Placing a hyperlink inside a label

What is the best method to place a hyperlink, such as an ADF GoLink, inside an HtmlOutputLabel?
I have to be able to use the method .setValue() of the HtmlOutputLabel to do so as well because that label changes throughout the time on the page.

You shouldn't try to put the JButton in the JTextField. A JTextField isn't meant to hold other components.
Create a JPanel and add the JTextField and the JButton to it.

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    Is there any way to do it Web DynPro?

    Hello Roy,
    Not possible. WDLabelDesign contains only 2 values: STANDARD and LIGHT. As workaround you can use TextView. It supports a lot of "designs" (e.g. label_small).
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

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  • Editing swfobject.js code so hyperlinks inside the flash widget open in a new window

    0down votefavorite
    I have a flash calendar widget (code shown directly below) and I do not have access to anything other than the compiled .swf file (no access to .fla).
    The widget contains some hyperlinks to other websites, these links are dynamic and changes based on a number of things.
    There is also a corresponding swfobject.js file that is used to add functionality to the flash widget. The swfobject.js code is shown further down this post.
    Currently, the way the code is now, when I click any of the hyperlinks that are available to me in the widget, the destination website that hyperlink takes me to opens in THE SAME PAGE as the flash widget which is a big problem.
    I need to edit the code below so that any hyperlinks that are clicked inside of the flash widget open in a brand new browser window and do not take the user away from the original widget other than opening a new page with new content.
    Because the hyperlinks that are available are always changing, the swfobject code below uses some functions and parameters.
    I am hoping you can show me exactly what code I must insert, and exactly where I must insert it, in order to alter the behavior that happens so that when a user clicks one of the hyperlinks inside the flash widget, so that the content at the other end of the hyperlink opens in a new window, instead of opening in the same window.
    See code below.
    Thank you in advance for any help you can provide
    Flash Widget Code
    <!-- Embedded Calendar --> <div id="activecontent"> <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script> <div id="awccalendar"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject("awc.swf", "awccalendar2", "700", "180", "8", "#ffffff"); so.addVariable('calendarid', '0'); so.addVariable('appurl', ''); // Flash Widget Initial Date should be ddmmyyyy so.addVariable('ldate', '20052014'); so.write('awccalendar'); </script> </div>  <!-- Embedded Calendar -->
    /** * SWFObject v1.5: Flash Player detection and embed - * * SWFObject is (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License: * * */ if(typeof deconcept=="undefined"){var deconcept=new Object();}if(typeof deconcept.util=="undefined"){deconcept.util=new Object();}if(typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=="undefined"){deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=new Object();}deconcept.SWFObject=function(_1,id,w,h,_5,c,_7,_8,_9,_a){if(!document.getElementById){return;}this.DETECT_KEY=_a?_a:"detectflash";this.skipDetect=deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY);this.params=new Object();this.variables=new Object();this.attributes=new Array();if(_1){this.setAttribute("swf",_1);}if(id){this.setAttribute("id",id);}if(w){this.setAttribute("width",w);}if(h){this.setAttribute("height",h);}if(_5){this.setAttribute("version",new deconcept.PlayerVersion(_5.toString().split(".")));}this.installedVer=deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();if(!window.opera&&document.all&&this.installedVer.major>7){deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload=true;}if(c){this.addParam("bgcolor",c);}var q=_7?_7:"high";this.addParam("quality",q);this.setAttribute("useExpressInstall",false);this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall",false);var _c=(_8)?_8:window.location;this.setAttribute("xiRedirectUrl",_c);this.setAttribute("redirectUrl","");if(_9){this.setAttribute("redirectUrl",_9);}};deconcept.SWFObject.prototype={useExpressInstall:function(_d){this.xiSWFPath=!_d?"expressinstall.swf":_d;this.setAttribute("useExpressInstall",true);},setAttribute:function(_e,_f){this.attributes[_e]=_f;},getAttribute:function(_10){return this.attributes[_10];},addParam:function(_11,_12){this.params[_11]=_12;},getParams:function(){return this.params;},addVariable:function(_13,_14){this.variables[_13]=_14;},getVariable:function(_15){return this.variables[_15];},getVariables:function(){return this.variables;},getVariablePairs:function(){var _16=new Array();var key;var _18=this.getVariables();for(key in _18){_16[_16.length]=key+"="+_18[key];}return _16;},getSWFHTML:function(){var _19="";if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){if(this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")){this.addVariable("MMplayerType","PlugIn");this.setAttribute("swf",this.xiSWFPath);}_19="<embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\" style=\""+this.getAttribute("style")+"\"";_19+=" id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" name=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" ";var _1a=this.getParams();for(var key in _1a){_19+=[key]+"=\""+_1a[key]+"\" ";}var _1c=this.getVariablePairs().join("&");if(_1c.length>0){_19+="flashvars=\""+_1c+"\"";}_19+="/>";}else{if(this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")){this.addVariable("MMplayerType","ActiveX");this.setAttribute("swf",this.xiSWFPath);}_19="<object id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\" style=\""+this.getAttribute("style")+"\">";_19+="<param name=\"movie\" value=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" />";var _1d=this.getParams();for(var key in _1d){_19+="<param name=\""+key+"\" value=\""+_1d[key]+"\" />";}var _1f=this.getVariablePairs().join("&");if(_1f.length>0){_19+="<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\""+_1f+"\" />";}_19+="</object>";}return _19;},write:function(_20){if(this.getAttribute("useExpressInstall")){var _21=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,65]);if(this.installedVer.versionIsValid(_21)&&!this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall",true);this.addVariable("MMredirectURL",escape(this.getAttribute("xiRedirectUrl")));document.title=document.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation";this.addVariable("MMdoctitle",document.title);}}if(this.skipDetect||this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")||this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){var n=(typeof _20=="string")?document.getElementById(_20):_20;n.innerHTML=this.getSWFHTML();return true;}else{if(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl")!=""){document.location.replace(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl"));}}return false;}};deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion=function(){var _23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([0,0,0]);if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){var x=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];if(x&&x.description){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/,"").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/,".").split("."));}}else{if(navigator.userAgent&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE")>=0){var axo=1;var _26=3;while(axo){try{_26++;axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+_26);_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([_26,0,0]);}catch(e){axo=null;}}}else{try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");}catch(e){try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,21]);axo.AllowScriptAccess="always";}catch(e){if(_23.major==6){return _23;}}try{axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");}catch(e){}}if(axo!=null){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","));}}}return _23;};deconcept.PlayerVersion=function(_29){this.major=_29[0]!=null?parseInt(_29[0]):0;this.minor=_29[1]!=null?parseInt(_29[1]):0;this.rev=_29[2]!=null?parseInt(_29[2]):0;};deconcept.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid=function(fv){if(this.major<fv.major){return false;}if(this.major>fv.major){return true;}if(this.minor<fv.minor){return false;}if(this.minor>fv.minor){return true;}if(this.rev<fv.rev){return false;}return true;};deconcept.util={getRequestParameter:function(_2b){var||document.location.hash;if(_2b==null){return q;}if(q){var _2d=q.substring(1).split("&");for(var i=0;i<_2d.length;i++){if(_2d[i].substring(0,_2d[i].indexOf("="))==_2b){return _2d[i].substring((_2d[i].indexOf("=")+1));}}}return "";}};deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs=function(){var _2f=document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT");for(var i=_2f.length-1;i>=0;i--){_2f[i].style.display="none";for(var x in _2f[i]){if(typeof _2f[i][x]=="function"){_2f[i][x]=function(){};}}}};if(deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload){if(!deconcept.unloadSet){deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload=function(){__flash_unloadHandler=function(){};__flash_savedUnloadHandler=function(){};window.attachEvent("onunload",deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs);};window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload",deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload);deconcept.unloadSet=true;}}if(!document.getElementById&&document.all){document.getElementById=function(

