Please Help!!!! Try to download TV Shows

I want to download a episode of the Office in HD and i downloaded an tried to sync it to my iPod and it said it was not copied because my iPOD can not play it, any suggestions on how to fix this?

7.2 does not require Tiger. You can run it using 10.3.9. I believe to use an iPhone, however, you need 10.4 Tiger.
Make sure you're also running the latest version of Quicktime:
Videos won't run properly without it.

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    Error 8003 is described here.  The article is a bit dated, but I suspect the writeup is still valid.

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    Try running ADE (Digital Editions) then drag-dropping the .acsm file onto it from explorer.
    The following may help to get it to work more conveniently long term:
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    OK since you using 2 computers, we will first focus on the one that will not uninstall iTunes, afterwareds we will get the ipod working on one PC first.
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    Once done disable any antivirus or security programs, then goto to download and install the latest iTUnes.
    Also on BOTH pcs make sure you have "ipod updater 06-28-2006" you can download and install it here
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    Perhaps try the fixit from the following Microsoft web page. (Try the "problems uninstalling" option.)
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    Hi Balu,
    Did you follow the complete path to your kernel?  There are many times when navigating where it says no information available yet there is still a link.
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    Best Regards,

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    if you follow all 7 steps (here, you can dl a trial here:
    and activate with your serial.
    if you have a problem dl'g, you didn't follow all 7 steps.  the most common error involves failing to meticulously follow steps 1,2 and/or 3 (which adds a cookie to your system enabling you to download the correct version from

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    Hi Caloosa,
    Please confirm version of Premiere Pro you are trying to download.
    Also from you are trying to download and Operating system details.
    It would be great if you post a screenshot of the problem. Which helps in order to isolate the issue quickly.
    Please refer the following forum thread in order to know " How to post a screenshot".
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Sumit Singh

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    Hello A.Hawley,
    It sounds like you are being prompted to authorize your computer in order to download your iTunes purchases. This article will help you do that:
    iTunes Store: Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    See Here...
    AMDS for Windows

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    From the following data I would like to create an sql to get the information  as the following layout
    studentid,  firstTerm,  EnglishMark1,ScienceMark1,MathsMark1, Secondterm,EnglishMark2,ScienceMark2,MathsMark2,
    ThirdTerm,EnglishMark3,ScienceMark3,MathsMark3 // As single rows for each student
    1 First, 30,40,20,Sec,30,40,20,  simillarly next row for next row for another sudent. Please help to generate the sql for the same.
    Please help it would be very appreciate.
    With Thanks

    create table yourdata (studentid int, term varchar(10), section varchar(50), Mark int)
    insert into yourdata values
    Select studentid
    ,max(case when term='First' and section='English' Then Mark End) as EnglishMark1
    ,max(case when term='First' and section='Science' Then Mark End) as ScienceMark1
    ,max(case when term='First' and section='Math' Then Mark End) as MathMark1
    ,max(case when term='Sec' and section='English' Then Mark End) as EnglishMark2
    ,max(case when term='Sec' and section='Science' Then Mark End) as ScienceMark2
    ,max(case when term='Sec' and section='Math' Then Mark End) as MathMark2
    ,max(case when term='Third' and section='English' Then Mark End) as EnglishMark3
    ,max(case when term='Third' and section='Science' Then Mark End) as ScienceMark3
    ,max(case when term='Third' and section='Math' Then Mark End) as MathMark3
    From yourdata
    Group by studentid
    drop table yourdata

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    Any help would be very much appreciated.

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