PHP iTunes U authentication issue

I’ve been working with integrating iTunes U with Moodle. On the Moodle site there is an iTunes U block available for integrating the 2 systems. I’ve been trying to use this and I am able to get to the iTunes U site from Moodle, but I am not being signed into the site as an authenticated user. I can’t seem to figure out why. I was however able to authenticate with a Perl script.
The Moodle block has a Setting section where I fill in all my site specific information such as the Shared Secret. This is definitely working fine as I am able to get to my site without issue. But, the passing of the credentials and identity do not seem to be working because I am not being signed in as an authenticated user.
Right now my Credentials are very basic – formatted just like the sample ones – such as: (where is my school’s name).
Can anyone review the files below and shed some light on why I am not getting authenticated?
<?php // $Id: itunesu_redirect.php,v 1.1 2008/06/06 19:08:49 mchurch Exp $
global $USER, $CFG;
if (!isloggedin()) {
print_error('sessionerroruser', '' , $CFG->wwwroot);
$destination = required_param('destination', SITEID, PARAM_INT); // iTunes U destination
$name = fullname($USER);
/* Create instance of the itunes class and initalized instance variables */
$itunes = new itunes();
$itunes->setUser($name, $USER->email, $USER->username, $USER->id);
/* more work needs to be done with determining credentials */
Itunes.php file:
# iTunes Authentication Class
# Written by Aaron Axelsen - [email protected]
# University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
# Edited by Ryan Pharis, [email protected] - Texas Tech University
# Class based on the Apple provided
# example script.
# PHP:
# - tested with PHP 5.2
# - make sure hash_hmac() works - <a class="jive-link-external-small" href=""> anual/en/function.hash-hmac.php</a>
# - php curl support
#Example Usage:
$itunes = new itunes();
// show loading screen while processing request
// Set User
$itunes->setUser("Jane Doe", "[email protected]", "jdoe", "42");
// Set Admin Permissions
// Set Instructor Permission
// Set Student Credential
// Set Handle
// This will direct login to the specific page
// iTunes U Auth Debugging
class itunes {
// Oktech - add
var $authtoken;
var $siteURL;
var $debugSuffix;
var $sharedSecret;
var $administratorCredential;
var $instructorCredential;
var $studentCredential;
var $urlonly;
var $urlcredentials;
var $destination;
// Oktech
* Create iTunes Object
public function __construct() {
$this->siteURL = '';
$this->directSiteURL = '';
$this->debugSuffix = '/abc1234';
$this->administratorCredential = '';
$this->studentCredential = '';
$this->instructorCredential = '';
$this->credentials = array();
// Set domain
// Oktech add
public function getInstructorCredential() {
return $this->instructorCredential;
public function setInstructorCredential($credential) {
$this->instructorCredential = $credential;
public function getStudentCredential() {
return $this->studentCredential;
public function setStudentCredential($credential) {
$this->studentCredential = $credential;
public function getAdminCredential() {
return $this->administratorCredential;
public function setAdminCredential($credential) {
$this->administratorCredential = $credential;
public function getSharedSecret() {
return $this->sharedSecret;
public function setSharedSecret($sharedsecret) {
$this->sharedSecret = $sharedsecret;
public function getAuthToken() {
return $this->authtoken;
public function setAuthToken($authtoken) {
$this->authtoken = $authtoken;
public function getDebugSuffix() {
return $this->directSiteURL;
public function setDebugSuffix($debugsuffix) {
$this->directSiteURL = $debugsuffix;
public function getSiteURL() {
return $this->siteURL;
public function setSiteURL($siteurl) {
$this->siteURL = $siteurl;
* Extract the URL from the return html
* block from the iTunes U server. Replace
* Apple's itmss tag with https
private function extractURL($htmlblock) {
$remainder = '';
$pos = 0;
$result = '';
$remainder = strstr($htmlblock, "_open('i");
$remainder = substr_replace($remainder, '', 0, 7);
$remainder = substr_replace($remainder, 'https', 0, 5);
$pos = strpos($remainder, "');");
$result = substr_replace($remainder, '', $pos);
$this->urlonly = $result;
public function getExtractedURL() {
return $this->urlonly;
* Extract the credentials part from the returned URL from
* the iTunes U server
public function extractURLCredentials($url) {
$result = '';
$pos = 0;
$remainder = strstr($url, "");
$remainder = substr_replace($remainder, '', 0, 9);
$this->urlcredentials = $remainder;
public function getExtractedURLCredentials() {
return $this->urlcredentials;
public function setDestination($destination) {
$this->destination = $destination;
public function getDestination() {
return $this->destination;
// Oktech add
* Add's admin credentials for a given user
public function addAdminCredentials() {
* Add Student Credential for a given course
public function addStudentCredential($unique) {
* Add Instructor Credential for a given course
public function addInstructorCredential($unique) {
* Set User Information
public function setUser($name, $email, $netid, $userid) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->email = $email;
$this->netid = $netid;
$this->userid = $userid;
return true;
