Please check my new subscription.

Hello. I am a user who really love Skype. Last night I made another same subscription as soon as I spended all of my sub. I expected it worked in a few hours, but it didn't. Please check mine and please let me call. Thanks

This is an open forum, not Adobe support... You need Adobe support to cancel a subscription
-start here
-or by telephone
--and two links which may provide more details, if the above links don't help you

Similar Messages

  • I was receiving and sending my emails perfectly, now nothing gets downloaded? It checks for new emails but do not find anything and I know there is. Please help

    I was receiving and sending my emails perfectly, now nothing gets downloaded? It checks for new emails but do not find anything and I know there is. Please help

    Oh, the irony of referring to yourself as "myklthebrain".  Make an appointment, at the nearest Apple store, with an Apple Genius, and hope that (s)he can sort it out.

  • Is there a way to disable the option to save files in the cloud for a companies user base in the new subscription model??

    Our corporation is mandated by privacy laws within provincial legislation that prevents us from using cloud based storage outside of our province for the storage of data.  We are unable to continue using Adobe products based on the new subscription based model due to the inclusion of cloud based storage.  We need to have a way to disable the ability/option for our large corporate user base to store data files in the cloud.  Merely having the "option" to store files in a location of one's choice is not sufficient based on the policies we are legally forced to adhere to.  Without the option of disabling the cloud storage for our user base we will be forced to look at other vendors products to fill the needs we have that are currently filled by the Adobe line of products.  We would prefer to stay with Adobe if someone knows how to disable this option (via registry edits, etc.), please advise.

    hi Nikolay,
    there is no clean solution for your problem. Browsers cache files by url, you can avoid caching appending in query string unique value per deployment. For example
    _layouts/my_js_file.js?v=<current date> - will be refreshed from cache when day changes
    _layouts/my_js_file.js?v=<GUID> - if guid is generated on every request, this file should never cache
    _layouts/my_js_file.js?v=<product version> - more preferable solution, browser will update cache on every new version that was deployed
    Actually, ScriptLink should take care about this, internally it has a method that appends unique id into query string based on js file content, if content changed, hash is also changed and new unique id is generated.
    Check Below link for more information
    You can also check this link
    Please mark the Answer and Vote if it will help to resolved your issue

  • New subscriptions not working

    Please tell me what should i do.
    today i have reached my monthly call limit for Indonesia 400 mins 1 month, and then i make new subscription to Indonesia 400 mins for 1 month, but new subscription not replace the old ones...
    and now on my account says that i have only 0 minute left.

