Persistant Block Naming for USB?

I once seen a topic on this forum about something similar to an issue I am having, evertime I reboot and put my usb in the drive letter chages thus making my fstab line useless. How would I goo about making a udev rule for usb block naming?

tomk wrote:
That's the one I had in mind.
Ah thanks worked the way I needed it to.

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    Using the following boot option does not work while using FDE (dm-crypt plain) due to the filesystem being unreachable until decryption.
    └   root   /
    └  sdb1   /boot
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    Last edited by easton741 (2015-02-05 01:42:57)

    MSC wrote:What exactly is not working? It shouldn't matter if the USB device maps to /dev/sda because the partition with that UUID still resides on the same disk.
    I guess I should be more clear. The entire sda device is encrypted. This meas that during the initialization there is no UUID is read from the disk because the filesystem cannot be read until it is unencrypted.
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    NAME            FSTYPE   LABEL                UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
    sdb                iso9660     ARCH_201501    2015-01-01-09-54-22-00               
    ├─sdb1          iso9660    ARCH_201501     2015-01-01-09-54-22-00       /run/archiso/bootmnt
    └─sdb2          vfat           ARCHISO_EFI    9051-9287                           
    └─sdc1          vfat                                     4EC5-5B7D                        (normally /boot)
    As you can see, sda has no uuid.
    So I guess what I'm asking is if there is any alternative method because it does not look like I can use anything in the wiki.

  • Persistent device naming - cannot mount root as rw

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    #/dev/disk/by-uuid/d02a0ef4-8cb3-460c-a48a-471f2798e4ad / ext3 default 0 1
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    initrd /boot/kernel26.img
    does anyone have an idea what may be causing this?

    Both of the UUID fstab lines for your root filesystem have 'default' instead of 'defaults'. Is that intentional, or is it a typo in your post?.
    I don't know offhand whether 'default' is even a valid option, or what effect it would have if it is.

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        As far as compatibility, LabVIEW 8.0 is compatible with Vision 8.0, 8.2, and 8.2.1 -- it is not compatible with Vision 7.1 so that may be causing the issues you are seeing.  LabVIEW versions are only compatible with the same, and newer versions of Vision.  As far as IMAQ, here is a link to the Version Compatibilities of LabVIEW and IMAQ.  Let me know if you have more questions!
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    Calibration Services
    Product Support Engineer

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    Hm. I have this problem too.
    Played with this a bit, but doesn't seem to work 100% of the time. I can alter the settings as you described, but they are only good until I eject the USB drive.
    More specifically:
    1. Plug in USB thumb drive.
    2. Go to Spotlight settings (described above) and select my drive to be excluded from Spotlight indexing.
    3. Work a bit.
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    Someone has to have had this problem before we did?

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    Error 1 or -1
    This may indicate a hardware issue with your device. Follow Troubleshooting security software issues, and restore your device on a different known-good computer. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    Hi MyGposts,
    Please check if the value of USBSTOR was set to 4 (=disabled) in following registry path.
    Please also refer to following article and restrict access to USBSTOR.INF and
    USBSTORE.PNF via group policy, then check if this issue still exist.
    How to disable USB sticks and limit access to USB storage devices on Windows systems
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If any update, please feel free to let us know.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How to set Blocking Indicator for product specific TransportationLanes?

