Please help me very urgent

hi to all,
             i have an ides system ECC 5.0 version .By mistake i have deleted whole lfa1 table what to do how to get it back

Check this link

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  • How to check for null values in bpel?? Please Help! very urgent!!!

    Hello Guys,
    I have a problem. I have an external webservice to which I have to post my request. My task is to create an Webservice and Service Assembly to which others would post request and get response. I have to create SA to deploy onto the bus.
    The problem is that there are optional elements in the request and response xsd's. In the Response sometimes certain feilds may come or they may not. for Example:- my response could contain a tag like this <firstName></firstName>
    I have to copy these feilds in my bpel process from one variable to another.(like in the mapper).
    My Question is , Is there any way in BPEL process or BPEL mapper where I could Check for null values in the request or response???
    Your inputs would be very helpful.

    Thanks for replying man :)
    Ok I will be more clear.
    Here is a snippet of one of the xsd's that I am using.
    <xs:element name="returnUrl" nillable="false" minOccurs="0">
                             <xs:documentation>Partner specifies the return URL to which responses need to be sent to, in case of
    Async message model.
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="300"/>
                                  <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
    This means that the return URL field can be there or it may not be there. But if it is there it cant be null because nillable=false. But the whole <returnURL> </returnURL> can be there or it may not be there because minOccurs=0.
    My requirement is , if returnURL is there in the response with a value, then in my BPEL mapper I should map it else I should not map it.
    Thats the issue.
    and Yes kiran, the node be non-existant.
    So can you please help me with this.

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    Please tell me how to remove Substitution? I extended my seeded AM. I did substitution, after that i ran jpxImport command. After running this command i could not able to open my standard page.
    please tell me how to remove Substitution and tell me the command.

    Hi Somasekhar D ,
    When we create any Substitution, the it will create a new document for that customization.
    you can see the customized document by using follwing sql statement
    exec jdr_utils.LISTCUSTOMIZATIONS('/oracle/apps/icx/lov/server/ReqSupplierAM')
    Suppose if it is having any substitution document like *'/oracle/apps/icx/lov/server/customizations/site/0/ReqSupplierAM'*.
    You can delete this document like
    exec jdr_utils.DELETEDOCUMENT('/oracle/apps/icx/lov/server/customizations/site/0/ReqSupplierAM')
    Now your substitution will be removed.
    I hope this will help you.

  • Please help me very Urgent I appreciate whoever takes me out of this mess

    Hi! I have a short term project to develop a web page displaying in a table format. The data for thatcomes from 2 CSVs. and that table format should be exported to Excel. What I am going to do is first CSVs should be converted into XMLs and then merge XMLs and then convert it into HTML. First CSV is coming from SAP and the other from Mainframe. These files are to be pulled up by customer on every 3/4th business day of the mnth. Can anyone please suggest how it should be done....
    I would appreciate if anyone sends me code for exporting..after converting file into HTML.

    If you are going to do the calculations in your code and put the results in the cells, then yes. If you want to put Excel formulas in the cells then you would have to use a more complicated method. But since your input doesn't contain any formulas, I don't really see the need for formulas in the output. I would do the calculations in your code if it were up to me.

