PHP Form causing error message

I am trying to create a page whereby users can fill in their details so I can transfer them into a business card. It's basically just a slightly modified version of my Contact form, which works fine. Yet for some reason it's spitting out this error message:
"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/reasona2/public_html/business_cards/pages/businesscard.php on line 17 
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/reasona2/public_html/business_cards/pages/businesscard.php:17) in /home/reasona2/public_html/business_cards/pages/businesscard.php on line 29" 
I'm using the following HTML: 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Business Cards</title>
<link href="rpw1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
  var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
  var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
    d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
  if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
  for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
  if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
  var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
   if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}
<form action="businesscard.php" method="post">
<body onload="MM_preloadImages('buttons/home2.png','buttons/services2.png','buttons/prices2.png ','buttons/examples2.png','buttons/contact2.png','business_cards/classic_contemporary_whit e.jpg','business_cards/classic_contemporary_black.jpg','business_cards/classic_contemporar y_cream.jpg')">
<div id="header"><img src="header_background.png" width="850" height="27" /></div>
<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="banner">
    <div id="phone">
      <p class="bold_centre">Call us now on:</p>
      <p><img src="phone.png" width="16" height="13" /> 0845 567 413</p>
  <div id="menu"><a href="home.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Home','','buttons/home2.png',1)"><img src="buttons/home.png" name="Home" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Home" /></a><a href="services.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Services','','buttons/services2.png',1)"><img src="buttons/services.png" name="Services" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Services" /></a><a href="prices.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Prices','','buttons/prices2.png',1)"><img src="buttons/prices.png" name="Prices" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Prices" /></a><a href="examples.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Examples','','buttons/examples2.png',1)"><img src="buttons/examples.png" name="Examples" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Examples" /></a><a href="jobs.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Jobs','','buttons/jobs2.png',0)"><img src="buttons/jobs.png" name="Jobs" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Jobs" /></a><a href="contact.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Contact','','buttons/contact2.png',1)"><img src="buttons/contact.png" name="Contact" width="116" height="40" border="0" id="Contact" /></a>
<p> </p>
  <div id="main">
    <div id="page_header">
    <h2>Classic: Contemporary</h2>
    <div id="card_gallery_div">
      <div id="card_main"><img src="business_cards/classic_contemporary_white.jpg" name="card_large" width="378" height="529" id="card_large" /></div>
      <div id="card_description">
        <p>Description of card to go here</p>
      <div id="card_choices">
        <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form2" id="form2">
          <p>Please choose from the following colour options:
            <br />
          <p> </p>
          <p><img src="business_cards/colour_blocks/white.jpg" alt="" name="block1" width="40" height="40" id="block1" />
            <input name="radio" type="radio" id="white" onclick="MM_swapImage('card_large','','business_cards/classic_contemporary_white.jpg',1)" value="white" checked="checked" />
            White  <img src="business_cards/colour_blocks/black.jpg" alt="" name="block2" width="40" height="40" id="block2" />
            <input name="radio" type="radio" id="black" onclick="MM_swapImage('card_large','','business_cards/classic_contemporary_black.jpg',1)" value="black" />
            Black  <img src="business_cards/colour_blocks/cream.jpg" alt="" name="block3" width="40" height="40" id="block3" />
            <input name="radio" type="radio" id="cream" onclick="MM_swapImage('card_large','','business_cards/classic_contemporary_cream.jpg',1)" value="cream" />
          <p> </p>
<p>Please provide the following information as you would like it to appear on your new Business Cards:</p>
          <p> </p>
            <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
          <p>Job Title:</p>
            <input name="job" type="text" id="job" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
          <p>Tel No:</p>
            <input name="phone" type="text" id="phone2" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
          <p>Mobile No:</p>
            <input name="mobile" type="text" id="mobile" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
            <input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
            <input name="website" type="text" id="website" size="45" />
          <p> </p>
          <p>Upload Logo: </p>
          <p>(Please ensure all files are minimum 150dpi)</p>
            <input name="file" type="file" id="file" />
          <p>           </p>
            <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />
With the following PHP script: 
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 
$to = "[email protected]";
$subject = "Business Card Order";
$method = $_POST['radio'];
$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$job_field = $_POST['job'];
$phone_field = $_POST['phone'];
$mob_field = $_POST['mobile'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];
$web_field = $_POST['website'];
$address_field = $_POST['address']; 
foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) { 
$check_msg .= "\n$value\n"; 
$body = "Business Card Colour: $method\n\n Name: $name_field\n\n Job Title: $job_field\n\n Phone: $phone_field\n\n Mobile: $mob_field\n\n E-Mail: $email_field\n\n Website: $web_field\n\n Address: $address_field "; 
$header="From: $email_field\r\n"; 
mail($to, $subject, $body,$header); 
header("Location: businesscard_thanks.html"); 
} else { 
echo "blarg!"; 
Can anyone help fix the PHP so the error message goes away? 
I'd also like to include an option for users to upload a file so they can supply a logo if they want to. I've already got the HTML side of that sorted, but can anybody advise what to do with the PHP? 
Thanks very much in advance! 
Oli Corse

