Photo scanning all blotchy - how to correct? PS7

Hi friends.
I'm trying to scan a photo out of an old book to use in my own book.
The photo looks lovely in the book, BUT when I scan it, it comes out all blotchy and no matter what effect I apply I cannot find a way to improve it.
I'm scanning using the "import" option and thence using a Canon scanner at 600dpi.
I have tried it with the "unsharp mask" and "descreen" on or off, and all combinations, but the pic still looks rotten.
Can anyone help please?

Bloody genuis! Never thought of that!
Took a photo at max res with camera, and now it looks like this. I see there is still a bit of the "Moire" stuff, but much reduced. Thank you so much for this suggestion.

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    Where are you seeing these duplicates?  In the iPhoto window or in the Finder? 

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    Could you take a screen show showing the files on your thumb drive? This will allow us to better see what you have on the drive.
    Command-Shift-3 takes the entire screen
    Command-Shift-4 takes a portion of the screen. <--use this one
    Click on the camera icon in the toolbar of the reply window to post. Select image to upload.

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    For new photos you might consider using Photo Stream to transfer your photos between the devices.
    See: iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    iCloud: Using and troubleshooting Shared Photo Streams
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    Copy Photos (& Videos) Between iOS Devices
     Cheers, Tom

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If you are using the same ID as a primary iCloud login, then yes she can see your photos in photostream if you have it enabled.
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    <d:StartTime m:type="Edm.DateTime">2014-03-21T00:00:00</d:StartTime>
    <d:EndTime m:type="Edm.DateTime">2014-03-25T23:55:00</d:EndTime>
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    <!-- item 2 -->
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    <d:EndTime m:type="Edm.DateTime">2014-03-25T23:59:00</d:EndTime>
    <d:AllDayEvent m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:AllDayEvent>
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    C#, Sharepoint

    Hi SharpBud,
    The date for all day event stored in SQL in GMT time, the start time for an all day event returns the start time in GMT time, which is not the current time most likely.
    This is a confirmed issue, as a workaround, I would suggest you to use a calculate column for the event for the column, using the following format:
    IF(TEXT(([End Time]-[Start Time])-TRUNC(([End Time]-[Start Time]),0),"0.000000000")="0.999305556",IF([Start Time]=ROUND([Start Time],0),[Start Time],DATE(YEAR([Start Time]),MONTH([Start
    Time]),DAY([Start Time])+1)),[Start Time])
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == 2 days ago.

    See also this article about caret browsing:
    In Firefox 3.6 and later versions you can disable the F7 shortcut that toggles caret browsing by setting the pref accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled to false.
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