    In that case, I will have no choice but to decompile the .swf to get the .fla because the original .fla is un-obtainable. Unless there is a way to edit the contents of the .swf file without decompiling it.
    I can see the code inside via various decompile tools and it seems that I would need to add the equivalent of <src target=_blank> to some of the lines I have shown below.
    obj_xml.load(appurl + "loadconfig.aspx?calendarid=" + calendarid);  -- need to edit this so it opens in a new window using something similar to target = _blank
    dest_page = appurl + "default.aspx"; -- need to edit this so it opens in a new window using something similar to target = _blank
    I know a lot of decompile tools can get you the code and the .fla but once you edit and re-compile and attempt to replace the original with the new & updated file, the decompiler did not necessarily generate the properly formatted flash pro project file, so compiling it back into an operational .swf often ends in failure.
    Do you know or can you recommend a tool that has a very good track record of re-compiling the decompiled modified.fla into a workable and usable .swf?

  • Is it possible to have multiple hyperlinks inside an interactive button?

    For example I have 5 buttons on a page.
    Each button when clicked reveals a three column text chart.
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    It appears that when I convert that chart to a button, so it can be hidden and revealed it loses the text hyperlinks inside the columns.
    Is there a way around this?
    Am I doing something incorrect?
    I'm currently using InDesign CC.

