Playlist for QuickTime

I am bunch of live stream which works perfectly on quicktime player only not on vlc.
so I want to make a playlist and add the streams and play it on quicktime, so I can use my remote to change them
thank you

Sorry, but you didn't say anything about the streams being video. iTunes, to the best of my knowledge, will not play video streams.
You might look in one of the compendium sites such as MacUpdate and see if you can find a player that would handle the streams and give you a playlist. I don't know of any such application, but there might be something out there that would work for you.

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    As you have discovered, QuickTime Player has no playlist feature. If you want suggest one to Apple, you can do so through the feedback page. Keep in mind that QuickTime for Windows is a free product, so it's not going to get the same sort of development resources as would a product for which you have to pay (and you pay for Windows Media Player as part of the cost of Windows XP).
    As to an immediate solution, there are QuickTime-compatible players for Macs that have playlist features, so perhaps you can find one for Windows. Try searching VersionTracker for "QuickTime" and perhaps you'll find something.
    Good luck.

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    I can suggest two ways to do playlists with movies:
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    -- or --
    B. Use reference movies to chain several movies. This can be done with QuickTime Pro or SimpleMovieX for example.
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    Regards, BJ

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    2. SMIL scripting, saving the SMIL text as a QuickTime movie, embed that movie on your webpage (and uploading all of the playlist content to the same server directory).
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    You will find this user tip useful for resolving the missing playlist issue: Hudgie - iPod cannot sync because one or more playlists are missing

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    Hi Kellee!
    Why do people delete playlists?? Seems like you have the same problem someone I tried to help has. She got the exact same error message when she deleted a playlist. If I were you I would have shifted some songs around, changed the name of the playlist to something else but NOT deleted the playlist. I don't think you can get the same playlist back once you delete it. Question is why is your iPod not recognizing your new playlists and it's requesting to update the playlist you already deleted?? I'm afraid I can't help you but maybe someone else can. I just wanted to say this.

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    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes

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    Run System Profiler.  Go to the Apple in the upper left corner of any window, then "About This Mac", then "More Info..."
    Check under both Applications and Frameworks for Quicktime.  Applications are the actual Player application itself.  I believe Frameworks is the underlying system software support.  If you see something different there it might be that about which iTunes is complaining.  On my computer both say the same, but I'm not having the issue.
    I'm guessing here but if you re-installed the system using Archive and Install,  your applications were left intact and that's why your Player is 7.7, but all your system software (includingQT framework) was replaced with earlier versions which may be why the you're seeing different versions.  iTunes doesn't need the Player, but it does need the underlying QT software.

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    In the sheet :: table :: cell that is going to receive the data, type an equals sign, then click on the cell that the data will come from and press Return.
    This will require that you navigate to the origin cell by choosing the proper sheet.

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