Pleaseeeeeeeeeee help is the server code which sends the audio file which is saved in the disk. is the receiver code which is supposed to receive which is not happening.
The client does not receive any stream but it can detect the new participant can u please give directions in what might be the problem.
//import java awt and net features
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.String;
// import javax media features
//import javax rtp features
//import swing features
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class AudioConf extends JFrame implements ControllerListener
Container frameContainer;
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
JMenuItem fileExit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
JMenu playerMenu = new JMenu("Player");
JMenuItem playerCapture = new JMenuItem("Capture");
JMenuItem playerTransmit = new JMenuItem("Transmit");
JSeparator sep3 = new JSeparator();
JMenuItem playerPlay = new JMenuItem("Play");
JSeparator sep4 = new JSeparator();
JMenuItem playerStop = new JMenuItem("Stop");
JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");
JMenuItem helpAbout = new JMenuItem("About");
CaptureDeviceInfo audioCDI = null;
String audioDeviceName=null;
Player audioPlayer=null;
Format audioFormat;
DataSource dataSource;
MediaLocator ml;
Processor p = null;
DataSource ds = null;
CaptureDeviceInfo di=null;
Vector devicelist;
Thread recordthread;
boolean keepRun;
Button stopb;
boolean result;
DataSink filewriter = null;
MediaLocator dest;
Panel capturePanel;
boolean looping= true;
RTPManager rtpMgrs[];
int port = 3000;
DataSource dataOut = null;
Component visualComponent=null;
Component controllerComponent=null;
Player dualPlayer = null;
String contentType="raw";
boolean connected = false;
public static void main(String args[])
AudioConf conf = new AudioConf();
}//end of main
setTitle("Audio Conference");
}//end of audioconf constructor
//build the graphical user interface necessary
void buildGUI()
}//end of buildGUI
// setup the menu bar
void setupMenuBar()
}//end of setupMenuBar
//setup the layout componenets
public void layoutComp()
     frameContainer = getContentPane();
frameContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout());      
     }//end of layoutComp()
// setup the handlers to events
void setupHandlers()
     addWindowListener(new WindowHandler());
fileExit.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
     playerCapture.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
          playerTransmit.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());          
     playerPlay.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
     playerStop.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
     helpAbout.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
     }//end of setupHandlers
// function for window closing event
public class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
}//end of windowclosing
}//end of windowhandler
public class MenuItemHandler implements ActionListener
CaptureDeviceInfo audioCDI = null;
String audioDeviceName=null;
Player audioPlayer=null;
Format audioFormat;
DataSource dataSource;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
}//end of play
else if(cmd.equals("Capture"))
else if(cmd.equals("Transmit"))
}//end of transmitMedia
else if(cmd.equals("Stop"))
else if(cmd.equals("Exit"))
}//end of actionPerformed
}//end of MenuItemHandler
void playMedia()
FileDialog fd=new FileDialog(AudioConf.this,"Select the file",FileDialog.LOAD);
String filename = fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile();
dualPlayer = Manager.createPlayer(new MediaLocator("file:///" + filename));
System.out.println("Adding controller listener");
System.out.println("Starting player ...");
catch (Exception ex)
}//end of playMedia
//************************************CONTROLLER UPDATE*************************************************
public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ce)
     if (ce instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent)
          Component comp;
          System.out.println("Adding visual component");
          if ((comp = dualPlayer.getVisualComponent()) != null)
          frameContainer.add ("Center", comp);
          System.out.println("Adding control panel");
          if ((comp = dualPlayer.getControlPanelComponent()) != null)
          frameContainer.add("South", comp);
     else if( ce instanceof DurationUpdateEvent)
     Time duration= ((DurationUpdateEvent) ce).getDuration();
     System.out.println( "duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
     else if( ce instanceof EndOfMediaEvent)
          System.out.println( "END OF MEDIA - looping=" + looping);
               if( looping)
                    p.setMediaTime( new Time( 0));
//******************************Stop Playing**************************************************
public void stopmedia()
// Capture the media using datasource and save it using datasink
void captureMedia()
captureDialogBox captureDialog=new captureDialogBox(AudioConf.this,"CAPTURE MEDIA",false);;
class captureDialogBox extends Dialog implements ActionListener,Runnable
captureDialogBox(Frame parent, String title, boolean mode)
super(parent, title, mode);
setSize(450, 180);
capturePanel = new Panel();
capturePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
     CaptureDeviceInfo di=null;
     Vector devicelist;
     keepRun = true;
          stopb = new Button("Stop");
devicelist = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AudioFormat("linear",44100,16,2));
if(devicelist.size() > 0)
     // Create a DataSource given the media locator.
