Epub3 - possible to tweak code to allow mp3 to play across page turns?

Hi i have an epub3 that i need the mp3 to be able to continue playing when the page turns.
any ideas?
here is code!
function RegisterInteractiveHandlers() {
function ProcessMedia() {
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenMedia");
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-mediaOnPageLoadActions");
if(actions) {
var descendants = oFrame[i].getElementsByTagName('*');
for(var j = 0; j < descendants.length; j++) {
var e = descendants[j];
var tagName = e.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(tagName == 'video' || tagName == 'audio') {
if(e.paused) {
var selfContainerID = e.id;
function ProcessAnimations() {
  var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenAnimation");
  for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
  var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnPageLoadActions");
  if(actions) {
  var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id
  var cn = oFrame[i].className;
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  var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnStateLoadActions");
  if(actions) {
  var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id
  actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnSelfClickActions");
  if(actions) {
  oFrame[i].addEventListener("touchend", function(event) { onTouchEndForAnimations(this, event) }, false);
  oFrame[i].addEventListener("mouseup", function(event) { onMouseUpForAnimations(this, event) }, false);
  actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnSelfRolloverActions");
  if(actions) {
  oFrame[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) { onMouseOverForAnimations(this, event) }, false);
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  document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", function(event) { onPageMouseUpForAnimations(this, event) }, false);
function onPageTouchEndForAnimations(element, event) {
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenAnimation");
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnPageClickActions");
if(actions) {
var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id;
function onPageMouseUpForAnimations(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenAnimation");
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnPageClickActions");
if(actions) {
var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id;
function onTouchEndForAnimations(element, event) {
var classID = element.getAttribute("data-animationObjectType");
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName(classID);
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnSelfClickActions");
if(actions) {
var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id;
function onMouseUpForAnimations(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
var classID = element.getAttribute("data-animationObjectType");
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName(classID);
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnSelfClickActions");
if(actions) {
var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id;
function onMouseOverForAnimations(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
var animationClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass");
var cn = element.className;
if (cn.indexOf(animationClassName) != -1 ) {
var classID = element.getAttribute("data-animationObjectType");
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName(classID);
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
var actions = oFrame[i].getAttribute("data-animationOnSelfRolloverActions");
if(actions) {
var selfContainerID = oFrame[i].id;
function RegisterButtonEventHandlers() {
var oFrame = document.getElementsByClassName("_idGenButton");
for (var i = 0; i < oFrame.length; i++) {
oFrame[i].addEventListener("touchstart", function(event) { onTouchStart(this, event) }, false);
oFrame[i].addEventListener("touchend", function(event) { onTouchEnd(this, event) }, false);
oFrame[i].addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) { onMouseDown(this, event) }, false);
oFrame[i].addEventListener("mouseup", function(event) { onMouseUp(this, event) }, false);
oFrame[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) { onMouseOver(this, event) }, false);
oFrame[i].addEventListener("mouseout", function(event) { onMouseOut(this, event) }, false);
function hasAppearance(element, appearance) {
var childArray = element.children;
