Photo Screensaver question

Does anyone know a photoscreensaver that'll show the path and file names?
I used use that option under Windows 2000 many years ago and have been searching in vain for the Mac equivalent. The only one I have come across so far is ArtSaver 1.7, but that's not working on 10.5.1.
Or is there a simple hack (for a non-programmer who can follow instructions) to modify the built-in photo screensaver.
Hope there is an answer. Thanks.

We have no details on how this works or how many photos it can handle.
Best I can suggest is to send feedback about poor randomisation to:

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    Thanks, Chato
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Farby:
    Thanks for you input. The photos in question were taken 4 months ago but the phone has only been used for a couple of hours since then. What I'm looking for is secure eraesure of photos before upgrading phone!
    Cheers, Chato

  • Photo stream questions, sharing, etc.

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    Camera Roll (CR), Photo Stream (PS)
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    For example, if I put one photo in a shared PS and then take 1000 new photos (but I don't add it to the shared PS), presumably it will disappear from my main PS, but will the original photo disappear from the shared PS, too?
    I noticed that each month I have a new monthly event titled, for example, "August photo stream", etc. Are these temporary, too? If I take 1000 photos in September, will the August PS event start to lose images, or will this only occur in the main PS section?
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    Is this confusing to everyone, or am I just dense?

    You are most likely using the same apple id under settings>iCloud. If you just want to stop the photo sharing you can open settings>iCloud and turn off photostream. If you want to keep using photostream and still not share you need to set up an alternate apple id to use under settings>icloud

  • Where are Photo Screensaver settings saved?

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    We use a custom photo deck for our screensaver and it hasn't worked well to put it in the Pictures folder. You'll end up displaying personal photos along with the custom photos. I have been making a folder in Program Files and pointing the screensaver there.
    The settings I would like to be able to change are:
    Use pictures from: (you browse to the folder that contains your photos)
    Slide show speed: (change the transition speed of the photos)
    Shuffle pictures: (I would like to be able to check this box so the photos display randomly)
    If anyone knows where to find these settings, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share the location of these settings.

