Playstation (2) will not go from my heart and still works for me

I have psv and ps3 ps2 but not like them. Because games ps2 beautiful and wonderful stories, also PS3 and psv and ps4 nice games. And you do not conscripts who all games ps2 in ps store, and I know a lot of people love the ps1 and ps2, I ask you that conscripts who all games

Yes, the only possible explanation for this is that you have the physical switch on the right side of the iPad turned on (when you can see a red dot). If that's the case, just switch it off. If you prefer to not have that switch toggle Lock Orientation on/off, then go to Settings-->General-->On the right side of the screen, you will see "Use Side Switch to:" with two options below it. Choose the "Mute" option. Now the default action for the side switch is to mute any sound coming from the device.

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    Most likely your cable is bad and you need to get a replacement.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Right click on the iPod Nano icon.  "Eject" should pop up.  At least that is the way it works on Macs. 
    Just found this: 
    iPod: How to Safely Disconnect if iPod doesn't eject

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    BDAqua wrote:
    What exactly shows in System Profiler>Hardware>USB for those drives?
    Boot from the Install Disc & see if they show up, not grayed out in Disk Utility.
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
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    I am now going to put a new drive in it for her and she'll be up and running.
    Thanks so much for your help and thoughts that got me thinking as well.

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    Use the Apple Mail Connection Doctor (Apple Mail's Window menu > Connection Doctor) as a first step.
    Also recognize that Apple Mail tends to (also) toss out the same password error dialog for errors other than password errors.  This means that network errors and network configuration can be reported as password errors.  (And folks that receive the password errors can then reasonably try different passwords, which means that the wrong password can (also) then get recorded in Keychain.)

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    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter "BOOT_TIME" (without the quotes) in the search box. Note the timestamps of those log messages, which refer to the times when the system was booted. Now clear the search box and scroll back in the log to the last boot time after  you had the problem. Select the messages logged before the boot, while the system was unresponsive or was failing to shut down. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V). Please include the BOOT_TIME message at the end of the log extract.
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    Still in Console, look under System Diagnostic Reports for crash or panic logs, and post the entire contents of the most recent one, if any. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if present (it may not be.) Please don’t post any other kind of report—it will be very long and not helpful.

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    That is stealing. Your friend has no right/licence to give the songs to you. It violates copyright law.

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    Hello chillman4130, try to create a new profile(in case that you profile is corrupted), go (with closed firefox...... it is anyway) to /Applications/Utilities > Open the Terminal application > in the Terminal application, enter the following:
    * /Applications/ -p
    Press Return
    the above opens Profile Manager, if the profile manager open then see : [ Creating a profile]
    then see: [ Recovering important data from an old profile]
    thank you

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    You can try to Force Quit the Mail application by using the keys OPTION COMMAND ESC, from the window that pops up select Mail and clcik force quit.
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    I have tried various different caddies
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    But still I cannot boot off from any Hard Disk Drive inserted in a caddy at the front of the system.
    Has anyone seen this behaviour?
    Is it fixable?
    Do I have replace something like the Hard Disk Drive back plane circuit board? Or even the main logic board?
    I have now run out of ideas and cannot find any help in discussions or just googling.
    ANY help would be very appreciated

    Antonio Hi !
    QC = Quad core  or  QX as it is written on the "pull out" serial number tab at rear of system
    I have 3 late 2006 Intel xserves
    On my intial posting I declared 2 were 2.0 machines - when I was trying to be concise
    2 of the macines are 2.66 systems and 1 is 2.0 system - all are QX machines
    the 2.0 and 1 of the 2.66 will NOT boot from the ADM and disk inside the system - whereas the other 2.66 system will.
    I have many different Caddies and these have different product/model number labels
    these are marked "intel SATA"
    The 80Gb was only one of the drives tested - I have used Seagate 400Gb 750Gb and 1Tb  -  all of which have been used in systems at one time or another
    and as I said the drives ARE visible once the operating system (either installation DVD or external firewire are booted from) - they are just NOT visible when the system is searching for boot media.
    Thanks for the guide - I will look through that and continue to try and find an answer

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    Thoughts; advice please.

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