Photos as single frames

This is probably a really stupid newb question, but I can't figure out how to import photos (jpegs in this case) as successive single frames into iMovie 08. I'm trying to create a time-lapsed movie from about 300 still images. Can someone give me some help on this? Thanks.

This is probably a really stupid newb question, but I can't figure out how to import photos (jpegs in this case) as successive single frames into iMovie 08. I'm trying to create a time-lapsed movie from about 300 still images. Can someone give me some help on this?
Unfortunately, iMovie '08 automatically imports photos and adds them to the project as a "still frame" sequence assuming you will either add a KBE or display the photo for a fixed duration of time. Here is a "Quickie" Tutorial to get around this problem.

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  • Export vertical oriented movie single frame - not working

    - iMac 20" 2 GHz 4 GB RAM
    - OSX10.5.8
    - iPhoto 8 version 7.1.5 (378)
    - QuickTime Player Pro Version 7.6.9 (1680.8)
    - Preview 4.2 (469.5)
    Here is what I do to export a frame from a move in iPhoto to get a single frame:
    Open and play a video in iPhoto using Quicktime Pro, stoping and selecting a particular frame, pressing Command C, open Preview, select New From Clipboard.
    Open and play a video in iPhoto using Quicktime Pro, stoping and selecting a particular frame, Selecting File Export Move to Picture.
    Both the above work for horizontal oriented movies.
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    Any solutions/suggestions (except upgrading to the newest iPhoto, Lion, etc. too slow on a 2 GHz iMac)

    I mentioned in the second part of my initial post that I did also try the export "Movie to Picture" with the same results.
    Strange! That work flow still works on my PPC platform. (Unfortunately, I don't have an Intel platform available with OS 10.5.8 installed for testing.)
    Am I able to have "MPEG Streamclip" open as the default when a movie is double clicked on in iPhoto instead of Quicktime opening the movie?
    Not sure. I don't use iPhoto (prefer Aperture) normally and definitely would not use either for video clip management. Try resetting the double-click external edit switch or reset the "Open With" atribute for the class of movies being edited.
    This actually for a novice user who I suggested take short video clips, pick a frame then copy/paste it into Preview instead of taking stills. Unfortunatly my advice fails when the iPhone photos are taken vertically.
    The problem may be based on a change on the application being use. Like anamorphic videos with contain both pixel dimensions and PAR values, the reoriented videos may contain both true orientation and display orientation information. How the files work may depend on the application being used at the time. I.e., some third-party video/still display apps rely on the original orientation while others use the "rotated" info embedded in the file. And, unfortunately, it appears that Preview does not know what to do, so it does nothing. My guess is this is a bug that needs to be reported in feedback to Apple again and again until until they decide to address and correct the Preview application.

  • Premiere Pro CC inserting single frame into exported files

    I have never had this issue before today.
    A project I have been compiling off and on for several months was exported using AME via PPCC.
    In previous exports this issue did not come up at all.
    Here is the problem:
    The rendered videos (using Apple ProRes 422 HQ, QT H.264, and MPEG2 DVD) have a single frame insert between two stills in a montage.
    The previous render it appeared on a different photo a few seconds later in the program, like this:
    Again, these are single frame artifacts not found in the timeline in PPCC. They only appear as "flash frames" in the exported video.
    Anybody else seeing this? Is there a solution?
    Jeremy Praegitzer
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS5/CS6 Certified Associate
    TV Department Manager - Love A Child, Inc.

    Hi Jeremy,
    Thanks for posting on Adobe forums,
    Please provide us details of your systems:
    What is the OS and version ?
    What is the Graphics Card installed on the system ?
    How much Ram do you have ?
    Do you use any external Hard Drive ?
    and if you are using GPU Acceleration on Open CL, You can these issue on Export.
    Please switch GPU acceleration on Software only mode, (if using cuda enabled card then Cuda )

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    You shouldn't have to change it to original though. And if it isn't exporting the actual movie, it should show up as a pic, not have the video icon. I lost important footage from hurricane Ike because I was in a hurry, and trusted the app. Then I go to look at the videos in iMovie, and they aren't even recognized. Current should be whatever it is. Currently that was a video, not an image. Sad.

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    Don't feel too bad. Exporting a Still was not always so easy, and in early versions of CS4, was a real pita. Luckily, Adobe listened to the Feature Requests, and instituted the general method used in its "little brother" program, PrElements, which had that (or very similar) icon for many versions.
    Good luck, and glad that Ann pointed you to the right spot.

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    What you can do is play back the video in the Photos app, then pause it. Tap the screen to make the controls go away. Then you can take a screenshot: Quickly press then release the home and power buttons at the same time.

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    I dont have the answer, but rather a similair problem. If you don't mind I will add it to your blog here so hopefully someone can answer both our problems with one solution.
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  • Print single frame from iMovie

    How do I capture and print a single frame from an iMovie clip?

    First, get an app called MPEG Streamclip, which is free. (google MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5)
    Open MPEG Streamclip.
    In iMovie, select the clip you need. Then, right-click/Reveal in Finder. You will see it highlighted in Blue in the Finder.
    Drag this clip from the Finder into MPEG Streamclip
    In MPEG Streamclip, move the playhead to the frame you want.
    In MPEG Streamclip, click FILE/EXPORT FRAME.
    Choose JPEG, TIFF, or PNG and give it a name.
    You can then drag this photo into iPhoto.

