Cannot Assign Archive and Retention Policies in Outlook 2010

We are having problems figuring out how we enable Archiving and Retention tags in Outlook.  We have a new Exchange 2010 server with an Enterprise license key. We have run Microsoft Office professional plus 2010 on all of our clients (licensed through
our volume license service agreement). We have configured an Archive mailbox store and assigned accounts to use that store. The archive mailbox appears in the users Outlook, but they cannot assign policies to folders or items. The ribbon does not show the
option. I can see that it is configured to be part of the ribbon (when customizing the ribbon), but the option is not available to the user to actually select. I see user tags assigned to the user in Exchange, so I am at a loss as to where else to look for
the problem.
I see lots of documentation that says this is a licensing problem, but I am running the right components and think I have the right licensing. Is there a trouble shooting document or things I can check to make sure I have everything the way I need it to

We found our own answer on this. Not sure why, but we had to use powershell to start the Managed Folder Assistant for the user name we had configured:
Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -identity <username>
My guess is that if we had waited long enough this would have resolved itself.

Similar Messages

  • Understanding (default) archiving and retention policies and tags

    I am taking a look at archiving and policies and tags and am a bit confused. 
    If I look at the "Default Archive and Retention Policy", I see a lot of Tags assigned to this policy. On the Mailboxes tab, I see no mailboxes listed.
    although no mailboxes are listed in there, are all users that (will) have archive enabled still using this default Policy?
    I see a lot of Personal Tags in there assigned. 1 Month Delete, 1 Week Delete; Are all these tags active, or is the list you see there all tags that a user CAN personally use and assign to his folder?
    For example, what does the tag do: "1 Month Delete", Personal Tag, Delete and Alllow Recovery, Age limit for Retention 30, Retention Enable True?
    there is also a tag called "Default 2 year move to archive", with type All other folders in the mailbox. Does this mean that all users that have this policy assigned, that all their mail older than 2 years will be moved to their archive? Or can
    the user enable this tag?
    The longer I look at this list, the less I understand.... Maybe someone can give a short explanation?

    For the question 1:
    Yes. Exchange Setup creates the retention policy Default Archive and Retention Policy. When you enable a personal archive for a mailbox, the Default Archive and Retention Policy is automatically applied to the mailbox if it doesn't already have a retention
    For the question 2:
    Users can apply these personal tags to folders they create or individual items.
    For the question 3:
    First, we should know what the "Delete and Allow Recovery" retention action do.
    Delete and Allow Recovery: This action emulates the behavior when the Deleted Items folder is emptied. Tags that have this action applied are known as deletion tags. When this action occurs, and deleted item retention is configured for the mailbox database
    or the user, messages move to the Recoverable Items folder. The Recoverable Items folder (previously known as the dumpster) provides the user another chance to recover deleted messages.
    So about the tag you mentioned above, it's a personal tag, when a mailbox item reaches its retention age(here is 30 days), the items will be deleted in the source folder and moved to the Recoverable Items folder.
    For the question 4:
    If you choose the type "All other folders in the mailbox", then this would be a Default Policy Tag (DPT). This DPT is applied to all other items where a RPT is not applied.
    For example, if you have created a retention policy tag and apply it to default folder Inbox, then Inbox folder won't be affected by a default policy tag whose type is "All other folders in the mailbox".
    Please note that a mailbox can't have more than one retention policy. If you later apply a retention policy to the mailbox, tags from the Default Archive and Retention Policy are no longer available to the mailbox.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • "Permanently Delete" fail in outlook client after setting up the "Archive and Retention Policy" in Exchange 2010

    In Exchange 2010 server, we have setup a policy under "Default Archive and Retention Policy" as all messages under "Inbox", "Sent Items" and "Deleted Items" will be Permanently Delete after X months.
    However, one of our client found that some of the email messages was still found under his "Deleted Items". All other email messages under her outlook client (2010) were successfully deleted according to the policy.
    Is there any reason for this exception?
    Thank you

    Based on your description, you created retention policy tags for Inbox, Sent Items and Deleted Items folders. Then you linked them to the default archive and retention policy
    Default Archive and Retention Policy.
    Please check if this issue affects all users.
    Please create a different retention policy which is associated with these retention tags, and apply this policy to a test user to check result.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support


