Phpvirtualbox gives me a grey screen

I followed the instruccions on the wiki page PhpVirtualBox.
However, at the end, all I am getting is a grey image.
# uname -r
# pacman -Qs virtualbox
local/phpvirtualbox 4.3_1-1
PHP/AJAX web interface for VirtualBox 4.*
local/vdfuse 82a-8
A FUSE module for mounting VirtualBox disk images (VDI/VMDK/VHD) on the host
local/virtualbox 4.3.14-4
Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use
local/virtualbox-ck-host-modules-bulldozer 4.3.14-4 (ck-bulldozer)
Host kernel modules for VirtualBox running under Linux-ck. AMD Bulldozer Family 15h microarchitecture optimized.
local/virtualbox-ext-oracle 4.3.14-1
Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
local/virtualbox-guest-dkms 4.3.14-4
VirtualBox Guest kernel modules sources
local/virtualbox-guest-iso 4.3.14-1
The official VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO image
local/virtualbox-host-dkms 4.3.14-4
VirtualBox Host kernel modules sources
local/virtualbox-sdk 4.3.14-4
VirtualBox Software Developer Kit (SDK)
Description=VirtualBox Web Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv --pidfile /run/vboxweb/ --background
# grep -Ev "(^;|^$)" /etc/php/php.ini
engine = On
short_open_tag = Off
asp_tags = Off
precision = 14
output_buffering = 4096
zlib.output_compression = Off
implicit_flush = Off
unserialize_callback_func =
serialize_precision = 17
open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:/usr/share/webapps/:/etc/webapps/:/usr/share/webapps/phpvirtualbox/
disable_functions =
disable_classes =
zend.enable_gc = On
expose_php = On
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On
log_errors_max_len = 1024
ignore_repeated_errors = Off
ignore_repeated_source = Off
report_memleaks = On
track_errors = Off
html_errors = On
variables_order = "GPCS"
request_order = "GP"
register_argc_argv = Off
auto_globals_jit = On
post_max_size = 8M
auto_prepend_file =
auto_append_file =
default_mimetype = "text/html"
include_path = ".:/usr/share/pear"
doc_root =
user_dir =
extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules/"
enable_dl = Off
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 2M
max_file_uploads = 20
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = Off
default_socket_timeout = 60
[CLI Server]
cli_server.color = On
pdo_mysql.cache_size = 2000
[mail function]
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25
mail.add_x_header = On
sql.safe_mode = Off
odbc.allow_persistent = On
odbc.check_persistent = On
odbc.max_persistent = -1
odbc.max_links = -1
odbc.defaultlrl = 4096
odbc.defaultbinmode = 1
ibase.allow_persistent = 1
ibase.max_persistent = -1
ibase.max_links = -1
ibase.timestampformat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
ibase.dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d"
ibase.timeformat = "%H:%M:%S"
mysql.allow_local_infile = On
mysql.allow_persistent = On
mysql.cache_size = 2000
mysql.max_persistent = -1
mysql.max_links = -1
mysql.default_port =
mysql.default_socket =
mysql.default_host =
mysql.default_user =
mysql.default_password =
mysql.connect_timeout = 60
mysql.trace_mode = Off
mysqli.max_persistent = -1
mysqli.allow_persistent = On
mysqli.max_links = -1
mysqli.cache_size = 2000
mysqli.default_port = 3306
mysqli.default_socket =
mysqli.default_host =
mysqli.default_user =
mysqli.default_pw =
mysqli.reconnect = Off
mysqlnd.collect_statistics = On
mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics = Off
pgsql.allow_persistent = On
pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = Off
pgsql.max_persistent = -1
pgsql.max_links = -1
pgsql.ignore_notice = 0
pgsql.log_notice = 0
sybct.allow_persistent = On
sybct.max_persistent = -1
sybct.max_links = -1
sybct.min_server_severity = 10
sybct.min_client_severity = 10
bcmath.scale = 0
session.save_handler = files
session.use_strict_mode = 0
session.use_cookies = 1
session.use_only_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID
session.auto_start = 0
session.cookie_lifetime = 0
session.cookie_path = /
session.cookie_domain =
session.cookie_httponly =
session.serialize_handler = php
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.referer_check =
session.cache_limiter = nocache
session.cache_expire = 180
session.use_trans_sid = 0
session.hash_function = 0
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"
mssql.allow_persistent = On
mssql.max_persistent = -1
mssql.max_links = -1
mssql.min_error_severity = 10
mssql.min_message_severity = 10
mssql.compatibility_mode = Off
mssql.secure_connection = Off
tidy.clean_output = Off
soap.wsdl_cache_limit = 5
ldap.max_links = -1
* phpVirtualBox example configuration.
* @version $Id: config.php-example 452 2012-10-17 12:22:12Z [email protected] $
* rename to config.php and edit as needed.
class phpVBoxConfig {
/* Username / Password for system user that runs VirtualBox */
var $username = '';
var $password = '';
/* SOAP URL of vboxwebsrv (not phpVirtualBox's URL) */
var $location = '';
/* Default language. See languages folder for more language options.
* Can also be changed in File -> Preferences -> Language in
* phpVirtualBox.
var $language = 'en';
/* Set the standard VRDE Port Number / Range, e.g. 1010-1020 or 1027 */
var $vrdeports = '9000-9100';
* Not-so-common options / tweaking
// Multiple servers example config. Uncomment (remove /* and */) to use.
// Add ALL the servers you want to use. Even if you have the server set
// above. The default server will be the first one in the list.
var $servers = array(
'name' => 'London',
'username' => 'user',
'password' => 'pass',
'location' => '',
'authMaster' => true // Use this server for authentication
'name' => 'New York',
'username' => 'user2',
'password' => 'pass2',
'location' => ''
// Disable authentication
var $noAuth = true;
// Host / ip to use for console connections
#var $consoleHost = '';
// Disable "preview" box
#var $noPreview = true;
// Default preview box update interval in seconds
#var $previewUpdateInterval = 30;
// Preview box pixel width
#var $previewWidth = 180;
// Max number of progress operations to keep in list
var $maxProgressList = 5;
// Change default preview aspect ratio to 1.
#var $previewAspectRatio = 1.6;
// Enable custom VM icons
#var $enableCustomIcons = true;
Exclusively use phpVirtualBox's groups configuration rather than VirtualBox groups.
This has the following effects:
*) Group changes made in phpVirtualBox will not be reflected in VirtualBox programs such as
VirtualBox and VBoxManage
*) Group changes will not affect which folder a VM is placed in
*) You can rename groups that contain running VMs and move / copy running VMs to groups
#var $phpVboxGroups = true;
