Photoshop & Lightroom trotz Foto-Abo nur "Testversion"

Hallo zusammen !
Habe das Foto-Abo schon mehr als 1 Jahr und gab bis jetzt nie Probleme.
Seit dem Update diese Woche werden mir beide Produkte des CC-Foto-Abos als "Testversion" angezeigt.
Im Kundenmenü ist aber weiterhin das CC-Foto-Abo eingetragen.
Mehrmaliges An und Abmelden bei der Cloud und PC-Neustart hat nicht geholfen.
Hat jemand ähnliches Problem und eine Lösung ??

Hi Thomas,
You can follow the article: Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later, Acrobat DC which will help you to fix your activation issues with Creative Cloud.
Let us know if it works or not.
Ratandeep Arora

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    lr 5.3 is the latest version.
    remove version 5.01.

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    "Eingabe der Seriennummer zusätzlich eine "alte Seriennummer"" hört sich nach einer Updateversion. Falls keine Vorversion vorhanden ist, ist diese leider "Wertlos". Also nochmal genau auf die Box oder den Bestellvorgang schauen.
    "Es kommt die Meldung: "Beim Extrahieren einiger Dateien ist ein Problem aufgetreten". Passiert manchmal beim Auspacken der Installationsdateien. Einfach mal 7-zip installieren und das Installationsprogramm auspacken. Da drinn gibt es einen 32bit und 64bit Ordner mit den eigendlichen Setups. Das korrekte Setup starten.
    Die aktuell LR Version kann hier Adobe - Lightroom : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1 heruntergeladen werden. Eine älteren LR5 Version muss vorher nicht installiert werden. Allerdings löst auch das nicht das Problem mit der "Update"-Lizenennummer.

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    Hallo Zusammen,
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    Tooom wrote:
    Nachdem ich die Anforderungen für die Student and Teacher Version durchgelesen habe, bin ich darauf gestoßen, dass diese Version immer nur auf max. zwei Laptops installiert werden kann. Es wird immerwieder darauf hingewiesen, dass das Programm nur auf einem Gerät ausgeführt werden darf, gleichzeitig ist nicht zulässig.
    Das sind die Lizenzbestimmungen der Adobe-Programme.
    Tooom wrote:
    Ich habe vor das Programm in der Student-Version auf jeden Fall auf zwei Laptops zu installieren, da ich einen Neueren nur Zuhause nutzen möchte und einen Älteren für unterwegs habe. Wäre es dann technisch durch z. B. eine Anmeldung im Programm garnicht möglich auf beiden Geräten das Programm gleichzeitig auszuführen oder schreibt das Adobe deshalb vor, weil man natürlich verhindern möchte, das zwei Nutzer über eine Lizens das Programm nutzen?
    Lightroom kannst du problemlos auf zwei Laptops installieren. Technisch sind bei Lightroom keine Vorkehrungen getroffen die eine gleichzeitige Nutzung unterbinden. Aber die gleichzeitige Nutzung ist schlicht und ergreifend illegal. Du akzeptierst bei der Installation die Lizenzbedingungen und die besagen ganz deutlich: Installation auf zwei Geräten, gleichzeitige Nutzung -> nein.
    Tooom wrote:
    Da mein älterer Laptop wegen geringem Arbeitsspeicher ziemlich träge ist, kann ich mir schon vorstellen das Programm mal auf beiden Geräten gleichzeitig laufen zu lassen.
    Was soll das bringen? Dann muss du mit zwei Katalogen arbeiten oder ständig versuchen beide Kataloge zu synchronisieren.
    Tooom wrote:
    Macht es in dieser Thematik einen Unterschied ob ich die Student and Teacher oder die normale Version kaufe?

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    Danke für den Tip. Werde es probieren.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Von: Mylenium 
    Gesendet: Freitag, 7. November 2014 11:36
    An: Franz Krug
    Betreff:  Photoshop CC trotz Kündigung Geldeinzug
    Photoshop CC trotz Kündigung Geldeinzug
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    Nein, wieso? Extrawürste gibt's nicht. Alles andere mußt du schon mit dem Support per Webchat klären. Vielleicht kommste ja schneller aus dem Abo raus.

