Playmemories online missing download option

 I've playmemories online (mobile) app downloaded in my phone and "all sync" option was enabled (on) and many of my photos clicked from phone camera has been uploaded automatically to playmemories online app (on cloud) and it didn't kept original photoes on phone memories (in other word it seems it has done cut and paste on cloud account of playmemories online...when I've an internet connection yes i can view them. But i don't see an option to download it all..When I go on playmemories online option from cloud and select all, all other options i.e. share, whatsapp are getting off and only option of delete shows..I also tried downloaded playmemories online home (PC-desktop) app and I could not see any option of download from cloud or copy/cut and other words there is no option to download photos from PM online or PM home????can you please please help me to download all photos from this cloud?

Contact your local Xperia Care, this is quite odd, OPM shouldn't delete your pictures.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    You may have to use an alternative photo/slideshow that will let you define the image size and not allow downloading except for screenshots (which can be done with any photo that's online).
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    Hi John,
    Glad to hear that you have resolved the issue by yourself. Thank you for sharing your valuable blog.
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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    Hi ATR...
    Yes I found Options dialog/Advanced/Network and did Clear Now with no affect:
    I found the Download Now / Download All option by RIght-click on a Theme, still getting errors:
    The one theme that works is Slideshows > Pan and Zoom which I found inC:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 12\DVD Templates\Common\Slideshows\Pan and Zoom
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    The Cancelled.txt file is binary:
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    the metadata.xml file looks like:.
    In Firefox I tried to browse to  but but an error Sorry, this page is not available.
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    You can get All the Content of a particular category using the Download All option after you right click one of the thumbnails. Then it is a matter of whether or not you want to wait for the processes to complete with the project or opened or download in background with project opened.
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    Details if necessary.....
    Two prime factors in Content download and specifically the movie menus...
    a. Internet speed
    b. Status of Adobe Server
    What particular movie menu are you trying to download? All those questions being asked, please review the following being presented just to establish a baseline and try to address your question
    How do I tell PE12 to go get all of the content in one go or does it just do that in the background?
    In Premiere Elements 12, under Titles & Text Tab there are the choices for that category. You select the one you want and right click the blue ban at the top right of the selected thumbnail. From the pop up, you select Download Now or Download All.
    If I select Download All, I have found that All is referring just to the Content choices under Titles & Text and not all the categories that require this type of download, like Instant Movie, Titles & Text, Audio, and Graphics.
    When I select Download All, I get the following....
    If I click Yes, then I get
    And, I select Download in background if I wish to do something else while the process completes. Can take hours depending on Internet connection and Adobe server and Content to be downloaded.
    (I selected Titles & Text for this demo since I had already done the download for Tools/Movie Menu.)
    You wrote
    am unable to burn a DVD with any of the themes as they all seem to be stuck in some sort of "busy" grey rotating wheel state
    Have you looked at closing your large project (with Tools/Movie Menu left at no menu - Reset if you have applied the one menu that comes with the program without download required)
    Opening a new project and doing nothing but going to Tools/Movie Menu and doing the Content download using Download Now for the immediate need or Download All? Close out of that program...does not need to be saved. Open your large project and apply your movie menu.
    Does any of that work for you?

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    Checking this thread (, I verified I DO have the "Show Advanced Tools" enabled.

    That indicates where the problem reside.
    A. reg downloading iMovie - Have no idea - my are on a iLife DVD
    B. BUT - try this first
    • Start a new User account
    • Log into this
    • Now try iMovie
    If the tools are OK here - then the problem to 99.5% resides in a bad pref file
    If so - You need to trash MORE
    • Delete iMovie pref. file
    iMovie pref. file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/ "Your account" /Library/Preferences
    and is named. (one or more of these)
    and find
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this/these file/s out on to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    If You run Mac OS X.7 or more - then the Library in the User-account folder is invisibly and need to be set to be viewable. IT IS NOT in the Library on Root level (when opening MacintoshHD - first window = root level)
    ( It can be done like this: Open Terminal, then enter: chflags nohidden ~/Library
    Press return, then restart, and it will always be visible until the next major update, when you do the same thing again. )
    or - do like this.
    On the Finder window at the top left of the screen,
    Hold down the Option key and clicked on Go.
    This allowed You to see the Library folder and select it.
    Then keep the Option button pressed down in order to see and select the Library folder.
    Once found it, You are able to navigate to the iMovie preferences file and move it to the trash.  iMovie then start’s up fine!
    Yours Bengt W

