I'm using pixel fonts for the first time and I cant seem to
make them work properly. the words are still unfocused and
I already put the size to 8 ou 16,
no decimals in the X and Y position,
embeded the font,
tried all the anti alias modes,
nothing seems to work and the words look like blurs
Am I missing a step, or doing something wrong?
best regards

Pedromvpg wrote:
> I'm using pixel fonts for the first time and I cant seem
to make them work
> properly. the words are still unfocused and unreadable.
> I already put the size to 8 ou 16,
> no decimals in the X and Y position,
> embeded the font,
> tried all the anti alias modes,
> nothing seems to work and the words look like blurs
> Am I missing a step, or doing something wrong?
> best regards
under the font properties, set it to Bitmap and not Anti
Alias for Animation.
Best Regards
"Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    Did you embed the font?
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=194&threadid=1133743&hi ghlight_key=y&keyword1=embed%20font

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    What are the properties of the clip from Ae?
    These are my export choices and I've tried DV-NTSC which matches the final cut settings and under advice from this forum the Uncompressed 10-bit and H.264.  Same pixelated font but only in the FCP timelime.  Plays fine in Quicktime on the deskstop with no pixelation on the font
    What are your Sequence settings in FCP?
    Did you render the clip on the FCP Timeline?
    Yes, didn't make a difference
    The Final Cut Pro canvas shows you a low res proxy. That conserves resources and should not be what you use to determine quality. Export the clip and view it in QuickTime Player 7--Play beautifully....no crappy font.
    (not QT X). Make sure QT7 is set to use Hi Quality Playback (in the Preferences dialog). Better yet, view it on a TV set.
    Views on the TV as pixelated.
    The typeface that you are using. While elegant and pretty, it is very unsuitable for television--Yes, absolutely agree, but it's a client produced photoshop file that matches the invitations for the Gala.  They may allow me to change the font to something close, but even those fonts would probably create the same problem.
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    The terminal font is probably a bitmap (raster) font and Firefox no longer supports such fonts, so you won't see them.
    The Silkscreen font is available as a true type version and should work in Firefox.
    Such pixel (bitmap) fonts only look good in their native resolution, so make sure that you aren't zooming web pages.
    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems.
    *<b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)

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    This looks as though you may have a failing GPU.
    You can try these resets that may help, but it looks like a hardware failure.
    You may want to take it in to an Apple store genius bay, they will diagnose it for free and give you your options.
    Reset SMC:

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    When Illustrator uses "pixels" as a unit of measure (which it is not), it is really using points. All of Illustrator's underlying measures are in points (1/72 inch).
    I'm not sure what you're struggling with re webpages; but you can code text size in XHTML / CSS as pixels or points or as percentages.

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    yes create a windows and fonts folder
    yes I have done it under post install
    It better to store reg file in the deploymentshare because during installation it is not easy to run or access a reg file from a network share.
    I made folder as suggested and copied fonts that I wanted to use with new win7 image but after I re-imaged one of out laptops I cant see that those fonts are actually copied/installed.
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    2. added new tasksequence under post install (run command line) and added line regedit /s %SCRIPTROOT%\fonts.reg
    3. made fonts.reg and added it to D:\DeploymentShare\Scripts
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    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
    "somefont1 (TrueType)"="somefont1.TTF"
    "somefont2 (TrueType)"="somefont2.TTF"
    and so on to nr 10...
    What am I doing wrong ?

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    I am not a Mac user, but your problem is the same with other HDPI high resolution displays.
    See that discussion on the feedback forum:
    http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/please_add_retina_support_to_photosh op_elements_11
    Nobody can tell if future versions will solve the problem, but don't expect a fix for PSE12.
    shoregrl20 wrote:
    Just purchased a brand new MBP, and all programs look awesome on it except the one software program where crisp display is required - PSE11. 
    I completely disagree about the 'crisp display' requirement.  Photo editing on computers has its own requirements which do take into account the practical resolution of the display, its size and viewing distance and the fact that you have to work alternatively on the whole image or the pixel level. Working comfortably without straining your eyesight means a lot of things including display size and viewing distance (good : 24 to 27" at 80 - 100 cm) with optimal resolution : 1920 x 1200; good colour fidelity and absence of reflections.
    If you compare side by side HDPi vs more standard displays, you won't see the difference in a normal editing session, only if you look closely for a long time at a still image.
    Standard displays are crisp enough, don't be fooled by the marketing trick of the higher figures. Even 1920 x 1200 resolution is more than enough for a 15" display. Spend the price difference on a good and comfortable. external display. Make use of the shortcuts to quickly zoom and pan in your images.