for(var i=0; i< childArray.length; i++) {
var cn = childArray[i].className;
if(cn.indexOf(appearance) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
function isDescendantOf(child, parent) {
var current = child;
while(current) {
if(current == parent)
return true;
current = current.parentNode;
return false;
function addClass(element,classname) {
var cn = element.className;
if (cn.indexOf(classname) != -1 ) {
if (cn != '') {
classname = ' ' + classname;
element.className = cn + classname;
function removeClass(element, classname) {
var cn = element.className;
var rxp = new RegExp("\\s?\\b" + classname + "\\b", "g");
cn = cn.replace(rxp, '');
element.className = cn;
function onMouseDown(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
if (hasAppearance(element, '_idGen-Appearance-Click')) {
addClass(element, '_idGenStateClick');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-clickactions");
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function onMouseUp(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
removeClass(element, '_idGenStateClick');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-releaseactions");
if(actions) {
function onMouseOver(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
if (event.relatedTarget) {
if(isDescendantOf(event.relatedTarget, element)) return;
if (hasAppearance(element, '_idGen-Appearance-Rollover')) {
addClass(element, '_idGenStateHover');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-rolloveractions");
if(actions) {
function onMouseOut(element, event) {
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if (is_touch_device) return;
if (event.relatedTarget) {
if(isDescendantOf(event.relatedTarget, element)) return;
removeClass(element, '_idGenStateHover');
removeClass(element, '_idGenStateClick');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-rolloffactions");
if(actions) {
function onTouchStart(element, event) {
if (hasAppearance(element, '_idGen-Appearance-Click')) {
addClass(element, '_idGenStateClick');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-clickactions");
if(actions) {
function onTouchEnd(element, event) {
removeClass(element, '_idGenStateClick');
var actions = element.getAttribute("data-releaseactions");
if(actions) {
function onHide(id) {
var element=document.getElementById(id);
addClass(element, '_idGenStateHide');
function onShow(id) {
var element=document.getElementById(id);
removeClass(element, '_idGenStateHide');
function handleMSOStateParentOfObject(element) {
var prev = element;
var parent = prev.parentNode;
var found;
while(parent && !found) {
var cn = parent.className;
if(cn && cn.indexOf('_idGenMSO') != -1)
found = true;
prev = parent;
parent = prev.parentNode;
if(found) {
var nextState = prev;
var mso_states = parent.children;
for (var i = 0, state; state = mso_states[i]; i++) {
var cn = state.className;
if (cn.indexOf('_idGenCurrentState') != -1 ) {
removeClass(state, '_idGenCurrentState');
addClass(state, '_idGenStateHide');
removeClass(nextState, '_idGenStateHide');
addClass(nextState, '_idGenCurrentState');
function onMediaStart(id, time, startDelay) {
setTimeout(function() { onStart(id, time) }, startDelay*1000);
function onStart(id, time) {
var myMedia= document.getElementById(id);
myMedia.currentTime = time;
function onMediaStop(id, startDelay) {
setTimeout(function() { onStop(id) }, startDelay*1000);
function onStop(id) {
var myMedia= document.getElementById(id);
if(!(myMedia.paused)) {
myMedia.currentTime = 0;
function onMediaPause(id, startDelay) {
setTimeout(function() { onPause(id) }, startDelay*1000);
function onPause(id) {
var myMedia= document.getElementById(id);
if(!(myMedia.paused)) {
function onMediaResume(id, startDelay) {
setTimeout(function() { onResume(id) }, startDelay*1000);
function onResume(id) {
var myMedia= document.getElementById(id);
if(myMedia.paused) {
function handleMediaInMSOState(element) {
/*This function is used to stop playing media present in current state when we move from current state to another state.*/
var descendants = element.getElementsByTagName('*');
for(var i = 0; i < descendants.length; i++) {
var e = descendants[i];
var tagName = e.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(tagName == 'video' || tagName == 'audio') {
if(!(e.paused)) {
e.currentTime = 0;
function playAnimatedElement(animated_element, className, hideAfterAnimating) {
removeClass(animated_element, '_idGenStateHide');
removeClass(animated_element, '_idGenPauseAnimation');
var cn = animated_element.className;