    You can go to the InfoObject for which you want to create Hierarchy
    Infoobject Change
    Hierarchy Tab -
    Manage Hierarchy -
    Creater Hierarchy in the Popup Window
    You can follow the link which Noor has updated

  • Drawing a rectangle inside a label with a picture

    Hi everyone,
    i want to know how you can draw a rectangle inside a label that have an iconimage
    thanks in advance,

    It depends if you want it only to show on the GUI or really change the image inside the IconImage.
    If you just want it to show in your GUI, extend JLabel and implement paintComponent to draw a rectangle on top.
         JLabel label = new JLabel() {
              protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                   g.drawRect(x, y, width, height);

  • Highlight hyperlink inside JSTL?

    I am having problems highlighting a hyperlink (onclick) which is placed inside the JSTL tags.
    Could someone help me to achieve this inside the JSTL tags.
    here is my code:
             <c:when test="${!e.restricted}">
                   <a href="#" class="folderLink" onclick="'blue'; viewDocument('<c:out value="${e.documentId}"/>'<c:out value="${e.documentType}"/></a>
                  <c:out value="${e.documentType}"/>
    I need to highlight the link after clicking on the link.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Well, since it appears noone else has any ideas, here are some suggestions:
    I think the hyperlink tag needs to have either a name or id attribute so you can reference it in javascript.
    Example: id="myHyperLink"
    Assume the link is in a form tag named myFormTag.
    Then in your javascirpt, you reference the hyperlink via document.myFormTag.myHyperLink
    From there, you somehow change the color of it via style.
    If you still have problems, open the JSP page in a browser and click the menu item to view the source code.
    That way, you can see what code the JSTL generated on the client-side.

  • Hyperlink below a label in Form in APEX 4.2

    I have the following two Rows in a form in APEX. I want to add a hyperlink link just below the warranty expiry date label.
    Warranty Expiry Date
    Issued To
    Can anyone help me?

    You can write HTML to Label text field e.g.
    Warranty Expiry Date<p><a href="#">This is my hyperlink</a></p>
    Or you can create custom label template

  • The camera does not use placing service, accordingly in iphoto labels on a

    Earlier the camera regularly asked about possibility to define a site, however now does not ask also all photos go without markers of district for use, for example, in IPhoto. Placing services are included, tried to switch off them and to include, but does not help, camera IPhone foully is silent and simply does a picture. The acquaintance says that she asks constantly but if it 2 times to forbid she will cease to ask. How to make so that the camera began to put again labels about a site to a photo?

    You did not mention  how you have Windows installed on your computer, however lets get tot he point. There are 2 major methods, using Boot Camp or virtualizaiton software such as Parallels or Fusion. Either way, you should post in those forums. If you use Boot Camp then post in the Boot Camp forum, if you use Virtualization app then navigate to their forums and post your question there.
    Good luck.

  • How to create hyperlink inside Folio to Viewer library?

    Wanting to add a link inside my folio that when tapped, takes the user into the Apps Viewer Library.
    Example would be a subscription button on an article page inside the folio, when tapped opens up the Viewer library so that the users can see the subscription tile in the upper left-hand corner.
    Food Network magazine has this example - image one: user taps the "Subscribe Today" button. Image two: Users gets redirected back into Viewer library.
    How do I set this hyperlink up?
    Thanks in advance.

    One way to do this is to create a button that points to the app's Optional URL Scheme. For example, the DPS Tips URL Scheme is "com.bringhurst.dpstips." When I create a button with a Go To URL action that specifies "com.bringhust.dpstips://" tapping the button opens the app's library. You can see an example of this in DPS Tips > Advanced Folios > Advanced Linking.

  • How do I open hyperlinks inside embedded pdf in a new window?

    I have a pdf that contains hyperlinks to other website. This pdf itself is available as a link on a website. When this pdf is loaded in IE window, and user clicks on any of the links inside this PDF, the link opens in the same window. I want all the links to open in a new window.

    I'm trying to accomplish this same thing and am having a hell of a time finding the right Class, right Methods, and/or right Properties for a solution.  Some classes seem to return obscure errors when I try to create them use the invoke node "launchURL" (the WMPLib.ICore for example).  If I use the Player base class (which MSDS says is the root class and the class that is used when you create an embedded player) I don't get anything.
    What I would like is to progmatically launch Windows Media Player to play a particular video clip in full screen on the secondary monitor.  It seems like this should work:
    But doesn't... any ideas for this?  The C# examples are difficult to understand for me.  Also, the WMP class library is a MESS! (IMHO).  Thanks for your input.