  • Troubleshoot installation problems in Photoshop Lightroom on Windows Vista

    This document can help you to resolve system errors that occur while you use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on Windows Vista. System errors can manifest in many different ways, including (but not limited to) the following:
    A blank or flickering dialog box
    A frozen cursor or screen
    A blue screen
    An unexpected restart
    An error message such as:
    "Setup is unable to load the installation script file."
    "Unable to create a directory under C:\Windows\System. Please check write-access to the directory."
    "Uninstalling: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location."
    Note: If you attempt to install Photoshop Lightroom to a drive that doesn't have the minimum required space available, the installation will fail. You must then completely reinstall to another location that has sufficient free space.
    Many different factors can cause system errors, including conflicts among device drivers, applications, operating system settings, hardware, and corrupt elements in specific files. Although a system error may occur only when you work with Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop Lightroom may not necessarily be the cause; it may be the only application that uses enough memory or processor cycles to expose the problem.
    To benefit most from this document, perform the tasks in order. Keep track of the tasks that you perform and the results of each, including errors and other problems. Adobe Technical Support can use this information to better assist you if you need to call.
    You must be logged on as an administrator to perform some of the procedures in this document.
    Important: Some of the procedures in this document may initiate a User Access Control dialog that asks for your permission to continue. Read the details in the dialog to determine if you want to continue. If you choose to cancel the dialog, then you will not be able to continue with that troubleshooting step.
    The steps in this document that refer to the Control Panel are in reference to the Classic view. For information on switching the Control Panel to the Classic view and many other common OS procedures, see Common Microsoft Windows Vista procedures (TechNote kb401275)
    Some of these procedures require you to locate hidden files and hidden folders. Some procedures require you to locate files by their full file names, which include extensions (for example, example_filename.ini). By default, Windows Explorer doesn't show hidden files, hidden folders, and file name extensions that it recognizes.
    To show hidden files, hidden folders, and all file name extensions in Windows Explorer:
    In Windows Explorer, choose Organize > Folder And Search Options.
    Click the View tab in the Folder Options dialog box.
    In Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden Files And Folders.
    Deselect Hide Extensions For Known File Types.
    Click OK.
    Note: The procedures in this document are based on the default interface of Windows Vista. If the interface is customized, some procedures may vary. For example, a commonly encountered difference is the navigation to Control Panel from the Start menu: You may navigate Start > Settings > Control Panel instead of Start > Control Panel. Additionally, the procedures in this document assume you are using the Classic View of the Control Panel: To view the Control Panel in the Classic View, click Switch To Classic View on the Control Panel navigation bar on the left side of the window.
    Beginning troubleshooting
    The tasks in this section can help you resolve the most common system errors. Before performing any of these tasks, back up all personal files (for example, Photoshop Lightroom files you created). Always restart the computer after a system error occurs to refresh system memory. Continuing to work without restarting the computer may compound the problem.
    1.Make sure that the system meets the minimum requirements for PhotoshopLightroom.
    Photoshop Lightroom may not run correctly on a system that doesn't meet the following requirements:
    Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
    768 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
    1 GB of available hard-disk space
    CD-ROM drive
    In addition to these requirements, a video card that supports 24-bit (16 million) or more colors, and a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher, is recommended.
    * Photoshop Lightroom 1.0 will install and run on Windows Vista but Adobe cannot guarantee the quality of the software experience until Adobe fully certifies Photoshop Lightroom for use on Windows Vista.
    To check basic system information, such as processor speed and how much RAM is installed, choose Start > Control Panel > System.
    2. Delete previously installed application files, especially if you had the public beta version of Photoshop Lightroom installed.
    To delete files from a previous Adobe Photoshop Lightroom installation attempt:
    Choose Start > Control Panels > Add or Remove Programs.
    Select Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and choose to remove it.
