Play Count Restart

How do I change the play count to reset without having to change every single song?

If you want to reset the count for every item in your iTunes Library, select Library in the Source List and press the Ctrl and A keys together.
That will highlight every song. Right-click one of them, select Reset Play Count and voilà.

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    As soon as a new podcast episode arrives in my Podcasts iTunes library, it shows up in that library with a plays count = 0.   When I start up iTunes and update the podcasts, I then copy all new (unplayed) podcasts to a Playlist named "1-UnheardPodcasts", then mark all unplayed podcasts in that playlist as Played, thereby setting the play count on those podcast episodes to 1.   I then copy a bunch of podcasts to my iPod shuffle 4th gen and wander off cackling into the night to listen to those podcasts.  In the fullness of time, I return to my PC, fire up iTunes, plug in my shuffle and see that the shuffle shows the plays count (on the episodes I have listened to) as 2.   I then sync the iPod to iTunes but the plays count in my "1-UnheardPodcasts" playlist and in the podcasts library both stubbornly remain set to 1.   I then have to manually pretend to listen to the podcasts in iTunes again, fast forward to the end of each podcast, let it finish, then the plays counts everywhere are set to 2.  I can then delete the plays count 2 episodes from my "1-UnheardPodcasts" playlist and all is right with the world and I'm ready for new episodes to randomly appear in my podcasts library.
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    If you are loading the shuffle manually, by dragging podcast episodes to the shuffle in iTunes, that is probably why the playcount does not update in your iTunes library, after playing the podcast episode on the shuffle (and then connecting the shuffle).
    When you use the manual method to load the shuffle, the iTunes library on the computer and the library on the shuffle are separate.  iTunes does not keep the two libraries "in sync."  Therefore, data such as playcount are not synced back to the computer when you connect the shuffle.
    If you set up automatic syncing using the shuffle's Podcasts screen in iTunes, iTunes keeps your iTunes library in sync with the shuffle's library (based on how you set up the shuffle's Podcasts screen).  So data, such as playcount, should sync back to the iTunes library.  In your case, if you maintain a playlist in iTunes with the unheard podcast episodes you want on the shuffle, you can select that playlist on the shuffle's Podcasts screen in iTunes (where it says Include Episodes from Playlists).  iTunes will automatically keep that playlist in sync between your computer and the shuffle.
    NOTE:  If you are currently NOT using automatic syncing, and you also have music on the iPod, you will also need to set up the shuffle's Music screen in iTunes.  When you start using automatic syncing, any content on the shuffle that was loaded manually is replaced.
    The 1st and 2nd gen shuffles used a different very simple software design, compared to other iPods.  They did not have an automatic syncing mode.  You loaded it manually, but it was linked to only one iTunes library at a time.  Therefore, although you loaded it manually, iTunes does keep data (such as playcount) in sync.  On all other iPods, including the newer shuffles, iTunes only keeps the data in sync if you use automatic syncing.

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    I suspect it's happening because audio is probably played through iTunes, whereas the video is Quicktime.
    Thanks in advance,

    I don't haven't used Front Row to play movies or video - but the problem you are describing has been happening in both Quicktime and iTunes on my Mac, ever since I installed Leopard. There are a few things I've tried that work to get the video and audio back in sync - one is to pause the video, and to leave it paused for 5 or 10 minutes. When I come back and restart it, sometimes it will play normally. The other thing that I've tried is to actually shut down iTunes and restart it - for some reason that works a bit more consistently.
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  • Itunes regularly "forgets" my libraries and play counts

    In the last month i am experiencing the following problem. Every now and then, when i open itunes, my playlists are gone, and the play count of the songs is changed (a few songs have play count 1 and the rest 0). Moreover, itunes says I have a different number of podcasts downloaded.
    The situation lasts for a few days, and after a random amount of time, my playlists are back, including the play count of the songs(most songs above 100 play count) and i get a different number of podcasts.
    Not it seems to me i have two itunes, and every sync with the iphone requires the data on the phone to be deleted and freshly installs all sync songs/podcasts. This makes every sync 30 min long.
    In the itunes folder i have:
    itunes library extras.itdb
    itunes library genius.itdb
    itunes library.xml
    itunes library.itl
    itunes music library.xml
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    How can i stop this "random forgetfullness" of itunes?