The error message is pretty clear:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/reasona2/public_html/business_cards/pages/businesscard.php on line 17
It refers to this section of code:
foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
  $check_msg .= "\n$value\n";
I can find no form elements with the name check[]. To use foreach, it must be an a valid array.
It's difficult for others to pick through such a morass of code, but one thing I noticed is that you have an opening form tag inside the head of the page. Before asking for help in a forum, it's always a good idea to validate your code.
I'd also like to include an option for users to upload a file so they can supply a logo if they want to. I've already got the HTML side of that sorted, but can anybody advise what to do with the PHP?
There are instructions on how to upload images to a website in the Dreamweaver Cookbook here: The article doesn't cover how to attach the image to an email. The standard PHP mail() function doesn't handle attachments.

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  • "HP34970A Conf" causes error message -113

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    Every time the "HP34970A Conf" is completed it causes the HP34970A to display error -113: "Undefined header. A command was received that is not valid for this instrument. You may have misspelled the command or it may not be a valid command. If you are using the shortened form of this command, remember that it may contain up to four letters. Or you may have inserted an extra colon where one is not required.".
    The only thing the vi is supposed to do, is to enable the offset compensation, which it is doing (I tested that with a separate program).
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    Thanks for your fast response.
    I'm using the latest version of the drivers (I installed everything in the begining of Mai).
    I wrote a small vi for NI Spy, just a simple 4 wire resistor measurement with "Conf" at the beginning.
    Unfortunately it is my first time working with LabVIEW and the VISA language, and the syntax looks correct for me. ( But I still get the -113 error.)
    Here the processed commands (1 loop):
    1. viGetAttribute (0x0015B920,0x3FFF018F,VI_FALSE)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000041C
    Start Time: 14:52:09.127 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    2. viGetAttribute (0x0015B920,0x3FFF018F,VI_FALSE)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000041C
    Start Time: 14:52:09.127 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    3. viGetAttribute (0x0015B920,0x3FFF018F,VI_FALSE)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000041C
    Start Time: 14:52:09.157 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    4. viGetAttribute (0x0015B920,0x3FFF018F,VI_FALSE)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000041C
    Start Time: 14:52:09.157 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    5. viOpen (0x0015B920,"COM1",0 (0x0),0 (0x0),0x0017CC30)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.469 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    6. viGetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF0171,4 (0x4))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.479 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    7. viGetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF0171,4 (0x4))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.479 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    8. viSetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF001A,10000 (0x2710))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.479 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    9. viSetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF0021,57600 (0xE100))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.479 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    10. viSetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF0025,1 (0x1))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.489 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    11. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"*RST.",5 (0x5),5 (0x5))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.489 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    12. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"SYSTRES.",10 (0xA),10 (0xA))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.489 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    13. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"*IDN?.",6 (0x6),6 (0x6))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.489 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    14. viRead (0x0017CC30,"HEWLETT-PACKARD,34970...",50 (0x32),32 (0x20))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.489 Call Duration: 00:00:00.370
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    15. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"*RST.",5 (0x5),5 (0x5))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.859 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    16. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"SYSTRES.",10 (0xA),10 (0xA))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:17.859 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    17. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"FUNC "RES", (@);EN...",122 (0x7A),122 (0x7A))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:18.781 Call Duration: 00:00:00.020
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    18. viWrite (0x0017CC30,"MEAS:FRES? AUTO, (@101).",24 (0x18),24 (0x18))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:19.742 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    19. viSetAttribute (0x0017CC30,0x3FFF001A,320000 (0x4E200))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:19.752 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    20. viRead (0x0017CC30,"+1.08185990E+02..",500 (0x1F4),17 (0x11))
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:19.752 Call Duration: 00:00:00.130
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    21. viClose (0x0017CC30)
    Process ID: 0x0000033C Thread ID: 0x0000042C
    Start Time: 14:52:21.214 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)

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    We are running Windows 8.1 Pro x86
    I am really curious as to why the drive restriction group policy causes the error message to pop up:
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    It does not prevent from actual saving so functionality is not lost but it really annoys our end users and we're getting a lot of complaints. We cannot use the workaround of hiding drives instead of restricting as this still presents security issues. This
    is happens when saving (or clicking on a button like "Browse" that opens the 'Open' dialogue box) in all Office 2013 applications, Internet Explorer, Paint, Notepad, and probably most others. I've looked at many forums and no suggestions for workarounds
    have succeeded for us to get rid of this error message and in fact, I read a post that stated that someone contacted Microsoft and they said this was by design and there is no workaround. I find this very unfortunate that we either have the choice of compromising
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    that restricts access to the drive.
    Has anyone at all had any luck getting this to go away without removing the restrictions? It seems like the answer is either buried in the Windows code or somewhere in the registry.
    Thank you in advance for your time!