    제품 : RMAN
    작성날짜 : 2004-05-20
    오라클 9i RMAN 에서는 백업을 보다 효율적으로 할 수 있는 기능을 보강 했다.
    지금 소개할 "Retention Policies" 기능을 통해서 보다 효율적인 RMAN 백업
    전략을 세울 수 있다.
    1. 백업 화일 최적화 방법 (Backup File Optimization)
    백업 화일 최적화란 백업에 소요되는 공간을 최소화 하는 전략이다. RMAN
    백업시에 같은 정보 (dbid, checkpoint, and resetlogs data 등등) 를 가지고 있는
    화일이 이미 존재하는 백업 셋 내부에 있는지 체크하게 된다. 만일 같은 화일이
    이미 백업 되어 있다면 BACK UP 명령은 해당 화일에 대해서는 백업을 하지 않게
    이때 같은 화일이라고 판단하는 기준은 다음과 같다.
    * Datafile: 같은 DBID, checkpoint SCN, resetlogs SCN 과 time. 데이타 화일은
    반드시정상적으로 offline 되었거나, read-only 이거나, 또는 정상적 으로 close
    되어야 함.
    * Archived redo log: 같은 thread, sequence number, 그리고 같은 Resetlogs
    SCN 과 time.
    * Backup Set: 같은 Backup Set recid 와 stamp.
    RMAN 이 백업을 수행하다가 위와 같은 조건의 화일이 이미 존재함을 확인하면
    이것은 건너뛰게 될 화일의 대상이다. 하지만 이때 바로 Skip 을 결정하지 않고
    정해진 Retention Policies 를 조사 한후에 Skip 여부를 결정 하게 된다.
    만일 백업 명령에 DELETE INPUT option 이 사용되면 RMAN 은 백업이 Skip
    되어도 화일을 지우게 된다.
    RMAN 은 모든 화일에 대한 백업이 Skip 되어도 에러메시지나 경고를 보내지
    그러나 만일 데이터 화일에 대한 백업이 recovery policy window 보다 오래
    된 것 이면 RMAN 은 새로운 백업 화일을 만들기 위해서 화일을 백업 하게 된다.
    자체적인 expirations policy 를 가지고 있는 media manager 를 사용할 경우에는
    이런 백업 최적화 정책을 사용하는 것에 신중을 기해야 한다.
    백업 최적화 를 사용하기 위해서는 CONFIGURE 명령을 사용한다. CONFIGURE
    명령은 명령 수행 이후에 이루어지는 모든 백업에 대해 적용이 된다.
    2. Backup Optimization에 Retention Policies 적용 하기
    Retention Policy 로 백업 최적화를 조절 할 수 있다. 그러나 retention policy를
    이용해서 명시적으로 retention policy를 사용하지 않는다고 해야 한다. 디폴트로
    REDUNDANCY = 1 이 적용 된다.
         a. Recovery Window 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    만일 백업 최적화가 enable 되어 있고 Recovery Window 가 retention policy
    적용을 위해서 셋업 되어 있으면 RMAN 은 항상 가장 최근의 백업이 Recovery
    Window 보다 오래된 데이터 화일을 백업한다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같은 조건에서
    o Today is February 21.
    o The recovery window is 7 days.
    o The most recent backup of tablespace tbs2 to tape is January 3.
    o Tablespace tbs2 is read-only.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스를 테이프로 백업을 하라는 명령을 내리면,
    RMAN 은 이 화일이 1월3일 이후에 변경 사항이 없는데도 불구 하고 백업을 하게
    된다. 이로써 RMAN 은 최근 7일 동안에 최소한 한번의 백업이 있어야 된다는
    조건을 지키게 된다.
    이러한 작동 방식은 media manager 가 오래된 테잎을 제거 해도 되도록 한다.
    그렇지 않다면, media manager 는 1월 3일의 백업을 무한정 가지고 있게 된다.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스의 보다 최근의 백업을 만듦으로 써, RMAN 은
    media manager 가 1월 3일에 백업 했던 테입을 지워도 되도록 한다.
         b. Redundancy 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    Retention policy 로 Redundancy 를 채택 한 경우에 RMAN 은 Redundancy
    에 1을 더한 갯수를 초과하는 오프라인 또는 읽기 전용 화일의 백업을 건너뛴다.
    Redundancy의 갯수를 정한다.
    아래와 같은 백업 최적화 명령을 내린 경우를 예로 든다:
    아카이브 테이블스페이스를 한번도 백업을 받은적이 없고 다음의 작업을 1주일
    동안 한다고 하자.
    Day Action Result Redundant Backup
    Monday Take tablespace archive offline clean.
    Tuesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Wednesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Thursday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Tuesday backup.
    Friday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Saturday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Sunday Run DELETE OBSOLETE. The Tuesday backup is deleted.
    Monday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Wednesday backup.
    화요일, 수요일, 그리고 목요일의 백업은 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 복사 해서
    3개의 백업이 반드시 존재 해야 한다는 조건을 충촉 시킨다. (1+Redundancy)
    금요일과 토요일에는 백업 최적화 조건에 의해서 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를
    복사하지 않게 된다.
    RMAN 은 일요일에는 유효기간이 지난 백업 화일을 지우게 된다. 따라서 화요일에
    만든 백업은 삭제 된다. 월요일의 전체 백업은 3개의 백업이 존재 해야 한다는 조건
    때문에 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 또 다시 백업하게 된다. 이런 방식으로 백업
    사이클이 진행 된다.
    주의 사항:
    자체가 존재 하지 않는다는 의미 이며 백업은 expire 되지 않으며 'DELETE
    OBSOLETE' 명령은 사용 할 수 없게 된다. 후자는 디폴트 RETENTION POLICY
    (REDUNDANCY 1) 를 사용하게 된다는 의미 이다.
    'DELETE OBSOLETE' 명령은 RETENTION POLICY 기준으로 expire 된 백업을
    제거 하라는 명령이다.
    보다 자세한 내용은 Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide and
    Reference의 Backup Optimization 부분을 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
    --------------THE END----------------------------------------------

