Please help- memory problems

I have a Nokia 6300. When I try to load down music from the computer to the phone Nokia Music Manager says that there is not enough space for transfer... But there is, both on the phone memory as well on the memory card. How do I solve it???

i have the same problem as the person a few posts above me (the first post which refers to a nokia 6300) and i already have a microSD memory card w/ music that wrks with the music application, but i still want to knw y i cannot save music directly to my device. i knw my music folder is completely empty and i've even deleted some default stuff that comes w/ the phone cuz i never use it. so, i knw there's ample space and yet it still tells me there's a memory error. it doesn't make sense.
Message Edited by gothgem on 21-Jul-2008 12:56 AM
Message Edited by gothgem on 21-Jul-2008 12:58 AM

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    Have you read my reply to one of your duplicate threads : ?

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    Unfortunately there is not an easy way to find out memory card password. Have you tried to format your card?

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    Try reinstall Java or the JRE *Try after reading bottom
    Try install/updateing JRE *Try after reading bottom
    but first try/check the CLASSPATH & PATH variables in autoexec.bat in your c root directory, make sure that (PATH)they point to your jre/bin dir or your javaSDK/bin dir, and make sure CLASSPATH point to class files of java installion. Also, in Control Panel if installed make sure the java console applet handles the java code for your web browser and make sure that the Classpath & path that is in that java console applet points to the correct directories.
    ----- hope that help, Jimdogee

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    - Pierce

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    It appears that you may not have installed the boot camp drivers. Boot into Windows and insert your Leopard installation disk in the CD/DVD drive. This should automatically begin installation of the necessary drivers. Reboot the computer when instructed and all the hardware should work as designed.
    The right click is accomplished by placing two fingers on the trackpad and then depressing the trackpad button. This should also work after the drivers are installed as instructed above.
    Axel F.

  • Please help-image problem (display)

    Can someone please help with this?
    I keep receiving an error (below) while trying to execute the code...
    2001-07-19 11:55:02 - Ctx( /dev ): IOException in: R( /dev + /servlet/getImage + null) Connection reset by peer: socket write error
    My setup is Tomcat 3.2
    JDBC: Oracle's
    JDK: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0-C)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0-C, mixed mode)
    I have copied my simple code below for review:
    package lmmfcd.images;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
    public class getImages extends HttpServlet
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                   throws ServletException, IOException
              //Grabs and assigns the PageContext
                   JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
                   PageContext pageContext = null;
                   Object page = this;
                   _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
                   pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
                        "", true, 8192, true);
              //End of the PageContext Stuff
              Connection conn = (Connection)pageContext.findAttribute("conn");
                        ResultSet rset = null;
                        String queryCmd =
                                  "SELECT     image "+
                                  "FROM          sgps.images "+
                                  "WHERE          pn = '13507028' "+
                                  " AND          pic_num = '1' ";
                        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                        rset = stmt.executeQuery(queryCmd);
                        Blob blob = null;
                        blob = rset.getBlob("image");
                        byte[] ba = blob.getBytes(1, (int)blob.length());
                        System.out.println("just above OutputStream");
                        response.getOutputStream().write(ba, 0, ba.length);
                   catch(SQLException e)
                        throw new ServletException("Problem");

    It compiled okay, but still displayed the broken image as the result....
              if (rset != null)
                        BLOB blob = null;
                        blob = (BLOB)rset.getObject("image");
                        InputStream in = rset.getBinaryStream("image");
                        //Have also used:
                        //InputStream in = blob.getBinaryStream();
                        OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
                        byte b;
                        while ((b = (byte) != 1)
                   catch(SQLException e)
                        throw new ServletException("Problem");

  • Please Help Printer Problems

    I have just bought an Airport Extreme Base Station. I have a Mac Book, iBook G3 and a Win XP Laptop that I have so far connected to the network.
    On the base station itself I have a Western Digital My Book External Hard Drive and an HP Photosmart C4180 all in one printer connected via a USB hub.
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    What am I doing wrong. Please help I love Apple products and really do not want to send this back.