    you can use this code 
    #That string is encoded in Base64, without headers. There is a Windows API that encrypt binary arrays (the PIDL) to Base64, CryptBinaryToString. The dwFlags parameter should be set to CRYPT_STRING_BASE64.
    #Our problem is the inverse, given a Base64 string (the encoded PIDL), get the decoded PIDL. There's an API for that, too!, CryptStringToBinary. The dwFlags parameter should also be set to CRYPT_STRING_BASE64.
    #I think it is not hard to write a small program that uses those API's (and some more to get a "readable" path from the PIDL); ask in the MSDN forums to get directions if you get stuck.
    #BOOL WINAPI CryptBinaryToString(
    # _In_ const BYTE *pbBinary,
    # _In_ DWORD cbBinary,
    # _In_ DWORD dwFlags,
    # _Out_opt_ LPTSTR pszString,
    # _Inout_ DWORD *pcchString
    #BOOL WINAPI CryptStringToBinary(
    # _In_ LPCTSTR pszString,
    # _In_ DWORD cchString,
    # _In_ DWORD dwFlags,
    # _In_ BYTE *pbBinary,
    # _Inout_ DWORD *pcbBinary,
    # _Out_ DWORD *pdwSkip,
    # _Out_ DWORD *pdwFlags
    add-type @"
    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    public static class PIDLUtils
    // funciones
    public static extern Int32 SHGetDesktopFolder(out IShellFolder ppshf);
    public static extern bool SHGetPathFromIDList(IntPtr pidl, StringBuilder pszPath);
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    private static extern bool CryptBinaryToString(IntPtr pcbBinary, int cbBinary, uint dwFlags, StringBuilder pszString, ref int pcchString);
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    private static extern bool CryptStringToBinary(string pszString, int cchString, uint dwFlags, IntPtr pbBinary, ref int pcbBinary, ref int pdwSkip, ref int pdwFlags);
    // interfaces
    public interface IShellFolder
    Int32 ParseDisplayName(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr pbc, String pszDisplayName, UInt32 pchEaten, out IntPtr ppidl, UInt32 pdwAttributes);
    Int32 EnumObjects(IntPtr hwnd, ESHCONTF grfFlags, out IntPtr ppenumIDList);
    Int32 BindToObject(IntPtr pidl, IntPtr pbc, [In]ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppv);
    Int32 BindToStorage(IntPtr pidl, IntPtr pbc, [In]ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppv);
    Int32 CompareIDs(Int32 lParam, IntPtr pidl1, IntPtr pidl2);
    Int32 CreateViewObject(IntPtr hwndOwner, [In] ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppv);
    Int32 GetAttributesOf(UInt32 cidl, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)]IntPtr[] apidl, ref ESFGAO rgfInOut);
    Int32 GetUIObjectOf(IntPtr hwndOwner, UInt32 cidl, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)]IntPtr[] apidl, [In] ref Guid riid, UInt32 rgfReserved, out IntPtr ppv);
    Int32 GetDisplayNameOf(IntPtr pidl, ESHGDN uFlags, out ESTRRET pName);
    Int32 SetNameOf(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr pidl, String pszName, ESHCONTF uFlags, out IntPtr ppidlOut);
    // enumeraciones
    public enum ESHCONTF
    SHCONTF_FOLDERS = 0x0020,
    SHCONTF_STORAGE = 0x0800
    public enum ESFGAO : uint
    SFGAO_CANCOPY = 0x00000001,
    SFGAO_CANMOVE = 0x00000002,
    SFGAO_CANLINK = 0x00000004,
    SFGAO_LINK = 0x00010000,
    SFGAO_SHARE = 0x00020000,
    SFGAO_READONLY = 0x00040000,
    SFGAO_HIDDEN = 0x00080000,
    SFGAO_FOLDER = 0x20000000,
    SFGAO_FILESYSTEM = 0x40000000,
    SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER = 0x80000000,
    public enum ESHGDN
    SHGDN_NORMAL = 0x0000,
    SHGDN_INFOLDER = 0x0001,
    SHGDN_FOREDITING = 0x1000,
    SHGDN_FORPARSING = 0x8000,
    public enum ESTRRET : int
    eeRRET_WSTR = 0x0000,
    STRRET_OFFSET = 0x0001,
    STRRET_CSTR = 0x0002
    // constantes
    private const uint CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 = 1;
    // mis funciones
    public static string Encode(string myClearPath)
    IShellFolder folder;
    IntPtr pidl;
    string Pathcodificado;
    Pathcodificado = "ERROR";
    string myPathTextoPlano = myClearPath;
    //string myPathTextoPlano = @"c:\flashtool"; // Regex.Escape(myClearPath);
    // este es el folder del escritorio (raíz del espacio de nombres del shell)
    if (SHGetDesktopFolder(out folder) == 0)
    // pidl del archivo
    //folder.ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, @"C:\walter\yo.png", 0, out pidl, 0);
    folder.ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, myPathTextoPlano, 0, out pidl, 0);
    // parseo el pidl para obtener sus tamaño
    int k = 0;
    short cb = 0;
    // while ((k = Marshal.ReadInt16(pidl + cb)) > 0)
    // cb += (short)k;
    IntPtr tempIntPtr = new IntPtr(pidl.ToInt64() + cb);
    while ((k = Marshal.ReadInt16(tempIntPtr)) > 0)
    cb += (short)k;
    tempIntPtr = new IntPtr(pidl.ToInt64() + cb);
    cb += 2;
    // encripto el pidl
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int largo = 0;
    CryptBinaryToString(pidl, cb, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, null, ref largo);
    sb.Capacity = largo;
    if (CryptBinaryToString(pidl, cb, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, sb, ref largo))
    Pathcodificado = sb.ToString();
    return Pathcodificado;
    public static string Decode (string myEncryptedPath)
    IShellFolder folder;
    // IntPtr pidl;
    string PathDescodificado;
    PathDescodificado = "ERROR";
    string mypathEncriptado = myEncryptedPath; // Regex.Escape(myEncryptedPath);
    // este es el folder del escritorio (raíz del espacio de nombres del shell)
    if (SHGetDesktopFolder(out folder) == 0)
    // Desencripto
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    int largo = 0;
    CryptStringToBinary(mypathEncriptado, mypathEncriptado.Length, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, IntPtr.Zero, ref largo, ref a, ref b);
    // recreo el objeto
    IntPtr pidl2 = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(largo);
    //if (CryptStringToBinary(sb.ToString(), sb.Length, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, pidl2, ref largo, ref a, ref b))
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    if (CryptStringToBinary(mypathEncriptado, mypathEncriptado.Length, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, pidl2, ref largo, ref a, ref b))
    // muestro el path proveyendo el pidl reconstruído
    //sb.Clear(); Only works with .NET 4
    sb.Length = 0;
    sb.Capacity = 261;
    SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl2, sb);
    PathDescodificado = sb.ToString();
    return PathDescodificado;
    $MyPath = "c:\Windows"
    $Encrypted = [PIDLUtils]::Encode($MyPath)
    $notEncrypted = [PIDLUtils]::Decode($Encrypted)

