Planning Exchange Rate Decimal

Hello, All,
I am working on a multiple currency Planning application. While inputting the exchange rate, I noticed that it only store the FX rate in 5 or 6 decimal places. Is there any way to increase this setting (other than reverse all the current exchange rate)?

See what exch rate type have you specified in PCA for your plan version
OKEQ - Select Version 0 - Click on Settings for Profit Center Accounting and see what exch rate type is used
Similarly click on Settings in Operating Concern and see whats used there
Ajay M

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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi there
    Exchange rates are used for currency conversion rules in queries, data loads, etc.
    You can export exchange rates from R/3 (or other system) to SAP BI, and change them or define your own exchange rates.
    For planning, you can create exchange rates specifically for that purpose.
    In currecny conversion rules you can tell the system which exchange rate to use (for example EURX from EUR->USD)
    To view/mantain exchange rates go to transaction SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->SAP Netweaver->General Settings->Currencies->Enter Exchange Rates

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    Check via transaction OB07 (or SPRO - General Settings - Currencies - Check exchange rate types) usually you will find a "M" average exchange rate (which is used operationally everywhere in Logistics) and a "P" planned exchange rate (used for cost planning)
    Exchange rates are maintained via transaction OB08 (or SPRO, same tree - last node - Enter exchange rates)
    When programming, use tables TCUR* or FM of function groups like SCUR "Translation of Currency Amounts etc." (CONVERT_TO_FOREIGN_CURRENCY, CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY and READ_EXCHANGE_RATE among others)

  • Planning Exchange Rate table 9.3.1

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    I have created Exchange rate table and attached to scenario in planning 9.3.1 and I am able to run business rules successfully. consolidation to parent level and Local to my base currency happening except the currency conversion. i checked in planning log file this is the error i am getting but i am not able to find the which table is not exists. I thought because of this currency conversion is not happening. Did anyone faced this? plz help me.
    java.sql.SQLException: [Hyperion][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
         at hyperion.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
         at hyperion.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
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    Error encountered with Database connection, recreating connections.
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    Thanks a lot Jhon Coversion is working...
    Jhon, Can you clarify one doubt I am new to planning.
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    Hi ,
    We are facing an issue for exchange rate difference posting during MIRO.
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    Your inputs appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards

    there is a setting in configuration of logistics invoice verification where you can control the calculation and posting of exchange rate differences. If you had the setting active that exchange rate differences are calculated against a planned exchange rate, that might lead to the kind of postings you describe. Please check.
    best regards,   Udo

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi all,
    Can we load exchange rates from sql table through rule files?....As my application is standalone essbase application so I can't take the advantages of Planning Exchange Rate tables.
    Please help. Thanks in advance

  • Exchange Rate Type not working during plan assessment in T Code KSUB

    Hello Experts
    We had different exchange rate types created for different plan versions. We had Exchange Rate Type Z1 for Plan Version 01.
    We had maintained the same in Planning settings for the fiscal year 2011.
    We had created a new plan assessment cycle with version 1.
    Now when we execute assessment cycle it is not using the exchange rate from 01/01/2011. Instead it is selecting the rate from 01/01/2010.
    Is there something wrong when we copied fiscal year 2011 from 2010 for version 01.
    Request your inputs and help on this.
    Satya Alapati

    Hi Ajay
    Thanks for the information.
    We had not maintained the value date for any of our versions since we keep changing the rates for every period and wish to have the system pick the latest rate for the period.
    It has been the case in earlier years also.

  • Exchange Rate for planned delivery cost

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    Can anyone tell why ?

    Dear Murugan
    I wish to  putforth the below check for you to solve the issue.
    You told that Intially while creating the PO, your supply vendor and freight vendors are different, please check did you enter the vendor code in the freight item condition details. If yes then you have two invoicing parties for the PO.
    Now you also told that, you have carried out MIGO for the PO line item which which has Freight also as an additional condition type.  That means for the PO line item your GR have been completed or partly done. If you have done this then how did you change the freight vendor in PO after GR for the item , system does not allow that as you have already carried out the the GRN.
    To avoid all such cases of freight vendor change, the best solution is to change the vendor before GRN itself and assign the right vendor in the item condition of the PO,then proceed forthe GRN.
    For your case please cancell the GRN also since you have already cancelled the Invoice.
    Assign the right Freignt vendor , then proceed for MIGO. Once done In MIRO go for invoice and select goods/service items from the selection menu and process it for the supply vendor.
    Then again you can go for MIRO and select planned delivery cost from the drop down and process it.
    The above can be done combined also and in any sequence also , there are no holds upon that.