    Backup optimisation = +- do not copy empty space.
    So, when you issue your BACKUP statement, it backs up the datafile. dot. nothing more.
    In order to achieve what you're testing, look into TFM for BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL x .

  • Exchange 2010's "Online Archive" doesn't appear in Outlook 2010

    I recently installed Exchange 2010, and all is working fine but the online archive feature.
    I activated it for 2 of my users, it appears correctly in OWA, but doesn't appear in Outlook 2010 (Tech Preview).
    What I am missing ? The only howtos I found state that you only have to setup Outlook, and the main mailbox + the online archive will appear... But I just have the main mailbox.
    If you've an idea... :)

    I did some testing on this whole Personal Archive thing as even when using a new version and new license key the archive wasn’t showing in Outlook 2010 (yet was showing in OWA).
    So I setup two machines (VMs) running Windows 7 Ultimate.
    One was x64 and the other x86 but vanilla installs.
    Installed Office 2010 Professional Plus download from TechNet (the iso image with both x86 and x64 versions on it).
    Installed the lastest Office updates published via MS Update.
    Used the same license key for both installs of Office.
    Exchange 2010 backend running SP1.
    When the machines are not in a domain the archive doesn’t show in Outlook (both x86 and x64).
    Pop the machines into the same AD domain as the Exchange server and hey presto the archive shows on both Outlook versions (x86 and x64).
    Just to check things I removed them from the domain - archive folder missing again.
    Re-added back to domain - archive folder shows.
    It seems for the TechNet version anyhow the machine should be in a domain.
    I can’t comment on other versions/license keys.

  • Exporting Palm Tungsten E2 contacts and Calendar to Microsoft Outlook 2010

    How do I export Palm Tungsten E2 contacts and Calendar to Microsoft Outlook 2010.  The normal suggested  methods do not seem to work.  I have part of the contact list in the Address Book area of Outlook, but have been unable to open the window.
    I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

    If you sync with Palm Desktop, you should be able to do it directly on your computer:
    Start Button > All Programs > Palm > PIM Conduit Sync > Sync with Outlook
    On my Windows 8 installation, when I have the Start screen show all programs, there is an icon for Sync with Outlook.  I haven't tried it, because I don't like Outlook.
    Hope this helps.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • ICloud deletes the contacts and calendar entries from Outlook 2010 on my PC, when it syncs. with my iPad. How do I retain the contacts and calendar entries on my PC.

    iCloud deletes the contacts and calendar entries from Outlook 2010 on my PC, when it syncs. with my iPad. How do I retain the contacts and calendar entries on my PC.

    I should mention that i have NOT upgraded to iOS 5 on the 3GS and don't want to.  Therefore, no iCloud on the phone.

