Photoshop connects stroke ends when using a pen (writing letters, etc)

Seems that if i make quick strokes PS tries to connect the start and end stroke or something.
I'm using a Wacom Intuos 4 and Windows 8
it basically makes writing letters as I would on paper impossible. thoughts?
Thanks in advance

Adobe cc, standard brush, standard document. Updated Wacom drivers and updated Adobe. In Windows 7 it was an issue with windows tablet input settings or something... like windows tablet settings not wacom tablet settings, but in win8 i don't have the option to disable the default tablet settings? idk
It happens when the start of the stroke and the end of the stroke are close together: photoshop seems to interpolate a new stroke from the end of the stroke to the start position - very tough problem to google

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    Two displays are OK on one adapter, Two displays adapters are not OK.
    7. If you are using more than one video adapter, remove the additional cards.
    Multiple video adapters can cause problems when OpenGL and Photoshop use the GPU. It's best to connect two (or more) monitors into one video adapter. If you have to use more than one video adapter, make sure that they are the same make and model. Also make sure that they both support the same versions of OpenGL and Shader Model. Otherwise, crashes and other problems can occur in Photoshop.
    Note: Using two video adapters does not enhance Photoshop's performance.

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    Lelisa it is only necessary to connect to the internet periodically to receive updates and validate your membership.  If you have an annual membership you can be offline for up to 99 days.  You can find additional details at Activation & Deactivation Help.
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              <JDBCConnectionPool Name="sybaseJMSPool"
              Properties="[email protected]@;[email protected]@;charset=utf8"
              (note that the @xxx@ string are replaced by actual values).
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              <Aug 13, 2002 1:56:04 PM CEST> <Alert> <JMS> <www00-test> <node00>
              <ExecuteThread: '6' for queue: 'JMS.TimerClientPool'> <> <> <040048>
              <JMSServer "JMSServer00", store failure while writing message for topic
              OrderChangeTopic, JMS JDBC store, connection pool =
              <sybaseJMSPool>, prefix = <JMS00>: write failed
              java.sql.SQLException: JZ006: Caught IOException:
              com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionDeadException: JZ0C0: Connection is already
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.ErrorMessage.raiseErrorCheckDead
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.handleIOE(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.cancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.cancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.doCancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.updateLoop(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.executeUpdate
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybPreparedStatement.executeUpdate
              at com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogPreparedStatement.executeUpdate
              at weblogic.jdbc.pool.Statement.executeUpdate(
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
     JMS JDBC store, connection pool = <sybaseJMSPool>, prefix
              = <JMS00>: write failed
              java.sql.SQLException: JZ006: Caught IOException:
              com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionDeadException: JZ0C0: Connection is already
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.ErrorMessage.raiseErrorCheckDead
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.handleIOE(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.cancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.cancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.doCancel(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.updateLoop(
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.executeUpdate
              at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybPreparedStatement.executeUpdate
              at com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogPreparedStatement.executeUpdate
              at weblogic.jdbc.pool.Statement.executeUpdate(
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              Before that this message appeared:
              <Aug 13, 2002 11:31:16 AM CEST> <Error> <ConnectionManager> <www00-test>
              <node00> <ExecuteThread: '26' for queue: 'default'> <> <> <000000>
              <Closing: 'weblogic.rjvm.t3.T3JVMConnection@795af6' because of: 'Server
              received a message over an uninitialized connection: 'JVMMessage from: 'null'
              to: '-4555218188801970213S:[7001,7001,7002,7002,7001,7002,-
              1]:ADIS:node00' cmd: 'CMD_REQUEST', QOS: '101', responseId: '1',
              invokableId: '287', flags: 'JVMIDs Not Sent, TX Context Not Sent', abbrev
              offset: '34'''>
              This problem did not occur on another system which was used during a 2 day stress
              testing session.
              It seems that the problem occurs after a period in which no user request where
              made. The user requests trigger EJB's that start sending JMS messages.
              When the problem occurs, the JMS messaging systems seems to lock up as no messages
              are received anymore by the different listeners (MDBs).
              Undeploying and redeploying the JBDC connection pool solves the problem. This
              solution is unacceptable in case of a production system.
              A similarly defined connection pool, which is used by the EJBs to make database
              connection, does not manifest this problem.
              <JDBCConnectionPool Name="sybasePool"
              Properties="[email protected]@;[email protected]@;JCONNECT_VERSION=6;charset=utf8"
              The JDBC connection pool is used as follows by the JDBC store
              <JMSJDBCStore ConnectionPool="sybaseJMSPool" Name="JDBCStore00" PrefixName="JMS00"/>
              <JMSServer Name="JMSServer00" Store="JDBCStore00" Targets="node00">
              <JMSTopic JNDIName="ADIS.JMSError" JNDINameReplicated="false" Name="ErrorTopic"/>
              <JMSTopic JNDIName="ADIS.Status"
              Name="StatusTopic" RedeliveryDelayOverride="300000"/>
              <JMSTopic JNDIName="ADIS.OrderChange" JNDINameReplicated="false"
              Name="OrderChangeTopic" RedeliveryLimit="3"/>
              Turning on the "Test Reserved Connection" with a appropriate test table does not
              Some sources on the internet tell us that JZ0C0 errors in the Jconnect driver
              can be related to network problems. Nevertheless the connection pool should be
              able to cope with this.
              Can you provide any solution for this ? Or give us hints what can cause the problem