    Close the Add Or Remove Programs window and the Control Panel.
    Open Windows Explorer.
    If the Lightroom.exe file is still in the Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom folder, delete it.
    If the Lightroom Preferences.agprefs file is still in the Documents and Settings/[username]/Application Data/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences folder, delete it.
    Empty the Recycle Bin.
    Try to reinstall. If you cannot, continue with the next two sections in this step:
    Move all the folders under the Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom folder into a new folder on the desktop; name the folder Lightroom Presets. These are the presets that were installed with the application and that you created.
    Move all the folders under the Users/[username]/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Previews.lrdata folder into a new folder on the desktop; name the folder Lightroom Previews. If you have a large number of images, you can move this folder back to its original location before you open Photoshop Lightroom, once it's installed. Or you can delete this folders to re-create it when Photoshop Lightroom opens. If there are further problems with Photoshop Lightroom after it's installed, it might be due to corruption in the previews, in which case you need to delete this folder and re-create it.
    Try to reinstall.Important: Do not delete the Lightroom Database.lrdb file!
    If there are further problems with Photoshop Lightroom after it's installed, these issues may be due to corruption in the preset files you created, in which case you need to remove them and re-create them, or test each preset individually.
    Note: If you can reinstall, and if this is not the first time you opened Photoshop Lightroom, then Photoshop Lightroom will look for a library database file. If it does not find a library in the expected location, it will prompt you to create a new library, locate the library, or exit. Exit will close the dialog box, and Photoshop Lightroom will not open. Although you can tell Photoshop Lightroom to locate your library, it's best to put it back in the default location and then open the application.
    If you can reinstall, close Photoshop Lightroom and then copy any presets you created from the Lightroom presets on the desktop back into the Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom folder.
    If you cannot reinstall, then move the Lightroom Database.lrdb file from the Users/[username]/Pictures/Lightroom folder into a new folder called Lightroom Database File and save this file on the desktop. This is your database, if you previously had Photoshop Lightroom installed.
    Reinstall Photoshop Lightroom. If you cannot reinstall, continue with the next task in this document.
    3. Log in as Administrator before installingPhotoshopLightroom.
    In Windows Vista, you must be logged in with local (that is, machine) Administrator rights to install Photoshop Lightroom. If you don't have administrator rights, contact your system administrator for assistance.
    4. Check the CD and CD-ROM drive.
    Dust or dirt on a CD can interfere with an installation and prevent the CD-ROM drive from recognizing the CD. Examine the Photoshop Lightroom CD for dirt, dust, or fingerprints. Gently wipe the bottom of the CD from the center outward with a soft, lint-free cloth.
    Verify that the CD-ROM drive can read other CDs. If it can't, examine the CD caddy or loading tray for dirt, and clean it with a lint-free cloth. If it still can't read other CDs, contact the CD-ROM drive manufacturer or the computer manufacturer.
    5. Install current Windows service packs and other updates.
    Updates to the Windows operating system improve its performance and compatibility with applications. You can obtain Windows service packs and other updates from the Microsoft website at For assistance installing service packs and other updates, contact Microsoft technical support.
    Important: Before you install a system update, check the system requirements for Photoshop Lightroom (and any third-party software or hardware you may use with Photoshop Lightroom ) to ensure compatibility. If the update isn't listed, then contact Adobe or the manufacturer of your third-party software or hardware.
    6. InstallPhotoshopLightroomfrom the desktop and use the default installation folder.
    Some system components such as device drivers and virus protection utilities can conflict with the Photoshop Lightroom installer and result in an incomplete or failed installation, or they can cause problems when you install to a folder or when you use a path to the default installation folder that contains a special character, such as #. To prevent these conflicts, install Photoshop Lightroom from the desktop, and use the default folder name and path.
    If Photoshop Lightroom autoplay displays, click Cancel when you are requested to Select the Language.
    Copy the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom folder from the Photoshop Lightroom CD-ROM to the desktop.
    Open the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom folder on the desktop.