var previousAnimationClass = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass");
if ((cn.indexOf(className) == -1) && (cn.indexOf(previousAnimationClass) == -1)) {
addClass(animated_element, className);
animated_element.setAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass", className);
else {
removeClass(animated_element, className);
removeClass(animated_element, previousAnimationClass);
animated_element.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function(evt) { onPlayAnimationEnd(this, hideAfterAnimating, evt) });
animated_element.removeEventListener("animationend", function(evt) { onPlayAnimationEnd(this, hideAfterAnimating, evt) });
setTimeout(function() {addClass(animated_element, className)}, 10);
animated_element.setAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass", className);
animated_element.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function(evt) { onPlayAnimationEnd(this, hideAfterAnimating, evt) });
animated_element.addEventListener("animationend", function(evt) { onPlayAnimationEnd(this, hideAfterAnimating, evt) });
function playAnimation(animation_id, className, startDelay, hideAfterAnimating) {
var animated_element = document.getElementById(animation_id);
var startClassName = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationStartState");
var endClassName = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationEndState");
removeClass(animated_element, endClassName);
addClass(animated_element, startClassName);
setTimeout(function(){playAnimatedElement(animated_element, className, hideAfterAnimating)}, startDelay*1000);
function onPlayAnimationEnd(element, hideAfterAnimating, evt) {
var className = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass");
var startClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationStartState");
var endClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationEndState");
removeClass(element, className);
removeClass(element, startClassName);
addClass(element, endClassName);
addClass(element, '_idGenStateHide');
function pauseAnimation(animation_id, time) {
var animated_element = document.getElementById(animation_id);
setTimeout(function() {addClass(animated_element, '_idGenPauseAnimation')}, time*1000);
function resumeAnimation(animation_id, time) {
var animated_element = document.getElementById(animation_id);
setTimeout(function() {removeClass(animated_element, '_idGenPauseAnimation')}, time*1000);
function reverseAnimatedElement(animated_element, className) {
removeClass(animated_element, '_idGenStateHide');
removeClass(animated_element, '_idGenPauseAnimation');
var cn = animated_element.className;
var previousAnimationClass = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass");
if ((cn.indexOf(className) == -1) && (cn.indexOf(previousAnimationClass) == -1)) {
addClass(animated_element, className);
animated_element.setAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass", className);
else {
removeClass(animated_element, className);
removeClass(animated_element, previousAnimationClass);
animated_element.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function() { onReverseAnimationEnd(this) });
animated_element.removeEventListener("animationend", function() { onReverseAnimationEnd(this) });
setTimeout(function() {addClass(animated_element, className)}, 10);
animated_element.setAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass", className);
animated_element.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function() { onReverseAnimationEnd(this) });
animated_element.addEventListener("animationend", function() { onReverseAnimationEnd(this) });
function reverseAnimation(animation_id, className, startDelay) {
var animated_element = document.getElementById(animation_id);
var startClassName = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationStartState");
var endClassName = animated_element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationEndState");
removeClass(animated_element, startClassName);
addClass(animated_element, endClassName);
setTimeout(function(){reverseAnimatedElement(animated_element, className)}, startDelay*1000);
function onReverseAnimationEnd(element) {
var className = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationClass");
var startClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationStartState");
var endClassName = element.getAttribute("data-idGenAnimationEndState");
removeClass(element, className);
removeClass(element, endClassName);
addClass(element, startClassName);