    To check the order number and status of an order:
    Sign in to your account.
    In the Account details section, click Billing & payments > Purchase history.
    All of your orders are listed, and the right column shows the status of each order.
    The following table explains some of the order statuses you might see:
    Status Description
    This usually means your payment has been submitted and is currently being processed. For bank transfer payments, pending status means that the order has been created but payment has not yet been matched to it. When payment is accepted, the status will change to Delivered and your Skype account will be credited.
    Credit card is the quickest way to pay and usually takes 15 minutes (but sometimes up to 24 hours) to process. The status will change to Delivered when payment is accepted, or Cancelled if payment is unsuccessful.
    Bank Transfer payments can remain pending for 7-10 business days before crediting your Skype account.
    If you paid through Skrill (Moneybookers), the order status remains pending until we have received your payment. Skrill may ask you for further verification and your order will remain pending until they receive all the necessary documentation. Your order status can remain pending up to a maximum of 14 days. After that, if no payment has been received, the order will be cancelled.
    If you paid via PayPal using an eCheck or Internet Transfer, your order can remain pending for several days.
    If you paid via PayPal and the funding source for the PayPal account is a credit card, if the order status is still pending after 24 hours, please contact Skype Customer Service. 
    This usually means that your order hasn’t been finished yet. You have most likely initiated your purchase using a selected payment method but haven’t continued. Therefore, your order had been stopped before your payment actually reached the payment service provider.
    Payment has been accepted and the order has been credited to your account. You can start using your Skype Credit (or other Skype purchase) right away.
    If your payment is cancelled, it is likely to be for one of the following reasons:
    You have entered an invalid CVC (or other credit card validation code).
    You have used the same credit card for more than two different Skype accounts.
    You have reached your monthly purchasing limit.
    Meanwhile, we suggest you try using another credit card, or use a different payment method such as PayPal or Skrill. If you have reached your monthly purchasing limit, this limit is reset on the 1st of each month so you will be able to make your purchase then. 
    Skype has very strict anti-fraud measures in place to protect our customers. If your order is reversed, the most likely reasons are that it has been flagged as fraudulent (or potentially fraudulent), or that Skype has refunded your purchase 1-4 days after the purchase was made.
    If you paid by PayPal, the money is sent back to your PayPal account and no Skype Credit is added to your Skype account. It can take 5-7 business days for the money from the reversed order to appear back in your PayPal account.
    If you paid by credit card, no funds have left your bank account so there is no money to return. Your order is effectively cancelled. 
    If your order is refused, it means that most likely the payment was rejected by our payment provider, not by Skype. This can occur for a number of reasons, including:
    Insufficient funds on your card or in your bank account to complete the transaction
    Using an anonymous proxy to access the internet
    Verified by Visa/MasterCard SecureCode failure
    Purchasing from, or using a credit card issued in, a restricted country
    Other unknown issues with your credit card details
    Meanwhile, we suggest you try using another payment method to purchase Skype Credit.
    It’s also possible that your payment has been refused by Skype because you have used the same credit card for more than two different Skype accounts. If this is the case, you can try using another credit card, use one of your other Skype accounts, or try a different payment method. 
    If you require further information about your order status – for example, why an order was cancelled or refused – please contact Skype Customer Service.

  • My new subscription stopped working when my old su...

    I cancelled my first subscription “Sweden 60 minutes” since I needed more minutes per month.
    Now I have “Sweden 400 minutes”. But today it stopped working and it says it’s because my subscription “Sweden 60 minutes” is no longer available.
    But my new subscription “Sweden 400 minutes” is still available, I just bought it!
    I can’t work if Skype doesn’t work. Please help me with this problem as soon as possible!
    Thank you.

    Hi Karoline,
    I checked your account I can confirm that 400minutes subscription is active and should be working just fine. Could you please try following:
    1) Make sure you have latest Skype from:
    2) Ensure you are logged in with the same account you used for this forum, in case you have multiple accounts.
    If you still get an error message please send a screenshot to customer service and they can investigate further:
    If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

  • Mail constantly checks for new mail; downloads same emails repeatedly HELP!

    For the last three days (since 19th), Mail has been downloading the same emails over and over again. I first noticed a problem when about 20 spam emails that usually route to my Junk folder appeared in my Inbox. I thought I had just moved it incorrectly and deleted them, then they appeared again later.
    The mail jogger cycle (next to Inbox) keeps turning and turning like it can't stop checking for new mail. How do I get it to stop?? The emails are multiplying like gremlins in my Inbox and driving me nuts!
    Also, it only downloads new emails when I first open the app. I have to force-quit out of Mail, then reopen, and I will get a couple of new emails, and then ALL THE EMAILS FOR THE LAST THREE DAYS AGAIN.
    Mail was working fine for me until three days ago. The only thing I've changed recently is a Software Update on the 15th for QuickTime and iTunes.
    Please help! I tried to Repair Permissions and it didn't do anything. I also tried removing all messages from the server and that did nothing either.
    Mail Version 2.1
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2.1 GHz, 512 MB Memory

    UPDATE: I think I got it to stop checking mail. I have Yahoo mail and I checked my email through online Yahoo. I was able to delete a bunch of emails and it suddenly stopped checking for email in the Mail app.
    HOWEVER, it will NOT remove some of my junk emails. I was able to delete over 100+ of them. But one specific message (which I now have 8 copies of) will not go away. It is one of those 'Delivery Status Notification' emails. Is this a virus??
    I've tried Erasing Deleted Messages and Erasing Junk Mail. Neither helps. These emails won't go away.
    Help please! I would be very grateful.