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    Hi, set it here IMG-Controlling-Cost Center Accounting-Planning-Basic Settings for Planning-Define versions-Maintain Settings of Version in Controlling Area    then Setting for each f. year , double click on current f.year

  • Exchange rate table Decimal error

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    could you pls. check if the values are displayed/stored correctly in your planning repository (table: hsp_fx_rates). If no, you should change your database settings, if yes one solution could be to change the regional and language settings on the planning server for the user who starts the planning service.
    Kind regards

  • Validity of exchange rates are not considered in APO DP planning books

    Dear SAP Gurus
    There are couple of posts on this topic without any conclusive reply and so I am posting this again.
    We plan and manage data in multiple currencies and wish to maintain the same in APO DP. We have defined an exchange rate type in the planning area  which is used for planning purposes. Please note that we have defined only one planning area  for all global products hence data is stored in one currency only.Exchange rates between different currencies for this exchange rate type are maintained in ECC and then transferred to APO via RSA1 using standard functionality. While exchange rates are maintained with validity (valid from date) in this table, APO DP planning books only consider latest exchange rates. This behaviour changes the data in the planning book every time there is a change in the exchange rates and is a complete nonsense.
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    We are on APO V5.1.

    Dear Nitish
    Thanks for the message.
    Unfortunately your observation is not correct. If you change an exchange rate with future validity,
    currency data in the entire horizon (past and future) adopts to that exchange rate.
    It doesn't matter whether KF is ready for input or not as data is stored in any one currency only in PA and conversion happen only when you change the currency in the planning book (column 0)
    Do some more testing and you will notice the above behaviour.
    btw, which version of SCM are you on ?
    Zorba, the Budha

  • Planning Currency Exchange Rates

    Hi All,
    I have created a Classic planning application and trying to understand the inbuild planning application futures.
    I have created currency table using planning option ->Administration -> Manage Exchange Rate & refreshed it, so that the data will be sent to Essbase.
    But if i view from excel it is not showing the values for HSP_Rate_USD?
    "Entities" –> "Version" –> "Currency" –> "Product" –> "HSP_Average" –>"HSP_Rate_USD"
    Using 9.3.1 Windows 2003 server.
    Any Suggestions would be appreciated

    This is a useful post when having problems understanding exchange rates >

  • Retrieving of exchange rate - Excel Add-in/Planning

    <p>We have entered exchange rates in Hyperion Planning desktop andrefreshed it to Essbase.  We would like to be able to retrievethese rates in Essbase Addin and have not been able to do itdespite retrieving all the possible combinations ofdimensional members.  We are sure that something ismissing but is unable to detect it.  Can someone please adviseon this?  Le'ts just assume that we only have Accounts andEntities in Custom dimensions.  The others being the defaultScenarios, Versions, Time Periods and Years.  Appreciate anyfeedback.  Thanks</p>

    You will be able to use Essbase Excel Add-in to view the exchange rates. They are stored under the HSP_Rates dimension. Just make sure that you use the dimension name itself during member selection for Entities, Versions, and Currencies dimensions.<BR><BR> Select the members for each dimension as follows:<BR><BR> Scenarios: (scenario associated with the exchange rate table)<BR> Years: (year(s) to which the rates apply)<BR> Time Periods: (level zero time period(s) to which the rates apply)<BR> Versions: "Versions"<BR> Currencies: "Currencies"<BR> Entities: "Entities"<BR> Accounts: "HSP_Average", "HSP_Ending" or "HSP_Historical"<BR> HSP_Rates: "HSP_Rate_currencycode" eg. "HSP_Rate_USD"<BR><BR><BR>-Shoba

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    Try looking at the functionality for Currency translation for realizing the same.
    Refer below link
    Revaluation is for increasing the plan figures by a specified percentage.
    Hope it helps

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    Thanks in advance

    Let me know if any one pass through this kind of issue

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