Photoshop ruler horiz. scale inaccurate

I like to set lines for cropping on the canvas. The vertical ruler is perfectly accurate. The horizontal ruler is off by alot. This is on cs4. The canvas size is adjusted to be A2 (420x594mm) The crop is with the ruler in inches to 16x20.

Please post on the Photoshop forum.

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    Layer style effect setting are in absolute pixel size values so if you change the scale of a layer the style size remains the same. You can edit the layers style effects after tou do a transform on the layer and change the absolute setting. If the layer has been rastersized or flattened you can not. I have request that Adobe add support for relative settings like inches, cm, mm etc which is relative to the documents dpi resolution. This would be very helpful for recording actions. 
    However photoshop can scale existing layer style for you when you use Image Size there is a check box.  If you need to scale a single layer and have its style scaled you need to do it in a round about way. Convert the layer to a smart object. Then instead of using transform double click on the layser smart object icon in the layers palette.  Photoshop will open that layer embedded smart object in Photoshop for you to work on it.. Use Image Size to resize the layer up or down in size and check resample constrain and the scale style check box.  Then use menu File>Save.  Photoshop will then update the embedded smart object in the smart object layer and you can close the document Photoshop opened for you to work on the smart object.

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    Insert a horizontal rule styled with the following CSS:
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    color: #fff;
    margin-top: 40px;
    margin-left: 80px;
    height: 4px;
    width: 100%;

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    If your using the Application Frame in photoshop, does clicking on the Green Maximize button fit the the photoshop application to your macbook pro screen?
    Upper left corner of the photoshop application window.

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    The Move Tool (V) has a Distribute functions that become available when you have more than 3 layers selected.
    Create one tick on a layer then duplicate (Alt + drag in the layer palette) the layer as many times as the number of ticks you have on the ruler (you can also create an action for this) .Move the last tick at the end of the ruler. In the layer palette Shift select the first and last layer with ticks to select all of these layers, and then in the options of the Move tool  click the "Distribute Horizontal Centers" button (if you rest the mouse over the button it will say its name)

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    post a screen shot of your process.... it sounds right, but i bet we can catch something in your documentation of this process

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    My font size is 55.
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    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    If you are using more than 72 DPI, or the wrong size, in your template in Photoshop, DVD SP scales it for you, which is something you do not want to happen. 55 Point type should look pretty good (sans-serif better than serif.)
    You should start with a template from Photoshop (PAL it would sound like).
    In CS2 you do not need to scale it because it sets it up up if you are not using the non-square pixel aspect ratio (the 720 x 576 template). If you are setting up otherwise the starting size is 768 x 576 and it should be rescaled to 720 x 576 without constraining proportions (Page 85 PDF)

  • Scale price get in KONM based on vbap quantity

    hi friends,
    i want take scale quantity price for the sale order materials . each material have 2 or mare prices . based on quantity i take scale price.
    materials quantity = 5.
    scale price:
    quantity price
    0 130
    2 120
    3 100
    i need to take scale price based on quantity < or = to scale quantity
    how to take this.
    please help me very urgent .give me the sample coding.

    Hi Jai,
    chec this.
    The condition type has on the section scale:
    Scale Base Type = Quantity.
    Rule for Scale Rates = Ascending.
    Maximum Number of Scale Dimensions = OneDimensional.
    Unit of Meas = KM.
    I want to determinate the price.
    If I have a product range of 1 to 5 the price is $ 10.
    If the units range is 6 to 10 the price is $ 20.
    quantity equal 1, price equal 10.
    quantity equal 2, price equal 10.
    quantity equal 5, price equal 10.
    quantity equal 6, price equal 20.
    quantity equal 7, price equal 20.
    quantity equal 10, price equal 20.
    quantity equal 1, price equal 10.
    quantity equal 2, price equal 20.
    quantity equal 5, price equal 50.
    quantity equal 6, price equal 120.
    quantity equal 7, price equal 140.
    quantity equal 10, price equal 200.

  • Condition types and scale basis

    Can any one tell me for conditions types and scale basis for maintaining condition records
    thanx in adv

    Scales in nothing but a range of order quantity, according to the pricing element depending upon the range of quantity prices way be increased/decreased, higher discounts, low freight changes can be offered.
    Ex: when per one item is 100/- if customer placed the order for
    Range          price
    Check --&#61527;&#61509;value:     
    We can specify the changing rule for scale rates as ascending or descending.
    Scale type:     
    This indicator controls the validity of the scale value or percentage from certain quantities or value up to certain quantity or value, alternatively it is possible to work with internal scales that must be stored in the condition type that is the scale type the interval scale can’t be change in the condition record due to technical reasons ex: condition type PR02 graduated scale.
    Scale formula:     
    We can specify the formula for determining the scale base value; we can provide formula’s that has not been provided in the standard system. Ex: condition type ‘KP003’ to support mixed pallet surcharges can be used
    Condition scales:     
    We can maintain scales for each and every condition type so that we can determine pricing condition value depending upon the range of order quantity.
    Ex: If we maintain condition record for PR00 for material one as a Rs.1000/- for one material then we can maintain scale for this material like below.
         Quantity          Price
    0-10     1000.00
    11-20     999.00
    21-30     998.00
    31-40     997.00
    Configuration settings:     
    Go to VK11; maintain condition record for PR00,
    Select line item and click on scale icon on the application tool bar &
    Maintain scale rates accordingly, save it & exit.
    Got to VA01 and raise scales order, validity periods to scale. Check the condition value
    rewards if it helps
    Message was edited by:
            siva narayana