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    I'm facing a problem while trying to set the blocking indicator for product specific Transportation Lanes-external procurement.
    How can i proceed on the same?
    I've figured out 2 methods for blocking the product specific TLanes.
    I tried using the BAPI - /SAPAPO/TR_TL_TRANSFER_BAPI, which comes inside the DELETE BAPI - BAPI_TRLSRVAPS_DELMULTI. Although I had passed the parameters reg. external procurement, nothing seemed to be happening in the system. There was no blocking indicator - D(locked and flagged for deletion) set against the subjected TLane. In fact, to my amazement, the BAPI didn't return even a single msg. BAPIRETURN internal table after execution was empty.
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    I haven't tried on the second method yet. Is there any other programming alternative for setting the blocking indicator of a TLane / multiple Tlanes?
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    Hi Sanjay,
                    Use the standard BAPI:  BAPI_TRLSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI2 (according to SCM version you are using)
    to update the deletion flag for product specific T-lane, in this BAPI you have to pass the data to EXTERNAL_PROCUREMENT parameter table in which LOCKED_FLG field is there in which you can pass the "D" for deletion or block flag.
    Also you have to pass the same entries in EXTERNAL_PROCUREMENT_X parameter table of this BAPI.
    If any further help required, refer the documentation of BAPI or let me know.
    I hope this will help you to solve the issue.

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    As Randy Landry1 says, Google for "silent ringtone", download and install on you iPhone as a ringtone.
    Now create a contact for the offending phone number. Assign the contact to the silent ringtone and set no vibrate.
    When that number calls it will not ring, nor vibrate. It will light up the screen, but if you do not see that, it will not bother you. They could leave voice mail, but that is easily deleted.
    And if it is a situation where the are violating the do not call list, you can use the missed call log to report the number to the FTC.
    Also, if the calls are abusive or threading, and the leave a voice mail, you something to show the police.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

  • Block Vendor for Goods Receipt without QM

    Dear Experts,
    We have a specific requirement to set a purchasing block in a vendor (XK05), which must necessarily include a block in goods receipt.
    As far as I know, and according to SAP Note 64440 - MMIM: Block vendor for goods receipt, this is only possible activating QM for the material.
    However, our client cannot do it for all the materials so we need to find out an alternative solution. Does anyone have any idea how can we do it?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi guys,
    Thank you very much for your quick replies!
    Jürgen L, you are right. The requirement is not to block the GR forever, but just during a period of time, in specific situations.
    AKTP MM, we will check the BADI: MB_MIGO_BADI, as suggested. I will come back with feedback, as soon as possible.
    If you have more suggestions please feel free to share!
    Thank you.
    Best Regards,

  • Block invoices for PO with no GR-based IV flag

    Hello SAP experts,
    I need your help with finding a way to block invoices for PO with no GR-based IV flag.  At our company, we treat service POs almost the same as material POs (to avoid receipt of service entry).  The only difference from material PO is that service PO does not have the flag for GR.  We customized our EBP to have this done.
    Now, accounting wants to automatically block all invoices associate with service POs.  In this case it would be a PO with no GR.  I tried LIV configuration but it is only for price, quantity and etc.  I also tried blocking with IR before GR but it didn't work because there is no GR.
    Is there a way to achive automatic invoice block in this case?
    Appreciate your help.

    Hi Annie,
    if the configuration doesn't help you enough, you would have to add some custom logic after the invoice has been created.
    Technically speaking, I believe there exists a business add-in (BAdI) where you could enter a piece of code which would after the invoice creation check the GR and block it if appropriate. Another implementation option would be a mini-workflow - there you would have a step which checks the GR existence and blocks the invoice.
    Hope this helps, I suggest talking to your local abap consultant for more details,

  • T440 - DWM service is crashing in windows 7 64 bit after installing drivers for USB Replicator

    Dear All,
    Good day!,
    This will be my first post to the community and looking forward for an expert advise on the issue am facing with Lenovo ThinkPad USB Port Replicator with Digital Video drivers in Enterprise 64bit running on T440, following are the details:
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit installed on T440 where all drivers are up to date for all devices though (System Update 5) tool.
    Requirement: Usage of Lenovo ThinkPad USB Port Replicator with Digital Video (M01060) which will be connected to . 
    Steps followed:
    Connected to the port replicator before installing the device driver. 
    Download and installed device driver from the link:
    3.    Issue: After installing the device driver above, system reboots and after logging back using the local admin account or any other windows account (DWM service) crashes along with any other software installed (Ms. Office, Lync, IE9, ...ext). Tried uninstalling the driver, rebooted and Windows runs smoothly again back with no errors.
    4.    Questions:
    T440 hardware compatible with Lenovo ThinkPad USB Port Replicator with Digital Video ? 
    Which USB version Lenovo ThinkPad USB Port Replicator with Digital Video has ? (2.0 or 3.0) ? did I missed some special drivers for USB ? 
    Any other links for the above driver can be found for Win 7 Enterprise 64bit ?
    For 3 days, am searching the web for a similar issue, found and followed all troubleshooting steps mentioned by others but none of them helped. I will really appreciate your support if any expert can advise. Thanks in advanced