    Thank you for your time and response! Unfortunately, we have the machine locked down pretty tight (they are public use computers that require heavy restriction) and it is set to restrict all drives so access is limited to the local profile. We did try
    testing your method, however, by adding the Desktop as an allowed location in the Office policy (which would not solve the issue for the other applications but was good for a test) using the path %userprofile%\desktop. When choosing that location, it does
    not throw the error but unfortunately, it does not remember like it did for your with the E: drive so it still always throws the error when first loading the dialogue box no matter what I do. If you're able to confirm that this is simply by design and we're
    just expected to inform our users to click through the errors, then I guess that's the accepted answer. Although, do you think that there might be a registry key value that is set after you save to the E: drive for the first time? Maybe we could set that value
    to %userprofile%\desktop if it's doing the redirection after the first save through registry. Thanks again!

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    When attempting to save a Credit Memo in AR, we get a generic error message: "An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator" in credit transaction form.
    Ran a Diag on the AR transaction and we show no errors.
    Looking for additional assistance on how to resolve.

    FYI, Issue has been resolved via running Debug using the following
    Set profile
    * FND: Debug Log Enabled : Yes
    * FND: Debug Log Level : Statement
    * FND: Log Module : %
    Get the current log sequence in the FND table.
    select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- start
    Run sequence to generate error
    Get the log sequence in the FND table after error
    select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- end
    Get the FND log data
    select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence between <start> and <end>;
    Once getting the sequence, you can preform update on the column need.

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    If it were mine I would replace the drive with another brand. WD drives EHD's tend to have more issues than any other EHD. If you want to continue using it you can try resetting the SMC (may take 2-3 tries) and/or restarting in Safe Mode to reset some caches, it's possible one or more has become corrupt.
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    Release the power button.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

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    thanks for your help.

    Preview will do all that and is part of the OS.
    Mac Basics: Preview app views and edits PDFs and images
    With Adobe, if it's working, then it should be fine. See here

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    can you please advise the domains i need to whitelist?
    many thanks

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    I've just installed Developer9i. I'm trying to run my first form, but got
    an error. It says:
    "Frm-10402: The HTTP Listener is not running on computer_name at por8888.
    Please start you listener or check your runtime preferences."
    What should I do to overcome this? Thank you very much for your advice!

    I ran the OC4J, and java applet was started but still got the error message:
    "FRM-40010:cannot read form (my file's path goes here)userid='scott/tiger@machine's name'ssouserid=" debug='no'...."
    what's the problem now?

  • Forms 6i Error Messages and Codes Manual

    Does Forms6i have a separate Error Messages and Codes Manual the way Form4.5 had ?

    Hi John,
    Help on Built-ins & Error Messages are in Forms itself.
    Click the Help Menu (Extreme Right) => Form Builder Help Topics. Type the Error Number (eg. FRM-10000)/ Built-in Name. It provides list of related topics, click Display and detail help is provided.
    Have a nice day.
    Mohammed Osman

  • UMFactory.getRoleFactory().getMutableRole(roleid) causing error message

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting following error message. Can you please help me in resolving the issue. The message is being thrown by
         } catch (UMException e) {
                        "Error getting role: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
    Error getting role: Batch rolled back. Caused by java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SAPSR3DB.SYS_C006225) violated at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwBatchUpdateException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeBatch( at
    Portion of code is:
              try {
                   String roleid1 =
                   IRole role1 = null;
                   role1 = UMFactory.getRoleFactory().getMutableRole(roleid1);
                   String roleid2 =
                   IRole role2 = null;
                   role2 = UMFactory.getRoleFactory().getMutableRole(roleid2);
                   //   end of code -- updateable role ... the catch block is in the last section
                   // for finding the all users of ep
                   IUserFactory userFact = UMFactory.getUserFactory();
                        "No of users for which program tried to reassign the role :"
                             + gtot_users);
                        "No of users for which role got reassigned :" + gsucc_users);
                        "No of users for which role could NOT got reassigned :"
                             + gunsucc_users);
                   // the following try catch statement is the closing statement for the updattable role
                   Timestamp bstamp =
                        new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
                        "Process completed successfully");
              } catch (UMException e) {
                        "Error getting role: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(),

    Found the solution on my own. My program was trying to assign role a to user xyz. user xyz was already assigned role a. So, I was getting the error.
    I modified my program. I created one condition which prohibited to assign the role which was already assigned to the user.