* Set the Domain
* Takes the siteURL and splits off the destination, hostname and action path.
private function setDomain() {
$tmpArray = split("/",$this->siteURL);
$this->siteDomain = $tmpArray[sizeof($tmpArray)-1];
$this->actionPath = preg_replace("/https:\/\/(.+?)\/.*/",'$1',$this->siteURL);
$pattern = "/https:\/\/".$this->actionPath."(.*)/";
$this->hostName = preg_replace($pattern,'$1',$this->siteURL);
$this->destination = $this->siteDomain;
return true;
* Set the Handle
* Takes the handle as input and forms the get upload url string
* This is needed for using the API to upload files directly to iTunes U
public function setHandle($handleIn) {
$this->handle = $handleIn;
$this->getUploadUrl = "".$this->siteDoma in.'.'.$this->handle;
return true;
* Get Identity String
* Combine user identity information into an appropriately formatted string.
* take the arguments passed into the function copy them to variables
private function getIdentityString() {
# wrap the elements into the required delimiters.
return sprintf('"%s" <%s> (%s) [%s]', $this->name, $this->email, $this->netid, $this->userid);
* Add Credentials to Array
* Allows to push multiple credientials for a user onto the array
public function addCredentials($credentials) {
return true;
* Get Credentials String
* this is equivalent to join(';', @_); this function is present
* for consistency with the Java example.
* concatenates all the passed in credentials into a string
* with a semicolon delimiting the credentials in the string.
private function getCredentialsString() {
#make sure that at least one credential is passed in
if (sizeof($this->credentials) < 1)
return false;
return implode(";",$this->credentials);
private function getAuthorizationToken() {
# Create a buffer with which to generate the authorization token.
$buffer = "";
# create the POST Content and sign it
$buffer .= "credentials=" . urlencode($this->getCredentialsString());
$buffer .= "&identity=" . urlencode($this->identity);
$buffer .= "&time=" . urlencode(mktime());
# returns a signed message that is sent to the server
$signature = hash_hmac('SHA256', $buffer, $this->sharedSecret);
# append the signature to the POST content
return sprintf("%s&signature=%s", $buffer, $signature);
* Invoke Action
* Send a request to iTunes U and record the response.
* Net:HTTPS is used to get better control of the encoding of the POST data
* as HTTP::Request::Common does not encode parentheses and Java's URLEncoder
* does.
public function invokeAction() {
$this->identity = $this->getIdentityString();
$this->token = $this->getAuthorizationToken();
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->generateURL() . '?' . $this->token);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Oktech - change
$this->authtoken = curl_exec($ch);
/* Start a new sesstion and send a request for specific content with the appropriate credentials */
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->siteURL . '.' . $this->destination . '?' . $this->urlcredentials);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
// Oktech
* Auth and Upload File to iTunes U
* This method is said to not be as heavily tested by apple, so you may have
* unexpected results.
* $fileIn - full system path to the file you desire to upload
public function uploadFile($fileIn) {
$this->identity = $this->getIdentityString();
$this->token = $this->getAuthorizationToken();
// Escape the filename
$f = escapeshellcmd($fileIn);
// Contact Apple and Get the Upload URL
$upUrl = curl_init($this->getUploadUrl.'?'.$this->token);
curl_setopt($upUrl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$uploadURL = curl_exec($upUrl);
$error = curl_error($upUrl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($upUrl ,CURLINFOHTTPCODE);
print $http_code;
print "
if ($error) {
print "
# Currently not working using php/curl functions. For now, we are just going to echo a system command .. see below
#// Push out the designated file to iTunes U
#// Build Post Fields
#$postfields = array("file" => "@$fileIn");
#$pushUrl = curl_init($uploadURL);
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);// allow redirects
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
#curl_setopt($pushUrl, CURLOPT_POSTFILEDS, $postfields);
#$output = curl_exec($pushUrl);
#$error = curl_error($pushUrl);
#$http_code = curl_getinfo($pushUrl, CURLINFOHTTPCODE);
#print "
#print $http_code;
#print "
#if ($error) {
# print "
// Set the php time limit higher so it doesnt time out.
// System command to initiate curl and upload the file. (Temp until I figure out the php curl commands to do it)
$command = "curl -S -F file=@$f $uploadURL";
echo "
echo $command;
exec($command, $result, $error);
if ($error) {
echo "I'm busted";
} else {
echo $command;
* Set Debugging
* Enable/Disable debugging of iTunes U Authentication
public function setDebug($bool) {
if ($bool) {
$this->debug = true;
} else {
$this->debug = false;
return true;
* Generate Site URL
* Append debug suffix to end of url if debugging is enabled
private function generateURL() {
if ($this->debug) {
return $this->siteURL.$this->debugSuffix;
} elseif ($this->isHandleSet()) {
return $this->directSiteURL.'.'.$this->handle;
} else {
return $this->siteURL;
* Check to see if the handle is set
private function isHandleSet() {
if (isset($this->handle))
return true;
return false;