  • File Upload problem: JSF, IBM WPS and Portlet - Please HELP Vey Very Urgent

    I want to upload a file from the front end using JSF and Portlets deployed on IBM WebSphere Portal.
    I have used Apache's commons file upload functionality as the file upload provided in JSF doesnot work with portlets and the action event is not invoked If I keep enctype="multipart/form-data". So I included 3 forms in my Faces JSP file.
    1) h:form = For displyign error message on screen
    2) html:form = Include the enctype="multipart/form-data" and the input type file for uploading. And a submit button
    3) h:form: Here I have a command link which is remotely excuted on click of sumit button in my html form. This is to invoke the action event in the pagecode to get the bean value from the context.
    Now in the my doView method in the portlet, isMultipartContent(httpservletrequest) always returns null as the content type is text/html and not multipart. Onclick of the submit button in the the html form I am calling a javascript function which sets the __LINK_TARGET__ to the command link in the 3rd h:form which will call the page code.
    The problem here is action is invoked only when I return false from the above javascript else it will trigger for the first time and from second time onwards it will not invoke the action event in the pagecode method. Whent the javascript function returns false, the content type is always text/html. However if I return "true" from the javascript the content type is multipart/form-data, but the action is not triggered for the second time. So basically when the javascript functions returns true, for the first click everything works perfectly. When it returns false, the content type is text/html, but the action is invoked in the page code every time.
    Returning always true would solve my problem with the content type, but the action with the command link will not get invoked always as its some type of problem with h:commanLink :(.
    I guess I gave too much info. Heres my code stepby step.
    Can somebody please tell me , how I should also invoke the action in the page code and get the content type as "multipart/form-data" at the same time.
    ======================= Faces JSP File: BPSMacro.jsp ====================
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="IBM Software Development Platform">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="hx"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/j4j.tld" prefix="j4j"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/core.tld" prefix="core"%>
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
         pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
    <portlet:defineObjects />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
         href='<%= renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/theme/stylesheet.css") %>'
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function formSubmit() {
         var formName2 = document.getElementById("proxy_form_main_").title;
         var formName1 = document.getElementById("BPSMacroFormId").title;
         document.getElementById("__LINK_TARGET__").value = document.getElementById("proxy_HD_COMMAND_").title;
         return false;
         <hx:scriptCollector id="bpsMacroScriptCollector">
              <f:loadBundle var="bps" basename="bordereauprocessingsystem" />
              <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                        <td><h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain" styleClass="form">
                             <table class="tablemiddle" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                       <td><h:messages layout="table" styleClass="errormessage"
                                                 id="ValidationErrorMsg" /> </td>
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_0_" />
                        <form id="BPSMacroFormId" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                                  <td height="36" width="324">Worksheet <input type="file"
                                       name="upfile" /></td>
                                       <td align="center" width="324"><input TYPE="submit"
                                       onclick="return formSubmit();" value="Upload">
                        <h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain2" styleClass="form">
                             <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" class="tablemiddle">
                                            <td colspan="2" align="center"><h:commandLink
                                                 styleClass="commandLink" id="lnkuserdelete"
                                                      styleClass="graphicImageEx" id="imgBtnCreateUser"
                                                      value="/theme/images/btnUpload.gif" style="border:0;cursor:pointer"></hx:graphicImageEx>
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_HD_COMMAND_" />
                                            <h:inputHidden id="dtSize"
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_clicked_" />
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_" />
    ================== END: FACES JSP FILE: BPSMacro.jsp ========================
    =================== Action event in the Page Code: ============
    public String doIdUpload1Action() {
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetails}").getValue(context);
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetailsList}").getValue(context);
              PortletSession sess = (PortletSession)context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", context, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", fileDetails, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", fileDetailsList, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
              boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
              return "gotoBPSMacro";
    ============== END Of Page Code Action event ==============================
    ============== doView() Portlet method ================================
    public void doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)
         throws PortletException, IOException {
              String METHOD_NAME = "doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)";
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Entering BPSMacroPortlet");
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();      
              PortletSession sess1 = arg0.getPortletSession(true);
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = new BPSMacroDetailsDataBean();
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = new BPSMacroListDataBean();
              context = (FacesContext)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              if(context != null){
                   fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
                   fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)arg0;
              PortletRequest pReq = (PortletRequest)arg0;
              HttpServletResponse servletResponse= (HttpServletResponse)arg1;
              System.out.println("\n\n Content Type" + servletRequest.getContentType());
                   if(context != null){
              boolean isFileMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(servletRequest);
              System.out.println("\nFILE TO BE UPLOADED IS MULTIPART ? " + isFileMultipart);
                   FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                   ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
                   List items = upload.parseRequest(servletRequest);
                   Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
                   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        FileItem item = (FileItem);
                        InputStream iStream = item.getInputStream();
                        ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int sizeofFile =(int) item.getSize();
                        byte buffer[] = new byte[sizeofFile];
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                        while( (bytesRead =, 0, sizeofFile)) != -1 )
                             ByteArrayOS.write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );
                        String data = new String( ByteArrayOS.toByteArray() );
                        int k = 0;
                        //Check if the file is Refund or Premium
                        int dynamicArraySize = 0;// = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        dynamicArraySize = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        if (!item.isFormField() ){
                             File cfile=new File(item.getName());
                             String fileName = "";
                             String separator = "\\";
                             int pos = item.getName().lastIndexOf(separator);
                             int pos2 = item.getName().lastIndexOf(".");
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1, pos2);
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1);
                             File fileToBeUploaded=new File("C:\\Sal\\BPS MACRO\\FileTransfer\\Desti", fileName);
              }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Leaving BPSMacroPortlet");
              super.doView(arg0, arg1);
    ==== END: doView method in the portle class. ================================