Allow to prompt deletion hard disk files on removal from Virtual Media Manager.
If this is not set, files are always kept. If this is set, you will be PROMPTED
to decide whether or not you would like to delete the hard disk file(s) when you
remove a hard disk from virtual media manager. You may still choose not to delete
the file when prompted.
var $deleteOnRemove = true;
* File / Folder browser settings
// Restrict file types
var $browserRestrictFiles = array('.iso','.vdi','.vmdk','.img','.bin','.vhd','.hdd','.ovf','.ova','.xml','.vbox','.cdr','.dmg','.ima','.dsk','.vfd');
// Restrict locations / folders
#var $browserRestrictFolders = array('D:\\','C:\\Users\\Ian'); // Or something like array('/home/vbox','/var/ISOs')
// Force use of local, web server based file browser instead of going through vboxwebsrv
#var $browserLocal = true;
// Disable file / folder browser.
#var $browserDisable = true;
// Disable Windows drive detection
#var $noWindowsDriveList = true;
// Just list all drives from C:\ - Z:\ without checking if they exist or not.
// This may be required on older Windows systems with more than one drive.
#var $forceWindowsAllDriveList = true;
* Misc
* Auto-refresh interval in seconds for VirtualBox host memory usage information.
* Any value below 3 will be ignored.
var $hostMemInfoRefreshInterval = 5;
/* Show % of free host memory instead of % used */
#var $hostMemInfoShowFreePct = true;
* VM Memory warnings.
* If $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn is enabled, each time a VM is started through
* phpVirtualBox, it will check that the available host memory is greater than
* the base and video memory of the VM + 50MB (a little bit of overhead). If it
* is not, a confirmation dialog will be presented to confirm that you want to
* start the VM.
* If $vmMemoryOffset is set (and $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn), $vmMemoryOffset
* megabytes is subtracted from the available host memory before the check is
* performed by $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn logic. For instance it may be a good
* idea to always have VM memory requirements + 100MB free. 100 is the default.
#var $vmMemoryStartLimitWarn = true;
#var $vmMemoryOffset = 100;
* Display guest additions version of a running VM on its Details tab
#var $enableGuestAdditionsVersionDisplay = true;
/* Disable any of phpVirtualBox's main tabs */
#var $disableTabVMSnapshots = true; // Snapshots tab
#var $disableTabVMConsole = true; // Console tab
/* Screen resolutions for console tab */
var $consoleResolutions = array('640x480','800x600','1024x768','1280x720','1440x900');
/* Console tab keyboard layout. Currently Oracle's RDP client only supports EN and DE. */
var $consoleKeyboardLayout = 'EN';
/* Max number of network cards per VM. Do not set above VirtualBox's limit (typically 8) or below 1 */
var $nicMax = 4;
/* Enable advanced configuration items (normally hidden in the VirtualBox GUI)
* Note that some of these items may not be translated to languages other than English.
#var $enableAdvancedConfig = true;
/* Enable startup / shutdown configuration.
* This only works in linux and you must add the vboxinit file to
* your startup scripts list.
#var $startStopConfig = true;
// Authentication library.
var $authLib = 'Builtin';
// VM ownership
#var $enforceVMOwnership = true;
// Per-user VM quota
#var $vmQuotaPerUser = 2;
// Allow VDE network configuration. This must be supported by the underlying VirtualBox installation!
// If you do not know what VDE networking is - you do not need it, it is probably not supported by your
// VirtualBox installation and will cause errors if enabled.
#var $enableVDE = true;
// Disable setting SATA controllers port count to the max port number found when saving VMs.
#var $disableSataPortCount = true;
/* Enable Parallel Port configuration - EXPERIMENTAL
LPT support may or may not work for you.
!!! VirtualBox LPT support only works in Linux. !!!
#var $enableLPTConfig = true;
/* Enable HardDisk IgnoreFlush configuration. This controls the "ExtraData" setting
* in "VBoxInternal/Devices/[controller type]/0/LUN#[x]/Config/IgnoreFlush". See
* Responding to guest IDE/SATA flush requests at:
#var $enableHDFlushConfig = true;
Alias /phpvirtualbox "/usr/share/webapps/phpvirtualbox"
<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/phpvirtualbox">
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
# grep -Ev "(^[[:blank:]]*#|^$)" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
Listen 80
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_core_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_core_module modules/
LoadModule access_compat_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule reqtimeout_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_express_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_shm_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_byrequests_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_bytraffic_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_bybusyness_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_heartbeat_module modules/
LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/
LoadModule unixd_module modules/
LoadModule status_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule userdir_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
<IfModule unixd_module>
User http
Group http
ServerAdmin [email protected]
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied
DocumentRoot "/srv/http"
<Directory "/srv/http">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.html
<Files ".ht*">
Require all denied
ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/error_log"
LogLevel warn
<IfModule log_config_module>
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
<IfModule logio_module>
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio
CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/access_log" common
<IfModule alias_module>
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/srv/http/cgi-bin/"
<IfModule cgid_module>
<Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Require all granted
<IfModule mime_module>
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-languages.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-default.conf
Include conf/extra/phpvirtualbox.conf
<IfModule proxy_html_module>
Include conf/extra/proxy-html.conf
<IfModule ssl_module>
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
# ls -l /etc/webapps/phpvirtualbox/.htaccess
The file  is empty
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 14 2012 /etc/webapps/phpvirtualbox/.htaccess
Last edited by xganesh (2014-09-07 06:50:25)

