Placed mp3 stops playing on page turn in exported pdf

Hi, I placed a sound file in an indesign file, left the 'media' setting 'stop on page turn' unchecked, and still, the file stops when i turn the page in the pdf. I have one button controling the play (mouse release action) and stop (mouseover action) of the file.

hi steve, you're right; from what i've found, the only way that an embedded audio or movie file will keep playing is if you float a controller. The problem there however is that you have to use the controller; that can be dealt with in pdf, but not from indesign, and if one has a lot of media files in their interactive pdf, that's a lot of work after export. from within indesign, that controller can be made fairly small, and it ends up sitting in the top right corner of adobe reader once a media file is clicked; and it only goes away if you close it; and if you open other media files, the contollers start piling up.
what i ended up figuring out as an alternative was that if you export to swf instead of pdf, for some reason the mp3 (i only tried mp3 in swf) keeps playing on page turn (with no controller); and the nice thing about swf is that you can get 'curl' page transitions, and since it opens as an html it's ready to go online.
the document has buttons that upon being clicked, play the file (with nothing popping up); and the mouseover stops the file; and click again plays it.
one thing that would be nice is if one audio file could be placed that buttons on other pages could access cue points within; unfortunately; buttons can only access audio files that have been placed on the page. so instead of having 1 file, accessed at different navigation points, you have 50 files cut from the 1, each with their own button.

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    Hi i have an epub3 that i need the mp3 to be able to continue playing when the page turns.
    any ideas?
    here is code!
    function RegisterInteractiveHandlers() {
    function ProcessMedia() {
    var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenMedia");
    for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
    var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-mediaOnPageLoadActions");
    if(actions) {
    var descendants = oFrame[i].getElementsByTagName('*');
    for(var j = 0; j < descendants.length; j++) {
    var e = descendants[j];
    var tagName = e.tagName.toLowerCase();
    if(tagName == 'video' || tagName == 'audio') {
    if(e.paused) {
    var selfContainerID =;
    function ProcessAnimations() {
      var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenAnimation");
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    function onMediaStart(id, time, startDelay) {
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    function handleMediaInMSOState(element) {
    /*This function is used to stop playing media present in current state when we move from current state to another state.*/
    var descendants = element.getElementsByTagName('*');
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    if(tagName == 'video' || tagName == 'audio') {
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    e.currentTime = 0;
    function playAnimatedElement(animated_element, className, hideAfterAnimating) {
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    var endClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationEndState");
    removeClass(element, className);
    removeClass(element, endClassName);
    addClass(element, startClassName);

    You might be able to get here, but I'm doubtful. There should be forums more oriented to coders. You might look on the MobileRead Forums:
    MobileRead Forums

  • Audio stops playing on page turn

    Hope any of you can help me. I added a audio file to a page, in a chapter. I want to the audio to start playing when the page is opened, I selected the "play on page load" option, BUT I also want to the audio to continue playing whilst I flip through the other pages in the chapter. For some mysterouis reason, the audio stops when I flip to the next page. The option "stop on page turn" is not selected.
    Does anyone have a workaround to get this fixed? I need it really badly.
    Thank you for your help!

    Thank you for your response Bob!
    I just found out, by accident!, that when you keep smooth scrolling on it works! -- The audio keeps playing just fine when browsing throuhg the next pages. Now the only thing I have to find out is how I can keep the smooth scrolling option in horizontal ONLY.

  • MP3 to continue playing through page turn  - epub3

    Hi guys!
    Can anyone help? My Mp3 stops playing on page turn in epub3, is there any way to:
    A) have the mp3 continue playing through page turns
    B) stop an mp3 playing when another mp3 on another page is played?

    Thanks, shame about A) in regards to B) I have managed to do this when 2 mp3's are on the same page, btu not when the other mp3 is on a different page...
    Any other ideas?
    Kind regards,
    James Lightfoot07952710704

  • Audio stops playing on page change

    Audio stops playing on page change if horizontal sliding only is checked. But it works when it is unchecked (InDesign CC)  I would like it works in both cases. Is it possible ? I know it was not possible a few months ago...
    Have another question : audio controller doesn't update on page turn even if the audio file is linked to the first one. Any idea ?
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Alexmamba,
    I can't see how you would insert the coding for this option.  You'd need markers for the start and ending of any particular chapter.
    Is this a book related to music?  As a reader, I'm not sure I would want to listen to music the entire time I'm reading, unless there was an option to turn it off.  It's like webpages that automatically play music when you visit the site.  What the author of the site thinks is great music is usually distracting to the reader.
    My intention is not to be rude, by the way.  Just putting the comments out there for consideration.

