PLEASE HELP!!!!! Can't set application

I hope someone can help. The weirdest thing started happening
yesterday. I started to get server connectiong errors to CF where
it kept on saying to check if the services are running.
Now, when I try to login to any of my sites where I set an
application variable, it bouces me out (because the next page
checks for #application.loggedin# eq "YES" ). This is driving my
Is there a way that there are too many app variables in
memory or overloading CF admin somehow? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

You'd have to narrow down:
"I started to get server connectiong errors to CF where it
kept on saying to check if the services are running."
1. Where are you getting the error.
2. Anything in the logs?
I use cdata and cglobal tables to store variables, and I HAVE
run into problems with variables getting too large, and have had to
increase fields from the default sizes because noone could login/
Since this post was this morning, you may have already found
a solution to this, but I figured I'd post anyway.
- Mike

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    Please keep in mind the word wraps. The "-" you see is not really by itself, the text got wrapped.

    The way I usually set the CLASSPATH and PATH in Linux (RedHat specifically) is to edit the .bash_profile file in your home directory (/home/username/.bash_profile) and include them there. This will cause your CLASSPATH and PATH to be set everytime you run bash (if you want details on why, their is documentation on it). Your .bash_profile will usually have a PATH already so you can just add to it. Make sure when you add CLASSPATH to also add that to the EXPORT line at the bottom as it is easy to forget. That should work. The way you are saying to do it should work as well, I am not quite sure what you are having problems with but I have used the above method on over 20 machines and it has worked every time so far.
    Hope this helps.

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    Pensive wrote:
             Please, help me to set up wireless Internet connection. My router is WRT54GS. I able to get online when computer is wired direct to VPN internet cable.
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    Second, when "Setup wizard" runs step #6 (“Check the router’s status”), the program asks for the password. Default password “admin” is rejected by the program and I can’t install Linksys software. Just in case I already pressed reset switch on the back of the router but to no avail. 
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    hi pensive ,
     Seems interesting , first do this -  push the reset button on the back of router .
    push it till 30 seconds , unplug the power cable and plug in the power cable back in After completion of 30 seconds.
    then try to log into , again . with the password "admin".
    see if it reply?
    Else -
    strt>cmd>ipconfig /all - post the result ?
    Message Edited by meteor on 01-09-2008 05:58 AM
    ~~~Nobudy's Perfect , i try To Be So ! Each n every moment of maH LYF , AND I THINK dat wats make Me "Different" From others....~~~

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    exactly right. I think you can understand which one it is.) But the problem is still there.
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    there are a couple of problems. First of all, jdev comes with it'S own jdk bundled in the product (jdk 1.6_x). Next thing is if you use JDev to build an application you must use a wls 10.3.5 or 10.3.6 where you need to install the correct runtime onto. In your case you first install adf runtime and then you need to install two patches which update the adf runtime to These spathes are only available via, meaning you need asupport contract to get them.
    More information you can find in my blog
    The rest of your problems go away once you have installed the right adf runtime on your server.

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    package transact;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class DummyFrame extends Dummy
    protected String name, surname;
    protected Connection conn;
    protected CallableStatement cstatement;
    public DummyFrame()
    private void createFrame()
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
    "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://server:1433;" +
    catch (Exception e)
    private void menuAction()
    btncontacts.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    btnkeywords.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    // transaction.getRecords();
    protected void nextRecord()
    // CallableStatement cstatement = null;
    cstatement = conn.prepareCall(
    "{call Employee_Selection}", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    ResultSet rs = cstatement.executeQuery();
    while (
    surname = rs.getString("Lastname");
    catch (Exception e)
    protected void getRecords()
    CallableStatement cstatement = null;
    cstatement = conn.prepareCall(
    "{call Employee_Selection}", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    ResultSet rs = cstatement.executeQuery();
    while (
    surname = rs.getString("Lastname");
    name = rs.getString("Firstname");
    // call stored procedure
    catch (Exception e)
    // populate the fields;
    private void populateFields()

    ummm ok i think the logic in your code is kinda screwy...
    here is what your should be doing.
    create the gui.
    get the resultset...
    have code that looks like this for nextRecord...
    protected void displayNextRecord(){
      // we do not call next here because we already called it last time
      surname = rs.getString("Lastname");
      name = rs.getString("Firstname");
        btncontacts.setEnabled(false);// i'm not sure what btncontacts is but we want to disable next becuase there are no more records...
    // in your intitalization code you need to do this...
    // you old stuff ending with...
    ResultSet rs = cstatement.executeQuery();
    // the new stuff...
      btncontacts.setEnabled(false);//the result set is empty
    }ok the real problem you are having is that you are trying to display one record at a time but you are scrolling
    through the entire result set using while( what you
    want to do is create the result set once and scroll through
    it one item at a time with your gui.
    the example method i have given displays the data from the current
    row in your gui. then it advances the result set forward one row if possible. this method assumes that the result set will always
    be positioned on a valid row thus the need for calling
    rs.first() before we originally call displayNextRecord()
    well i hope you find this helpful.

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    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
      Application Name:    iTunes.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    4e4e1904
      Fault Module Name:    QuickTime.qts
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:    4e13ba08
      Exception Code:    c0000005
      Exception Offset:    00146b30
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    2057
      Additional Information 1:    0a9e
      Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:    0a9e
      Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    I have already tried uninstalling itunes, quick time and apple support programmes, and then reinstalling all of them.
    Help will be highly appreciated.

    So sorry - I'm in the same boat!  Someone please help us out!!!!!