    Double-click the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.msi file, and follow the on-screen instructions.
    7.Re-create thePhotoshopLightroompreferences file.
    Re-create the Photoshop Lightroom preferences file to eliminate problems that a damaged preferences file might cause:
    Quit Photoshop Lightroom.
    Rename the Lightroom Preferences.agprefs file (for example, to Lightroom Preferences.old) in the Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences folder.
    Start Photoshop Lightroom. Photoshop Lightroom creates a new preferences file.
    If the problem continues, the preferences file isn't the cause. To restore custom settings, delete the new preferences file and restore the original name of the previous preferences file.
    8.Install and run Photoshop Lightroom while no other applications are running.
    Some applications may interfere with installing or running Photoshop Lightroom. Virus protection programs are meant to stop viruses from installing on your computer. Before installing or starting Photoshop Lightroom, disable other applications, including virus protection programs and startup items (items that start automatically with Windows).
    To disable startup items and non Microsoft services:
    Quit all applications.
    Choose Start, type msconfig in the Search text box, and press Enter.
    Write down all unselected items under the Startup and Services tabs.
    Click the General tab, and choose Selective Startup.
    Click the Startup tab and select Disable All.
    Click the Services tab and select Hide All Microsoft Services.
    Select Disable All then re-select FLEXnet Licensing Service. If you are unsure whether an item is essential, then leave it deselected (disabled).
    Click Apply, and restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
    Note: Upon restart, you'll be notified that the System Configuration utility has made changes to the way that Windows starts up. Click OK. When the System Configuration utility appears, click Cancel.
    Right-click icons in the Notification Area and close or disable any startup items that are still active.
    9. Install Photoshop Lightroom to a different hard disk after disabling startup items and installing from the hard disk.
    Hard disk problems can prevent Photoshop Lightroom from installing correctly. By installing Photoshop Lightroom to a different physical hard disk, you can verify if the original hard disk is preventing installation. First, completely remove Photoshop Lightroom from the hard disk.
    To install Photoshop Lightroom to a different hard disk after disabling startup items:
    Follow the steps in task 8 above to disable startup items.
    If Photoshop Lightroom autoplay displays, click Cancel when you are requested to Select the Language.
    Copy the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom folder from the Photoshop Lightroom CD-ROM to the desktop.
    Open the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom folder on the desktop.
    Double-click the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.msi file, and follow the on-screen instructions.
    Click Change and select a different hard disk in the Change Current Destination Folder window. Click OK, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
    Intermediate troubleshooting
    If the tasks in the previous section don't solve the problem, try the following intermediate troubleshooting tasks.
    10. Install and run Photoshop Lightroom in a new user account.
    Create a new user account that has the same permissions as the account that you use when the problem occurs. If the problem doesn't recur, the original user account may be damaged. For instructions on creating a new user account, see To add a new user to the computer in Windows Help or contact your system administrator.
    11. Optimize handling of temporary files by Windows Vista.
    Windows and applications store working data in temporary (.tmp) files that they create on the hard disk. Excessive or outdated temporary files can interfere with performance of Windows or applications.
    Delete temporary files by using the Disk Cleanup utility included with Windows or by using the following instructions. Make sure that at least 1 GB of free space is available on the hard disk to which temporary files are written. To start Disk Cleanup, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. For information about Disk Cleanup, see Windows Help.
    To manually delete temporary files:
    Note: Windows deletes temporary files when Windows and applications close normally. However, when Windows or an application crashes, temporary files can accumulate on the hard disk. Windows may prevent you from deleting some temporary files as they may be in use. Delete as many temporary files as you possibly can, without deleting the files that are in use.
    Quit all applications.
    Choose Start and type %tmp% in the Search text box and press Enter.
    Delete the contents of this folder.
    Note the drive letter where this directory is located.
    To ensure that at least 1 GB of free space is available on the hard disk to which temporary files are written:
    Choose Start > My Computer.