    one more question. Is there a way where I can submit two forms ?
    Thats is submit 2nd form only when the first form is submitted.
    I tried this it works.
    function formSubmit(){
    But If I dont put an alert(basically it disables the parent page) in between, only the second form is submitted.
    If I put a delay of say 3 seconds in between then it will throw a SOCKET CLOSED error in the code triggered due to first form submit.
    Thus disabling the paresnt page for a few seconds is reolving my problem.
    Any ideas ?
    Well Basically when the Alert pop's up the parent page "STALLS" and thus the form2 does not submit till I click on OK, Is there a way I can stall the browser/Parent JSP page using JAVA SCRIPT ??
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 11:09 AM
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 2:12 PM

  • How to enable RFC and how to use it in Report..please tell its very urgent

    Dear Techie's,
    Please tell its very urgent..
    How to enable RFC and how to use it in Report. ??

    pls chk any of these links.,289142,sid21_gci948835,00.html
    Checkout !!,289142,sid21_gci948835,00.html

  • I can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi

    i can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi.

    i switched off all the security settings and all the firewalls.
    i m unable to install any of the app on the ipad
    so i saw the apple support and it said to update the older version of my ipad.
    and niether am i able to download the update nor am i able to download any app and install it in my ipad2
    i also tried to download an .ipsw file (ios5 update) from torrentz bt i am also unable to install from that as itunes rjects that file and gives an error. and also tries to delete that file. plz anyone help urgently.

  • Event OnInputProcessing not triggered ..... please help, it's urgent

    hi all,
    i have a problem in my bsp page.
    in my bsp page, there is a button which is clicked, a new pop up window will appear. after the pop up window closed the caller window will be submitted.
    after submitted, the server side script ( ABAP Code in event OnInputProcessing & OnInitiallization will be run ).
    in order to be able to do this, i used java script. and it's already works well.
    the problem is : there is 1 record that the ABAP code in event OnInputProcessing is not run. I have set break points on one of code in event OnInputProcessing, but it seems event OnInputProcessing is not triggered. if i also put the break point in event OnInitialization, it will stop in the break point in event OnInitialization.
    is there any clue why this happened ?
    please help, it's urgent because it's happened in my production system
    many thanks in advance

    hi Raja,
    thanks for the respond.
    the code is already works for 2 years and just 1 record of ... perhaps thousands record that used the same code.
    for other record, it go to event OnInputProcessing
    but just this 1 record it won't go to event OnInputProcessing.
    any clue ?
    please help

  • Please help a very important

    Please help a very important
    There I have a database 8i
    An area of 36 GB and night Eugene space on the hard disk is 2 GB
    I want to reduce the database space has decided to delete the tables from 2006 to 2010,
    But the database space 36 still Kiev and what to do

    I wish I could locate the apple document about backups, I know there's an official one but I can't find it. If you have a .mac account you can use the "backup" program to do that. The other way is third party programs that will backup any updated files to a remote computer on your network, or another drive. Probably the easiest though is just burning the files you need to save to DVDs or CDs. Someone else could probably explain this a whole lot better than me though, so give it a try.
    Oh! And just out of curiocity, how did the program not work? Did you get an error, or was the folder just too far gone to get back? If the lisence you purchaced is transferable, you might just want to sell it to someone here or on ebay. Good luck.