try {
p = Manager.createProcessor(ml);
          result = waitForState(p,Processor.Configured);
System.out.println("Configure over ");
p.setContentDescriptor(new FileTypeDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.BASIC_AUDIO));
          result = waitForState(p,Processor.Realized);
controllerComponent = p.getControlPanelComponent();
visualComponent = p.getVisualComponent();
ds = p.getDataOutput();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Cannot create DataSource from: " + ml + e.toString());
dest = new MediaLocator("file://c:\\jo\\");
try {
if(ds == null)
System.out.println("Source null ");
filewriter = Manager.createDataSink(ds, dest);
if (filewriter == null)
System.err.println("Failed to create a DataSink");
catch (NoDataSinkException e)
System.out.println("Error in store NoDataSinkException "+e.toString());
catch (SecurityException e)
System.out.println("Error in store SecurityException "+e.toString());
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Error Line abc in store IOException "+e.toString());
recordthread = new Thread(this);
public void run()
System.out.println("Just record");
}catch(Exception ex){
System.out.println("Line sss");
}//end of while
}catch(Exception ex){
System.out.println("Error in closing ");
}//end of run
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
keepRun = false;
System.out.println("REcord Over");
void transmitMedia()
try {
MediaLocator playerloc = new MediaLocator("file://c:\\jo\\");
p = Manager.createProcessor(playerloc);
result = waitForState(p,Processor.Configured);
System.out.println("Configure over ");
          ContentDescriptor cd = new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW_RTP);
TrackControl track[]=p.getTrackControls();
boolean encodingPossible = false;
for(int i = 0;i<track.length;i++)
if(!encodingPossible && track[i] instanceof FormatControl)
((FormatControl)track).setFormat(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.ULAW_RTP,8000,8,1));
encodingPossible = true;
}//end of try
catch(Exception e)
          System.out.println("IncompatibleFormatException ");
}//end of if
               System.out.println("else part");
               }//end of else
}//end of for
          boolean result=waitForState(p,Processor.Realized);
System.out.println("Datasource created successfully");
     catch(Exception ex)
     System.out.println("EXception in creating processor");
catch(NotRealizedError e)
System.out.println("Dataout is null");
PushBufferDataSource pbds = (PushBufferDataSource)dataOut;
System.out.println("pbds =" + pbds.toString());
     PushBufferStream pbss[] = pbds.getStreams();
System.out.println("pbss length = " + pbss.length);
     rtpMgrs = new RTPManager[pbss.length];
     SessionAddress localAddr, destAddr;
     InetAddress ipAddr;
     SendStream sendStream;
     SourceDescription srcDesList[];
     for (int i = 0; i < pbss.length; i++)
          rtpMgrs[i] = RTPManager.newInstance();     
System.out.println("rtpMgrs created using new instance");
     System.out.println("port = " + port);
ipAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();     
          InetAddress hostAddr= InetAddress.getLocalHost();
System.out.println("Local host= " + hostAddr);
          localAddr = new SessionAddress( hostAddr,3000);
System.out.println("localAddr = " + localAddr);
destAddr = new SessionAddress( ipAddr, 4000);
System.out.println("destAddr = " + destAddr);
          System.out.println( "Created RTP session: ");
          sendStream = rtpMgrs[i].createSendStream(dataOut, i);          
System.out.println("stream send created");
System.out.println("sendstream started");
     catch (Exception e)
}//end of for
}//end of transmitMedia
// ***********************************STATE LOCK**********************************************
private Integer stateLock = new Integer(0);
private boolean failed = false;
Integer getStateLock() {
     return stateLock;
void setFailed() {
     failed = true;
// *******************************************WAIT FOR STATE METHOD *********************
private synchronized boolean waitForState(Processor p, int state) {
     p.addControllerListener(new StateListener());
     failed = false;
     // Call the required method on the processor
     if (state == Processor.Configured)
     else if (state == Processor.Realized)
     // Wait until we get an event that confirms the
     // success of the method, or a failure event.