I was getting grey page with few frames and error "Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html" on a Ubuntu 12.04 server.
nginx v1.6.2
php5-fpm v5.3.10
phpvirtualbox v4.3-1
The problem was, my Nginx virtual server configuration file was missing following line:
fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
--- cut ---
    location ~ \.php$ {
            try_files $uri =404;
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
            fastcgi_index index.php;
            fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            include fastcgi_params;
--- cut ---
I found this parameter on page: … graphique/

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    hello pvisser, other users with this problem all had an embedded intel hd3000 graphics card with an old driver present. in case this also applies to you, here would be a link to update the driver, which in turn should also address the black firefox problem: (for win7 64 bit)
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    Message was edited by: GuitarSlinger

    Zapping the PRAM/NVRAM will wipe out the startup disk setting and require resetting it. So that should be a one time event.
    Repairing your OS X drive would be first thing to do, first with Disk Utility (you need to boot from another hard drive, or at worst, the DVD) AND follow up with a 3rd party repair utility.
    Try cloning your OS X drive to another drive. You should be making a bootable backup already, along with TimeMachine. SuperDuper or even Disk Utility Restore will copy a drive nicely.
    I assume you have the OS Switcher in XP installed, ie, "BootCamp control panel" which should also be in your Taskbar. If you set that to OS X volume, does it not boot properly? or still reverts to Windows?
    Sounds like your OS X drive is slow to spin up possibly. Are you still using the OEM drive your MP came with? I'd look into a new and better drive if you are, WD Caviar 640GB has replaced my Raptor drives, both faster and runs cool and quiet.
    Disk Warrior or TechTool Pro 4.6.2 would be good choices for 3rd party disk repair, probably TTPro as 5.0 is due out and would be free upgrade. Or TechTool Deluxe

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    G5 1.6 Single Processer   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
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    Vince, you are not able to take TS files out of a movie and play them like that.
    If you are dealing with Commercial DVD Movie.
    There are specific methods of copying this type of media, It takes a minimum of 2 pieces of software using a Mac.
    It can be done with 1 using a PC.
    The reason it will play for you is because your player is allowed to read the Encryption, and Security enhancements on commercial DVD's
    So in a nutshell you have to Rip the movie, and then you can move the movie folder to your Maxtor, I doubt you can play it like that.
    Here is the info you need.
    Good Luck...Don

  • Mac OS X Leopard not working (grey screen with question mark appearing)