  • Please check my VI and tell me if something is wrong.

        I tying to build and Simulate the dynamic
    response of first order system ,
    I'm new in labview , I think something is not as should  be.
    please check the attachment file and give me a suggestion or correct any errors that you see in the VI.
    Here are the instructions I followed
    y(n)= Δt       *    (  T
     * y(n-1)+x(n)  )
             T+Δt            Δt
    Where T is the time constant, x(t) is the input and y(t)
    is the output.
    Experiment 1, Simulate
    the dynamic response of first order system
    Launch LabVIEW.
    Create a blank VI.
    The front panel should have at least an numeric
    control to input the time constant and the graph indicator to show the result.
    Drop the “Simulated Signal” express VI and
    choose the signal type as square wave, frequency as 1Hz, sample frequency as
    1000Hz and number of data points as 500.
    Use “Convert from Dynamic Data” VI to convert
    the data from the “Simulated Signal” express VI to single waveform data.
    Use waveform function to extract the waveform
    data and the time interval of the waveform.
    Use FOR loop to iterate the output data of the
    first order system.
    Use the formula node to program the algorithm based
    on equation 3.
    Use waveform function to create the waveform
    data from the output data and the time interval of the input waveform.
    10.  Use
    “Build Array” function to create an array that consists of the input and output
    11.  Use
    graph indicator to show the input and output waveforms.
    12.  Use
    “Write LabVIEW Measurement File” VI to save the data in a file.
    13.  Run
    the VI using the following time constants: 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07 and 0.1, and
    save the results to files.
    Untitled ‏66 KB

    Hi Neoforce,
    If you want i can give some help doing that program. Yours it's completly confuse. You really are new to labview.
    So, if can explain what you want. I can try to do the program for you.
    y=(dt/(T+dt))*((T/dt)*y1+x); it's the expression. But explain the inputs dt, T,X and y1.
    What is the result that you expect to see in the graph? It's y(x)?
    Software developer
    PS: Don't forget to rate a good anwser ; )
    Currently using Labview 2011

  • Please check out my website and give me feedback

    Hey you iWeb Jedi's -- please check out my web page and give me your opinions -- especially you Star Trek fans out there.
    One problem I'm having is find the perfect streaming settings for the movies. I did check them on a fast Windows machine and on a brand new Mac at the local CompUSA store. Things worked well on their very fast Internet connection but the longer concept video didn't seem to want to stream. I'm almost thinking to grab some JumpCut or YouTube code and insert it just to get it to work. I know this will put their logos in but I'm just not sure what to do.
    One thing I'm aware of and something I did do on purpose is that I made the background images very large -- to accomodate those wealthy folks with the very big, very wide monitors. I wanted never to run out of background "virtual" world no matter how big one stretched the browser window. Also, the necessity to scroll was intentional. Let me know if this is too annoying.
    Appreciate any expert helpful comments and feedback on improvements.
    No I won't update to 10.4.9!   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   I said no!

    As a teacher of marketing & multimedia presentation design, Garr Reynolds says at his site: "Design is a big, big deal. We all have a responsibility to understand its potential and its power. You do not need to be a designer — but you do need to become more design sensitive or 'design mindful'."
    In particular, according to another experienced designer: "Color should be used in the same way that type size is used: to emphasize importance, not decorate a page."
    Reynolds' page about why design matters is worth reading...
    Also this about graphic design fundamentals...