  • File Upload Help Needed - Very Urgent

    Dear All
    I am making a application in Webdynpro for uploading an excel file to the server. Can someone give me a demo application so that I can run it and see whether my server is configured or not. Also I have made the application right now and have coded the need full. But when I select a file and say submit it shows me a page not found error. Currently I am working round the clock on my project and am stuck up here. Its very urgent can any body help please with an example or a demo application.
    Regards Gaurav

      Check whether in server, MultipartBodyParameterName property is set to "" . You can check this by going to Visual Admin -> Cluster tab -> Services -> web container -> Properties sheet.
    Do assign points if i answered your question.

  • Error while opening a module. plz help me, very urgent.

    when i try to open a module, the following error message appears on my screen.
              " no j2ee component found in d:\krisp\programs\servlets".
              i've installed bea in c: drive and my servlet program is in d: drive.
              plz help me, it's very urgent.

    Can you provide some more information? What were you doing when this happened?
              Can you post the entire error message?
              -- Rob
              WLS Blog

  • How to write code for this logic, plz help me very urgent

    Hi All,
    i am new to sap-abap, i got this work and i m working on this can any body help me in writing code, plz help me, this is very very urgent.
    here  i m giving my logic, can anybody send me the code related to this logic.
    this is very urgent .
    this program o/p should be in ALV format and need to create one commond 'SAVE" on this o/t list  if  user clicks save processedon and processedby fields in ZFIBUE should be updated automatically.
    i am creating one custom table zfibue having fields: (serialno, bukrs, matnr,prdha,hkont,gsber,wrbtr,budat, credate, cretime,processed, processedon, processedby,mapped)
    fields of zfibue:
    serailno = numc
    bukrs = char
    matnr = char
    prdha = char
    hkont = char
    gsber = char
    wrbtr = char
    budat = date
    credate = date
    cretime = time
    processed= char
    processedon = date
    processedby = char
    mapped = char      are   belongs to above type data types
    and seelct-optionfields:  s_bukrs for bseg-bukrs
                                        s_hkont for bseg-hkont,
                                         s_budat for bkpf-budat,
                                         s_processed for zfibue-processed,
                                          s_processedon for zfibue-processedon,
                                          s_mapped. for zfibue-mapped
    parameters: p_chk1 as checkbox,
                      p_chk2 as checkbox.
                      p_filepath type rlgrap-filename.
    1.1 Validate the user inputs (S_BUKRS and S_HKONT) against respective check tables (T001 and SKB1). If the validation fails, provide respective error message. Eg: “Invalid input for Company Code”.
    1.3 If P_CHK2 = ‘X’, go to step 1.11. Else continue.
    1.4 If P_CHK1 = ‘X’, continue. Else go to step 1.9
    1.5 Fetch MATNR, PRDHA from MARA into GT_MARA for all entries in GT_ZFIBUE where MATNR = GT_ZFIBUE-MATNR.
    1.6 Sort and delete adjacent duplicates from GT_MARA based on MATNR.
    1.7 Loop through GT_ZFIBUE where PRDHA = blank.
              Read Table GT_MARA based on MATNR = GT_ZFIBUE-MATNR.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                     Move GT_MARA-PRDHA to GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
                  Modify Table GT_ZFIBUE. “Update Product Hierarchy
        Fetch PRDHA, GSBER from ZFIBU into GT_ZFIBU for all entries in GT_ZFIBUE where PRDHA = GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
        Read Table GT_ZFIBU based on PRDHA = GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                     Move GT_ZFIBU-GSBER to GT_ZFIBUE-GSBER.
                  Move “X” to GT_ZFIBUE-MAPPED.      
                  Modify Table GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.8 Modify database table ZFIBUE from GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.9 Fill the field catalog table GT_FIELDCAT using the details of output fields listed in section “Inputs/Outputs” (above).
       Eg:                 LWA_ FIELDCAT -SELTEXT_L = 'Serial Number’.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -DATATYPE = ‘NUMC’.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -OUTPUTLEN = 9.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -TABNAME = 'GT_ZFIBUE'.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'SERIALNO'.
              Append LWA_FIELDCAT to GT_FIELDCAT
    Note: a) The output field GT_ZFIBUE-PROCESSED will be editable marking INPUT = “X” in field catalog (GT_FIELDCAT).
             b) The standard ALV functionality will be used to give the user option for selecting all or blocks of entries at a time.
             c) The PF-STATUS STANDARD_FULLSCREEN from function group SLVC_FULLSCREEN will be copied to the program and modified to include a “SAVE” button.
    1.10 Call the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY passing output table GT_ZFIBUE and field catalog GT_FIELDCAT. Additional parameters like I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET (= ‘ZFIBUESTAT’) and I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND (=’HANDLE_USER_ACTION’) will also be passed to handle user events. Go to 2.14.
    1.11 Download the file to P_FILEPATH using function module GUI_DOWNLOAD passing GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.12 Exit Program.
    Logic to be implemented in  routine “Handle_User_Action”
    This routine will have the following interface:
    FORM Handle_User_Action  USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                                                               rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    Following logic will be implemented in this routine:
    1.     If r_ucomm = ‘SAVE’, continue. Else exit.
    2.     Loop through GT_ZFIBUE where SEL_ROW = ‘X’. “Row is selected
    a.     IF GT_ZFIBUE-PROCESSED = ‘X’.
    iii.     MODIFY ZFIBUE FROM work area GT_ZFIBUE.