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    You will have to reinstall OS X. Connect the original keyboard and mouse. Restart the computer and hold down the mouse button immediately after the chime. This should force the optical drive to eject the disc. Otherwise see the following:
    Five ways to eject a stuck CD or DVD from the optical drive
    Ejecting the stuck disc can usually be done in one of the following ways:
    1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the left mouse button until the disc ejects.
    2. Press the Eject button on your keyboard.
    3. Click on the Eject button in the menubar.
    4. Press COMMAND-E.
    5. If none of the above work try this:
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following:
    /usr/bin/drutil eject.
    If this fails then try this:
    Boot the computer into single-user mode. At the prompt enter the same command as used above. To restart the computer enter "reboot" at the prompt without quotes.
    Once the disc has been removed you can try to do the following:
    How to Perform an Archive and Install
    An Archive and Install will NOT erase your hard drive, but you must have sufficient free space for a second OS X installation which could be from 3-9 GBs depending upon the version of OS X and selected installation options. The free space requirement is over and above normal free space requirements which should be at least 6-10 GBs. Read all the linked references carefully before proceeding.
    1. Be sure to use Disk Utility first to repair the disk before performing the Archive and Install.
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    2. Do not proceed with an Archive and Install if DU reports errors it cannot fix. In that case use Disk Warrior and/or TechTool Pro to repair the hard drive. If neither can repair the drive, then you will have to erase the drive and reinstall from scratch.
    3. Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When you reach the screen to select a destination drive click once on the destination drive then click on the Option button. Select the Archive and Install option. You have an option to preserve users and network preferences. Only select this option if you are sure you have no corrupted files in your user accounts. Otherwise leave this option unchecked. Click on the OK button and continue with the OS X Installation.
    4. Upon completion of the Archive and Install you will have a Previous System Folder in the root directory. You should retain the PSF until you are sure you do not need to manually transfer any items from the PSF to your newly installed system.
    5. After moving any items you want to keep from the PSF you should delete it. You can back it up if you prefer, but you must delete it from the hard drive.
    6. You can now download a Combo Updater directly from Apple's download site to update your new system to the desired version as well as install any security or other updates. You can also do this using Software Update.

  • On my older I-MAC (2005) the computer turns on, but all I see is a grey screen with a small file that has a question mark and smiling FINDER face on it. Then the fan comes on and becomes very loud. Please help...

    My older I-MAC gives me a grey screen and flashes a question mark and smiling FINDER face inside a FILE icon. Then the fan begins to run and becomes very loud...and thats as far as it will let me go.

    See KB Articles: Mac OS X: "Broken folder" icon, prohibitory sign, or kernel panic when computer starts Mac OS: Flashing Globe When Computer Turns On or A folder that has an alternating flashing question mark iMac G5: How to Reset the SMU (iMac G5, the iMac G5 (Ambient Light Sensor), and the iMac G5 (iSight)).

  • G5 Grey screen (Kernel Panic) when booting from CD

    I know there are a lot of posts with people experiencing issues with the grey screen during boot. Most resolutions point to hardware but all state, including Apple's walk through, to boot from CD and run a validation on the hard drive.
    My issue is completely different. I get the grey screen of death when booting from a CD/DVD only. I can boot into the OS just fine from the hard drive. But if I try to install another OS, or just boot from the CD/DVD, I get the grey screen.
    What I've done to troubleshoot:
    Reduced RAM to original sticks
    Removed hard drive
    Replaced DVD drive
    Tried multiple versions of OS discs (10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.4 server)
    Reset the PRAM (Both via keyboard and Open Firmware)
    Replaced the video card
    Replaced the logic board
    Replaced the Processor
    Quite litterally the only thing original in this system is the power supply and the memory. However, I only get it when I'm booting from CD so the memory should not be the issue. I've even used a seperate power supply for the DVD drive to see if it was causing an issue.
    Any suggestions? I'm looking at possibly replacing the power supply but I'm afraid it's going to give me the same issue.

    Thats the thing, I've tried 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.4 server. (CD and DVD) All give me the grey screen. Well 10.2 and 10.3 give me a dark grey square in the middle where the apple should be but then the fans ramp up like it does when you get the grey screen of death.
    I've also used two different drives.
    It reads the disks fine with no issues. If I boot to the hard drive I can use the system like nothing is wrong. But if I want to boot from CD for any reason I cannot.
    If I follow the logic it seems it is something to do with the CD/DVD drive. This is because it works fine when booted to hard drive. If it was the memory or PSU then I'd be getting the problem all of the time and not just when booting from CD/DVD.

  • New iMac turns on/loads fine, but trying to install Snow Leopard gives 'bad RAM' 3 beeps + grey screen

    New iMac arrived today, turned on and loaded fine.
    After getting to the desktop, I inserted the Snow Leopard disk and restarted the computer.
    I held alt at startup and selected the Snow Leopard disc from the options.
    The computer proceeded to give me the 'bad RAM' error: grey screen + 3 beeps, over and over.
    So did I get an iMac with bad RAM? Poorly seated RAM?
    Very frustrating, I'm disappointed Apple.