    Zhenhao Qi wrote:
    thanks! Joe.
    The SQL statement itself can no longer be simplified, the long excuation time is due to the database size and complicated Select criteria. I can easily reproduce the problem by using this SQL. I tried "BEA's Oracle driver (Type 4): Version 8.1.7,9.0.1,9.2.0". the question can be dissect into 2 pieces:
    1) why the jdbc connection (using oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver) won't return anything if the SQL execution time > 5min, that is probably the Oracle's problem
    2) why the occupied connection pool won't release even I set "Statementtimeout=600", this is Weblogic's problem.
    ZhenhaoHi. Yes, (1) is oracle's problem. (2) may also be. The JDBC spec has very few
    allowances for one thread to interrupt a second thread's JDBC call. If we
    transmit your timeout request by calling setQueryTimeout() on the oracle
    statement, and if you have a weblogic-controlled transaction we call
    Statement.cancel() on any ongoing statement, we end up relying on whether
    the Oracle driver implements and responds to those calls.
    Are you doing weblogic-controlled transactions? Are you/can you
    call Statement.setQueryTimeout() on your statements, or are these
    generated JDBC queries?
    If you can duplicate the problem using the
    we have some other debug avenues. This would be good even if you really
    want to use the thin driver, because we will do the same JDBC calls to
    either driver, and the debug would prove (if) we set up a query timeout
    and if we call cancel(). If we do, then we can know that it is the Oracle
    driver failing in these regards.

  • Photoshop CS5 keeps crashing when using a brush.

    Hey all,
    For the life of me, my team and I cannot figure out why this keeps happening.
    1) Open Photoshop
    2) Do everything/anything I would normally do while creating some art.
    3) Create a new layer with no background to brush on.
    4) Choose a brush and append it to the drop down.
    5) Select the size of the brush and color
    6) Start to brush
    I have done this multiple times and restarted multiple times. I even have tried using a different file, a new file, different brushes, etc. The same thing always happens. However, I will say that when using some of the other brushes I can get about one stroke and when I go to make another, it crashes. It seems that the bush will crash instantly however, if I use any of the special effect brushes. Mind you I have NO third party or custom brushes. Everything that I have in Photoshop is default.
    The only thing that I can think that might be the issue is that my CS5 production suite is a upgraded suite from the CS4 web design suite. Upon installing the CS5, the instructions said that there should be an "upgrade" option/window in which I should put my product ID. That never came up, just the standard install/product ID window. Thus, CS4 and CS5 (both full) are on my Mac. Could this be the issue?
    Any suggestions? Anyone else have this issue?

