Phone resets during reboot sequence (security software check)

Good morning:
When I took my BlackBerry Curve 2 (8530) off the charger and turned it on this morning, for some reason it reset at the 51% mark during the security software verification. I'm worried that it somehow contracted a virus, or the phone's security software has been compromised. 
Is there any way to wipe the handset without the phone being powered on 100% (via the keypad or something)? 
The phone is under 3 months old and should be covered by the manufacturer's warranty - but until I get this fixed, I have no phone to use.
Please provide some guidance.

Hello KF6OSO,
Please try to bbot device in safe mode.
•KB17877 How to start a BlackBerry smartphone in Safe Mode.

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    Welcme to the Frums!
    Does this happen alot or occassional? 
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

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    C Mawle wrote:
    Thanks.  I have followed all the instructions as recommended and nothing has worked so it looks like the restore/update may have been interrupted - would loss of internet connection do this?
    Yes it would, possibly even brick it.
    Have successfully connected my ipod nano with iTunes so looks like the device driver is working.
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    It is not much help to you, since the device that you need still not recognized.
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    Good luck, but if you expect miracle from that call good luck again.

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    SMSTS.log file shows below:
    <![LOG[Configuring 1 of 3 network adapters]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="netsettings.cpp:186">
    <![LOG[Configuring DHCP]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:417">
    <![LOG[DNS suffix: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:428">
    <![LOG[DNS server search order: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:437">
    <![LOG[DNS registration enabled: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:444">
    <![LOG[Full DNS registration enabled: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:452">
    <![LOG[Permitted IP protocols: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:457">
    <![LOG[Permitted TCP ports: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:461">
    <![LOG[Permitted UDP ports: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:465">
    <![LOG[Tcpip Netbios options: 0]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:474">
    <![LOG[Enable WINS: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:480">
    <![LOG[WINS server(s): ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:489">
    <![LOG[MAC address: a4:17:31:f3:e4:28]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:503">
    <![LOG[Adapter index: 0]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:512">
    <![LOG[Adapter name: WLAN]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:516">
    <![LOG[Getting namespace "Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP" for architecture "amd64"]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="smiinterface.cpp:222">
    <![LOG[Added list item with key value 'a4-17-31-f3-e4-28']LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="smiinterface.cpp:441">
    <![LOG[Configuring 2 of 3 network adapters]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="netsettings.cpp:186">
    <![LOG[Configuring DHCP]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:417">
    <![LOG[DNS suffix: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:428">
    <![LOG[DNS server search order: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:437">
    <![LOG[DNS registration enabled: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:444">
    <![LOG[Full DNS registration enabled: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:452">
    <![LOG[Permitted IP protocols: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:457">
    <![LOG[Permitted TCP ports: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:461">
    <![LOG[Permitted UDP ports: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:465">
    <![LOG[Tcpip Netbios options: 0]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:474">
    <![LOG[Enable WINS: false]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:480">
    <![LOG[WINS server(s): ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:489">
    <![LOG[MAC address: a4:17:31:f3:e4:28]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:503">
    <![LOG[Adapter index: 1]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:512">
    <![LOG[Adapter name: WLAN]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:516">
    <![LOG[spItem->CreateListElement( var, &spChildItem ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\smiinterface.cpp,439)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="smiinterface.cpp:439">
    <![LOG[Failed to create list element with key value 'a4-17-31-f3-e4-28' (0x8022001B)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="3" thread="808" file="smiinterface.cpp:439">
    <![LOG[pSetupPass->addListItem( m_spSettingsEngine, pszNamespace, pszPath, pszKeyValue ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\smiinterface.cpp,1187)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="smiinterface.cpp:1187">
    <![LOG[m_pSMIInterface->addListItem( SetupPassValue[eSetupPass], pszComponentName, pszPath, pszKeyValue ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\xmlanswerfile.cpp,738)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="xmlanswerfile.cpp:738">
    <![LOG[AddListItem( eSetupPass, XML::TcpIp::ComponentName, XML::TcpIp::Interfaces::InterfaceElement, sIdentifier ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\xmlanswerfile.cpp,1063)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="xmlanswerfile.cpp:1063">
    <![LOG[m_pImpl->AddAdapterTcpIpSettings( XMLAnswerFileImpl::WindowsPE, adapterInfo ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\winpeanswerfile.cpp,176)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="winpeanswerfile.cpp:176">
    <![LOG[pAnswerFile->AddNetworkAdapter(adapterInfo), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\netadaptersettings.cpp,575)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:575">
    <![LOG[Failed to configure adapter 1 (0x8022001B)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="3" thread="808" file="netadaptersettings.cpp:575">
    <![LOG[adapterSettings.Configure( pAnswerFile ), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdcore\netsettings.cpp,188)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="netsettings.cpp:188">
    <![LOG[Failed to configure network settings for adapter 2 (0x8022001B)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="3" thread="808" file="netsettings.cpp:188">
    <![LOG[m_pNetSettings->Configure(pAnswerFile), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\bootshell\bootstrapsettings.cpp,191)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="bootstrapsettings.cpp:191">
    <![LOG[this->createAnswerFile(sAnswerFilePath), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\bootshell\bootstrapsettings.cpp,140)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="bootstrapsettings.cpp:140">
    <![LOG[pSettings->configureAnswerFile(), HRESULT=8022001b (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\bootshell\bootshell.cpp,595)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="bootshell.cpp:595">
    <![LOG[Execution failed with error 8022001B.]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="3" thread="808" file="bootshell.cpp:703">
    <![LOG[hMap != 0, HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentscope.cpp,493)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="environmentscope.cpp:493">
    <![LOG[m_pGlobalScope->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,335)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="environmentlib.cpp:335">
    <![LOG[this->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,553)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="environmentlib.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[::RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKey.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\utils.cpp,809)]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="utils.cpp:809">
    <![LOG[RegOpenKeyExW is unsuccessful for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="2" thread="808" file="utils.cpp:809">
    <![LOG[GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002.]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="2" thread="808" file="utils.cpp:842">
    <![LOG[End program: ]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="bootshell.cpp:725">
    <![LOG[Finalizing logging from process 800]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="tslogging.cpp:1741">
    <![LOG[Finalizing logs to root of first available drive]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.114+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="tslogging.cpp:1583">
    <![LOG[LOGGING: Setting log directory to "E:\SMSTSLog".]LOG]!><time="14:10:49.130+480" date="01-09-2015" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="tslogging.cpp:1808">