    I'd like to suggest you go to and download and install this program.
    You get a 30 day free trial to start. If you sign up as a reseller you can get the program for $29 after that.
    I'm not an employee of the company but I just recommend the program as it has fixed many a friends
    problems and has kept my computers and my familys computers running straight and clean with no problems.
    Even if you don't buy the program after using it and it fixes your problems you can uninstall it and consider it a blessing.
    I'm sure once you see what it can do you will think twice to buy it.
    Other than that, I don't know much about your system to even begin to try to tell you what to do as a troubleshooter.
    It could be any number of things that are wrong with it. Number one, the registry might be really messed up.
    Tune-up will fix that fix off for you. A computer is like a car, it has to be kept in tune in order to keep running right.
    Another problem area is malware and viruses. We all know about them but do we ever really know if we might have been bit
    by any of them. Most times not until something serious causes us problems. Can I suggest another program you might try?
    AVG Internet Security 2011 at  It's another 30 day free trial program. I am also a reseller and have all my computers
    and family members registered and using it.
    I can tell you that with only these two programs installed on your computer you can rest easy and use your computer without any fears or problems.    Let me know how it goes for you. Good luck.
    Paul Streicher
    Tampa, FL

  • Please help. proxy problem

    Hi there,
    I am facing a problem in accessing net content. I am using proxy to get net access.
    here is my code:
    Properties props=System.getProperties();
    props.put("proxySet", "true");
    props.setProperty( "proxyHost", "" );
    props.setProperty( "proxyPort", "80" );
    props.setProperty( "proxyUser", "mv5217" );
    props.setProperty( "proxyPassword", "surya" );
         String content="";
         URL url = new URL("");//ew URL("");
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
         String inputLine;
         while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
         System.out.println("Content "+content);
    }catch(Exception e){
    the above code some time returns me blank string and some times below exception Server returned HTTP response code: 407 for URL:
         at TestingClass.<init>(
         at TestingClass.main(
    I am getting the exception even sending a mail to yahoo pop server. below is the my java mail code.
    public static String MAIL_HOST = "";
    public static String MAIL_HOST2 = "";
    * Constructor
    public JavaMailToYahooServer() {
    String from = "[email protected]";
    String subject = "Testing of sending mail";
    String body = "this is the mail content";
    String to = "[email protected]";
    MAIL_FROM = from;
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("proxySet", "true");
    props.put("proxyHost", "");
    props.put("proxyPort", "80");
    props.put("proxyUser", "proxy user id");
    props.put("proxyPassword", "proxy password");
    //Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("", MAIL_HOST);
    Session sess = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    try {
    // Connect to host
    //Store store = sess.getStore("pop3");
    //store.connect(MAIL_HOST2, -1, "vmeghraj", "surya");
    // Create a message
    Message msg = new MimeMessage(sess);
    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
    msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
    msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    msg.setContent(body, "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1");//HTML type
    //msg.setContent(body); //Text type
    // Send the message
    Transport trans = sess.getTransport("smtp");
    trans.connect(MAIL_HOST,"my yahoo id","my yahoo password");
    // Let the user know that the mail was sent
    }catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("Errorr : "+ex);
    for this I am gettin below shown Exception
    Errorr : javax.mail.MessagingException: Unknown SMTP host:;
    nested exception is:
    What wrong I am doing in the above coding..
    Please help me .... it is an urgent requirement
    thanks in advance,


  • Please help username problems!

    My blackberry curve9300 has a username attached to the device which isnt even a email address so i cant change it! I have tried accessing my blackberry id to update my apps but i cant as my username is incorrect! I have created a new blackberry id on my laptop but my blackberry wont accept it as it isnt linked to my device! please help i will be eternally grateful!

    Hi casharding 
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    We Can reset our BBID password and even the Username , but if the username or the email is incorrect or invalid then you have very limited Options. Have to create a new BlackBerry ID but in this process you will loose access to any of your paid apps.
    Changing the BlackBerry ID on web itself will solve this issue.So first do a Backup of your device using Desktop Software or refer to this helpful article : How To Backup Your BlackBerry
    When you are done follow this Knowledege Base to resolve the issue:
    KB26694 : How to change the BlackBerry ID on a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet or BlackBerry smartphone.
    Try it and let us know of your progress.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Please help Install problems

    I boot from CD run through the sun boot part ok.
    Then i select to boot from my CD at the end. THis works fine.
    It then starts to load sunOs 2.8 but restarts very shortly after and does'nt give me a chance to read error message.
    I tryed loads of different configs with no sucess Please help.
    The system i run is a p4 wit intels G850GB Mainboard geforce2, 128MB PC 800

    P4, seems not supported yet. Try to look into the
    Solaris Intel forum next to this. Some discussions
    about P4 already. Maybe you will find what you want.Indeed.
    Have a look at
    these usenet articles give a procedure to boot solaris 8
    on a P4 cpu.
    Once you've got the system installed using the kadb
    procedure given above you should try to install the latest
    kernel patch 108529-08 that fixes problem solaris has with
    these P4 cpus.