    Yes, I installed the 12.0.1 update. This was happening prior to and after the install.
    I am pretty sure im 64 bit
    CMYK color with 8bits, should that be on 16?
    No I have no 3rd party plugins.

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    I have to wait a long time to do next stroke. I can't work with this. How do I fix this??
    I have a new computer, a Mac Book Pro with 16 GB ram, so I have plenty of ram.

    You really have to keep your brush size small with the Mixer Brush tool.  And that necessitates keeping your canvas failry small as well.
    Back a few years ago I did a whole painting with the Mixer Brush once and some of the bristle brushes - just to see if I could - and I found I had to really limit the brush size (e.g., to 50 to 75) in order to get enough responsiveness to keep painting.  In that case my canvas was 4096 x 5120.  It's not impossible to get a good, professional result, but you have to be careful about sizing things right.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS4/5 Crashes when using the Move Tool

    Hello. I'm here because I'm having an issue with Photoshop.
    I was trying out CS5 when it started to crash every time I tried to use the Move Tool. It was the generic error message: "Adobe Photoshop CS4 has stopped working.
    A problem has caused Adobe Photoshop CS4 to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
    Thinking that it was a CS5 issue, I went back to my copy of CS4, only to find the same thing happening there (I also downgraded because CS5 was also crashing at other random times for some reason, but that's an issue for another time).
    This puzzles me because both were working fine before. Granted, I hadn't opened them for a while, but it was a sudden thing.
    My first impulse was to uninstall and reinstall CS4. No luck. So then, I uninstalled all third-party plugins, thinking that might be it. Still, the same problem. I started looking around on Google for solutions and found the instructions on resetting the Tool preferences (I chose to reset the preferences for ALL of the tools). When that didn't work, I tried deleting the preferences file outright, which said instructions recommended. Nothing.
    I should note that Photoshop crashes when using the Move Tool to move an object without ant lines around it, i.e., a layer. I'll move the object, and after two to three seconds, the mentioned error message will appear and Windows will close Photoshop. This, however, only seems to happen after selecting, copying, and pasting part of a large object with some variation of the Marqee Tool (thus making that part a new layer by default) while working at a zoom of 100%. So, in short, working with a large image like <a href=>This</a> at 100% zoom. The image linked is the image that I was using and am currently using to reproduce the problem. It is 1280x1024 pixels. I have tested this with somewhat smaller, yet comparable images too. Same problem. I have never had this problem working with large images before, and I wonder if anyone has any suggestions short of formatting my hard drive.
    The error code, from Event Viewer:
    Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4bf2d4f6
    Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x65637275
    Faulting process id: 0xe28
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cb2bb3471d87bf
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Photoshop.exe
    Faulting module path: unknown
    Report Id: b412e368-97ab-11df-8f49-001d60b646ef
    [  Name]
    Application  Error
    [  Qualifiers]
    [  SystemTime]
    C:\Program  Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Photoshop.exe
    Details in XML View:
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2010-07-25T05:15:57.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    - <EventData>
    <Data>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Photoshop.exe</Data>
    System Specifications:
    Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600)
    System Manufacturer: HP-Pavilion
    System Model: GN697AA-ABA a6214x
    Processor: Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80 GHz (2 CPUs)
    Memory: 2048MB RAM
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    Display Device:
    Name: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Approx. Total Memory: 1010 MB
    Current Display Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60 Hz)
    Photoshop Version: CS4 Extended 11.0.2

    Even a decent RAM upgrade is usually only a few hundred dollars nowadays, but it's not a trivially simple process.  That said, with a little research and care you can do it.  Alternatively, you can hire people (e.g., "Geek Squad") to do such an upgrade.
    First, you'll need to know what your operating system capacity is.  For example, a 32 bit Windows system can really only use up to a bit more than 3 GB of RAM, while a 64 bit Windows system can use all the RAM you can find a place to plug in.  What version of Windows are you running?
    Then you'll need to determine what RAM you have installed and what your computer's maximum RAM capacity is - usually you can do this through internet research, either by visiting your computer manufacturer's web site or doing google searches.  There are even RAM manufacturer web sites that will tell you what kind of RAM your computer needs and suggest sources, for example:
    It may be that you can just plug additional chips into currently empty sockets, or it is possible you'll need to replace the RAM chips you have installed in your computer to make room for an upgrade.  Every computer is different.
    If you list your computer model and current RAM that you have installed here, it may be that someone can help with more specific advice.