  • Extremely jaggy photos when using them in Photo-Screensaver

    Hello together,
    I have a problem with the "own-photos-screensaver": Allthough all photos are made with at least 8 Megapixels and all slidshows in iPhoto are running perfect, the screensaver is extremely jaggy.
    I feel it looks like the OS is using a kind of 640x480 quality and then is pumping it up to the 1680x1050 screen resolution. I think that this is not normal?
    Is there a possibility to repair it? Maybe I can somehow completely uninstall the screensaver and then install it again?
    Thanks and best regards,

    Which "own-photos-screensaver" are you using?
    Are you using the options under the line in the
    ScreenSaver PrefPane (where it lists Library and all
    of your iPhoto albums)
    Yes, I am using this one. The funny thing is that also the original Apple screensavers like "Forest" also look very jaggy and I am pretty sure that it did not look like this in the past. So any chance to re-install the whole thing or delete some preferences etc.?

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    Hi Farby:
    Thanks for you input. The photos in question were taken 4 months ago but the phone has only been used for a couple of hours since then. What I'm looking for is secure eraesure of photos before upgrading phone!
    Cheers, Chato

  • Photo Screensaver Help

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    I don't have any suggestions for you, except that I'd always thought what a good job apple had made with this feature, on my tv's I'm extremely delighted with the way it shuffles my photos. Clearly something is not right for you because my tv's are so good at shuffling pictures, it has to be more than just different opinions about the same experience..

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    When I click to view my photos a question mark appears and will not let me view my picture. How do I fix this?

    Suggests a permissions issue in the Library.
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to check and repair Library permissions

  • Mac OS 9.1 (and 8.6) photo screensaver?

    I've assembled some nifty astronomy photos that I'm using as a screensaver on my two machines running OS X 10.4 Tiger, and I would like to do the same for two older (beige) Macs at my son's school, which run OS 8.6 and 9.1.
    My question: is there a way to rotate through these photos (about 10 of them) as a screensaver on those older machines, either built into the OS (as with OS X) or via some good downloadable freeware?
    A lower-quality version of one of these images can be found here, for those who're interested:

    Hi, John -
    Welcome to Apple's Discussions.
    OS 9 has nothing built-in to do that. There are a lot of freeware screensavers available; look for one with a picture module - many of those can be set to use pictures from a folder in sequence or at random.
    Here are some sites where you may find something suitable -
    Screen Gear - Screen Saver, Image Displayer - Free screen savers
    VersionTracker: Screen Savers
    Free Macintosh: Apple Screen Savers
    Pure Mac: Screen Savers
    Tucows Macintosh