    Do you have Windows Live OneCare or some other security software? Tell that software not to scan the ITL and XML files. That can cause problems when itunes is trying to save/update those files while the security software has a hold on it.
    Also - the "itunes music library.xml" is left over from an older version. I am fairly certain the newest versions of itunes uses "itunes library.xml".
    If it was my PC, I would delete "itunes music library.xml". You could always just move it to another folder if you are hesitant to delete it, but get it out of the itunes folder.
    Backing up, itunes needs an ITL file to run.
    1) If no valid ITL file exists, it creates a new one (blank library) and ignores the XML file.
    2) If it finds an existing ITL, it uses it and ignores the XML file.
    3) If it finds a valid but damaged ITL, it looks for an XML file and tries to rebuild the ITL from that.
    I suspect what is happening in your case is #3, but itunes is using the older xml with the bad play counts to rebuild its ITL file. If you get rid of that bad XML file it will have no choice but to use the recent XML file to rebuild.
    Of course the main reason of why this is happening needs to get sorted, but sometimes it's difficult to find what's causing the ITL problems in the first place. I'd look at security software settings and make sure the itunes database files are excluded.
    Just curious, if you look in Win Explorer, what are the dates on those XML files - created and modified?

  • Restoring play counts & original data after reformat

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    If someone has any ideas about how to correct this, would be much appreciated!

    You are guessing right
    After a reformat, the best way to restore your third party apps is to reinstall from their install disks. SuperDuper or Time Machine can certainly restore your Applications folder but in many cases you will need associated files. There's the rub. It's rarely the application but the associated file that is the problem. My user tip on where important data is stored may help.
    Have you tested your apps in a new user account?
    Create a new account, name it "test" and see how your apps work in that User acct? (That will tell if your problem is systemwide or limited to your User acct.) This account is just for test, do nothing further with it.
    Open System Preferences >> Accounts >> "+" make it an admin account.
    If the problem is present in the test account also, then it is systemwide. In this case try repairing this with the 10.5.2 Combo Update This is a fuller install, as opposed to an incremental "delta" update so it should overwrite any files that are damaged or missing. It does not matter if you have applied it before.
    Remember to Verify Disk before update and repair permissions after update from /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.
    If the problem does not appear in the test account try starting in "Safe Mode" (It will take a bit more time to startup because it runs a directory check first).
    If that works go to System Preferences >> Accounts >> Login Items and remove them. Boot normally and test. If there are still problems, go to ~(yourHome)/Library/Contextual Menu Items and move whatever is there to the desktop. Then do the same with /Library/Contextual Menu Items. Lastly, try moving /Users/Home)/Library/Fonts to your desktop and restarting.
    Log out/in or restart, if that sorts it start putting items back one at a time until you find the culprit.
    Let us know.
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • Play Count and Last Played not updating from iPod in iTunes

    I've had this problem with 2 of my iPods over 2 different computers, and I have no idea what is causing it.
    For some reason, sometimes when I have finished listening to my iPod for the day and then go in to plug it and sync it with iTunes, none of the Play Count or Last Played updates from the iPod. But sometimes it DOES update, which is what frustrates me, as I cannot seem to pinpoint the problem.
    These are my specs at the moment:
    iPod: Fifth-gen 30GB video
    iTunes: 7.0 (also had this issue with 6.x and 4.x before this)
    Computer: P4 3.0GHz dual-core, 1GB RAM, WinXP Pro, USB 2.0 ports (also experienced this exact problem with Firewire ports).
    I always have iTunes set to automatically sync with the iPod. I have also gone through the 5 suggested steps (including restoring the iPod, restarting the computer and trying out other ports) on several occasions already.
    I also had this exact same problem with my old computer and old iPod, the specs which were as follows:
    iPod: Third-gen 20GB
    Computer: P3 450MHz, 384MB RAM, WinXP Pro, USB 2.0 and Firewire ports.
    Has anyone experienced this particular issue before? If so, is there a solution to this issue? It has been bugging me for a while now, and I don't know what other action to take. Thanks heaps in advance!
    P4 dual-core 3.0GHz   Windows XP Pro   1GB RAM, iTunes 7, USB2.0