    Hi Swathi,
    If it's very very urgent then you better get on with it, don't waste time on the web. Chop chop.

  • Experts plz help its very urgent

    hi expert
    plz help- me
    previously i was getting dump in this statement
    TRANSFER v_tab TO p_file.
    here v_tab is a table which hav som records
    and p_file contains the path of a file like c:\new\ggg.txt
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_line,
           pspid(9) TYPE c,
           tab1 TYPE x,
           post1 TYPE proj-post1,
           tab2 TYPE x,
           vernr TYPE prps-vernr,
           tab3 TYPE x,
    END OF t_line.
    For the statement
       "TRANSFER f TO ..."
    only character-type data objects are supported at the argument position
    In this case. the operand "f" has the non-character-type "T_LINE". The
    current program is a Unicode program. In the Unicode context, the type
    'X' or structures containing not only character-type components are
    regarded as non-character-type.
    to avoid this dump i used feild symbol
    assign V_TAB to <IN> casting.
          p_file = <in>.
          unassign <IN>.
    nw there is no dump
    but problem is p_file contains the contents of v_tab not the file path .
    plz help me its very urgent
    thanx in advance

    Hey, no probs,
    after your initial declaration, do this.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF n_line,
    pspid(9) TYPE c,
    tab1(15) TYPE c,        "check the length you want
    post1 TYPE proj-post1,
    tab2(15) TYPE c,         "check the length you want
    vernr TYPE prps-vernr,
    tab3(15) TYPE c,         "check the length you want
    END OF t_line.
    now after you fetch data into v_tab,
    move it to n_tab.
    using a loop at v_tab and move corresponding fields to n_tab's work area
    append to n_tab.
    once you have populated n_tab and are ready to TRANSFER.
    OPEN your file using
    open dataset <file> for output in text mode encoding default.
    loop at n_tab.
    TRANSFER n_tab to p_file.

