Planning to replace/upgrade my old(Intel) iMac. Any help?

I am planning to change my 5 year old iMac and am struggling to work out how best to transfer applications like aperture. I will be moving from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion. Can anyone advise on a transfer approach? Also how to clean up the old IMac of data and applications that my wife will not need. Data transfer is no problem but applications like Aperture, which have to store user presets and settings, and Time machine are.

If you backup your Snow Leopard containing internal hard drive first using Time Machine or a cloning product like "Carbon Copy Cloner" (Free on the web), then you can download and install Mountain Lion over Snow Leopard on your internal hard drive, and then use Migration Assistant to copy over all your old Apps, data and settings from the backup hard drive.  I would note that if you have an older copy of some Apps, perhaps Aperture?, that Mountain Lion will NOT run PPC based Apps, which some older Apps are, and you would have to purchase a newer version.
Also I would recommend updating your Profile here, which says that you are currently using OS X 10.4.6.
Hope this helps

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