You might be able to get here, but I'm doubtful. There should be forums more oriented to coders. You might look on the MobileRead Forums:
MobileRead Forums

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    hi steve, you're right; from what i've found, the only way that an embedded audio or movie file will keep playing is if you float a controller. The problem there however is that you have to use the controller; that can be dealt with in pdf, but not from indesign, and if one has a lot of media files in their interactive pdf, that's a lot of work after export. from within indesign, that controller can be made fairly small, and it ends up sitting in the top right corner of adobe reader once a media file is clicked; and it only goes away if you close it; and if you open other media files, the contollers start piling up.
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    Thanks, shame about A) in regards to B) I have managed to do this when 2 mp3's are on the same page, btu not when the other mp3 is on a different page...
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    Kind regards,
    James Lightfoot07952710704

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  • [svn] 4634: First part of glue code for allowing Halo components to use the new Text Layout Framework , in order to get functionality such as bidirectional text.

    Revision: 4634
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-01-22 17:38:56 -0800 (Thu, 22 Jan 2009)
    Log Message:
    First part of glue code for allowing Halo components to use the new Text Layout Framework, in order to get functionality such as bidirectional text.
    TLF is making this possible by implementing a TLFTextField class. It is a Sprite that uses TLF to implement the same properties and methods as the legacy TextField class in the Player. Thanks to the createInFontContext() bottleneck method in UIComponent, it can be used by a properly-written Halo component (such as those in Flex 3) without any modifications to the component.
    Note: Text should render similarly -- but is unlikely to render identically -- when a component uses TLFTextField vs. TextField. The width and height may be different, affecting layout; text could wrap differently; etc. This is a fact-of-life based on the fact that TLF/FTE and TextField are completely different text engines.
    Whether a Halo component uses TLF or not to render text will be determined in Flex 4 by a new style, textFieldClass. (Gumbo components always use TLF.)
    TLFTextField is currently only partially implemented. It does not yet support scrolling, selection, editing, multiple formats, or htmlText. Therefore it can only be used for simple display text, such as a Button label.
    The TextStyles.as bucket 'o text styles now includes a non-inheriting textFieldClass style. It can be set to either mx.core.UITextField or mx.core.UITLFTextField. These are the Flex framework's wrapper classes around the lower-level classes flash.text.TextField (in the Player) and its TLF-based workalike, flashx.textLayout.controls.TLFTextField.
    The global selector in defaults.css currently sets it to mx.core.UITextField using a ClassReference directive. For the time being, all Halo components will continue to use the "real" TextField.
    The new UITLFTextField is a copy of UITextField, except that it extends TLFTextField instead of TextField. This class has been added to FrameworkClasses.as because no classes in framework.swc have a dependency on it. It will get soft-linked into applcations via the textFieldClass style.
    The TLFTextField class currently lives in a fourth TLF SWC, textLayout_textField.swc. This SWC has been added to various build scripts. The external-library-path for building framework.swc now includes all four TLF SWCs, because UITLFTextField can't be compiled and linked without them. However, since they are external they aren't linked into framework.swc.
    Properly-written Halo UIComponents access their text fields only through the IUITextField interface, and they create text fields like this:
    textField = IUITextField(createInFontContext(UITextField));
    (The reason for using createInFontContext() is to support embedded fonts that are embedded in a different SWF.)
    The createInFontContext() method of UIComponent has been modified to use the textFieldClass style to determine whether to create a UITextField or a UITLFTextField.
    With these changes, you can now write code like
    to get two Buttons, the first of which uses UITextField (because this is the value of textFieldClass in the global selector) and the second of which uses UITLFTextField. They look very similar, which is good!
    Currently, both Buttons are being measured by using an offscreen TextField. A subsequent checkin will make components rendering using UITLFTextField measure themselves using an offscreen TLFTextField so that measurement and rendering are consistent.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: None
    Reviewer: Deepa
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Many of your points are totally legitimate.
    This one, however, is not:
    …To put it another way, the design of the site seems to be geared much more towards its regular users than those the site is supposedly trying to "help"…
    The design and management of the forums for more than five years have driven literally dozens of the most valuable contributors and "regulars" away from the forums—permanently.
    The only conclusion a prudent, reasonable person can draw from this state of affairs is that Adobe consciously and deliberately want to kill these forums by attrition—without a the PR hit they would otherwise take if they suddenly just shut them down.

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    read this

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    I am trying to save a mp3 file but firefox does not allow me to save it...it allows me to play the file but not download and asave it to my computer. How do I enable Firefox to save mp3 files on my computer?

    Go to Options>Applications tab > search MPEG Layer 3 audio(audio/mpeg) > use "Save File" option on drop down menu.

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    One of my counterparts in a different region would like to review the AUC Settlements for the prvious month.  Is there a t-code that allows one to view the AUC Settlement Log or is there a special procedure required to view those results?
    thanks in advance for your help.