  • Help needed very urgent

    I have problem in downloading a file through a servlet. Let me put my points clearly.
    When a client requests my servlet using setcontenttype, setheader methods I prompt for the 'save' option.
    The client can choose the file and save in his local directory.
    The problem now is, if he cancels in between or at the initial stage itself an exception saying 'connection reset by peer' should be thrown at the server side.
    When I execute the servlet in javawebserver2.0/weblogic 5.0, the exception is thrown.
    Whereas when I use the same servlet in weblogic6.0sp1win no exception is thrown.
    I want the exception to be thrown even in weblogic6.0sp1win.
    How to overcome this problem. Please help me out at the earliest.
    Please see the code below.
    I am eagerly awaiting for your feedback. I have posted this query several times in java and jguru forum but did not get any reply till now.
    Since the problem is very serious please help me out as soon as possible. thanks
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class TestServ extends HttpServlet //implements javax.jms.Connection
    Exception exception;
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException, UnavailableException
         int bytesRead=0;
         int count=0;
         byte[] buff=new byte[1];
    OutputStream out=res.getOutputStream ();
    // Set the output data's mime type
    res.setContentType( "application/pdf");//application/pdf" ); // MIME type for pdf doc
    // create an input stream from fileURL
    String fileURL ="http://localhost:7001/soap.pdf";
    // Content-disposition header - don't open in browser and
    // set the "Save As..." filename.
    // *There is reportedly a bug in IE4.0 which ignores this...
    // PROXY_HOST and PROXY_PORT should be your proxy host and port
    // that will let you go through the firewall without authentication.
    // Otherwise set the system properties and use URLConnection.getInputStream().
    BufferedInputStream bis = null;
    BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
    boolean download=false;
         res.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename="+"xml.pdf" );
              URL url=new URL(fileURL);
         bis = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
         bos = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
    while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length)))
                   }//end of try for while loop
                   catch(SocketException e)
                   catch(Exception e)
                        System.out.println("Exception in while of TestServlet is " +e.getMessage());
                        if(e != null)
                             System.out.println("File not downloaded properly");
                        }//if ends
                   }//end of catch for while loop
    }//while ends
              Exception eError=getError();
                   System.out.println("\n\n\n\nFile Not DownLoaded properly\n\n\n\n");
              else if(bytesRead == -1)
              System.out.println("\n\n\n\ndownload successful\n\n\n\n");
              System.out.println("\n\n\n\ndownload not successful\n\n\n\n");
    catch(MalformedURLException e)
    System.out.println ( "Exception inside TestServlet is " +e.getMessage());
    catch(IOException e)
    System.out.println ( "IOException inside TestServlet is " +e.getMessage());
         finally {
    if (bis != null)
    if (bos != null)
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("here ="+e);
    }//doPost ends
         public void setError(Exception e)
              System.out.println("\n\n\nException occurred is "+e+"\n\n\n");
         public Exception getError()
                   return exception;
    }//class ends

    My idea is:
    When user cancel the operation, browser send a message back but webserver/weblogic just ingnores it.
    You check BufferOutputStream class or any other class that it extends to see if flush() method does really flushed, if not then it means that the operation has been cancelled.

  • Please Help its an urgent

    I am making BDC for Transcation Code <b>KKS1</b>. In this transcation when we go through the transcation then the output is shown in ALV Grid format and as we know that we can convert an ALV Grid into List output or Excel sheet. which I want finally in EXCEL Sheet Format. During transaction there is no Problem every thing is happening perfectly.
    <b>But if I want to record a BDC for the same</b> then then first of all I have to check the box continue after commit. then only I can record the BDC. because only after checking this box i get the output in ALV format. <b>Now till here I have done sucess fully.</b> Now In BDC I want to convert the  ALV into EXCEL SHEET OR LIST OUTPUT. Generally we can't do this. we have to do this manually but is there any way to convert the <b>ALV Grid into EXCEL Sheet or List Output during the BDC.</b>
    Please help me Out.
    I need it urgently.
    who ever will solve my problem I will reward him 10 Points.

    Hi Siddarth!
    Like already Erik began to describe:
    most probably you can't use a BDC in a way you expect this.
    Excel is just installed on your PCs, also SAP needs GUI interaction to make an excel sheet. So your call transaction would have to run online - but normally you create BATCH input sessions to run something in background...
    Without GUI you won't get a correct ALV (also this can create it's containers with link to a GUI), nor excel download.
    If it's a one-time action: maybe you can run a BDC online and placing a mobile phone or some other office tool on the 'Enter'-key.
    You can also try to record a CATT (transaction SCEM) or eCATT - they are newer and can handle more dynpro situations, especially one option of eCATT should be able to make scripting.

Maybe you are looking for

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