Playback doesn't play Tied notes (Software Tracks)

On a software track (Orchestral Strings and Fiji Afterglow), the playback will not play tied notes (notes which are tied - sustained). I don't know why this is, if it's a Garage Band thing or a sound card thing? Anyway it's really annoying because I can't a)loop sustained tracks, nor b)even use them. Is there a way around this or am I missing something?

I guess giving a little bit more basic information on how exactly I'm doing this would help. Sorry, that was a quick in frustration question I put up without full information. Here's exactly what I'm doing:
I'll use the musical typing interface to play the notes in the software instrument track titled "Orchestral Strings" (although I've also had this issue with other tracks). Initially I attempted to create a loop from a 4-bar tied chord, which would be great if that would work - but I can at least understand why it's doesn't (at the end of each loop it cuts off). Then I attempted to just hold the note for the duration of measures that I'd like to have the note play for, assuming this would work. The issue is it doesn't appear to - I've attempted both manually holding the chord out and using the sustain button, and both.
Within the loop, it shows all notes held for the duration, but in the advanced notation beneath the tracks, it is noted as a bunch of 4-bar (or so) tied structures, as opposed to whole notes tied for the duration of the loop.
Any thoughts appreciated.

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    What exactly happens when you try to sync?
    Was the iPod previous synced to another iTunes library/computer?
    Have you successfully synced from this iTunes library/computer before?
    If so have you done anything like update iTunes on the computer since it last successfully synced?
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    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod       
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    If you have all your music on the cmputer then i would connect up my phone uncheck the Sync Music option and apply.
    This should take all the music off your phone .Then you can resync the music back on to it.
    If this doesn't work maybe a restore to factory settings and start from scratch is the way to go

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    When iTunes/iPod sync process failed due to timeout, the iPod, has only the initilaised  filesytem structure at the start of the Sync.
    The timeout failure could be due to
    Bad hardisk - do the iPod disk diagnostic, refer to this excellent post by tt2
    Slow USB port or resource - Dont use any USB hub, disconnect all other USB devices while syncing
    Timeout due to Antivirus or other plugins - disconnect from Internet and stop the Antivirus or monitoribng software if you are syncing.
    Preferably stop doing other things while syncing this ancient device, which the latest iTunes designer, think will soon be extinct.
    Have a nice day!

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    Hi TRDV,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Start with the troubleshooting steps in these articles if iTunes does not play your music:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: If you have trouble playing music or other audio
    iTunes and QuickTime for Windows: Audio does not play or plays incorrectly

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    G5 dual 2Gh   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Just some quick thoughts....I'm not a "techie", but have had my share of softwaretrouble!!
    It could be that Logic is set to global 16bit - and you try to play back 24bit files. Had kind of same problem a year ago, but don't remember if it was Logic OR ProTools that gave this result (played for a while...then a burst of white noise). But the This is probably caused by other components. It's usually a good thing to trash the Logic preference file and restart. Then check preferences>audio>drivers>DAE that the global bitrate is set as desired (according to your already recorded files). The DAE preferences don't contain that much information, but could be helpful to trash too. Just remember to set the playback buffersize to a reasonable amount for your setup.
    Hope this will help.
    G5 Dual 1.8 / 3GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Logic Pro 7.2/ProTools 7.1 HD2 Accel/192 IO

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    Hey briannagrace96,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities! I'd check out the following article, it looks like it applies to your situation:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    You'll want to go through the following troubleshooting steps, and for more detail on each step follow the link to the article above:
    Try the iPod troubleshooting assistant:
    If you have not already done so, try the steps in the iPod Troubleshooting Assistant (choose your iPod model from the list).
    If the issue remains after following your iPod's troubleshooting assistant, follow the steps below to continue troubleshooting your issue.
    Restart the iPod Service
    Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service
    Empty your Temp directory and restart
    Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed
    Change your iPod's drive letter
    Remove and reinstall iTunes
    Disable conflicting System Services and Startup Items
    Update, Reconfigure, Disable, or Remove Security Software
    Deleting damaged or incorrect registry keys
    Take care,

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    Is there an easier way?

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    ah this is a simple fix. open itunes go to store on the top menu bar and click store. scroll down and click     
    "Authorize this computer" fill in the info requested and there u have it.

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    Installed iTunes on my laptop Windows 7 64 bit and I now have the following problems 1) iTunes volume won't adjust with the laptop volume control, only within iTunes, 2) playback doesn't work unless I click play twice and 3) the iTunes Store won't open

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