    I have the same problem with my T400 updated to Win 7 pro.  Not happy.  

  • ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'  in Oracle XE

    I am attempting to move the online redo log files to a new flash recovery area location created on network drive "Z" ( Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
    When I run @?/sqlplus/admin/movelogs; in SQL*Plus as a local sysdba, I get the following errors:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'
    ORA-06512: at line 14
    Please let me know how to go about resolving this issue.
    Thank you.
    See below for detail:
    SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/movelogs;
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: movelogs.sql 19-jan-2006.00:23:11 banand Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem movelogs.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem movelogs.sql - move online logs to new Flash Recovery Area
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem This script can be used to move online logs from old online
    SQL> Rem location to Flash Recovery Area. It assumes that the database
    SQL> Rem instance is started with new Flash Recovery Area location.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem For use to rename online logs after moving Flash Recovery
    SQL> Rem The script can be executed using following command
    SQL> Rem sqlplus '/ as sysdba' @movelogs.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem banand 01/19/06 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> declare
    2 cursor rlc is
    3 select group# grp, thread# thr, bytes/1024 bytes_k
    4 from v$log
    5 order by 1;
    6 stmt varchar2(2048);
    7 swtstmt varchar2(1024) := 'alter system switch logfile';
    8 ckpstmt varchar2(1024) := 'alter system checkpoint global';
    9 begin
    10 for rlcRec in rlc loop
    11 stmt := 'alter database add logfile thread ' ||
    12 rlcRec.thr || ' size ' ||
    13 rlcRec.bytes_k || 'K';
    14 execute immediate stmt;
    15 begin
    16 stmt := 'alter database drop logfile group ' || rlcRec.grp;
    17 execute immediate stmt;
    18 exception
    19 when others then
    20 execute immediate swtstmt;
    21 execute immediate ckpstmt;
    22 execute immediate stmt;
    23 end;
    24 execute immediate swtstmt;
    25 end loop;
    26 end;
    27 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+Z'
    ORA-06512: at line 14
    Can someone point me in the right direction as to what I may be doing wrong here - Thank you!

    888442 wrote:
    I am trying to drop and recreate ONLINE redo logs on my STANDB DATABASE (, but i am getting the below error.
    On primary, we have done the changes., ie we added new logfile with bigger size and 3 members. When trying to do the same on Standby we are getting this error.
    Our database is in Active DG Read only mode and the oracle version is
    I have deffered the log apply and cancelled the managed recovery, and dg is in manual mode.
    SQL> alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M;
    alter database Add LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('+DT_DG1','+DT_DG2','+DT_DG3') SIZE 1024M
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for '+DT_DG1'First why you are dropping & recreating online redo log files on standby.
    On standby only standby redo log files will be used. Not sure what you are trying to do.
    here is example how to create online redo log files, Check that diskgroup is mounted and have sufficient space to create.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    sys@ORCL> alter database add logfile group 4 (
      2     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01a.log',
      3     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01b.log',
      4     'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\redo_g01c.log') size 10m;
    Database altered.
    sys@ORCL> select member from v$logfile;
    6 rows selected.
    Your profile:-
    Handle:      888442
    Status Level:      Newbie
    Registered:      Sep 29, 2011
    Total Posts:      12
    Total Questions:      8 (7 unresolved)
    Close the threads if answered, Keep the forum clean.

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