Janet ... hmmm ... I suppose it could also be "Jane T. Smith" ... ah well, anywho,
One thing to understand when it comes to credentialling is that, even if your transfer CGI (Moodle block) doesn't work ... if you redirect someone to your iTunes U site, that person will -always- carry two credentials ... "Unauthenticated" and "All". You do not have to assign the credentials ... they are automatic.
Put it this way, if I direct you to my site:
if you click on that link, authentication or no, Apple will give you the "Unauthenticated" and "All" credentials. Anywhere on my site where those creds are good, you'll have access.
Hmmm ... maybe I can rephrase it this way ... there are four credentials that are a part of every site ...
All ... everyone who accesses your site gets this cred ... everyone.
Authenticated ... if you pass a valid iTunes U URL request for a user, he/she will get this cred.
Unauthenticated ... this cred is given whenever someone gets to your site -without- a tokenized (credentials, identity, time, signature) URL request. For example, if someone uses your site base URL without any modification.
Administrator ... this cred has total access to a site.
So if you access your site using your admin cred, you'll actually carry three creds ... "Administrator" (of course), but also "All" and "Authenticated".
So why this long discussion of creds? Well, if you're getting in with the "Unauthenticated" credential, it's a sure sign your transfer CGI (Moodle thingy) isn't working ... at all. It's not that you can't pass the admin cred ... or identity info ... you're not passing any info. And because you're not passing any info, iTunes U does the default thing ... give you "All" and "Unauthenticated" access.

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    Hi Deepak,
    it is most times that it needs to replicate through your system(s).
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    You can try to use This solution:
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    There is an enhacement request open already:
    ACS should be able to query only desired DCs
    Currently on 5.0 and 5.1, the ACS queries the  DNS with the domain, in order to get a list of all the DCs in the domain  and then tries to communicate with all of them.If the connection to even one DC fails, then the ACS connection to the domain is declared as failed.A lot of customers are asking for a change on this behavior.
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    Domain with multiple DCs were some are not accessible from the ACS due to security/geographic constraints.
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    Failure Reason
    11514 Unexpectedly received empty TLS message; treating as a rejection by the client
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    Mar 5 13:44:51 usstlz-piseps01 CISE_Failed_Attempts 0014809622 1 0 2015-03-05 13:44:51.952 +00:00 0865003824 5435 NOTICE RADIUS: NAS conducted several failed authentications of the same scenario
     FailureReason="12929 NAS sends RADIUS accounting update messages too frequently"
    Any help on this would be appreciated. These error messages give me an idea but doesn't give me the exact answer to why the problem occurred and what needs to be done to fix it.

    Further detail From ISE for the failure:
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS created a new session
    Evaluating Policy Group
    Evaluating Service Selection Policy
    Queried PIP
    Queried PIP
    Matched rule
    Queried PIP
    Queried PIP
    Matched rule
    Extracted EAP-Response/Identity
    Prepared EAP-Request proposing EAP-TLS with challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response/NAK requesting to use PEAP instead
    Prepared EAP-Request proposing PEAP with challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response and accepting PEAP as negotiated
    Successfully negotiated PEAP version 0
    Extracted first TLS record; TLS handshake started
    Extracted TLS ClientHello message
    Prepared TLS ServerHello message
    Prepared TLS Certificate message
    Prepared TLS ServerDone message
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Prepared EAP-Request with another PEAP challenge
    Returned RADIUS Access-Challenge
    Received RADIUS Access-Request
    RADIUS is re-using an existing session
    Extracted EAP-Response containing PEAP challenge-response
    Unexpectedly received empty TLS message; treating as a rejection by the client
    Treat the unexpected TLS acknowledge message as a rejection from the client
    Prepared EAP-Failure
    Returned RADIUS Access-Reject