  • Please Help, Numerous Problems

    Had a problematic iPod not being recognized by windows, resetted, remformmated everything. Sent it back, got a new one. reinstalled itunes, reinstalled ipod update, same problem. Only now, it's stuck on do not disconnect whenever plugged in and whenever not plugged in displays the exclamation and folder with written underneath. Please help me, i am really upset as I have been having these problems for a long time

    Well, I've now gotten back to the point where it's the iTunes problem again, my pc recognizes that my ipod is plugged in, but iTunes doesn't. And I tried updating the software, but it says that the ipod isn't supported.
    I guess this makes me more certain that I'm going to switch to OS X and get a powerbook. I highly doubt that Macs have these problems with ipods. I guess I could get mad at Apple and say it's their fault, but my guess is it's a software issue, one relating to XP, oh well.

  • PLEASE, PLEASE HELP: Big problems with my Zen Touch. (Firmware/driver issu

    So here's the deal:
    Last night I thought I'd finally take the time to upgrade my Zen Touch to 2. from .3 or something like that. I noticed that there was a warning saying that this was no small upgrade, and that I should back up everything I have on it.
    I'm glad I did, because now my MP3 player situation is seriously screwed up, big time. During the upgrade process, my computer froze, leaving my Zen Touch without firmware (ok, so firmware version 0.0.0). Upon turning the device on, it boots up in recovery mode. This allows me to either format, clean up, or "reupload" firmware. I've tried all of these options, but the fact is clear that my computer simply will no longer recognize my MP3 player.
    It does, however, recognize it at as a generic storage device. However, this isn't enough for me to reinstall the player's firmware unfortunately.
    So basically, I can't update driver or firmware right now, because my computer won't acknowlege my Zen Touch!
    Somebody please, please help.
    I've already tried using the setup file from
    Seriously, please help!

    Sort of success!
    I now finally have firmware 2. installed on my Zen Touch! Yeah! I'm not entirely sure how I did it, and I'm not bothering to find out, I'm just glad I finally got it on there.
    But some problems still remain. After all this fiddling with my driver and firmware and whatnot, my computer just doesn't see my MP3 the same way as it used to. Before, it was great, all I had to do was plug her in and I could bring up Zen Explorer in Windows Explorer, or organize my stuff in Creative MediaSource.
    Now that's not the case. The only way I can sort of add stuff to my player now is by going into Windows Explorer, which is still more or less acknowleging my player as a "portable device". Granted, there is a dri've called "My Zen", but it doesn't bring up Zen Explorer like it used to when I click on it. Furthermore, when I go into MediaSource, I can't select it as a location, there just isn't anything there.
    It almost seems as if my computer thinks I'm just using a portable hard dri've. Is there anyway I can tell it that it's an MP3 player, too?

  • Help memory problem

    ive just spent ages uploading music into itunes and then onto my ipod nano(2gb) but there is only about 230 songs in itunes (800mb) and when i uploaded this onto my ipod nano(which had nothing on it) it says ive used about 1.7gb why is this and how do i get the rest of my music on there as it should hold about 500 songs right? it's driving me mad now ive tried almost everything, ive wiped all the songs off my ipod and even when there is nothing on my ipod ive 'used' half the memory i cant figure out whats wrong with it
    please help

    It could possibly be the encoding of your songs...the 500 song estimate is based on the songs being encoded AAC @ 128kbps. You say that your nano shows that it's capacity is half used even when everything is deleted...Perhaps some album art is still there but that wouldn't explain half. Although this has been mentioned over and over I just feel the need to mention that your player will not show the full capacity (2gb) as available, even if you never put anything on it. You may already know that. What is the exact number showing as "free" space on your player? Because if you truly have nothing that you added on it, it should not only be 1gb free (I use that number since you stated "half").

  • Boot Camp Issue (Please Help, Massive Problem)

    Okay here's the deal...
    Installed Boot Camp fine
    I'm trying to install online updates and mcafee for msn
    after like 2 min a blue screen flashes and mac restarts
    when windows comes back it say check hard disk
    and say this is a fat 32.
    then it runs through some files and says there not valid
    and windows then corrects puts me back to the welcome screen and i try again and the same thing happens.
    Ps. dos my display have anything to do with it cuz everytime it starts up it says it detects a tv display i just close it and move on but i did make sure it wasn't on tv first
    please help i need windows for a program for school thats it a working boot camp would make it a whole lot easier

    Did you make sure to declare you C: drive during the BootCamp setup process?
    I had no problems with my BootCamp, XP, and Virus Protection installation.

Maybe you are looking for