     // See StateListener inner class
     while (p.getState() < state && !failed)
     synchronized (getStateLock())
catch (InterruptedException ie)
          return false;
     if (failed)
     return false;
     return true;
// ********************************* STATE LISTENER *************************************
class StateListener implements ControllerListener
     public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ce)
     // If there was an error during configure or
     // realize, the processor will be closed
     if (ce instanceof ControllerClosedEvent)
     // All controller events, send a notification
     // to the waiting thread in waitForState method.
     if (ce instanceof ControllerEvent)
          synchronized (getStateLock())
}//end of audioconf class
Client program - this program receives the stream and play it
//import awt and net features
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.String;
// import the media features
// import the swing features
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
// for sessionmedia
// for PlayerWindow
public class client extends JFrame implements ReceiveStreamListener,ControllerListener,SessionListener
Vector playerlist = new Vector();
RTPManager mgr = null;
boolean terminatedbyClose = false;
String address="";
int port=4000;
int ttl=100;
DataSink filewriter = null;
DataSource dsource=null;
Container frameContainer;
MediaLocator f=null;
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
JMenuItem fileExit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
JMenu playerMenu = new JMenu("Player");
JMenuItem playerReceive = new JMenuItem("Receive");
JMenuItem playerIgnore = new JMenuItem("Stop");
setTitle("Audio Conference");
}//end of audioconf constructor
//build the graphical user interface necessary
void buildGUI()
}//end of buildGUI
// setup the menu bar
void setupMenuBar()
}//end of setupMenuBar
//setup the layout componenets
public void layoutComp()
     frameContainer = getContentPane();
frameContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout());      
     }//end of layoutComp()
// setup the handlers to events
void setupHandlers()
     addWindowListener(new WindowHandler());
     fileNew.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
fileClose.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
fileExit.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
     playerReceive.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());
          playerIgnore.addActionListener(new MenuItemHandler());          
     }//end of setupHandlers
// function for window closing event
public class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
}//end of windowclosing
}//end of windowhandler
// menuItem handler class to get action from menu items
public class MenuItemHandler implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
else if(cmd.equals("Receive"))
}//end of play
else if(cmd.equals("Ignore"))
}//end of actionPerformed
}//end of menuitemhandler
/* *******************************IGNORE STREAM**************** */
void ignoreData()
IgnoreDialog igDialog=new IgnoreDialog(client.this,"IGNORE THE STREAM",false);;
}//end of ignoreData
class IgnoreDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener
     // constructor
IgnoreDialog(Frame parent, String title, boolean mode)
super(parent, title, mode);
setSize(250, 120);
Panel p = new Panel();
Label display = new Label("The Stream sent has been ignored");
Button OKbutton = new Button("OK");
display.setBounds(5, 5, 200, 20);
OKbutton.setBounds(80, 50, 60, 25);
          add(p, "Center");
          }//end of constructor
//actionPerformed in the dialog box
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
}//end of actionperformed
}//end of IgnoreDialog class
/* *******************************RECEIVE STREAM**************** */
// receive the data
void receiveData()
SessionAddress localaddr = null;
SessionAddress remoteaddr = null;
InetAddress destaddr = null;
mgr = RTPManager.newInstance();
System.out.println("mgr is created");
     if (mgr == null)
          System.out.println("Manager is null");
     mgr.addFormat(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DVI_RTP,44100,4,1),18);
     // Register RecvStreamListener with the session manager
destaddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
     localaddr = new SessionAddress(destaddr,4000);
remoteaddr = new SessionAddress(destaddr,3000);
     System.out.println("local addr : " + localaddr);
     System.out.println("remote addr : " + remoteaddr);
System.out.println("mgr initialised");
BufferControl bc = (BufferControl)mgr.getControl("");
          if (bc != null)
catch(Exception e)
     System.out.println("initialized error" + e.toString());
}//end of receiveData
* SessionListener.