    hi ozfrog80! sorry, my english is poor...i´ve got a similar problem with a 30gb-video-ipod at mac mini (g5).i just updated itunes 7 at saturday and it ran for 2 days without a problem. okay, some playlists seemed strange, but no problems with the sound (see other topics).
    i updated the ipod-software to the latest software-version on saturday too.
    while "connection" of ipod/itunes the sync.-symbol never dissappeared. but no new data was transmitted.
    yesterday, the ipod froze while running and had to be resetted. result: now the connection to itunes fails because "itunes doesn´t react".
    the ipod is "empty" now.
    i re-installed both quicktime and itunes (as considered in other topics) but that didn´t solve the problem.
    funny: itunes runs without a problem but won´t connect to ipod.
    i don´t know what the problem is.....i´m waiting for an update....thanx and good luck from mainz/germany.

  • Sync increments play count for songs that haven't played since last sync

    Sometime in the last two months, my iPhone 3G and iTunes started showing a bizarre behavior. I have a smart playlist that only plays songs that have not been played in the last 4 weeks and that have not been played more than a certain number of times (I add 1 to that number after each time it goes through my entire library). I sync the phone every night (because I don't want to lose the recently played data if the iPhone resets for some reason - another irritating bug). Anyway, sometimes when I sync the phone, it increments the play count for songs that were played before the previous sync as well as the songs played since the last sync. This means that those songs are being double counted, even though they were only played once.
    Here's another way to describe the story:
    Day 1: Play 50 songs with play count value X (call this set A). Sync at end of day, now all 50 songs in set A have play count value X+1.
    Day 2: Play 50 more songs with play count X (call this set B). Sync at end of day, now songs in set B have play count X+1, but songs in set A now have play count X+2 (even though they were not played again).
    Day 3: 50 more songs (set C). After sync, songs in set C have play count X+1, those in B have play count X+2, and those in set A have play count X+3.
    It never seems to go more than 3 days back. This is not reliable - in fact, I thought it was fixed after the last iTunes update, but it just happened again.
    One other thing that I notice: whenever this happens, the count shown for the playlist on the iPhone is incorrect. For example, today before the sync, it said I was on song 156 of 271 in my playlist. However, I only played about 50 songs today, and I synced last night, so it restarted the playlist from 1. I don't know when it jumped so much - when I restarted the playlist this morning, it was on 6 of 271 (which was correct).
    The only other thing I think may play into this is when I have my playlist carry overnight (i.e. I start playing it at night after the sync, then come in in the morning and have it pick up where it left off). I am usually pretty good about syncing at the end of every day, but I think that I'm only seeing this behavior when I have this overnight thing going on.
    Anyway, has anyone else seen this behavior? Does anyone have any suggestions? I would not use the play count in my smart playlist, but it's the only way to ensure that random play actually gets through my entire playlist when I'm forced to sync every night (because of the other bug).

    wow, this is messed up! i'm sorry, but i don't have a solution for you, more of a 'work around'. what i have started doing is using the 'genre' field to keep track of the songs i have listened to, and those that i have not.
    i set the genre for all of my songs to be '0'. after syncing, in my iPhone, i go into the 'genre' listing, go into '0', hit 'view all songs' and start playing the first song i have. next, when i sync, i change the 'genre' in all of the songs i've listened to to '1', and after i resync, i can go into my iPhone (using the same method above) and start playing the songs i haven't listened to.
    i know it's a pain, but it's the only workaround i have for this problem. i'm very disappointed in apple and the iPhone because of their lack of awesome playlist support. i had a creative mp3 player that was supremely awesome with playlists. i would add all of my songs to a 'playlist', and be able to listen to a few songs, then go watch a video, and when i went back into the music player, it would remember the last song i was listening to. it wouldn't remember where i was in the song, but the fact that it remembered the song i was listening to made it one of the best devices i've had. i wish that apple would spend some time and make this functionality possible.