  • Photo album questions

    Hi, I have put several hours into trying to solve these
    problems myself, but I am stuck. The page in question is:
    1. Detailregion area does not display when page opens. It's
    just a skinny gray box on the right. Once you click a thumbnail,
    however, it displays fine, and will display all the images as you
    click on them. Thinking maybe the non-working slide show buttons
    were the problem, I tried replacing the <div id="controls">
    area with the identical one from another page I have that works
    just fine:
    Why does THIS work:
    I've made several pages like hydeliinvquicktest.html that all
    function properly, so I'm baffled.
    2. How do I get a simple slide show going?
    The Spry Photo Album Demo shows how powerful Spry can be, but
    I don't need all that complexity, and I'm having trouble narrowing
    it down to what I need -- no multiple databases, no growing and
    shrinking thumbnails. All I want is to be able to put a bunch of
    images and one XML dataset in a folder and have the ability to have
    people click on "Previous," "Next," or "Play/Pause" in addition to
    being able to click on a specific image.
    One of the problems with the demo for me is the dataset names
    used in the demo get confusing -- I'm having trouble following the
    distinction between and relationship between when you use
    dsGallery, dsGalleries, dsPhotos, and photo, not to mention, why it
    is ultimately unnecessary to make any reference to "china" and and
    the other folder names. And since I know next to nothing about
    Javascript, I can't figure out what substitutions to make to the
    gallery.js code, which is designed to work with these multiple
    databases, and also can't figure out which pieces I need and
    whether the pieces I don't need would get in the way if I left them
    in the js doc or if everything extraneous has to be eliminated.
    3. One of the problems with implementing more Spry pages is
    the tedious work involved to make a little thumbnail for every
    single image in a set, and then make sure they're all exactly the
    same size, which is what I've done so far. I have figured out what
    to do when the main image size varies, and Spry handles that well.
    But here are my problems:
    a. What if the thumbnails vary in size? For instance, this
    hydeliinv.html page has four maps that are part of a set, but are
    all different proportions, and four details I'd like to show that
    represent what they look like close up, all of which are in
    different proportions as well.
    b. And can I have Spry call on the same image file and
    display that full size for the main image, and reduced for the
    You'll see right now in
    I've set the height and width in the spry: repeat tag for the
    thumbnails to 100px. I tried just setting the height to that, and
    width to auto; I tried just setting the height to that, and
    omitting the width. In both cases, no thumbnails display at all. I
    see in the Spry Photo Album Demo the use of "path" designations in
    photos.xml. Could I do something with an XML doc that looks like
    this to address both (a) and (b)?:
    <inv_item id="1">
    <title>First Map</title>
    <dimensions1>36.5 x 34 inches</dimensions1>
    <dimensions2>37.5 x 36.25 inches</dimensions2>
    path="hydeli1.jpg" width="390" height="400"
    thumbpath="hydeli1.jpg" thumbwidth="98"
    <inv_item id="2">
    <title>Second Map</title>
    <dimensions1>36.5 x 34 inches</dimensions1>
    <dimensions2>37.5 x 36.25 inches</dimensions2>
    path="hydeli2.jpg" width="379" height="400"
    thumbpath="hydeli2.jpg" thumbwidth="95"
    I tried to figure this out, too, but to no avail.
    Thanks for any help you can give me!

    I understand the challenge and worked out some answers that
    support our photo gallery for the ski club. I wanted something
    simple that would support a gallery of up to 100 pictures reliably.
    Also, I wanted it to extract information from the image metadata
    such as names or descriptions.
    The image processing is done using photoshop macros which
    create the appropriate sized image and thumbnail.
    After trial and error I realized current CSS technology is
    NOT capable of vast quantities of demands from more than 20
    thumbnails. That's when I settled on hard formatting the thumbnails
    png files with a nice black border. The thumbnails load up quite
    nicely with NO style formatting. I used PNG files for the
    transparency support.
    The XML data is created using a program I wrote to parse the
    metadata from the image files. Now that all the photoshop macros
    and the XML parser is written, I can load up a large gallery in
    less than thirty minutes. (Not including photo editing.)
    Hope this helps.
    You can see examples at

  • Spry photo gallery question:

    thanks to mr. Booth's tutorial I was able to implement a nice Spry gallery into our website. Now I want to change one simple thing: the pictures that make up the galleries are to be moved to our ftp server (as opposed to our webserver). The logical thing to to seemed to edit the base parameter in the relevant photo.xml file to something like this: base=ftp://user:[email protected]/directory/ but no dice. So the question is: how do I point the xml file to an external ftp location for the actual photos?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    you can't do cross domain requests with AJAX. going to a ftp:// would count as other domain.
    So that is not possible. Unless you create a server side proxy that reads the data from your ftp server and about puts the results.