    Good luck: Don't install a version of Mac OS X earlier than what came with your Mac
    Earlier versions of OS X, including the present retail version now sold, contain drivers incompatible with the firmware installed on new Macs. You will get the exact same error code you are observing.
    I'm having a hard time believing it is a RAM problem if the computer works fine in OS Lion but gives the error when installing Snow Leopard.
    This has nothing to do with memory. If you don't believe me run Apple Hardware Test and see for yourself.
    If AHT passes and your iMac boots Lion, Apple will tell you to pound sand.
    As I said earlier,
    A new iMac should have shipped with Lion. Attempting to install an earlier OS version will not work.

  • MBP boots to a badly mangled grey screen. Fails to boot the OS and gives me plain colored screens. What to do?, MBP boots to a badly mangled grey screen. Fails to boot the OS and gives me plain colored screens. What to do?

    Early 2011 Macbook Pro (2.0 quad core i7 15")
    The only mods is aftermarket RAM (installed more than a year ago and with no problems) and I removed the DVD drive and installed an SSD---again, performed year(s) ago with no problems.
    Today, developed a very sudden problem. I was working one minute, but the next, I opened the lid and woke from sleep, and instead of seeing my usual desktop, I saw a black screen with red vertical lines. There has been no rough events (dropping MBP, for example) or any unusual events in the last few days. It has literally been working fine for the last few years.
    I did a cold shutdown and tried to reboot. It no longer reboots. It looks like the display is having problems---on the screen, I see a badly jumbled Apple logo. The display looks heavily pixelated, with graphical artifacts all over the place. Eventually the Apple logo disappears (as if it's booting into the OS) but then all I see is a plain grey screen.
    I have tried to reset PRAM and also SMC. Both of these are unsuccessful (but for the PRAM, it does reboot when you hold down the keys). I have tried to boot into safe mode. Here you see the loading bar.
    But once the previous screen disappears, it is replaced by a green screen. I have tried to enter my password blindly to no avail. It seems more than a display problem. I note also that a) the computer does not go to sleep when I close the lid; (b) if it was just the display, I would have expected the OS to boot.
    Please see the pictures and description here:
    Can anybody shed some light on this issue?

    you might be experiencing the same problem that is the topic of this long discussion.

  • Help !!! freeze and stuck on grey screen, difficult to reboot, here is my EtreCheck report