  • IPod Nano and Play Count in iTunes

    I don't usually pay much attention to play counts on my sixth generation iPod Nano.  But the other day I was reviewing the Top 25 Playlist and noticed it was full of songs that I don't play that much or that I tend to skip when they come up on shuffle.  Looking at my iTunes library on my windows PC I noticed that songs that should have high play counts are listed as never being played.  In addition, songs that I know for a fact I had played earlier in the day had last played dates that were several months old.  Upon searching through the forums, I found may posts about playcounts not tracking properly.  But none of them matched the exact problem I seem to be having.
    Following from recommendations in the various threads regarding problematic playcounts, I reset my iPod to factory settings, recreated the library in iTunes, resynced the iPod and iTunes libraries, turned off cross-fade on the iPod and made sure that ITunes was set to automatically sync.  Doing so reset the playcounts to 0 for my entire library in both iTunes and on my iPod.  I then played eight songs on the iPod.  Two of the songs I skipped part way through.  When I plugged my iPod in to my PC, the iTunes notification came up saying my iPod was being synced with my iTunes library.  I was estatic to see that the playcount in iTunes totaled six like it should.  That feeling disappeared quickly when I noticed that not a single song listed as being one of the six played songs was a song that had actually been played.  In addition, two of the six supposedly played songs were songs that are in my iTunes library but not uploaded to the iPod.  I repeated the exercise with exactly the same counts were correct but the songs identified as being played didn't match what was actually played.
    What am I missing?

    I have just noticed that the play count has been updated after I restarted my PC but only for the song I've listened after last connection so all my song count for the last week I've spent without connecting the iPod has been lost. Is it normal that you need to restart your PC before connecting iPod if you want your play count to be updated? I normally leave my PC without restarting for weeks..

  • Play count won't work

    I upodated to iTunes 11, but when i listen to songs, the play count will not work anymore. I use this a lot when listening to new music playlists i ahve so i know what i have heard and not. Why isn't this working?

    In iTunes Preferences/Playback uncheck "Crossfade songs" then restart playback. The Crossfade feature is broken right now.

  • Minor Problem - Messed up Play Counts

    Hi guys,
    Only a minor problem here, but i want to know why my Play Count keeps taking massive jumps forward? (P.S - This only seems to happen when I restart iTunes...)
    For example, I've "listened" to a song about 1,600 times in a week (after I downloaded it), which is inhumane since I use the computer (and my iPod) for about 2 hours a day max.
    I really would like a reliable and accurate play count so all the songs on the Top25 are my proper favourites :P
    Cheers guys!

    Since 9.0.1 my play count doesn't even go to the right song! I swear Apple must have done cost-cutting in their beta-testing (None is done!)

  • AirPlay play count/unplayed status

    Hi guys,
    I just got my iPad and I noticed that with HomeSharing it doesn't update the play count of songs and podcasts even though I enabled it in settings. Now all my podcasts show up as unplayed on my iPad, which is too bad, as I don't know which ones I have watched yet. Since the iPad also messes up the sort order of podcasts I don't even know which one is the newest one. Any suggestions or am I at the mercy of apple again?

    yep still not fixed And i would guess there are more people out there seeing the same problem.
    I use the ipad synced from my primary powerbook and use it exclusively to watch podcasts and TV shows via an Apple TV ie. I do not watch any of it on the powerbook. It does not show them as being 'played' when it completes regardless of what I do on the ipad. Drives me crazy not to see where i am up to in the list of shows and podcasts when i go back to them. Also after a time the itunes suspends the podcasts as it thinks i am not watching them as it shows none of them as having been watched - so i have to always keep my eye on the main itunes lists to make sure they are restarted to auto download the latest episodes or podcasts. Very annoying...

  • Please help - shuffle has stopped updating play count & date last played

    All of a sudden these features have stopped working. (I've had this shuffle since January and it worked just fine till last week.) If I play a tune from iTunes on the computer, the play count & date are updated; but if I play a tune on the iPod, this information doesn't change as it used to. Can anyone help me out? I've already restored etc.

    I had a similar problem and was able to recover. I deleted all files on the iShuffle including the hidden ones. On Windows I killed the iPodservice and iTuneshelper processes. That allowed me to view the iShuffle memory in an Explorer window. Blow away all of the files and directories. (Be sure they are not hidden.) Pull the iShuffle out, launch iTunes (to restart the services - or reboot to play it safe), and plug the iShuffle back in.
    Hope this helps!