  • IWeb Google Maps and Photo Gallery Question

    I have a Website I started to create a while back. Is there a way to insert a google map and some type of photo gallery
    into my site, now that MobileMe is gone???  I really liked the simplicity of iWeb. Is there anything else out there?
    Thanks, Eric U

    You can still insert Google maps into your site - you just need to do it as you did before the Google maps widget arrived.
    Go to Google maps and create the map you want and then copy and paste the code and place it in an ordinary html snippet and then click on Apply and the map will appear.
    Also, another tip - you could have found all the answers that you were looking for before even posting your question by searching this forum and there have been literally hundreds of posts on the same topics of Google maps and slide shows.
    Suggest you search the forum and look for posts by Old Toad and Roddy, who have found alternatives.
    You don't need to stop using iWeb - if you have it use it, but just upload to another host/server.
    There are plenty of alternative out there - again a forum search would have given you answers.
    Take a look at RapidWeaver, Sandvox, Freeway Pro/Express and Flux 4.  You can download free trials of all of these and most are available for purcahse from the Mac App Store.

  • Flash Photo Gallery Question

    I am a photographer interested in designing a photo gallery
    website.My question is how are the special effects created in Flash
    for when a thumbnail is clicked and the photo downloads into the
    picture viewer? (such as the photo fading in , the photo is
    assembled from small blocks, the photo downloads from left to
    right, the photo downloads after a flash of light) Is there a name
    for these effects? Thank you so much, Wendy

    Wonderwendy wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am a photographer interested in designing a photo
    gallery website.My
    > question is how are the special effects created in Flash
    for when a thumbnail
    > is clicked and the photo downloads into the picture
    viewer? (such as the photo
    > fading in , the photo is assembled from small blocks,
    the photo downloads from
    > left to right, the photo downloads after a flash of
    light) Is there a name for
    > these effects? Thank you so much, Jim
    These are some complex components/files you can get free off
    the net:
    ImageGallery 3
    Photo Album
    Image Fader
    This particular sample is the closets to what you are looking
    for. It is XML
    driven so all the files information can be edited w/o
    changing the Flash movie.
    You can define 9 transitions along the image name and the
    rest happens automatically.
    There are many more samples online, search for stuff like
    "flash photo gallery"
    or "flash gallery", some free some shareware but definitely
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Photo Frame Question

    I know that this is not an Apple Question but I haven't found a forum for this and I was curios if anyone else had run into this issue:
    I have a Sylvania 10" Digital photo frame (I do not recommend this frame to anyone. Support on it is lousy to non-existant and I am still waiting for a replacement remote control for it which I ordered in March. I am using my harmony remote to control it right now.) which displays photos pretty well. It's resolution is 1024 x 600. The issue that I am seeing that I wonder if anyone else has seen on their digital photo frame, is that when I transfer photos from the mac to the photo frame and then view them with the quick view progam, the images are corrupted. Even Disk Verify shows that the jpg images are corrupted yet the photo frame has no problem displaying them. They look normal with no corruption at all. The files on my hard drive are fine with no corruption at all. Since I won't be using the frame as a backup for my photos anyway, its not an end of the world issue but I am curious if this happens with other digital photo frames. Interestingly enough, the disk utility sees the frame as having an unknown or unspecified partition with an MS-DOS Fat 32 format on it.

    Hello tweetybird53,
    Thanks very much for purchasing the HP Digital Photo Frame.  I regret that you are having some product and support challenges.  Please email me with your HP case number or your product number, serial number and contact information so that we can get your issue resolved quickly.
    The answer to the question, "Is there an HP service depot near where you live that you can take it there?" is no.  Currently, customers can not drop off products at an HP service center.  There is a process to follow that entails mailing in the product if it is coded for repair.  In some cases, the defective product is simply replaced.
    I look forward to assisting tweetybird53.

  • Photo streaming question

    I'm not sure where this question ought to be posted, so I apologize if its the wrong section.
    In anycase, I wish to know how to erase a photo on photo streaming.

    To get the photos on another devices you either have to share them or both have to be using the same iCloud account.
    What do you think share means?

Maybe you are looking for

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