  • Using placed/named instances inside another movieclip

    I'm trying to be good and make all my movieclips linked to a
    class file, but I'd still like the convenience of placing and
    naming other instances instead of having to declare a variable,
    instantiating it and addChild-ing it in the class file. Is this
    Here's the situation: I've created a library.fla with
    components, for example LCARSButton and LCARSElbow. But now I want
    to build movie clips (inside of library.fla) that use these
    components, for example LCARSPrefs.
    I can create a frame script inside of LCARSPrefs that
    positions the instances of LCARSButton and LCARSElbows that I
    placed and named on the stage of LCARSPrefs. But if I try linking
    LCARSPrefs to a class file, say, I'll get an 1120
    error telling me that I haven't declared the variables that
    correspond to the instances of LCARSButton and LCARSElbow that I
    placed on the stage.
    Is it impossible to mix these two approaches? If you link to
    a class, are you forced to use code to declare and add instances of
    I would prefer to have a mix of these approaches because I'm
    trying to create a runtime shared library of components and the
    movies that incorporate these components. For instance, I want
    logs.fla to import LCARSPrefs from the library and I want to see a
    visual representation of that imported instance. But if I can't
    place instances of the components into the LCARSPrefs movieclip
    back in library.fla, I will see nothing when I import it into
    I could make LCARSPrefs yet another component, thus giving it
    a livePreview, but that seems overkill to me.
    I'd appreciate any help.

    OK, I've attached one solution that just seems horribly
    convoluted to me. I have to create a new variable that's just a
    reference to the placed instance: _square_mc =
    Or is there a simpler method?
    Again, thanks, Jennifer

  • CS3-style of placing the images inside frames in CS4.

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to find a way to have the cs3 - style of placing the images into frames in the new Indy CS4. I mean when I hit cmd+D and draw a frame I don't want any scaling / fitting of the placed image. I know there's no scaling if you drop an image into existing frame but when you draw one on-the-fly it's either the frame that keeps the proportions of the image or when you hold shift the image gets scaled to fit into.
    I'd rather have the old style placing as an option - but didn't find such a switch anywhere in the prefs.

    Interesting request. I wouldn't have thought anyone would want the older way of creating images in frames, but I guess there's always someone who wants the old ways.
    I can't find any preference to restore the behavior back to the pre-CS4 way.
    But if you want to work with images the old way, you can. Your commands are just a little different, in a different order. But you may actually save a step.
    b In CS3 you had to do the following:
    1. Drag to create a frame.
    2. Switch to the Direct Selection tool.
    3. If desired, change the position the image inside the frame
    4. If desired, scale the image inside the frame
    5. If desired, use the Fitting commands to fit the image inside the frame.
    b In CS4 you have to do the following:
    1. Drag to create a frame.
    2. Switch to the Direct Selection tool.
    3. Scale the image inside the frame.
    4. Position the image inside the frame.
    However, step 5 is probably eliminated as you already started with the image fitting inside the frame.
    I agree no one likes to need to learn new work habits, but it's not such a big deal.

  • Super Widgets: placing lightbox display inside a basic slideshow?

    Is it possible to place a lightbox display inside of a basic slideshow?
    I have a rotating group of nine images and text inside of a basic slideshow, these images are thumbnails of motion graphic videos I have uploaded to youtube. I would like to be able to hotspot either the text, thumbnail or box, to open the corresponding video in a lightbox; but I can't seem to insert the lightbox into the basic slider.
    Is there another way around this? Am I using the wrong widgets? I've tried to use the lightbox alone, but I was not able to upload a thumbnail and video at the same time.
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Hi there.
    It is not possible to place a Lighbox widget in a Slideshow widget, but you could achieve the same effect by placing a Lightbox widget in a Composition Slideshow widget (look in the Compositions folder). Many of the same slideshow effects can be achieved, yet it allows widget nesting.
    Let me know how that goes.

  • Opening Hyperlinks inside Excel WebAccess webpart in the Same Window

    I was trying to access Excel Web parts hyperlink like below, but this solution is not working for me.
    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(".ewr-sheetcontainer a").each(function(){
    function openLink(Atagproperties) = "_self";
    Problem is .ewr-sheetcontainer has role="Presentation" atttribute,
    which says it will delete the contents from accessible tree. 
    Is this the reason it is not working for me? or Am I missing anything?
    Appreciate your help on this. Thanks, Maddy

    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to set the hyperlink in Excel Access Web Part opening in the same window.
    As the excel access web part is dynamic loading after the page load, so when the page has loaded, the excel web part element has not been loaded completely.
    I suggest you can use setInterval method to run function circularly until the excel access web part has loaded in the page.
    Here is a code snippet for your reference:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var $a;
    var interval;
    interval = setInterval(ready, 1000);
    function ready()
    $a = $(' a');
    Best Regards,
    Jerry Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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