  • Confusing Application of Archive and Retention Personal Tags and Policies

    I created some custom personal tags and applied it to the retention policy assigned to my account and started the managed folder assistant on my mailbox and when I saw the new tags in Outlook, I applied personal tags at the folder level of all of the folders
    in my Outlook 2010 profiles by right clicking on each folder, selecting Properties, then selecting Folder Policy, then selected the retention and archive policy I wanted and then clicked OK to save the settings.
    After about 15 minutes, I had finished going through all the folders, I went back to look at the folder properties and instead of showing the custom policies I just set, they have "Use Parent Folder Policy" selected on the Policy tab for both Folder
    Policy and Online Archive.  It looks like the settings are not being saved/applied or they are reverting back to defaults.  However, some messages show retention and archive dates and some messages are moving to my archive mailbox.
    This is confusing to me, so this looks like it is going to generate a large amount of tech support calls when we roll this out and it will be difficult to explain to end users how this works.
    Our retention policy does not contain any default archiving policy or retention policy on the Inbox (the 2 year default was not applied) to our policy.  So mail in the Inbox is not automatically moved unless a user applies a personal tag to archive
    and delete the messages.
    How is this supposed to work and how long does it take for folder policies to be applied from personal tags and then work as expected in Outlook?

    As for when the managed folder assistant runs, it depends on your Service Pack level.  For Exchange 2010 SP1 and later, the retention policies run 24x7 with a throttling policy applied to the Mailbox Folder Assistant.  Also, there is no guarantee
    that the managed folder process will necessarily finish in the time allotted.  In fact, there should be messages on the Exchange server side that document how many mailboxes were processed and I think, how many were not.
    For the timing in general, if a tag is applied, my understanding is that with the default settings it could be up to a day, if not longer until things begin processing. It depends on what window you have for retention policies to process, what might
    already be in the queue to process next, etc.
    For the Start and End date question, my assumption would be that on the day that it is supposed to start, it will be placed in the queue to be processed as soon as possible,  The same for the end date.
    Hope that helps.
    More good resources:
    JAUCG - Please remeber to mark replies as helpful if they were or as answered if I provided a solution.

  • Archived video retention policies

    Wondering if anyone has good links to video archive retention policies.
    We are probably going to institute some sort of retention policies in the near future.
    We will be keeping orginal tapes, and archiving the straight captures of the tapes.
    We obviously will also store the fcp projects.
    Also, we will be archiving the finished products.
    Looking for others' policies so we can see what other edu's and coms are setting as rules for how long stuff is stored in each format.

    I keep the tapes.
    The FCP project files, stills, created graphics, project files and assets from applications like Motion and AE, music and sound effects...those I burn to DVD and archive. I also export a self contained movie of the final show...texted and textless and archive those to hard drive...and keep copies of the final output tapes.
    I never back up the captured footage that I have the tapes for. I either keep the tapes, or if required by the network, send the tapes back to them....since they own them. If they want the project revisited and rebuilt, they need to send them back.

  • Bug: Auto-archive does not work in Outlook 2010

    The Auto-Archive feature does not seem to work. In my case, I'm creating a mail folder in my inbox and setting the auto archival to "2 weeks, then delete". I run Auto Archival manually. It seems to progress without any error, but I know better.
    It should take the process more than a few minutes to process the mail I have stored up for almost a year. No error and my mail has been untouched.
    I noticed this thread in the Outlook 2010 beta forums
    I'm having the same issue. I'd like this bug fixed if possible? I keep archival folders to manage my mail.

    Hi Canovac,
    Auto Archive works as expected in my environment.   I noticed you said that you created a new mail folder in your inbox.  Did you just create the folder and move the mail to that folder?  Auto archive looks at modified date and if you
    move the mail to that folder that changed the modified date so the mail will not archive.
    To determine the modified date, do the following:
    While on the folder in question:
    Click View > View Settings > Columns
    In the Select available columns from dropdown choose
    All Mail Fields locate Modifed in the Available colums: and click
    If the mail has not been modified within the last two week span, please test the following for me.
    Start Outlook with the /safe switch and then run Auto-Archive. 
    Does auto-archive work when starting with the /safe switch?
    Regards, Teresa Microsoft Online Community Support Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community
    members reading the thread.

  • I purchased a new Windows 8 PC. I have used and continue to use Outlook 2010 for my calendar. With my old Windows 7 PC and Outlook 2010, my calendar sinked properly with my Iphone 5. Now with the new Windows 8 PC, it does not. Help!