  • Missing Job Options

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but a search does not seem to turn up much.
    I'm missing job options on Adobe Distiller 9 Pro. Here are my stats:
    G5 1.8ghz, 4gb RAM OSX 10.4.11.
    Acrobat 9.1.3 Pro
    We just purchased this upgrade yesterday, downloaded and installed. Previously we had Acrobat 6.0 Pro. My problem is that anytime I start Adobe Distiller I get only two joboptions: PDFX1a 2001.joboptions and PDFX3 2002.joboptions.
    All other joboptions do not show. I can see the rest of the job options in the following location: Macintosh HD>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Adobe PDF>Settings
    I have tried fixing/changing permissions. I have tried deleting this folder. When I delete, Adobe Distiller recreates all job options, but I still cannot see more than the 2 previously mentioned job options. I can delete the following folder which Adobe Distiller recreates: Macintosh HD>Users>~username>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Adobe PDF>Settings. This folder is empty when created. I can copy job options to that folder; Adobe Distiller still only sees 2 job options.
    When saving a new job option in to either location I get an error. If I save to the desktop and copy into either location Adobe Distiller will then recognize the new job option. Someone else on another forum had  a similar issue which is how I was able to find out that I could save and move.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how to force Adobe Distiller to recognize these missing joboptions? I would really rather not have to recreate them if I don't have to.
    Additional info that I think may be pertinent to this:
    I suspect that this is a permissions issue related to the following: My user account is a network account. We have a Windows 2003 SBS server running Active Directory. Our usernames (and therefore shortnames) are standard. First Name period Last Name. Ie., Erik.Youngren   I have Acrobat 9 Pro installed on my PB G4, but my user account here is a local account with no period in the shortname. No issues on the PB.
    But if this is the case, why would Distiller then see the newly created joboptions when copied into the Settings folders?
    I'm out of ideas!

    ~graffiti wrote:
    PuebloPublishers7122 wrote:
    Well. For anyone else who may run across this issue. Further googling came up with someone else's issue on Windows, whereby installing Acro 9 while earlier versions of Acrobat were still on the HD led to incompleteness and instability.
    Actually. That's a windows only thing. You can run all the versions you want on a Mac.
    The fix must have had something to do with the reinstall.
    Actually, there is one exception Graf.
    if you have multiple versions of Acrobat installed, you may run into a problem where two or more copies of the AdobePDF Driver file installed. The problem stems from the fact because of the way Adobe names the AdobePDF with such names as AdobePDF 7.123 and adobePDF 8.056 and so on it has a a unique name and therefore is added to Print driver list. But when its shown in the Printer list you have something like :
    AdobePDF 9.0
    AdobePDF 8.0
    the problem arises in regardless of which one you choose you end up making double copies of the PDF. I've had this happen to myself.
    the cure is to remove any and all versions of AdobePDF from Printer Utility, then Open the newest version of acrobat and have it repair installation. (Install the Adobe PDF Driver).
    All older versions can use the newer version because it has all the new features plus all the old features. However, while an older version may work any features that came out after will not work.

  • Dictionary missing all options but Wikipedia

    I just installed Leopard on my iMac G5 and Powerbook G4. Both Dictionaries are version 2.0. On the iMac I have 4 dictionary choices (New Oxford, Oxford Thesaurus, Apple, and Wikipedia), whereas on the Powerbook there is just Wikepedia, which only works when online.
    Any ideas why this difference, given the identical upgrade?
    Thanks much,

    Thanks. I just tried updating Quicktime and you were right that I did need to update. But unfortunately it has not solved the problem. I am still missing all options for encoding in DVD. Media Encoder also failed to export .h264 for Vimeo this morning - created some very messy-looking files. I'm not sure what is going on, but I'd love it if someone could help me fix it. I'm (of course) in the middle of a big project and supposed to deliver in DVD.

  • Why does FireFox look for "Chrom..........." when I close the left (last) tag and report "can't open ....? Have i missed an option that wold send it to my hom

    If I close the last (left) tab to return to my desktop, firefox tries to load google Chrome and reports to me that it can't find the server.
    Apparently, I have missed an option in the help area that prevents this. Any ideas?

    In order to better assist you with your issue please provide us with a screenshot. If you need help to create a screenshot, please see [[How do I create a screenshot of my problem?]]
    Once you've done this, attach the saved screenshot file to your forum post by clicking the '''Browse...''' button below the ''Post your reply'' box. This will help us to visualize the problem.
    Thank you!

  • How do I block the download option on photos in my iWeb site?

    I am an artist and have posted lots of photos of my art in my iWeb site.  I am dismayed to see a download link show up when I click on the photos in my live site!  How do I block the download option on my photos?

    see this recent thread:

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