  • Help with php/cookies login error message

    I'm working in DreamWeaver CS4, On a Mac 10.04 OSX system. I am using php and a cookies if (isset) function
    Im  trying to create and error message for users who try to login to the site. but can't because there is no connection to the database as of yet.
    I have a connect srcript and a login script as well as the login and registration page.
         when the user tries to login in I get a syntax error mesage instead of getting the phrase," A problem connecting to the data base. Please try again later."
    How can I resolve this issue, Thanks your help it is greatly appreciated. To view the php code/connect script used in the login registration follow this link the script will available there. http://

    jarmelo wrote:
    how would I go about upgrading from tiger to  leopard?
    Buy Leopard, insert disk, follow instructions.
    You can instal php (which is built into Leopard) by renaming a file and uncommenting a line then enabling web sharing in System Preferences but I use entropy because it has the GD enabled for CAPTCHA and other features. There's a 10.4 version on their website but it mentions it's an older, unsupported and probably insecure version. You should use entropy Leopard version 5.2.9-7 for Leopard/ADDT development.
    After you get php installed you need to install MySQL which is easy to find through searching and straight-forward to instal. Then instal phpMyAdmin and you'll be good to go!
    As mentioned earlier I can walk you through the steps more thoroughly if you decide to upgrade to Leopard. There's some other steps involved: You need to configure virtual hosts so that it points to your Sites folder on your Mac and each folder in Sites folder are for each site you have so that entering site1 goes to ~/Sites/site1 on local testing server and entering site2 goes to ~/Sites/site2 in local testing server, etc. very, very easy to setup. Just edit hidden hosts file in etc folder and username.config file in apache2 hidden folder.
    There's other tutorials out there that show how to do it but most don't have all the info. I'm working on a step-by-step tutorial on my website but it's not finished yet. Maybe it'll be ready by the time you decide to upgrade to Leopard.

  • Forms 6i Error Messages

    Does anyone know where I may find the Error Codes and Messages for Form 6i errors? I am developing a form and would find this helpful.
    The Forms 6i install CD has installed several documents and manuals but NONE for Errors !

    Hi John,
    Help on Built-ins & Error Messages are in Forms itself.
    Click the Help Menu (Extreme Right) => Form Builder Help Topics. Type the Error Number (eg. FRM-10000)/ Built-in Name. It provides list of related topics, click Display and detail help is provided.
    Have a nice day.
    Mohammed Osman

  • Firefox 20.0 causes error message with my site

    My company has a support portal for our customers. The portal requires a log in then the user is taken to a frames based page which has a menu bar in the top frame and a resource (e.g. Knowledge Base, Report an Incident) in the lower frame. Firefox 20.0 causes the lower frame to display the server error message "Error Code: 500 Internal Server Error. The pipe is being closed. (232) ". The web site is running IIS 6.0. Earlier version of Firefox work fine as do the latest version on Chrome and IE 9.

    Reload the webpage while bypassing the cache using '''one''' of the following steps:
    *Hold down the ''Shift'' key and click the ''Reload'' button with a left click.
    *Press ''Ctrl'' + ''F5'' or ''Ctrl'' + ''Shift'' + ''R'' (Windows and Linux)
    *Press ''Command'' + ''Shift'' + ''R'' (Mac)
    Let us know if this solves the issues you are having.
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    could you provide your website address

  • Mail form editor: error message regarding "non-secure active code"

    I'm using the editor for mail forms in CRM 2007. I'd like to create a form containing pictures, personalized fields (e.g. salutation) and hard-coded text.
    However, when stepwise adding all of these elements, error message "The content you have entered may contain non-secure active code; so it has been deleted." is displayed in the screen where all elements are shown, so, some kind of WYSIWYG error message. It's not a message of the browser, it's displayed directly in the middle of the content screen and all text, images and fields inserted in the mail before are gone.
    Any idea?

    In one of my previous project I had similar type of issues when designing the mail form, the HTML code changes were happening. SAP follows specific HTML version and you have to stick to that version when coding. Ideal would be design the HTML code and test it bit by bit to ensure that the same is acceptable.
    P.S. English word for ausführbaren is probably executable
    Edited by: Deepak Ahuja on Feb 10, 2009 1:28 PM

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