  • How to install photoshop

    I would like to take a jpeg and make it a 50 x 50 pixel for an advertisment. How to I do that? Do I have to install software first?

    I am a bit confused, but we should be able to get past that.
    Do you have Photoshop installed?
    If not, do you own Photoshop?
    If the answer to # 2 is NO, then there are many programs, besides Photoshop, that can Scale you JPEG, and some are free. However, if the answer to # 2 is YES, then we need to know about question # 1. To use Photoshop, then yes, it must be installed.
    Let us know a bit more, and someone can help you.
    Good luck,

  • Photoshop Help | Contact Sheets and PDF Presentations in CS6

    This question was posted in response to the following article:

    If I understand your question you want to repeat one image 8 times in one signle page PDF. I do not know for such script that is available. What I can recommend you is to create manually layout in Photoshop and save as PDF. To automate proccess and use same layout but to replace image which is in use with some other, you can use Variables or Actions. Thats only advice I can give you at this time. Actually easiest way to automate things and replace images is to Create Smart Object then to clone it 7 times (Ctrl + J or right click > Duplicate Layer). When you have cloned Smart Objects, replacing content in one of Smart Object will reflect to all other clones. Create layout. When you want to replace existing image with some other use right click on Smart Object > Replace Contents or Layer > Smart Objects > Replace Contents.. Be aware of image (which will replace existing) size and resolution, Photoshop will also scale image which will replace existing to match existing image scaling in percentage. Read this tutorial for more explanation how Replace Contents works
    Message was edited by: Bojan Živković

  • Menu text from Photoshop .psd bitmapped on DVD

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    Export Settings: Format: MPEG2-DVD Preset: PAL DV Wide Progressive
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    Whilst creating the sequences can I up res the footage in Media Encoder to 1920x1080 and set my menus in encore to that but would this mean I would have to write a Bluray rather than a DVD?
    This footage is 14 years old and I want to get the best from it, my knowledge is limited so any advice would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks
    PS Any ideas why Adobe are not developing Encore any more and can anybody suggest any alternatives?

    If you are using more than 72 DPI, or the wrong size, in your template in Photoshop, DVD SP scales it for you, which is something you do not want to happen. 55 Point type should look pretty good (sans-serif better than serif.)
    You should start with a template from Photoshop (PAL it would sound like).
    In CS2 you do not need to scale it because it sets it up up if you are not using the non-square pixel aspect ratio (the 720 x 576 template). If you are setting up otherwise the starting size is 768 x 576 and it should be rescaled to 720 x 576 without constraining proportions (Page 85 PDF)

  • Auto scaling takes time to execute the rules

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    decrementing the role instance.
    However, I tried to increase my system load. and checked the scaling feature. So, here I observed that the rules gets satisfied to auto scale the role instance by 1 but it took around 12-15 min to execute it.
    NOTE: I have set the rule checking time duration to 5 min.
    Please help me.

    Thank you for your response.
    But I guess this will not solve my problem. Let me elaborate my problem in detail.
    I have a site hosted on azure environment. To make the site performance better we are doing some research out of that one attempt we did is the performance test. So in that we are increasing the load on our site to check how it works with heavy user load.
    And we observed that when web roles CPU usage goes beyond 50% then we gets lower response from our site. So get the better performance we have used the scaling feature from azure portal. and configured the rule that if CPU usage goes beyond 50% then scale
    up the web role instance. Here, we observed that when CPU usage goes beyond 50% at the same time scaling doesn't triggered and we got lower response from our site and then after 12-15 min scaling rules got executed and at that time CPU usage was around 70%
    but the triggered in auto scaling was for the 50% condition. In short we are experiencing delay in executing rule. Please help.

  • SCAL Config for a 4-4-5 Accounting Calendar

    Hi All.
    I'm attempting to build a custom factory calendar to support specific jobs that run at the end of each accounting period in a shop that follows a 4-4-5 accounting period schedule.
    Apparently, you need to set a special rule within the calendar you build in SCAL. Problem is I'm not sure what the syntax is supposed to be here. Has anyone executed this before - what is the proper syntax for special rules in SCAL?
    Thanks everyone!

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