    I purchased a new Windows 8 PC and I use Outlook 2010 for my calendar. With my old Windows 7 PC and Outlook 2010, my calendar would sync with my Iphone 5, but with the new Windows 8 PC and Outlook 2010, it does not, and I can't figure out how to snyc them. The emails from Outlook 2010 sync, but the calendar does not. Help! Thanks. 

    Easy solution for restoring lost calendar informaiton, thank goodness.  On your iPhone, go to settings, then to iCloud.  If your Calendar selection is turned off,  turn it on.  Your info should restore.  If your Calendar selection is turned on, then turn it off.  Choose to save calendars when asked.  After it shuts the Calendar off, turn it back on.  Your info should be restored.
    Thank you to Apple support for walking me through this.  Shame on you Apple for not just telling people about this easy fix rather than making us go through all of this pain and worry.
    - JT

  • Display the users middle initial or middle name in active directory and it shows in outlook 2010 as well.

    I would like for the users middle initial or middle name to show in outlook 2010. I
    can set it in the header meaning I see the middle initial when the email comes in but its not in the signature. I read a post about the middle name attribute has to be set in a/d? if that is the case please provide some feed back on how to accomplish that?
    server 2008, a/d 2008

    In AD, the attribute name is "middleName". You can populate it in bulk using Powershell with
    Set-ADUser cmdlet.
    For Exchange questions, I would recommend asking them here:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Get Active Directory User Last Logon
    Create an Active Directory test domain similar to the production one
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part I
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part II
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part III
    Reset Active Directory user password

  • How do I update to my changed Icloud ID and Passowrd in Windows Outlook 2010. It keeps asking for my old ID

    I had to change my  Icloud ID and Passworrd  recently through my Iphone.. I also have Icloud linked to Windows Outlook 2010 on my computer.  Outlook keeps asking for my old ID and password on the computer.  How do I change the information in Outlook so I can link back up. Thanks for any help you can give.

    Hello vfrio,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you edited your existing Apple ID to a new email address and changed the password as well. To change this on your computer, you will need to sign out of the old account and into the new Apple ID in iCloud for Windows. Please use the attached article as a further reference. 
    What to do after you change your Apple ID email address or password - Apple Support
    Windows PC
    Open iCloud for Windows and click Sign Out.
    If you're signed out, sign in with your updated Apple ID or password. The data in iCloud will automatically appear on your device after you sign in. 
    If you're signed in with your previous Apple ID:
    Click Sign Out. Depending on what iCloud options are turned on, you'll be asked if you want to make copies or delete iCloud data (Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Bookmarks, Photo Stream) from your PC. Click Delete. Your data will remain in iCloud and will be updated on your device when you sign in to iCloud again.
    Sign in with your updated Apple ID or password.
    Have a great day,

  • How can I import the adress book and my mails from Outlook 2010?

    I am using Windows 8.1 and I want to change Outlook 2010 for Thunderbird, but I don't know how to import the data from Outlook to Thunderbird.

  • Problem of long loading and processing file in outlook 2010 of domain user

    Dear all,
    I have a problem on long loading and processing file when every open outlook 2010
    This problem occur when I join my computer to domain (window server 2008 r2) and set outlook of domain user to use shared .pst file, owner by administrator of that computer. Every time when log in to domain user and I open the outlook, it will take very
    long time to loading and processing the file, moreover it always ask password of the email I have set. However, when I finish input password and it is finish send/receive the email, the program work normally.
    I also try with another user account which is the administrator of that computer, the program run very fast and work normally.
    I am not sure the problem is caused from, or is it the wrong way to share .pst file with another user? Any suggestions please give to me.
    Thanks in advance.

    You should ask in one of the following forums, depending on your version of Microsoft Exchange:
    Exchange Server 2013 - Outlook, OWA, POP, and IMAP Clients
    Exchange Previous Versions - Outlook, OWA, POP, and IMAP Clients
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C40686F746D61696C2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

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    How do I get my music library from icloud to my computer so I can synch to my new iPod?  I can't seem to find help support to answer this question.

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    Hi all! I have tested different cases in our development environnement and now we test payment letter in integration environnement. We use specific program like RFFOIT_B and specific form like F110_IT_DTA and F110_AVVISO_IT. Test environnement: Payme

  • Search entire library for specific keywords?

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to find a way to search my entire Aperture 3 library for specific keywords.  It seems that I have to first select a project or album within the "Projects and Albums" section.  If there is indeeed no way t