  • Want to know how to check for new line character in text file

    Hi All,
    I`m trying to read data from text file. However I`m not sure whether the data is in 1st line or nth line. Now I`m trying to read the text from the readline. But if text is "" and not NULL then my code fails. So I want to know how to check for new line character and go to next line to find the data. Please help.
    static int readandwriteFile(Logger logger,String filepath){
              BufferedWriter out = null;
              BufferedReader in = null;
              File fr = null;
              int get_count = 0;
              try     {
              if(new File(filepath).exists())
              fr= new File(filepath);
                        System.out.println("FileName: "+fr);
                   if(fr != null){
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fr));
                             String text = in.readLine();
                             if(text != null){
                             get_count = Integer.parseInt(text);
                                  get_count = 0;
    out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filepath));
                   }          //Reading of the row count file ended.
              catch(Exception e) {
              finally {
                   try{               if (in != null) {
              if (out != null) {
              catch(Exception e) {
              return get_count;

    You are calling the readline() only once which means you are reading only the first line from the file...
    Use a loop (Do-While preferably)
    //your code
    }while(text == "")

  • Unable to open document. Please check to see if you have read permission for the above file.

    Adobe Acrobat X Pro, 10.1.2
    Windows 7 Enterprise, 32-bit
    Quad Core badass CPU
    4GB RAM
    MS Word 2010 (Office 2010)
    I installed the latest version as Administrator and am running as Administrator. I have all rights to all files on the PC.
    When I attempt to create a PDF from any Word document, whether .DOC or .DOCX, I get an error window every time:
    "Unable to open document:"
    "[document location]"
    "Please check to see if you have read permission for the above file."
    This happens after the little notice pops up "Starting the application which created the document...."
    If I open Word and create PDF from the ribbon, it works. It still won't allow me to create from Acrobat.
    It creates PDFs from Excel files but not DOC files. I've searched for solutions but found none. I did find this from July of 2011:
    "I have found out from Adobe technical support that this is a known issue with Office 2010 SP1 installed. This is an FYI for anyone else experiencing this issue, remove SP1 and it will work ok. They said an update to correct this issue will be coming within the next quarter."
    I have updated to the latest version 10.1.2 and still have this problem.
    This is a major issue, because it also fails on batch conversions, which is what I really need for the 100 or so documents that need to be PDFed. I'm not going to open each individual file and save each one from within Word.
    This is a KNOWN ISSUE at Adobe, and if you look through the forums you'll find many people having this problem, and so far, I have not seen any solution.
    If anyone has found the solution, please post it here.

    I think I found a solution. It seems to be relatet to normal.dotm.
    In our environment we have upgraded from XP & Office 2003 to Win7 and Office 2010. is stored on the users home share. When Office 2010 is started for the first time (for a user) it takes some of the old stuff from and puts it in the new normal.dotm. When this happens, we get this error in Acrobat X.
    The solution is to rename both and to e.g. and normal.dotm.old. Office/Word 2010 will then create a new, "clean" normal.dotm.
    (By the way, if you are in a corporate environment, you might have changed the default path to in Office group policies. You can see it here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\14.0\common\general\usertemplates)
    I would be interested in knowing exactly why/what in normal.dotm caused this error. I can provide you (Adobe) with a faulty, if you're interested.

  • While trying to run it show error message : "The application or DLL C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\sqlite3.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette

    Just updated firefox. While trying to run it show error message : "The application or DLL C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\sqlite3.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette." Tried to download and install new firefox, but it alway show that the file is corrupt
    == Today ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)

    Do a clean reinstall and download a fresh Firefox copy from and save the file to the desktop.
    Uninstall your current Firefox version and remove the Firefox program folder before installing that copy of the Firefox installer.
    It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    You can skip the step to create a new profile, that is not necessary for this issue.

  • IMessage on MacBook Pro "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again."

    I am currently receiving this error message when trying to log in to iMessage on my MacBook Pro (Mavericks), "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again."
    I have never had an issue until the past few days as I have been setting up my new iPhone 5s. I used to have an iPhone 4.
    When I go to the 'Messages' App., Preferences> Accounts> the iMessage account is set as "(Inactive)".
    My Apple ID appears to be working fine in iCloud, the App. Store etc.
    Thank you for your help.

    Check Enable this account in Preferences. Try logging in again.
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues    
    Messages – Can’t log in
    Messages - Error Processing Registration

  • How can I fix the "This is not a test user account, please create a new account in the sandbox environment" error?