  • Converting a single frame swf to a gif

    I have a couple of really cool animated 'shockwave flash
    movie windows projector' images that i would love to convert into
    animated gif's so that I can edit them to work in a theme I'm
    designing for my sony ericsson w580i. I was finally able to convert
    the exe files into swf's... but that didn't really do me any
    good... same issue. Also upon further scrutiny I discovered that
    both animated file types have only 1 frame! What should I do?!
    Please help!!

    I've experienced the same thing sometime long in the past,
    and I probably did a frame by frame Print Screen to get around it.
    If it's single frame swf, then that's probably all you're going to
    get is one frame as an output.
    You may be able to incorporate a jpeg encoder of some sort to
    take snapshots as the piece animates in some form of loop fashion,
    but I'm not savvy in that dept.

  • How to use single frame in a page

    Hello, i would like to now how to make a frame in a page
    without having two or more, i was used to work with GoLive and
    there i could use the grid an put a single frame and make links to
    other pages that would open in that frame, it worked wel for me,
    but since I switched from golive to dreamweaver CS3 i am not able
    to do so. Is there some one how could tel me how to do so, since i
    use a lot of single frames in my pages,

    why are you wanting to use single frames?
    They allow having the initial frame address stay in the
    address bar, and not
    show the linked page's address. The problems they cause
    usually override any
    Or- if we aren't using the same words the same way, please
    give an example
    site of what you want to do.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • HT200044 how to export a single frame in 10.0.6 - I cannot find option?

    With 10.0.5 There was an option on "share" to pick a single frame from the timeline and export the image as a JPEG or other formats.  I do not find this option on the new version.

    It works now, you need to go back to share and a new option is available that was created by the step you mentioned, listed as share frame one -- when selected, this allows for exporting the frame to the desktop!

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    i have an animated gif and wish to save a single frame as a non-animated gif.
    in the past i've been achieving this by deleting all the frames i don't wish to export and deleting them before exerting, this seems very clumsy though so i figure there's a more sensible solution in there somewhere, but where?

    Thanks, Bill! Actually version 9 looks a little clearer than that, as it has two bold clear white paddles to mark the edge of the work area.
    I was a little frustrated at first, because whatever I did, it still took a year and exported the entire video.
    I caught sight of this teeny tiny box waiting for a tick from me, which said:
    Share Work area Bar Only
    We have lift-off 
    Thanks again. So much quicker than all that deleting ahnd hoping you don't accidentally say "yes" when prompted to save changes!

  • Mouse over HTML link causes single frame to display at top of page Netscape only

    Having a wierd problem. When you run the mouse over HTML
    links on the page a single frame of the flash movie apears at the
    top center of the page. It only happens in netscape in firefox
    mode. IE, Opera, and Firefox do not have the problem.
    Problem site
    Thanks in Advance,

    The problem goes away if i modify my .css file by removing
    border: 1px solid #999999;
    line from the "a:hover" style.
    I ran my css file thru the validator at w3c and its fine. The
    Page also validates as xhtml transitional.
    and just a note the same file version is on my public server
    and my testing server.
    Has anyone ever seen this before?? I have several sites with
    a:hover effects and flass media and have never run across this

  • How do I position to panels in a single frame?

    Can someone tell me how i can position two panels in a single frame using the BorderLayout class.
    I have included my code below. When it is run it shows two JPanels positioned at the top and the bottom, a text area to the right, a panel in the center and a panel on the left. I want to get the panel on the left - the yellow panel - to be positioned in the lower third of the center panel. I have tried to use the BorderLayout.SOUTH statement - but this positions the panel across the very bottom which causes the bottom JPanel and part of the text area to disappear.
    Can anyone help with this please???
    Many thanks
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Panels extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         private TopPanel topPanel;
         private BottomPanel bottomPanel;
         private JButton open;
         private JButton close;
         private JButton connect;
         boolean openClicked = false;
         boolean closeClicked = false;
         public Panels()
              Container contentArea = getContentPane();
              topPanel = new TopPanel();
              bottomPanel = new BottomPanel();
              JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea("Text Area",20,20);
              JScrollPane textScroller = new JScrollPane(textArea);
              open = new JButton("Open");
              close = new JButton("Close");
              connect = new JButton("Connect");
              JPanel topBar = new JPanel();
              JPanel lowerBar = new JPanel();
              bottomPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100));
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         if(e.getSource() == open)
         openClicked = true;
         if(e.getSource() == close)
         {closeClicked = true;
    class TopPanel extends JPanel
         public TopPanel()
         public void paintComponent(Graphics painter)
              if (openClicked == true)
         public void drawTopMessage(Graphics painter)
              painter.drawString("This is the top panel", 20,20);
    class BottomPanel extends JPanel
         public BottomPanel()
         public void paintComponent(Graphics painter)
              if (closeClicked == true)
         public void drawBottomMessage(Graphics painter)
              painter.drawString("This is the bottom panel", 20,20);
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Panels example = new Panels();

    One solution would be to create a new panel, bothPanels and adding the two panels that you need to this panel.
    Once you have done that, you can add bothPanels to contentArea.add( bothPanels, BorderLayout.CENTER)

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