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    The router will drop the connection and then we have a problem reconnecting (won't). Out of sheer frustration I've discovered a workaround that sometimes works that is to change the user name to the BT test account, connect, and then change the router user name setting back to our own. The BT test account always works, so despite a BT engineer being sent to trace the problem onsite yesterday the issue remains. We've also been sent a new router, and the BT engineer arrived with yet another new one yesterday
    The problem seems to be purely authentication. The Technical Helpdesk have changed our password (twice) but we still get the problem. Yesterday I was told that some other users in our area have also had an authentication issue and that over the weekend 'patches' were going to be applied at our local exchange.
    When the service works we get quite good speeds (37 down, 8 up) but we're frustrated with the lack of knowledge from the help-desk and have doubts that the 'patches' will resolve the issue
    Such is the problem that BT will downgrade us back to ADSL2 (which was rock solid in comparison) next week if we're still unhappy
    I did ask if our user name could be changed but told no. I'm curious to know as to what the switch to fibre could cause authentication problems?

    hi this is a BT Residential forum as a Business user you may get more help from the BT business forum
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Safari 5.1 HTML5 HTTP basic access authentication issue video does not load

    I have a .m4v video referenced in a page with the HTML5 video tag in a folder which is in a password protected folder housed on iPage.
    Safari 5.0.5 plays the video fine.  Safari 5.1 fails to load/play the video in the protected folder.  If I move the video to a not protected folder, Safari 5.1 plays it fine.
    This is on iPage.  Back on MobileMe all is fine with 5.1.
    I think this is a HTTP basic access authentication issue with 5.1.
    Anyone have similar issue? Work around?

    Yes, I can also confirm this behaviour. This is in Safari 5.1.1, but I also see the exact same thing in WebKit nightlies.

  • FYI!  Intego NetBarrier X5 and iTunes App Store Issues

    I discovered last night (while attempting to download the iPhone 3.0 update) that my 3rd party firewall, Intego's NetBarrier X5, is preventing App Store application and iPhone software updates.
    Back in early March, I upgraded NetBarrier from X4 to X5, importing my settings from the old version into the new. From that point on, I have been unable to update my iPhone applications from within iTunes; I was caught in an endless loop of being asked to log into the App Store, and being denied access (almost as if my credentials weren't making it to Apple's servers). The weird part was, I had no problem downloading music, movies, etc. from the iTunes Store; this issue only affected App Store downloads/updates.
    I do not know if this is a problem with Intego or an Apple. I'm inclined to believe that something changed within iTunes 8; a change to the ports used to access the App Store, as opposed to the regular iTunes Store. I say this because, when I turned off NetBarrier completely, I was finally able to access/download my application updates after months of not being able to. As soon as I turned it back on, I got caught up in that endless login loop again. This is definately an issue.
    I post this information in the hope that it will resolve similar issues for others. iTunes Support, when contacted numerous times, was completely useless.
    It appears that I'm going to have to configure my firewall to allow ALL iTunes traffic to pass. Can someone please tell me where I can find a comprehensive list of ports that must be open for iTunes to function properly? I would greatly appreciate it.

    Hello Everyone,
    After upgrading to Snow Leopard, and re-installing X5 (10.5.4), it looks like I may have identified the cause of this issue.
    It appears that, within X5, if you select the "+Hide my Apple ID when using iTunes MiniStore+" option (Overview --> Privacy --> Data --> Surf), it jacks-up connections to iTunes Store App/iPhone OS Updates.
    For now, I have de-selected this option, and everything seems to be functioning as it should.
    I cannot believe that something as stupid as this has caused me (and countless others) so many months of aggravation. I will be reporting this as a defect to Intego later today.
    Hope this information helps.

  • ITunes & iRadio streaming issues, why?