    Help !!! I experienced more and more issues since I upgraded to mavericks and i brought my MBP 15" (from 2011, out of warranty) to the Apple genius bar a couple of days after my computer started to freeze and crash on a grey screen with less and less possibility to reboot it (tried all advices i could find on the forums to reboot in other ways, etc. ). The overnight tests at Apple gave nothing, they just decided to reinitiate the software and concluded that the problem was solved.
    But the problem happened again: when i reloaded my backup from Time Machine, i could run the whole process till the end then when I was asked to restart, I couldn’t open the finder, my screen was stuck on a light grey.
    I could reboot it (always in maintaining the off button to stop the machine or in using the single mode) but it’s non stable, after too many manipulations, the screen freezes or divides in 2 parts with lines, etc. And I have to try again different ways to reboot…
    I took a new appointment to the Apple Genius bar, but in the mean time, I tried to repair the authorizations, and I have to say that the list is really long, even if I did the operation more 3 times…
    I think there is a software conflict somewhere and find the possibility to check the system with EtreCheck (thanks! I will also bring this paper to the Genius bar technician).
    Please, would there be someone who could read this information and gives me some advices and opinion on what could be problematic, what to do etc.
    In end, what is very weird to me:
    I could read on this forum that “startup items” are no more necessary since OS 10.4. I tried to delete the ones that appear here in library/startupitems, and found another one which is not mentioned in this EtreCheck list : startouc
    Also when I tried to delete those items, it was refused by the finder with the message saying that this items are in use…
    Another point: I uninstalled the application Chiavetta Internet 42 a week ago when I started to have the problems. I was in Italy and this is a usb key with pin for internet. At the moment thought about a possible conflict with the key and deleted every item concerning this installation. This is because I don’t understand that it appears now in the “User login Items”.
    Thank you so much in advance
    Here is the EtreCheck report:
    Hardware Information:
                MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
                MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
                1 2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
                8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
                Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
                AMD Radeon HD 6490M - VRAM: 256 MB
    System Software:
                OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021) - Uptime: 0 days 1:42:38
    Disk Information:
                Hitachi HTS545050B9A302 disk0 : (500,11 GB)
                            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
                      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 499,25 GB (219,23 GB free)
                            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
                MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-8A8 
    USB Information:
                Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
                Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
                Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
                Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information:
                Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
                Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions:
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBACMData (5.00.02) Support
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBActivateDriver (1.0.14) Support
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBEthernetData (2.00.05) Support
                [not loaded]            com.palm.ClassicNotSeizeDriver (3.1) Support
                [not loaded]            com.wdc.driver.1394HP (1.0.9) Support
                [not loaded]            com.wdc.driver.USBHP (1.0.11) Support
    Launch Daemons:
                [failed]   Support
                [failed]   Support
    Launch Agents:
                [loaded]   Support
    User Launch Agents:
                [loaded]            com.iLike.Agent.plist Support
    User Login Items:
                Transport Monitor
                My Day
                Chiavetta Internet 42
    Internet Plug-ins:
                Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.2.1f4 - SDK 10.6 Support
                QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
                Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
                OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.3.6 Support
                Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 7.1 Support
                Mozillaplug: Version: 1.0
                Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20913.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
                DirectorShockwave: Version: 12.0.5r146 - SDK 10.6 Support
                iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.7
    Safari Extensions:
                Amazon Shopping Assistant: Version: 1.1
                Searchme: Version: 1.3
                Ebay Shopping Assistant: Version: 1.1
    Audio Plug-ins:
                BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
                AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
                AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
                iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins:
                Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    User iTunes Plug-ins:
                iLike: Version: 1.0 Support
                PPC Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                iLike Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                Tiger Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                TuneUp Visualizer: Version: (null) Support
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
    Time Machine:
                Skip System Files: NO
                Mobile backups: OFF
                Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
                Volumes being backed up:
                            Macintosh HD: Disk size: 464.96 GB Disk used: 260.79 GB
                            EVE TIME MACHINE & PHOTOS [Local] (Last used)
                            Total size: 2 
                            Total number of backups: 22
                            Oldest backup: 2013-11-19 10:49:38 +0000
                            Last backup: 2014-05-07 09:35:48 +0000
                            Size of backup disk: Excellent
                                        Backup size 2  > (Disk size 464.96 GB X 3)
                            copy Time Machine + photos (22 Nov 2013) [Local]
                            Total size: 931.36 GB
                            Total number of backups: 5
                            Oldest backup: 2013-11-23 04:29:31 +0000
                            Last backup: 2014-03-26 20:03:02 +0000
                            Size of backup disk: Adequate
                                        Backup size 931.36 GB > (Disk used 260.79 GB X 3)
                Time Machine details may not be accurate.
                All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU:
                     5%            firefox
                     3%            WindowServer
                     0%            Microsoft Word
                     0%            launchservicesd
                     0%            fontd
    Top Processes by Memory:
                606 MB  
                401 MB            firefox
                238 MB            Finder
                221 MB            mds_stores
                123 MB            Microsoft Word
    Virtual Memory Information:
                3.68 GB            Free RAM
                2.57 GB            Active RAM
                492 MB            Inactive RAM
                1.26 GB            Wired RAM
                2.42 GB            Page-ins
                0 B            Page-outs