    Then it's using a different boot image that doesn't have the NIC driver. The OS that the TS starts out in has no impact on the WinPE environment. Either the driver is there and properly loads or it doesn't -- there is not and cannot be any connection to
    the OS the system was booted into prior to PE booting.
    Thus, the only possibility here is that the boot image does *not* have the NIC driver in it. You need to verify which boot image I being used in both cases.
    Jason | | @jasonsandys

  • Firefox keeps asking me to update however when I check the updates compatability I find that it wont work with my security software [avg free] being reluctant to leave my computer open to attack I am not updating until this problem is resolved

    first you tell me my question is too long then when I edit you tell me to fill in extra!!!

    '''<u>AVG Free</u>'''<br />
    *Firefox does not disable your security software, just the toolbar that it installs. Your security software is still working in the background to protect you.
    *Keep up to date with what is happening with AVG by visiting their forums:
    *Have you updated to AVG 2012 Free Edition?
    *Read the 2nd item on the following page first, then read the first item:
    '''<u>Posting a question of the Firefox Support forum</u>'''<br />
    Some tips on post forum questions. Look at the 2 images below and the explanations of the fields in the Firefox Support forum "Ask a question" form. Click on the images, or right-click on them to open in a new tab, then click the image in the new tab to enlarge it for easier reading.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check:
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [ Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: [ Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [ Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

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    Have recently purchased an iphone4 have set up using phone but cannot send iMessage ? Have checked iMessage is on ,any ideas please ,shop said to go online and reset ?

    contact your phone carrier.

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    I am trying to update a number of items which the software check brings up:
    It runs and says it is installing but at the end I get this error message:
    BUT then I ge tthis:
    Can anyone help me to enable the software to update?

    Thanks.  Something isn't right as I just tried to download the iphoto update - it said it had competed the download but then when I clicked on the download item I get this:
    Think will have to take it into the store.....
    thanks for replying.

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    Any word of advice?
    Go to Solution.

    Since don't know which phone you are referring to..THIS may or may not be of any help ..
    As a last resort, you have to visit Nokia Care

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    as possibly a fisher. I'm looking to buy or download security software. I have no idea what company puts out a good security software product for smartphones. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks

    Check out the free app called Lookout Security.  Otherwise you can consider getting Norton for android phones.
    What Is Norton Smartphone Security?
     Protect your mobile device and the information on it with Norton Smartphone Security Version for Android™. If your mobile device is lost, stolen, or its SIM card removed, you can remotely disable your mobile device to prevent thieves from using it or accessing your private information. You can even remotely delete all of your personal information so cybercriminals can’t use it to steal your identity or money.
    Protects Against
    Loss/Theft of Your Private Information
    Loss/Theft of Your Mobile Device
    Annoying Unwanted Calls and Text Messages
    Mobile Threats
    Prevents strangers from using your mobile device in case of loss or theft
    Remotely locks your mobile device if it’s stolen so thieves can’t use it and run up your bill
    Instantly locks your mobile device if its SIM card is removed, so it can’t be used with another SIM card
    Protects your privacy and the personal information on your mobile device
    Prevents access to your private information if your mobile device is lost or stolen
    Remotely erases all information from your mobile device, if you choose
    Lets you block annoying and unwanted calls and text messages
    Eliminates mobile threats before they can cause you problems
    Detects and removes threats and forbidden files without affecting your mobile device’s performance
    Scans all the files and app updates you download to your mobile device for threats
    Fast, light, and easy-to-use to use
    Downloads and installs on your mobile device with just a few clicks
    Checks for updates every week to ensure you have the most up-to-date protection
    Won’t affect your mobile device’s performance or slow down your web browsing

  • Help! Verifying security software

    I have the red pearl 8100, I was downloading the yahoo 3.0 to go and when i had to reboot my Blackberry it won't finish verifying the security software. On the top of my phone it says "searching for network". Can anyone help me with this?
    thanks, Heath

    Greetings, and welcome to the Support Forums.
    One, make sure the SIM is seated properly in the slot.
    With the BlackBerry device powered ON, remove the battery a few seconds and then reinsert the battery to reboot.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • Ipad 3 crash during boot sequence

    My Ipad will not restarts over and over again, If charging both adapter and Ipad get really warm. Seems to loop.
    Trying to connect to iTunes gives 0xE8000068 (can download pictures from windows, but not access iPad.
    So would like to reset, re-install or anything just to get it up and running again, what to do. (backup is there if I can get to restore option, but do not get that far...)

    Did you ever jailbreak or hack your iPad?  Sometimes, the error 3194 occurs if this has happened.
    If not, this writeup should help:
    Unable to contact the iOS software update server
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors:
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect FollowiTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.
    The above comes from here:

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