    Hello from Miami,
    All this week I have been experianceing issues with either my iTunes Store giving me iTunes store errors windows along with the iRadio player acting up also. I have contacted apple support to clear caches along with anything else that needs clearing out. Well tonight the issues returned, I have to make an educated guess and say it's not at my end.
    Has anyone else experianced similar issues, update me.
    Thank you

    I was the originator of my post the other night.. "iTunes & iRadio Streaming issues, Why?" posted on October 19th. It is that another person chimed in on my topic, paulie74".
    I do not feel I was lectured, I was simply stating how you treated this other apple user, "paulie74" by stating the following. You said,
    "Also ranting about quality control will not help your cause, I use both and have absolutely no issues as do millions of others."
    Being positive and not being unhelpful is not what these forums are about, then you also mentioned,
    "perhaps you should read the Terms of Use you agreed to", I know the terms of these forums and those of the Apple company, I am not new to Apple, and would respectfully suggest that you be more constructive regarding your comments and not expresses yourself in a way that upsets others.
    And yes, I will forward all this onto Apple, for I trust they will do what's right as always.
    Thank you,

  • Airport-Router authentication issue

    Hi - I have a really annoying authentication issue between my MBP (late '06) and my DIR-655 D-Link router (f/w 1.22 b05).
    I am getting "disconnection" issues on my MacBook Pro only. We are not seeing any issues on my fiance's Vaio laptop. So I'm thinking maybe the router isn't to blame...?
    I put "disonnection" in quotes because airport always shows that there is a connection to the router/network, but there clearly is not. Sometimes I have to disconnect/reconnect airport, but often the connection just comes back after 30 seconds or so. It usually looks like a DNS issue...holding at the "looking up" stage, but I really don't think it is. I've tried various domain name servers.
    I thought I had worked around this by allowing the router to accept G in addition to 802.11n connections, but the problem, while not as prevalent, seems to have increased lately even while using 802.11g.
    I see that the router's log is replete with messages like this:
    *Wireless system with MAC address 0017F2HR7BC6 disconnected for reason: Authentication Failed*
    That MAC address is indeed my MBP
    I'm also seeing a lot of messages along these lines:
    *Blocked incoming TCP connection request from to*
    But I assume these messages are unrelated.
    So I turned off WPA-Personal security and, of course, no further authentication errors. Those blocked TCP requests continue.
    Of course, I don't want to keep WPA turned off.
    Any ideas as to why authentication would be failing on and off with airport? I didn't even realize there was more than a single authentication (i.e. after you first connect), but I still have a LOT to learn about routers!
    Any ideas appreciated!

    FWIW = an address in Pakistan = an address in Tampa, Florida on the Verizon Network
    Have you been using BitTorrent or some other p2p software lately ?
    Re your router issue, have you considered using MAC Address Security (not WAP/WEP) ?

  • ITunes Store Transaction Issue

    Can someone tell me how to contact iTunes for Transaction issues?
    As you know, when we buy something from iTunes, it the "transaction details" says something like:
    "OUTSTANDING TRANS#****-****-****-**** MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT DEBIT". (The "****" being the card number).
    It has said that for the past several day in my "Transation History".
    How do I know its iTunes? My Bank told me + Everytime iTunes stuffs up (as in I buy something, and its not registsredt rpoperly I have to give the security number on the back of your debit card). So this time, I put the Security Number in maybe a few times, thinking I had to, and each time I did. They took $1 debit from me.
    Has anyone else encountered this?

    Try redownloading it via iCloud.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If the problem persists, see this article.
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase

  • Any help troubleshooting iTunes type legibility issues after scrolling

    iTunes type is illegible after I scroll down a page. I'm using Chrome on a Window 7 (Pro) machine (64) with an "Intuos 4" Wacom tablet (USB). See image of screen capture below for illustration.
    The issue is happening everywhere I browse in iTunes store. It usually happens on several button's type at once effecting the legibility so bad it's unreadable. It is only occuring in the iTunes Store and not in 'Library' or any of the other areas of the application interface. So, I assume it has to do with a browser integration?
    When navigating (browsing) in iTunes store, the issue is consistantly happening using my scroll wheel as well as my pen. It's early and I've been up all night, so there is probably something I've left out here, but I will check back later this afternoon.

    Jgreg14 you have my sympathies. 36 hours ago while using my iPad I was told that my Apple ID had been disabled. Like you I went to the forums, reset my password, and also like you, nothing changed. I have contacted iTunes support and after 24 hours they responded with this:
    Cesar here from the iTunes Store Support Team. Your inquiry is very important to me, so I have requested assistance with the issue you reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available.
    Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible. Take care!
    Boy do I feel special. I sat on the phone to the UK helpline for 30 minutes, and have been told my case has been elevated to "URGENT".
    Basically I was wondering if you ever got your problem sorted out?

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