  • Photoshop CS4 "Program Error" when using Text tool

    Hello. I was having problems with Photoshop displaying a "Program Error" every so often, so I deleted the preference file and all seemed good. But after deleting the preference file for my Photoshop CS4 and re-launching Photoshop, the text tool causes Photoshop to display a Program Error when using the tool. It never did this before. Should I reinstall Photoshop? I am using a Powermac G5 running 10.5.8. I have already tried repairing the disk permissions.

    Thats kinda what I thought too, but the problem started happening randomly. It started when we were trying to use photomerge with large photos. The program just started giving the program errors. I still think it may be a font problem, but without going through my 2000+ fonts and disabling them one by one, how can I resolve this issue?

  • Photoshop CS6 - Screen flickering when using brushes with new MacAir 2013

    Would the Adobe team please respond to the issues reported by several users:
    A number of users experience severe screen flicker in Photoshop CS6 when using any of the larger brush type tools (cloning, eraser, brush, spot healing, burning, and dodging).  As many on this thread are experiencing, it is awfull and unusable! The flicker is screen wide black boxes, sometimes the whole screen goes black.  It only seems to happen when we put the cursor over the image to edit.
    Hardware:  MacBook Air 13", Haswell 1.7 GHz, 8GB, 512 SSD Software:
    Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 20130105.r.224, OS X v10.8.4 (and perhaps others)
    Looks like a CS6 is not compatible with teh new MacAir. Please look into this and advise.
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.8.4 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:69, Stepping:1 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading       
    Message was edited by: GSVAI

    An update:
    I went to the Apple store and brought myself a more recent MacBook Air (13", 4/256 FYI, they were out of the 8/512 model).    I can't reproduce *exactly* what you're showing, but got the flicker to happen by resizing the cursor.    Also, while painting, the screen seems to stop updating except for the cursor -- not only is Photoshop unable to draw, but other applications stop drawing as well.  And a few times it hasn't even updated the cursor (while all other apps seem frozen).  That's not normal.
    When I see the flickering, I frequently see the menubar and other UI elements draw at the wrong location on the LCD, then black, then redraw in the correct location -- repeat in different positions and lots of "static" until I stop changing the cursor.  That's more evidence of a hardware or and odd driver issue.  The odd thing is: it doesn't happen all the time.  It's possible that the one we have at the office also shows the problem, but we didn't test long enough.
    I'm trying to reach out to my hardware contacts at Apple - but it's a weekend before a holiday, so we may not make progress immediately.
    One thing that would be useful here: the model of MacBook Air that you have that shows (or doesn't show) the problem. 

  • After Effects CS6 11.0.2 crashes when using the pen tool (Mac OS X 10.8.2)

    I'm using After Effects CS6 11.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.8.2. Whenever I use the pen tool to add a vertex, the application crashes. I've submitted several crash reports to apple (they get sent to apple automatically when the app relaunches).
    My specs:
    21.5-inch, Mid 2010
    Processor  3.06 GHz Intel Core i3
    Memory  12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 MB
    Software  OS X 10.8.2 (12C60)
    Anybody else having this problem or have a solution?

    So I have discovered it only crashes when adding a vertex when I'm editing the max a few frames in. When I add vertices on the first frame of the comp I don't have any trouble. I've tried unchecking the box that says preserve constant vertex count, and it still happens.

  • Photoshop CS4 quits responding when using 3D

    Photoshop CS4 quits responding when selecting new texture in materials section under opacity in 3D. I have not had this happen till just a few weeks ago. It was working just fine. I run an IMac with 2 gig of ram. My graphics card is a ATI,RadeonX1600.

