran into this scenario: I have 3 FM licenses in my office, I was trying to save a .fm file as .xml and FM kept crashing. So I had another co-worker try to save the exact same file as a .xml file and it WORKED!?!?!?!
    We all were using FM 11, but I have since installed FM 12 thinking that version 12 wouldnt have the same problem, but the same issue is happening with both versions of FM. I read that FM has issues when working across a network so I have tried it both ways, across the network and locally and the same issue occurs.
    Again, this problem occurs occasionally on various files - not every file, but as previously mentioned I was able to successfully save a file on a different machine that I could not save on my machine. I have the most recent log file that was generated after a crash:
    Thanks in advance for any help in this matter.

    An update -
    So FM now appears to crash "sometimes" when saving as an xml file AND when saving the file in general. I have 3 machine with FramMaker installed, first with version 11 now with version 12. These 3 machines are all identical as far as SW running on them, etc... I have been unable to detect a pattern as to when FM will crash thus far. Sometimes it will crash when I try to save the file as an .xml file and sometimes it will save just fine. I have resorted to marking up the document a little at a time, saving the file, then trying to save as an XML file. It will work sometimes and other times it will crash. Sometimes it crashes when trying to save the .fm file other times it works; sometimes it will crash when I try to save the .fm file as a .xml file, other times it will work. About the only thing in common that I have found thus far is the fact that it happens with the same file over and over again; meaning that if I have a pool of 12 files that I need to load into FM and markup, 11 of the 12 files may work just fine and the 12 file will not - it will crash FM at some point in the markup/saving process every time. One might guess that the original file is somehow corrupt and that may be, but at this point I am not sure how I prove that is the case as FM seems to load it in just fine and I can save it right off the bat just fine. Does anyone know how I can prove that the structured file i receive initially is corrupt when it loads into FM fine? If we were causing some issue with the import of our modified EDD then why dont we have the same issue with the other 11 files in the batch as they all are using the same EDD?
    I have sent my most recent log files to adobe tech support this morning. I have tried saving files on shared drives as well as on local drives. I have tried the same process on the other workstations with the same results.
    Does anyone have ideas on how I can isolate a problem with the source file (structured doc) or on why FM is crashing when I perform these actions?
    Gavin (Ryan)

  • When saving a file i don't see the progress

    When saving Numbers files I use to see the progress of the save.  I no longer see its progress.  The files are being saved.  Any reason why this is happening??

    I'm on OS X 10.7, your profile says you're on 10.6.8, so i can't duplicate what you are seeing. If I was to guess, I'd say it is related to changes made for Lion where versions are  periodically saved automatically in the background, where you wouldn't want a progress window always popping up. "Save" has become "Save a Version" and, though I hadn't noticed, probably also does not pop up a progress window..

  • Why aren't all view options available when saving a file from Adobe InDesign CC 2014 on OS X Yosemite?

    Why aren't all view options available when saving a file from Adobe InDesign CC 2014 on OS X Yosemite?

    ASk in the ID forum and explain better what you actually mean.

  • After migrating to a new MBP, when saving or opening documents, I sometimes (but not always) get a warning such as: "Word cannot save this document due to a naming or permissions error on the destination volume." Can someone please explain?

    I recently migrated from a MBP with OS 10.6 to a MCB with OS 10.8. Some glitches are popping up. Here's the one on my mind at the moment:
    When saving or opening documents, I get a warning such as: "Word cannot save this document due to a naming or permissions error on the destination volume." Can someone please explain?

    Since this is isolated to a single file, try exporting it to Interchange Format (.inx), then open and save the resulting file as a new InDesign file.
    Since the problem occurs during export, that may not be possible. Another option to try would be to copy all elements, page by page, and "paste in place" into a new document the same size. If you used layers, be sure to enable "paste remembers layers" in the layers panel menu.
    This kind of problem is often indicative of an underlying font issue. You said there are only three fonts, and you should verify that in Type > Find Font... Try replacing, at least temporarily the fonts in use with something else that you know to be reliable from other documents. You might want to do this before the other steps.

Maybe you are looking for