  • Audio stops playing on page change if horizontal sliding only is checked.

    Audio stops playing on page change if horizontal sliding only is checked. But it works when it is unchecked (InDesign CC)  I would like it works in both cases. Is it possible ? I know it was not possible a few months ago...
    Have another question : audio controller doesn't update on page turn even if the audio file is linked to the first one. Any idea ?
    Thanks for your help

    Find another Mac and check that the A&H works, report back.
    You should also consider a decent external interface, recording off the minijack is the worst choice.

  • When I play my Ipod shuffle 3rd gen there's a moment when I start hearing interference until it stops playing, when I turn it off and on again it starts playing from the first song all over again, and once it sounded like the music was slowing down.

    My Ipod shuffle 3rd gen starts playing songs with some kind of interference until it stops playing, when I turn it off and on again it starts playing from the first song all over again, and once it sounded like the music was slowing down.  First I thought it was the earphones, but I exchanged them for newer ones and so far its the same

    You may want to do a Restore on the shuffle in iTunes.  The Restore button is on the shuffle's Summary screen in iTunes.  This will erase the shuffle, re-install its software, and set it to default settings.  If it's a software or data corruption glitch, the Restore should fix it.  After the Restore, reload or resync your songs, and try it again.  As a test, you may want to initially select a small number of songs to put back on the shuffle.

  • My web host will not let me FTP MP3s. So my page-turning sound effect is silent?? Workaround"

    To enhance an on-line life-style magazine compiled with InDesign CS5, I convertered a page-turning sound effect from a WAV file I found on-line for free to an MP3 in Audacity (a free, Open Source audio recording and processing program). I pasted in the resulting short MP3 onto each spread using Filie - Place as directed by the InDesign documentation. The sound effect works just fine when i open the HTML file in my browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefor) locally from my hard disk. But when I FTP the SWF and updated index.html to my web host, it is silent. Is this because the MP3's are "linkeded" and not "embedded" and hence have to be FTP'd along with the edited index.html and the SWF? If so, does anyone know a workaround?

    Thank you so much! My suspicions were correct in that the MP3 indeed was "linked" and not "embedded" and therefore the MP3 had to be physically uploaded, in some fashion, along with the SWF and index.html. I did search the HTML and found no reference to the MP3 in the HTML text so I guessed that the reference was somewhere in the SWF. Rather stupidly i did not look for a subfolder with the MP3 in it on my hard drive. I am brand new to InDesign but, having worked on complex projects for a long time, I set up a folder for the project and a subfoder for each element so that i could bring each element up to a certain level of development (with Photshop and Photoscape and etc) before pasting them into InDesign. Consequently, I have a LOT of subfolders. When you asked about the "resource" folder, I said to myself, "Self, duh?" and when I looked closely, sure enought there was a very clearly marked "resources" (that I did not create...duh! again!) folder with the MP3 in it. But alas, as before, the particular web hosting site I chose would not let me upload a file with a .mp3 extension. I assume that's because they don't want to take the chance of being sued by the RIAA for hosting pirated copyrighted material. Can't say that I blame them, frankly. So i tried a rather simple-minded dodge: I renamed the MP3 with a .txt extension whereupon it (and the resources folder) FTP'd just fine. But when I tried to re-name them to MP3s on the site, no joy. Now I had scoured the InDesign documenation and found a lot stuff relating to MP3s in InDesign PDF save as's but not anything at all about SWF save as's. But after experimenting with the menu command for a while with other audio formats, I strongly suspect that the only sound file you can link into an InDesign project destined to be saved-as a SWF are MP3s. Is that true or will InDesign link some other audio format that may or may not get by my web site? (I have already tried a FLV with just the MP3 but no video and all I got for my troubles was a black video popping up when pages are turned. UGH!) If the MP3 thing is hopeless and there is no work-around that will get past my site's blocking, then I will simply hunt around until I find another site that will allow me to FTP MP3s. So should I give up on my present site and try others? Thanking you in advacne...

  • Can you add page turning to a pdf?

    I have added dynamic link to my contents page and would like to add a 'page turning' effect at the foot of each page - a sort of animated book. Can I achieve this using Acrobat Professional?

    Not possible. Whenever you see that effect it's been done in Flash.

  • Scripting page-turns in a pdf

    I'd like to move between pages in a pdf, by means of a hotkey or similar, without switching focus to the pdf app (e.g., Preview). This would be useful for taking notes in a text editor, for example, where I want to retain the focus on the editor but easily turn pdf pages as I read and take notes.
    I thought this would be an easy thing to script using Automator or AppleScript but I can't figure it out. While it would be nice to pull this off using Preview, I'm not opposed to using another (cheap or free) pdf app to do it, if that's what it takes to expose the page-turning commands. Any ideas?