    Select the drive noted in step 4. Right click and select Properties.
    Confirm the drive has at least 1 GB of free space.
    12. Repair and defragment hard disks.
    System errors can occur if hard disks contain damaged sectors or fragmented files. Repair and defragment hard disks, either by using the Error-checking tool and Disk Defragmenter utility included with Windows or by using a third-party disk utility. You should run such utilities on each hard disk or partition. More information about the Error-checking tool and Disk Defragmenter appears below; for more information about a third-party disk utility, refer to the documentation for the utility.
    The Error-checking tool repairs bad sectors, lost allocation units and file fragments, cross-linked files, and invalid file names. To access the Error-checking tool, choose Start > Computer, right-click the desired hard disk, and choose Properties from the menu. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab, and then click Check Now in the Error-checking area.
    Note: To prevent Disk Defragmenter from moving files to bad sectors of a disk, run the Error-checking tool before running Disk Defragmenter.
    Disk Defragmenter rearranges the files and free space on your computer so that files are stored in contiguous units and free space is consolidated in one contiguous block. To access the Disk Defragmenter utility, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter.
    13. Scan the system for viruses.
    Use current anti-virus software to check the system for viruses. Virus infections can damage software and cause system errors. For more information, see the documentation for the anti-virus software.
    14. Try to install Photoshop Lightroomon a different computer.
    Try to install Photoshop Lightroom on a different computer to determine if the problem is unique to your computer. If the problem is unique to your computer, contact the computer manufacturer; if the problem occurs on multiple computers, contact Adobe Technical Support.
    Advanced Troubleshooting
    If the tasks in the previous section don't resolve the problem, you may be able to resolve the problem by reinstalling Windows Vista and Photoshop Lightroom, reformatting your hard disk and reinstalling Windows Vista and Photoshop Lightroom, or by determining if hardware is conflicting with Photoshop Lightroom.
    Disclaimer: Adobe doesn't support hardware and provides these procedures as a courtesy only. For further assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer or an authorized reseller. If you troubleshoot hardware problems yourself, you may void the warranty for your computer.
    Note: Before you remove or rearrange hardware, turn off and disconnect power to the computer and any peripheral devices.
    15. Log in using the built-in Administrator account.
    The built-in Administrator account has a higher access level to the system than a normal local administrator account. By default the built-in Administrator account is disabled. For information about enabling and logging in to the built-in Administrator account, contact your system administrator. You can also refer to this support document on the Microsoft support website:
    16. Reformat the hard disk, and reinstall only Windows Vista and Photoshop Lightroom.
    Reformat the hard disk, and then install only Windows Vista and Photoshop Lightroom from the original installation media. Reformatting a disk erases all files it contains, so be sure to back up all personal files first. Also make sure that you have all application and system disks.
    For instructions on performing a clean installation of Windows Vista, see document 918884, "How to install Windows Vista" on the Microsoft website at
    Note: Don't install additional software or hardware until you're sure that the problem is resolved. Don't back up the hard disk and restore Windows and Photoshop Lightroom instead of reinstalling them. If the problem is caused by an application or Windows, and either one is restored instead of reinstalled, the problem may recur.
    After you reformat the hard disk and reinstall Windows and Photoshop Lightroom, try to re-create the problem:
    If the problem no longer occurs, then install other applications one at a time and try to re-create the problem after each installation. If the problem occurs after an installation, then the recently installed application may be the cause.
    If the problem occurs when only Windows and Photoshop Lightroom are installed, then the cause may be hardware-related, and you should contact the hardware manufacturer or an authorized reseller for assistance.
    17. Check for problems with RAM modules.
    Ensure that the RAM modules are installed properly and are not the cause of your problem. Do one or both of the following:
    Change the order of the installed modules.
    Remove all but the minimum number of modules needed to run Windows and [product], and test to see if the problem persists. If it does, replace the modules you removed and remove the others, testing again to see if the problem recurs. If it doesn't, then one or more of the removed modules are the cause. For assistance, contact the RAM manufacturer.