    Hey thank you! I tried to send you a first answer but Firefox blocked... Again thank you for your advice and the detailed process to follow, hope it can help! - Also sorry for my English which is not my primary language.
    Also don't know how to edit the Anonymous UUID... is it in the apple discussion account?
    Here is what i found in Console > Diagnostic and usage information > System diagnostic report:
    there were 4 lines as titles, and after Firefox crash there are 5 now.
    I will send you the content for each of them, but in a new message each time in case it freezes again.
    1st line starts with diskarbitrationd, ends with .shutdownStall
    2014-05-12 18:05:15 -0700
    OS Version: 
    10.9.2 (Build 13C1021)
    Report Version:  18
    No Target
    No Target
    shutdown stall
    12.05s (sampling started after 2 seconds)
    101 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  MacBookPro8,2
    Active cpus:
    Fan speed:  
    4033 rpm (-334)
    Free pages: 
    1153467 pages (-455)
    5 pages
    0 pages
    0 pages
    0 pages
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    launchd [1]
    Sudden Term:
    Task size:  
    577 pages (-6)
    Adaptive, Donating
      Thread 0x13d 
    DispatchQueue 1     
    priority 31   
      101 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x7fff8c4db5fd]
    101 ??? (diskarbitrationd + 28877) [0x10e56a0cd]
    101 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c3da811]
    101 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c3250b5]
    101 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c325779]
    101 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c326155]
    101 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f270a1a]
    *101 ??? (mach_kernel + 92160) [0xffffff8000216800]
      Thread 0x146 
    DispatchQueue 2     
    priority 33   
      101 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8ab9c152]
    101 kevent64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f275662]
    *101 ??? (mach_kernel + 3949760) [0xffffff80005c44c0]
      Thread 0x15ac
    priority 31   
    *101 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b747c4]
      Thread 0x14e2
    priority 29   
      80 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    80 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *80 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Thread 0x1569
    priority 0    
      79 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    79 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *79 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Thread 0x15a6
    priority 31   
      71 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    71 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *71 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Binary Images:
    0x10e563000 -   
    0x10e578fff  diskarbitrationd (266) <94F10D52-A866-34ED-B278-873B4B2E0C7E> /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd
    0x7fff8ab99000 -
    0x7fff8abb3fff  libdispatch.dylib (339.90.1) <F3CBFE1B-FCE8-3F33-A53D-9092AB382DBB> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x7fff8c2b5000 -
    0x7fff8c49afff 6.9 (855.16) <617B8A7B-FAB2-3271-A09B-C542E351C532> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x7fff8c4d8000 -
    0x7fff8c4dbff7  libdyld.dylib (239.4) <CF03004F-58E4-3BB6-B3FD-BE4E05F128A0> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x7fff8f25f000 -
    0x7fff8f27bff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2422.90.20) <20E00C54-9222-359F-BD98-CB79ABED769A> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7fff9374b000 -
    0x7fff93752ff7  libsystem_pthread.dylib (53.1.4) <AB498556-B555-310E-9041-F67EC9E00E2C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    *0xffffff7f80b71000 - 0xffffff7f80b78fff 1.0 (1) <619F6A5D-FFA2-3B59-9993-958FD7154B83> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
    *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000200000  mach_kernel <9FEA8EDC-B629-3ED2-A1A3-6521A1885953> /mach_kernel
    fsck_hfs [267]
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    Task size:  
    206770 pages
    CPU Time:   
    Adaptive, Donating
      Thread 0x968 
    DispatchQueue 1     
    priority 31    
    cpu time  10.043s
      101 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x7fff8c4db5fd]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 7233) [0x106fe7c41]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 76504) [0x106ff8ad8]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 79339) [0x106ff95eb]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 119757) [0x1070033cd]
    42  ??? (fsck_hfs + 135082) [0x107006faa]
    42  ??? (fsck_hfs + 73083) [0x106ff7d7b]
    38  ??? (fsck_hfs + 33605) [0x106fee345]
    24  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43420) [0x106ff099c]
    23  ??? (fsck_hfs + 40781) [0x106feff4d]
    6   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    3   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29241) [0x106fed239]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28343) [0x106feceb7]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28442) [0x106fecf1a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28427) [0x106fecf0b]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28390) [0x106fecee6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29203) [0x106fed213]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28331) [0x106feceab]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28938) [0x106fed10a]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 26336) [0x106fec6e0]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30064) [0x106fed570]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28519) [0x106fecf67]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28406) [0x106fecef6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 40680) [0x106fefee8]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 32482) [0x106fedee2]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17431) [0x106fea417]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    14  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43610) [0x106ff0a5a]
    14  ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28373) [0x106feced5]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28492) [0x106fecf4c]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29199) [0x106fed20f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28511) [0x106fecf5f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28505) [0x106fecf59]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28401) [0x106fecef1]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28390) [0x106fecee6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30356) [0x106fed694]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28496) [0x106fecf50]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28343) [0x106feceb7]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    4   ??? (fsck_hfs + 33871) [0x106fee44f]
    4   ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28652) [0x106fecfec]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28673) [0x106fed001]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29179) [0x106fed1fb]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28664) [0x106fecff8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    39  ??? (fsck_hfs + 134138) [0x107006bfa]
    39  ??? (fsck_hfs + 73083) [0x106ff7d7b]
    36  ??? (fsck_hfs + 33605) [0x106fee345]
    22  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43420) [0x106ff099c]
    20  ??? (fsck_hfs + 40781) [0x106feff4d]
    8   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28492) [0x106fecf4c]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29194) [0x106fed20a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 26738) [0x106fec872]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28433) [0x106fecf11]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28442) [0x106fecf1a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28427) [0x106fecf0b]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28660) [0x106fecff4]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28496) [0x106fecf50]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 40680) [0x106fefee8]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 32482) [0x106fedee2]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17850) [0x106fea5ba]
    1   _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Nehalem + 258 (libsystem_platform.dylib) [0x7fff8ae280e2]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17595) [0x106fea4bb]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    13  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43610) [0x106ff0a5a]
    13  ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30447) [0x106fed6ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28511) [0x106fecf5f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28406) [0x106fecef6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30435) [0x106fed6e3]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29255) [0x106fed247]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29237) [0x106fed235]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 43408) [0x106ff0990]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 33871) [0x106fee44f]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28860) [0x106fed0bc]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28331) [0x106feceab]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]

  • Mid 2011 mbp i7 with a SSD has problems, including grey screen/blue screen/beeping/freezing when I stream live video (i.e. watch espn or time warner cable) Help? Ideas?