  • I had to install a new hard drive because my old hard drives boot files became corrupted, and i want to get all of my music files off the old hard drive and regain all my play counts/ratings/playlists

    Greetings everyone
    as the title says, ive had to install a new hard drive  and i want to transfer my old itunes library onto the new drive, maintaining all playlists/play counts/ratings etc, album artwork if possible. The old hard drive is installed as a slave drive and is completely acessible, but due to the boot files being corrupted i cannot use it as the main drive and therefore operate my old itunes. Also, my ipod no longer contains my music library as itunes synced without my permission and wiped it.
    The only thing i have tried is copying all of my old music files from the old drive by selecting 'add folder to library' and then the old drive, then replacing the new itunes library.itl file with the one from my old itunes. This restores all my playlists and playcounts but when i try to play any of the songs it says that the files could not be found, and i dont fancy locating  8500 music files individually!
    Thankyou for taking the time to read my post, any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Ah, my reply was based on the assumption that you had a default installation of iTunes.
    i.e you had all your music in the iTunes media folder inside your iTunes folder.
    If your iTunes folder is so small compared to the amount of music you have, you must have a different arrangement.
    This complicates you situation considerably.
    iTunes can cope with moving around as long as all the music is in the iTunes media folder, not not if it isn't.
    Your first step should be to get iTunes working on the old drive. This will involve editing the xml library file so that the drive letter is correct and then rebuilding the library from the xml file.
    Then you will need to consolidate your library which moves everything into the iTunes media fodler. After that you will be able to use my first suggestion.
    Step 1
    Find the iTunes folder on the old drive and copy the two library files somewhere else so you can find them again. That's iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.
    Now open the copy of iTunes Library.xml with WordPad.
    Look for lines starting:
    These contain the paths to tracks.
    You will need to use a find/replace to change the drive letter so that it is correct.
    Make sure that you include enough in the "find" so that you only change the right thing.
    Maybe /c:/ and replace with /d:/ or whatever.
    After that, tell iTunes to use the library on the old drive with a shift key start.
    Hold down the shift key and start iTunes, keep holding the shift key until you are prompted to choose a library. Navigate to the iTunes folder on the old drive and choose iTunes Library.itl.
    Then use the method in the following article to rebuild your library;
    Unfortunately the date added will be today for all tracks.
    If iTunes works correctly after this, consolidate your library
    This copies all tracks into to iTunes media folder and could create a problem if you do not have disk space so don't do it if you are unsure about free disk space.
    Check that iTunes works OK and then use the first method.
    Message was edited by: polydorus

  • Moving iTunes From PC to Mac keeping play counts etc.

    I am trying to move my iTunes from a PC ( XP ) to a Mac ( OS X ). I have moved the entire iTunes folder which contains the XML file and music folder to the mac using an external hard drive. The PC was consolidated before the copy. On the Mac I found and replaced the PC file location to Mac file location (text editor). I then corrupted the iTunes Library.itl ( I believe that was the file). I Then dragged the edited XML file into iTunes without opening it (dragged it over the icon on the dock). It then started to rebuild the library. I thought i worked great. Which it did.
    Problem: I am missing about 400 out of 3000 songs. There is no reference in the Mac iTunes XML. The Library is 32GB. I have all the movies, which is a large chunk of that. It is very very important that i keep the data related to those song ( play counts, ratings... ).
    The songs are in the iTunes Music folder
    I've looked at guides by Lifehacker, Macrumors,
    Please help. Thank you!!

    I am trying to move my iTunes from a PC ( XP ) to a Mac ( OS X ). I have moved the entire iTunes folder which contains the XML file and music folder to the mac using an external hard drive. The PC was consolidated before the copy. On the Mac I found and replaced the PC file location to Mac file location (text editor). I then corrupted the iTunes Library.itl ( I believe that was the file). I Then dragged the edited XML file into iTunes without opening it (dragged it over the icon on the dock). It then started to rebuild the library. I thought i worked great. Which it did.
    Problem: I am missing about 400 out of 3000 songs. There is no reference in the Mac iTunes XML. The Library is 32GB. I have all the movies, which is a large chunk of that. It is very very important that i keep the data related to those song ( play counts, ratings... ).
    The songs are in the iTunes Music folder
    I've looked at guides by Lifehacker, Macrumors,
    Please help. Thank you!!

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