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    Couple of things in general - you need to make sure that you are creating the proper size menus in Photoshop (you can start with one of the presets, such as DV or DV Widescreen). Make sure to use larger sans-serif fonts and all layers and effects should be rasterized. 20pt plus is a good idea, and sometimes things like drop shadows helps. (Depends) Also tiffs or picts and not jpegs.
    I have been using Motion alot more for layouts and does a nice job. Even if the background is not a "video" background, using a movie can help - make it 30 seconds or so. Export using an uncompressed codec then encode in Compressor.

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    It's helpful to others who use this forum to post the answer if you figured it out on your own so that those with similar problems can search and find out what worked for you.

  • CSS font style in main template. How to remove or change...

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    If that made sense to anyone, what do I do now? Do I go to the main template and change the size to what I know they should be then update all the pages, leaving "redundant tags". Do I delete the style altogeter from the main template?..not sure what that would do.
    and last, once I finally get it right, how do I upload these changes. Putting the main teimplate, css style sheet? Spry menu? all?
    Thanks SO MUCH
    Miserable in D.W. land today!

    Thanks, will be working on it today. That's what I needed to know. It sucks when you don't know what your'e
    doing and you can't speak intelligently to someone who does. So thanks for the layman's answer this time.
    What I can do is actually go back to the page in question, and I can see the "old" style 18 and what the size should be, then see the new one. So I will be able to tell what the old size was. These styles affected are mainly for colored font/names under our caddy girls. Each one might have her name in size 24 pixel font, in a different color depending on the page design. Long story short, is all the fonts that were 18 or 19 are now wrong..  and some other styles have been messed up as well
    Maybe you can help me with this one too? On 3 or 4 font styles I must have been playing with the spry menu bar and adjusting the size not realizing I was in percentage mode and not pixels. By the time I figured it out I had changed 4 styles to 12 and 13 %. So the font is tiny in D.W. Would I just delete these altogether, or change these to what pixel size they should be? Even though it will create a redundant font tag. (which I'm not too concerned about unless I need to be.) Or should I change them to 100%?
    Hope you can make sense of the above. I REALLY appreciate it. Was going to make the font on "really" very big but my days of messing with fonts are over!!!!

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    Its the way iPhone 5 apps are scaling, its now upto the app developers to update their apps for the new screen sizes. I would say a couple of months for most major apps. Some devs are really fast and have already updated their apps for the new screen sizes, like wunderlist. As of now there is nothing that you can do to make the fonts smaller, just wait till the developers catch up.

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    I've got the following lines in my jdev.conf:
    AddVMOption  -Dswing.aatext=true
    AddVMOption  -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd
    And I've checked "Enable Text Anti-Aliasing" in Preferences->Code Editor->Display.
    Is sub-pixel antialiasing in the JDeveloper code editor possible? If so, how? I'm running Windows 7 btw.

    No problem Timo.
    I don't think it's worth opening an SR for this. It looks like sub-pixel anti-aliasing isn't supported in the JDeveloper Code Editor, which is a shame, because that's the place where it's most needed.

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    My example shows two fonts at four different sizes rendered in an HTML Air App vs the default Windows Cleartype, as well as using Safari to show the Font style anti-aliasing.  In all cases the HTML Air App rendering is far more difficult to read, and in many cases severely distorts the color of the text in a way that other subpixel algorithms do not.  As far as I can find after literally hours of googling and searching there's no way to override this in HTML based applications.  Is there any solution to this, or a planned fix for the renderer?  Other than this rendering issue, the HTML interface for creating Air apps is absolutely brilliant, this is just making my finished product look significantly less polished than it otherwise would if the text were more readable.

    Dear caturner81, dear Adobe,
    is there a solution to this problem? I'd really love to fix the aliasing thing in Air/HTML!

Maybe you are looking for

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