    Hi there everyone,
    Recently I tried to make an in-app purchase, I'm not sure whether the app is relevant or not but it was for Tapped Out, however, after trying to make the purchase I received an error message saying "Sign-In Required, tap continue to sign in to check for downloads [Environment: Sandbox]" so I followed the instructions and was then presented with another error message saying "This is not a test user account, please create a new account in the sandbox environment. [Environment: Sandbox]"
    I have been doing a lot of research online trying to find a solution and so far nothing has worked for me, I have also been passing emails backwards and forwards between an Apple Customer Support colleague and are yet to find a working solution.
    Here are a few pieces of information.
    1. I am running iOS 6.1.3 on a 4th Gen iPod, it's relatively new, I got it for Christmas.
    2. My iPod is not, and never has been Jail Broken.
    3. I do not have a test account and have never tried to make my own apps.
    4. I have tried signing out of my Apple ID, resetting my iPod's settings and signing in again.
    5. I have tried resetting my Apple ID password
    6. I have tried restoring my iPod to factory settings.
    If anyone has another suggestion for something I could try it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Yep, I've been reading through other threads on lots of different sites over the last few hours and I can't seem to find a working solution, even though some seem to have worked for other people.
    Most of them hadn't been updated in a while so I made my own post to see if anyone has anything new.

  • I suddenly have this error message on FireFoxthis message pops up: "Could not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no re

    I suddenly encounter this error message from Fire Fox.
    Could not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem. If you continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application behaviour when accessing security features.
    I uninstalled the browser and download a new version but it does not resolve the issue.
    I know my hard disc has ample space. I do NOT know where to find the Profile directory to fix the read restriction box.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == After something about security add-on of Norton pop up by itself. ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN Optimized;US)

    This link shows things to check -

  • Trying to Hot Sync Visor Pro with Windows 7 (64 bit OS) - getting error: "The connection between your handheld computer and the destktop could not be establishe​d. Please check your setup and try again."

    I read the posting regarding the options on Hotsyncing for Windows 7; however, I have some questions as I have a 64-bit system.
    I have a Visor Pro that I'm trying to Sync up with my new laptop which is running Windows 7.
    Steps I have taken:
    * installed the Visor Palm Desktop 3.0.1 that came with the Visor (which the installation went well)
    * The issue arises when I push the "Sync" button on the cradle and the following error message appears "The connection between your handheld computer and the destktop could not be established.  Please check your setup and try again."
    Since I have a 64-bit OS it appears that I have 2 options: 1) bluetooth or 2) Infrared.
    I have to admit I don't know know how to do either of these (how can I tell if this Handspring Visor Pro has bluetooth (which I don't it does)?). 
    Then how about the Infrared option?  I see on the PDA it has a red area that one can "beam" info.  Is this the same as Infrared or my 2nd option?
    I love my Visor and want to continue using it, but need to backup the valuable info!
    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
    Post relates to: Visor Pro

    Hello lwalbring and welcome to the Palm forums.
    Your Visor, as you suspect, does not have Bluetooth, so you must use the IR HotSync option.  Since you are using Windows 7 64-bit, I believe that you are going to have to upgrade to Palm Desktop 6.2.2 to make things work from an OS/Driver perspective.
    Since you are using such an old device, you are also going to have to download and install the PalmHotSyncSetup Utility from Pimlico.  This update turns on support for old Palm OS PDAs in Palm Desktop 6.2.2.  Without the update, you won't be able to sync your Visor with Palm Desktop 6.2.2.  The software is free and the link is all the way at the bottom of the screen.
    Lastly, if your PC doesn't have an IR port on it, you will need to purchase a USB to IR adapter.  Some laptops still have IR ports and most desktops don't.
    Once you have all the pieces, you'll want to go back to the Windows 7 and Vista HotSync thread again, and follow the directions for setting up and configuring IR HotSyncs.
    Alan G

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