Pkg-config doesn't find libmfx

I'm trying to build ffmpeg with h264_qsv (QuickSync) support. In order to do that, I need libmfx. But pkg-config doesn't find the libmfx files, although they are present:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH is filled with the correct path:
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH
The libmfx files are there:
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# ls -l /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmfx.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 120284 Jun 20 19:25 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmfx.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 893 Jun 20 19:25 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 339 Jun 20 20:05 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmfx.pc
The libmfx.pc contents seems ok?
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmfx.pc
Name: libmfx
Description: Intel Media SDK Dispatched static library
Version: 2013
Libs: -L${libdir} -lsupc++ ${libdir}/libmfx.a
Cflags: -I${includedir} -I/media/downloads/opensource/SDK/include/
The header files are at the included in the SDK dir:
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# ls -l /media/downloads/opensource/SDK/include/
total 168
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 4835 Jun 3 09:58 mfxastructures.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 5479 Jun 3 09:58 mfxaudio++.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 3493 Jun 3 10:02 mfxaudio.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 4767 Jun 3 10:00 mfxcommon.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 6306 Jun 3 09:58 mfxdefs.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2865 Jun 3 10:00 mfxenc.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2976 Jun 3 09:58 mfxjpeg.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2900 Jun 3 10:00 mfxla.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 3048 Jun 3 09:58 mfxmvc.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2881 Jun 3 09:58 mfxpak.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 28117 Jun 3 09:58 mfxplugin++.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 11066 Jun 3 10:00 mfxplugin.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2647 Jun 3 09:58 mfxsession.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 38541 Jun 3 10:00 mfxstructures.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 10411 Jun 3 10:00 mfxvideo++.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 6257 Jun 3 10:00 mfxvideo.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 2690 Jun 3 09:58 mfxvp8.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 zao zao 1662 Jun 3 09:58 mfxvstructures.h
But configure cant't find the files:
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# git pull
Already up-to-date.
[root@nuc FFmpeg]# ./configure --enable-libmfx --enable-nonfree --enable-iconv --arch=x86 --disable-debug --disable-shared --disable-doc --disable-w32threads --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-avfilter --enable-bzlib --enable-zlib --enable-librtmp --enable-gnutls --enable-avisynth --enable-frei0r --enable-filter=frei0r --enable-libbluray --enable-libcaca --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-fontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libass --enable-libgsm --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtwolame --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libutvideo --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libopus --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libxavs --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzvbi
ERROR: libmfx not found using pkg-config
If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
[email protected] mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on
Include the log file "config.log" produced by configure as this will help
solve the problem.
Sorry for being new at this, but I really want to learn
Thanks in advance, zAo

Did a restart from scratch: removed all *mfx* files from /usr/*, removed all build files and downloaded them again. Apart from make install, everything is run as my desktop user.
[zao@nuc mfx_dispatch]$ mkdir build && cd build
[zao@nuc build]$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.1.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5.1.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Intel Media SDK is here: /media/downloads/git/mfx_dispatch
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /media/downloads/git/mfx_dispatch/build
Start build
[zao@nuc build]$ make -j
Scanning dependencies of target mfx
[ 8%] [ 16%] [ 25%] [ 50%] [ 41%] [100%] [ 41%] [ 66%] [ 66%] [ 75%] [ 83%] [ 91%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_dxva2_device.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/main.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_library_iterator.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_library_iterator_linux.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_critical_section.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_load_dll.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_dispatcher_log.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_function_table.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_critical_section_linux.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_load_dll_linux.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_dispatcher.cpp.o
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfx.dir/src/mfx_win_reg_key.cpp.o
Linking CXX static library libmfx.a
[100%] Built target mfx
[zao@nuc build]$ sudo make install
[100%] Built target mfx
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxjpeg.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxplugin++.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxastructures.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxla.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxenc.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxcommon.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxplugin.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxvp8.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxdefs.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxmvc.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxstructures.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxvideo.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxvstructures.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxaudio++.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxpak.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxvideo++.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxaudio.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/mfxsession.h
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libmfx.pc
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libmfx.a
pkg-config doesn’t find the right files:
[zao@nuc build]$ pkg-config --list-all| grep mfx
[zao@nuc build]$ echo $?
I know that building via PKGBUILD is much cleaner, but -for me- it add additional levels of complexity.
Any tips or ideas? Thanks for your patience

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    As reliable as ever, thanks wantilles :)
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    @ ropez fzerorubigd tschertel
    I won't answer the same questions twice.
    See my comment on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:51:20 +0000.
    Comment by: fzerorubigd on Wed, 21 Jul 2010 18:18:22 +0000
    :) I just want to report this is out of date and why I flag this as out of date. nothing else.
    Comment by: wantilles on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 11:36:22 +0000
    Upstream update to 3.6.8.
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    Its a good work, but can you add default dictionary to this too? I mean just add a dictionaries folder inside installation folder and copy to en-US.dic and en-US.aff from mozilla-1.9.2/extensions/spellcheck/locales/en-US/hunspell folder?
    Thanks for your great work.
    First Submitted: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 06:41:54 +0000
    firefox-branded 3.6.8-1 : Standalone web browser from
    ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
    ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
    ==> ------------------------------------
    ==> n
    ==> firefox-branded dependencies:
    - desktop-file-utils (already installed)
    - zip (already installed)
    - diffutils (already installed)
    - libgnomeui>=2.24.1 (already installed)
    - python (already installed)
    - wireless_tools (already installed)
    - xulrunner= (building from AUR)
    - pkg-config (building from AUR)
    ==> Edit firefox.install ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
    ==> -------------------------------------------
    ==> n
    ==> Continue building firefox-branded ? [Y/n]
    ==> -----------------------------------------
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    ==> Install or build missing dependencies for firefox-branded:
    error: 'pkg-config': could not find or read package
    ==> WARNING: Dependencies have been installed before the failure
    ==> Restart building firefox-branded ? [y/N]
    ==> ----------------------------------------
    ==> WARNING: Following packages have not been installed:
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    -> xulrunner=
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    -> pkg-config
    ==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
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    Message was edited by: Jason Saumur

    I'm not sure what you might be missing when building this by hand, but I just use the fink package manager, and it will install stuff like cairo with all the required supporting libraries like libpng, etc.
    there are some other options, like MacPorts or DarwinPorts also.

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    Hi Kiwisteve77,
    I understand the Ipad doesn't find the printer.
    Thank you for your reply.
    I will be happy to help you with this.
    Try turning the wi-fi off and on again on the Ipad.
    If that doesn't work turn the Ipad off and on again.
    Check to make sure it is connected to the proper network.
    Power cycle the router, Ipad and the printer and try it again if you are still having issues.
    I have provided a document for How to Use Apple's AirPrint Over a Wireless Network. Go to the section What if a 'No AirPrint Printers Found' message displays on my Apple device?
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    rm /Library/Caches/*.csstore
    *defaults delete*
    *sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServi ces.framework/Support/lsregister -kill*
    *sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServi ces.framework/Support/lsregister -R -domain local -domain system -domain user*
    (note the capital -R in the previous line.)
    This step will take a few minutes to complete, with a message about I/O throttleing
    reboot (not sure if that is necessary)
    *mdimport -d2 ~/Library/Calendars*
    This last command should now show the successful indexing of all calendar events.
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