    Ok I have tried turning off OpenGL and it seems to be just the Opacity, but it still locks up even if I just raise or lower the opacity level or pick new texture. By the way I called apple tech yesterday and they offered to roll me back to previous update but if anything occurred as a result of it, it would cost me $49.00 per incident. The tech also said that adobe needs to be the one with an update for the problem. Man what a mess. Well that all being said I will just have to use my MacBookPro for my 3D work. I have no problem with Photoshop on it. How do I get Adobe to do an update for the problem.
    Message was edited by: Johnny Elzey

  • Don't shade area when using the pen Tool?

    When I use the Pen tool the whole area beneath the curve is shaded. Is it possible to only draw a curve and not shade the area?

    At the bottom of the Toolbox, change Fill to None.

  • Thinkpad Yoga - screen wear when using the pen

    I've been using penabled laptops for about 8 years now and bought a ThinkPad Yoga about 10 month ago.
    The pen turned out to be disappointing - it's a lightweight job reminiscent of the pens they include with Samsung Note and like phablets rather tha a proper full size Wacom pen.
    Just like other people I was also disappointed by the non removable plastic sheet protector on the screen in place of proper Gorilla glass screen cover.
    But well, overall, apart from the awful touchpad, it was a decent laptop and I've been always happy with my previous Thinkpads, so I kept it.
    Now, I'm using the pen a lot, incliding for scrolling. It turned out that the nib is not replaceable and that the plastic sheet protector on the screen is not hard enough to resist wear from the included pen - after 10 month of use it's pretty badly worn, especially in the scrolling area on the right.
    I've never had this issue with my previous penabled tablets, even after 3-4 years of use, so I must say I'm rather disapponted at Lenovo selling this as a penabled laptop when the screen could not stand up to daily use with the included pen.
    Does anyone else have this issue? Should I send it back to Lenovo to get the protective layer replaced while it's still under warranty?

    I had this very problem with my Yoga S1 display screen. The anti-glare foil/protector became scratched by the digitizer pen. After reading a bunch of posts about removing this film layer, it looked easy enough, so I decided to JUST DO IT.  My steps:
    I grabbed a sharp razor blade and started in the corner where the "Lenovo" logo is placed (bottom left). Very gently, I slid the blade edge under the film being careful not to dig, pry, or lift the blade any more than necessary -- just keep is as flat as possible and glide slowly about 1/2" or so making an equilateral triangle shape. The corner of the film will lift up losing its adherence and, in my case, I experienced zero damage. 
    I elected to continue sliding the blade along all four edges only 1/8" or so deep - just to make sure that the film was lifted across the entire perimeter. No problems whatsoever - smooth as silk. 
    I went back to the starting corner and slid the blade a little further (approx. an inch) so that there would be a triangular section large enough for my fingers to grab without cracking or breaking the film layer. 
    I began pulling from that corner slowly and gently making sure that my other hand was resting on the glass as a brace. Note that you should pull level with the screen not upward. I did not use a blow dryer and, as it turned out, it wasn't necessary. 
    When I got to the point  where one edge of the film was about at the center of the short width, I started pulling down that side until I reached the opposite corner. 
    I then continued pulling lengthwise working from edge to edge, then center, always keeping my other hand pressing lightly on the display screen glass (for leverage). If you want to avoid palm prints, wear a soft glove or put a microfiber cloth under your hand. 
    In no time at all, the entire sheet of film was removed in one piece - no cracks, breaks, or other problems. 
    There was no glue residue on the glass, so I just took a microfiber cloth and rubbed it to a gorgeous shine. 
    I fired up the laptop and was amazed at the extra clarity and color -- and NO SCRATCHES!
    Is there additional glare? Yes, of course, but I just tilt the screen to avoid it as I do with all my other devices. 
    I started working with the digitizer pen and, thus far, I see no evidence that it will scratch the screen surface which, I have been advised, is gorilla glass. 
    This entire process took less than 15 minutes. It has taken me longer than that to write it up!  
    I would be happy to answer any questions if there are any. Good luck! 

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