    You've tried Help>Updates from within photoshop cs6?
    Or this 8.3 updater
    If that doesn't work, you can install camera raw 8.3 by following the directions on the following page
    Adobe Camera Raw Help | Camera Raw/DNG Converter 8.4 on Mac OS 10.6, Windows XP, and Vista

  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom installing problem

    I bought Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 cd-version today, but I've macbook air -computer and I can't use the cd - Would it be possible to install the software from internet by the code I have?

    You should be able to download and install using the serial number from your disc...
    Lightroom - all versions

  • Installing Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on Macbook Air without the CD-room

    I have recieved Adobe Photoshop Lightroom when I purchased my last camera, but the issue is that it is on a CD and I have a Macbook Air which does not have a CD-room.
    Are there any other ways of installing this on my computer without having to buy the CD-room-attachment from Apple? Is it possible to insert some sort of code, as with the Works-package for instance?

    You may download the product from below link
    Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh

  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has encountered a problem and needs to close. (ver 1.4.1)

    I completed a search for this problem here and other forums, and found very useful information, however, I still need help. My laptop is an HP Pavillion dv1000, Intel Centrino, Windows XP, 1.24G of RAM; Camera is a Canon 5D, shooting JPEG only.
    After a couple of weeks enjoying a vacation in the Caribbean, it was time to load all the new pics in the computer. I removed the card from my camera and using windows explorer, downloaded all pics in MyPictures folder. I created a new folder for this trip, and while I was there, I decided to reorganize several folders from previous trips. I renamed and moved folders around, deleted pictures, etc. (I believe that all the changes that I made created my problem.)
    Once I finished all the changes with my folders, I launched Lightroom (ver 1.4.1) with the idea of synchronizing the folders and start working on my new pictures. After apx 8 seconds, I got the message: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    After a google search, I found a lot of potential answers to my problem, including this one, which I tried:
    "It might also be worth trying a temporary test catalog, just to see whether it's specific to that catalog. To do so, go to File menu > New Catalog and create a new catalog somewhere easy - Desktop perhaps - and just try importing a few photos into that test catalog and see if you can get it to freeze. I'm wondering if the catalog's been damaged slightly by that initial unexpected close, and if so, we'll see if we can get that sorted out for you."
    I did exactly that (created a test catalog) and I don't get the error. I am not clear on what does that mean. Could you help me understand it? What do I need to do to use my old catalog? Is it damaged? How can I fix it? Did I loose all the work that I did in my previous pictures?
    If I go back to my original catalog, I still get the error.
    Thank you in advanced for your assistance.

    Here's something you might try:
    Create a new, empty catalogue and try File->Import from catalog... and specify your broken one as input. With luck the damage will be left behind.
    If that doesn't work, try deleting or renaming your preferences file. Look here for its location.
    And if that doesn't work, try deleting or renaming your presets folder. See that same website for details.
    Let us know how you make out.

  • I  used to have an OLD Photoshop cd but it has been lost and my program is no longer on cd. I talked with some photographer friends and this is what one of them told me to get: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and CS CC... HELP please?

    I  used to have an OLD Photoshop cd but it has been lost and my program is no longer on cd. I talked with some photographer friends and this is what one of them told me to get: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and CS CC... HELP please?

    If you still have your serial number, look at OLDER previous versions
    Otherwise, the US$ 9.99 plan is what is current at Cloud Plans

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    I had purchased Adobe Photoshop Lightroom several years ago, but my computer had crashed recently and was wondering if there was a way I could have the program installed on my new computer without having to purchase it again.

    You can download , install, and activate using the serial number you should already have from the original purchase.
    Lightroom - all versions

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    I get the message “Adobe Lightroom 1.  Cannot be installed on this disk because a newer version of this software already exists on this disk”
    If it is here – I cannot find it anywhere, and I don’t believe that I ever installed it.
    I have ordered the upgrade to Lightroom 5.0 and figured that I should install Lightroom 1.0 first.
    How can I solve this problem

    Actually when LR 5 starts for the first time after it is installed it will have a dialog to Buy, Try or Enter a serial number. You select Enter a serial number and enter the LR 5 serial number first and then because it is an upgrade serial number it will ask for the serial number of a Previous version. You then enter the LR 1 serial number.

  • I did not try the free evaluation program of adobe photoshop lightroom 5 on my mac, but since i downloaded it long ago, it will not allow me to try it now

    has anyone had this problem and know how to work on the program? 
    i recently got a macbook pro, migrating to it from windows XP pro. its operating system is OS 10 X; however, the most up to date mac OS is really (on my mac) called OS mavericks.
    when i downloaded adobe reader for mac--some months ago--adobe gave me the chance to download adobe photoshop lightroom 5 as a trial evaluation.  the download took a lot of time. 
    i never had the time to try this application yet, and now i need to do that. 
    the reason i have not yet tried it is because i am still in the learning curve learning how to use my macbook pro. 
    I REALLY NEED TO WORK ON SOME PHOTOGRAPHS!  the free mac apps for photos have proved to be difficult and very time consuming.  they do not have capacities to perform tasks like i want, for instance, to compress a photo, or to work on editing some photos as a batch operation.  in fact, i cannot even "select" a number of photos that i need to work on.  it is driving me crazy! 
    at this time, i need to try this product.  i opened it, but the only thing that i can do is provide the license number, as though i bought the product.  I NEVER TRIED THE EVALUATION COPY.  not one time at all. 
    since i never tried it out, what can i do to try it now?
    must i uninstall the program from my macbook and then reinstall the trial version?  would that work since i work at home, so therefore adobe would recognize my IP address. 
    thanks for any help!
    Message was edited by: Karen Dallas Hartig

    You can get Firefox 3.6 from
    Firefox 4 requires at least OS X 10.5

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