    This was perfect.  By the way the t-code for program RAHERK01 is:  S_ALR_87012058
    Thanks to everyone that replied.  The other two reports will help with some other needs.
    Edited by: Daniel Goodhart1 on Nov 10, 2011 5:14 PM

  • Only WCT Code is allowed, Remove other TDS amount:

    While we are processing the vendor payment through Tcode: F-53, we are deducted WCT@4% on gross amount. The document is simulated & also showing the accounting entry in perfectly. but when i am going to post the same document the system is showing the following error.
    (Only WCT Code is allowed, Remove other TDS amount)
    Accounting entry like:
    Bank A/c dr
    Vendor A/c Cr
    WCt a/c Cr
    I have chccked the tax type & tax code. it is ok & also tax has calculated perfectly, and also the both (dr & cr) line iteams asre Zero, when we are simulated the line items. Only document is not posted.
    Could you give the solution plz.

    Hi Srinu,
    I thought It is avaibale on control data tab...
    W/tax base Manual
    Manual W/tax amount
    Self withholding
    Both three options are tick mark on my system.

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    Hello, GwladysPa. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I believe that the iTunes update is requesting your computer's administrator password to update the application.  Here is the article that explains this process. 
    Mac OS X: Software installations require administrator password
    Jason H. 

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  • Consignment not possible for company code

    When i try to create a consignment P.O ,it is throwing error as " consignment not possible for company code".
    What is the solution?

    Jürgen L. wrote:
    I had removed the vendor against my plant in the table T001W as well as in vendor master purchasing data..
    > can you elaborate this a bit? you removed it 2 times?
    It is like this.
    First i checked in vendor master in purchase data.
    here No assignment of plant to the vendor.
    Now i tried to create to a consignment p.o, it is throwing the error.
    I checked in table T001W ,found and removed the assignment of vendor to plant.
    Now i tried to create a  consignment p.o, again it is throwing the error.
    can you help me out?

  • RSS feeds hosted by libsyn don't allow you to play mp3

    Hi all,
    I found a problem with the RSS reader on the iPhone. If you point it to an RSS feed hosted by libsyn.com, which redirects their files to a different URL, you don't get the ability to play the MP3. For example:
    This works in Safari on the Mac, you can click on the MP3 and play it, but it doesn't work on the iPhone.

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    Video editors and
    file managers are just some of the new app categories possible thanks to Windows Phone 8.1. We’ve seen an official video editing app from Microsoft already, but today we finally get Files – the official file manager for Windows Phone.

  • Mp3 wont play but radio works Muvo N200 51

    My Creative MuVo Micro N200 52MB worked fine for /2 a year and then all of a sudden, only radio works and mp3's work some of thge time. This is also the same playlist that worked fine about 2 weeks ago. I downloaded new firmnware and drivers and I still have the problem. Anyone come across this before or know of what it could be? Its kinda baffling. I loved the player before this happened. Now it is just a tiny FM-only radio for me. Thanks.

    Could it possibly be Copy Protection on the Mp3 file itself thats preventing the player from playing the music?
    My V200 (Its just like the N200 except its designed like the MuVo TX FM with the removeable battery pack) Has never been able to play Copy protected Mp3's or Wma's... ever, Even though the firmware updates claim to allow it to play those types of files...
    Are you using music that you downloaded from one of the many online stores that copy protect their music?
    Try ripping a CD to the hard dri've and then transfer it to the player and try that out...

  • I am trying to download the trial version and I get to the Adobe Assistant Download complete, but then NO file allows for download.  I have turned off all blocks, looked in Explorer, I have spent about 3 hours doing this... HELP

    I am trying to download the trial version and I get to the Adobe Assistant Download complete, but then NO file allows for download.  I have turned off all blocks, looked in Explorer, I have spent about 3 hours doing this... HELP

    I personally try to avoid that "download assistant" whenever possible...
    Download the offline installer from http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-acrobat-xi-pro-standard-reader-direct-download-links.html
    Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions on that page.

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