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    Not so easy.A JPG file is a compressed map of a "picture",nothing more. So , You have to get a reference to an object of this map - You can't save to a simple file (JPG) and expect to do what you want to do.Think something else , not a simple snapshot.In Win98 you have a directory "Desktop" where are all of your icons , in Win2000 you have to search in "Documents and settings\User_name\" or something like this to find the same directory and get all icons.Therefrom look for "Properties" and find the path to execute the exe file.It must be something like this I think.Hope have been helpfull.

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    E-mail provider and is the account IMAP or POP? What message says it can't use port 995?

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    I only purchased my apple tv today and when I first got it home and set it up it worked fine,could listen to music whilst watching a picture slide show...loved it ........but then after about 10 mins it just turned off and then it wont let me connect to Itunes at all..keeps telling me that my password is incorrect(its not) It also tels me that the apple ID I have entered could not be found ???? ARGHHHH I have read the book and tried everything in it even changed my tv to another hd tv in my house seriously about to throw it against the wall!! can anyone please help me?? Surely its just something simple that I have missed or I have bought a dud........

    Thanks, have now found original mail. I think I've lost the plot. will check out those suggestions.

  • Please help can't print in colour

    I have a deskjet 2542 and I cannot print in colour as it does not provide it in a the setting but i have coloured ink and in the test print it can print in colour. Please help! 

    Hey @clairekog ,
    Thank you for joining us on the HP Forums today, hope you enjoy your time with us!
    I understand you are not given the option to print in color on your computer.
    Please answer the following programs;
    1. What program are you trying to print from?
    2. Are you adding color to the document?
    3. Where are you looking to change the color setting that isn't letting you?
    4. What Operating System are you using? Press the link to find out, in case you don't know already.
    Have a great day! Look froward to hearing back from you.
    I worked for HP.

  • ITunes unexpectedly quit message comes up every time since the last update! Please help can anyone explain?

    After updating the latest on my MacBook OS X Version 10.6.8 I started experiencing several issues.
    iTunes will not open and continues to leave an error message on the screen. This is happening repeatedly for about 2 days. The error message looks like this
    Process:         iTunes [320]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         10.6 (10.6)
    Build Info:      iTunes-10604001~1
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [85]
    Date/Time:       2012-03-13 17:44:55.357 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          73264 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           121
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   32
    Anonymous UUID:                      7294E1AD-BFAD-4062-B651-F450B00E27C2
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000000bf7fffdc
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue:\
    Has anyone else had the same or similar issues? I also experienced problems with Safari, loading certain web pages. Please help!!

    Hi there navicin79,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the articles below helpful. The first thing I would try is reinstalling iTunes as outlined in the first article.
    Troubleshooting iTunes installation on Mac OS X
    OS X Mavericks: If an app freezes or quits unexpectedly
    -Griff W. 

  • Please Help!!  Easy Application Tuning Question

    Ok - this should be an easy one for seasoned vets (but not for a newbie like me)
    I've been asked by the boss-man to "find and tune the SQL that's causing the slowdown . . . " I'm on Oracle 817 running Peoplesoft Application. I've located the main problems with the Application and have some solid ideas about how to improve the SQL. So - my question. How the heck do I get into the Peoplesoft (or any other Application for that matter) SQL code to change it. Everything I read says, " . . . and then you can go in and tune the SQL . . . " but never exaplins how exactly to 'get in'. I can't imaging there is a File-->Open-->SQL Code feature, it must be more complex than that. So what am I missing here and how do I get to the place where I can change the Application's SQL for tuning?!?!?!?
    Thanks in advance for any help you give.

    Peoplesoft owns the application code. So you can't change the application code. However, you can examine the code and see if there are some indices that you can create to improve the query. Also, you will need to rebuild your statistics. As a matter of maintenance, you should rebuild your indices and statistics on a regular schedule. Especially if your optimizer parameter is choose and you have high volatility.
    Alternatively, you could ask Peoplesoft to provide you with a patch.
    Maybe someone else has another idea?

  • I have restored my iphone and its saying time remaining is about 24 hours can you please help. can i switch the phone back on ? please help ??? :(

    after there being an error in trying to update the software it said i have to restore my phone which i have done but says time remaining is about 24 hours . can you please help ? i just want to switch my phone on again .

    Hello lyndsey1430,
    From what I can gather, it sounds like you're having issues restoring your device. After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains helpful advice concerning recovery mode:
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Use recovery mode
    You might need to use recovery mode to restore your device in these cases:
    iTunes doesn't recognize your device or says it's in recovery mode.
    You see the Apple logo onscreen for several minutes with no progress bar.
    You see the Connect to iTunes screen.
    Learn what to do if you see the progress bar onscreen for several minutes.
    To put your device into recovery mode, follow these steps:
    Turn off your device and leave it off.
    Plug in your device's USB cable to a computer with iTunes. 
    Hold down the Home button on your device as you connect the USB cable. Keep holding down the Home button until you see the Connect to iTunes screen.
    When you see this screen, release the Home button. If you don't see this screen, try steps 1 through 3 again. 
    When your device is connected, iTunes will open. You'll see a message saying that iTunes has detected an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in recovery mode.
    Use iTunes to restore your device. Restoring in recovery mode will erase your device. If you previously synced with iTunes or iCloud, you might be able to restore from your backup.
    Get more help
    Learn what to do if you don't see your device in iTunes for OS X, or in iTunes for Windows.
    If you put your device into recovery mode by mistake, restart it. Or you can wait 15 minutes and your device will exit recovery mode by itself.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

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