    Recently my Macbook Pro (June 2011, i7, 8gb RAM, 512gb SSD, AMD Radeon 6750, Mountain Lion - since July - currently 10.8.2) has been presenting me with an array of problems, usually initiated when I am streaming live video. I was streaming Time Warner Cable on 12/9 and it gave me what looked like the blue screen of death.  It started up after about five attempts that time. The other day, after about a week of not using the computer, it wouldn't boot past the grey screen. I (option) started it and it gave me two boot choices, the regular HD and a "10.8 restore" option.  The HD gave me the grey screen and the restore option gave me the dark blue screen. I reset PRAM and that didn't work.  After a force (x) start it worked.  Today, I was using "Watch ESPN" and the screen froze and the computer did some kind of repeating RAM beep or something.  I rebooted and it started up fine.  I'm not watching any videos anymore, but this is a problem since the primary purpose for my mbp is video editing. I'm still under AppleCare but I find more solid answers in the forums or at least better questions for the AppleCare people.
    Anybody have similar experiences, or a solid idea of what the heck has happened to my machine?

    I'm not really sure what method that person was talking about. I just read he had a successful install so I posted it.
    But I'll hazard a guess
    1. copy your entire drive to a backup drive
    2. boot into that drive and test it out - make sure its a flawless backup, it works, and the hard drive has no problems
    3. eject that drive, disconnect it and reboot into the leopard install dvd
    4. erase your main hard drive using disc utilities on the leopard install dvd -- you've made a backup, made sure that backup was good, and disconnected it so it's currently safely disconnected from the leopard install you're about to do. Also, on the hard drive you're erasing and installing leopard on to, many people recommend "Zeroing" it as well as erasing it. That option is part of the erase function in disc utilities on the leopard install disc.
    5. do a clean install of leopard
    6. follow step 4 from that original post exactly as that person described to do.
    7. read the rest of what they said
    That's pretty much it. With the backup/erase/clean install/import/ you pretty much get everything you need exactly the way you want it with very few things missing -- and you've done this over a clean install. Plus that poster did mention that you can select what you want to import from your backup hard drive.
    It sounds like its a "clean install" method that gives you control via "import from machine" option in the installer. Control over what parts of your "old mac" you want to import into your "new leopard mac".
    Hopefully that helps. It sounds more involved, but its actually pretty quick and provides you with a perfectly save backup in case anything goes wrong with the leopard install.

  • My G4 hangs on a grey screen when I try to boot in OS 9 help?!

    I'm desperate! My mac G4 that I've been running for years with both OS X and OX 9 has been unable to boot in OS 9 and I've tried almost everything form option hold on restarts to shift (exrtensions off) zapping the pram etc. I know others have had this problem. I've researched a lot already. I used the same G4 and the same monitor and hardware and everything for years and this problem suddenly sprang up out of nowhere. I desperately need to get this machine to boot in OS 9 because I'm using Protools with many plugins and cards that are not supported on OS X. When I boot in OS X it acts fine no problem like it always did. When ever I try to boot in OS 9 it hangs on a grey screen and then freezes up before and happy face and or extensions have loaded etc.
    One thing, and I don't know how important this may be, is that the first time I encountered this problem was after I had attached a USB hub to my computer which had been sitting unused for some weeks and the Hub somehow made the computer start up when I plugged in the USB cable to the USB Hub?! After that OS 9 has refused to boot period no matter what I do. I can run some apps in the classic environment but cannot boot to OS 9 at all ever.
    I read in one forum where a guy did an open firmware reset and got some error messages that had to do with USB. He was having the same problem the grey screen when trying to boot on OS 9.
    Does any one have an answer Please I'm almost ready to give up!

    Hey me back again month later. Well I have tried everything. I even pulled the hard drive out of my G4 and replaced it with a tested and working hard drive which had only OS9 installed on it. In other words that computer had two choices boot into OS 9 or hang on a grey screen. There was no other system present to boot into, so after chiming and starting the boot process it just hangs on the grey screen again. So I guess what Steve Jobs meant when he said OS 9 is dead is that they killed OS 9 because my machine will not look at any OS 9 system folder regardless of whether OS X exists on the machine or not. I tried to reboot holding down option command P R and after the second chime grey screen again. I've read that OS 9 requires some small folder or bytes to be recognized in order to boot which it is obvious newer versions of OS X purposely and maliciously delete in order to make it inoperable. My protools gear works fine I've rested it on other machines. The only way that I can use it is to be able to boot into OS9. Which has been corrupted by OS X. They say you can format a disc with OS 9 drivers but I see no such option using OS 10.4 tiger so I'm not sure what they are talking about.
        So here is my question. Why would a G4 450mghz machine with a working OS 9 hard disc installed with no other system folders available not boot after it chimes and begins the start up process. If it is because running OS 10.4 disables the OS 9 drivers and corrupts the machine so that it can never look at a OS 9 again let's just admit that and say OK Steve was right OS 9 is dead but it did not die of natural causes.

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