    Preview is not scriptable, and trying to GUI script it requires bringing it to the foreground.  you could do something like this:
    tell application "System Events"
              set oldFrontApp to item 1 of (every process whose frontmost is true)
              tell process "Preview"
                        set frontmost to true
      key code 121
              end tell
              set frontmost of oldFrontApp to true
    end tell
    which brings it to the front, scrolls it, then sends it back, but it's a little annoying to watch.
    You could try Skim, which is scriptable, and a good app for note-taking regardless.  Or you could recall that you can hold down the command key while clicking on the scrollbar of a background window or rolling the mouse wheel over it, and that will scroll it without bringing it forward.

  • Creating interactive PDFs with page turn,issue with PDF

    I recently watch a video on adobe tv titled "indesign : creating interactive PDFs with page turn and flash animation". The video was great,simple to follow with great results, I was able to create a document with interactive page turns that was viewable in a web browser,the next step was to then create the same document but be able to view it in PDF format. I followed the above mentioned video and everything worked apart from one issue once I exported the indesign file out as an interactive PDF it opened up in adobe acrobat pro with no problem but when I went to turn the page it would lag and slow down to the point were it was almost impossible to turn the page, the page turning didn't seem to flow as well as when viewing it in a web browser. The document I am creating is a catalogue and I am happy with the interactive version for the web but I am looking at putting the catalogue on a CD/ USB and need it to open and work with PDF, it would be a great help if anyone could advise me on the reason why the interactive page turning runs so poor in PDF format. I am currently running on a very powerful computer with the adobe CS5 master suit.
    Any help would be much appreciated

    The page flipping is an SWF effect, so essentially you now have an entire SWF embedded inside a PDF.
    If you forget about this garish effect (which, I can guarantee you, by next year will be "so 2012") you can send out a standard PDF which can be easily viewed on otherwise sub-standard computers, and using very straightforward PDF readers, such as the ones currently available for the iPad and its clones.

  • Can a page-turning SWF to PDF have navigation?

    I'm working on creating a flip-book PDF which needs a Replay button or some other way to get back to the first page OTHER than laboriously clicking back through every single page. In CS4 InDesign, files with Page Turn transistion must be exported as a SWF file, but the button I've put on the last page with a Go to First Page action won't work. Evidently that's because the SWF file after being turned into a PDF via Create PDF command becomes "one page" at least as far as Acrobat is concerned. Flash won't edit SWF files, so that's not an option.
    Any theories on how to have a simple Start Over function would be appreciated. TIA!

    eDocker might do the trick for you, here´s a sample:
    If that´s what you are looking for, go to to get more information.
    You can also watch a 5min video about basic usage at:

  • Can't Choose Page Range when Exporting PDF from InDesign

    Hi!  Ever since I upgraded to CS6 via your subscription, I can't choose a page-range when exporting to PDF from InDesign (8.0.1).  Here's a video demonstration of the problem so you can see the bug in action:
    Are you aware of this bug?  If it's not a bug, how do I fix it?

    Alternate layouts are used for things like horizontal and vertical orientations of the same layout for use on tablets. I suspect there's some coverage in the Help files -- being a print guy I don't mess with them.
    It may be that you only have one layout and ID just shows you that one inthe dropdown. I can't recall that I ever used the dropdown to try to select the range -- I always just type what I need in the field.

  • Pages fails to export PDF

    I am receiving an "Unable to print" error when I attempt to export a document to PDF format. The PDF appears in Finder, but has a zero file size. I have run into this problem only recently, as I was able to export PDFs of similar documents before (about a month ago.) Does anyone know why this may be happening?

    I tried this with a new - blank Pages file with just one word on it. It still fails to export with a "print error". The work around of using Print and saving as a PDF does not address my problem. I want to Export to PDF so that my Links and bookmarks are preserved in PDF. Printing only gets the image of my Pages file to PDF but with no special features.
    Has anyone resolved this export problem yet? Could it be a bad or corupt preference file or similar system file conflict. I have seen sometimes where in some apps you can delete certain preferences and resources and then re-run to correct the problem..... could this apply to Pages and what would be removed to make it work?

  • Pages in iOS6 exports pdf without active links

    Pages in iOS6 exports in pdf without active links.
    How I do they active in exported pdf? Thanks!

    Do you mean that when you export into pdf from page you loose the link? And the link became a simple text not any longer an hyperlink...
    I have the same problem!

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