public synchronized void update(SessionEvent evt)
     if (evt instanceof NewParticipantEvent)
     Participant p = ((NewParticipantEvent)evt).getParticipant();
     System.err.println(" - A new participant had just joined: " + p.getCNAME());
public synchronized void update(ReceiveStreamEvent event)
          Player newplayer = null;
          RTPPlayerWindow playerWindow = null;
     Vector streams = null;
ReceiveStream stream = null;
     // find the sourceRTPSM for this event
Participant part1 = event.getParticipant();
          streams = part1.getStreams();
          System.out.println("Streams Length "+streams.size());
          RTPManager source =(RTPManager) event.getSource();
          System.out.println(" source " + source);
          System.out.println("inside source try");
          stream = event.getReceiveStream();
          System.out.println("STream received : =" + stream.toString());
     catch(Exception e)
          System.out.println("Source not obtained" + e.toString());
System.out.println("outside try-catch");
     // create a new player if a new recvstream is detected
                    System.out.println("entered try ");
dsource = stream.getDataSource();
                    System.out.println("Dsource is obtained " + dsource);
                    f = new MediaLocator("file://c:\\jo1\");
                    catch(Exception e)
                         System.out.println("Dsource exception = "+ e.toString());
                    filewriter = Manager.createDataSink(dsource, f);
System.out.println("Datasink created");
                    catch(Exception e)
                         System.out.println("Datasink exception = "+ e.toString());
     if (event instanceof NewReceiveStreamEvent)
          String cname = "Java Media Player";
          //ReceiveStream stream = null;
               // get a handle over the RTPRecvStream
                    stream = ((NewReceiveStreamEvent)event).getReceiveStream();
                    System.out.println("straem : " +stream);
                    Participant part = stream.getParticipant();
                    System.out.println("partcipant : " + part);
                    if (part != null)
                         cname = part.getCNAME();
                         System.out.println("Cname = " + cname);
               // get a handle over the RecvStream datasource
/*                    DataSource dsource = stream.getDataSource();
                    MediaLocator f = new MediaLocator("file://c:\");
                    Manager.createDataSink(dsource, f);
System.out.println("Datasink created");
               // create a player by passing datasource to the Media Manager
                    newplayer = Manager.createPlayer(dsource);
                    System.out.println("created player " + newplayer);
               catch (Exception e)
                    System.out.println("newRecvStreamEvent exception " +e.getMessage());
          if (newplayer == null)
               System.out.println("new player is null");
          // send this player to player GUI
          playerWindow = new RTPPlayerWindow( newplayer, cname );
          }// instanceof newRecvStreamEvent
     }// end of update(RTPRecvStreamEvent)
public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt)
          // get a handle over controller, remove it from the player list
          // if player list is empty, close the sesssion manager.
          if ((evt instanceof ControllerClosedEvent) ||(evt instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) ||(evt instanceof DeallocateEvent))
               Player p = (Player)evt.getSourceController();
                    if (!terminatedbyClose)
                         if (playerlist.contains(p))
                         if ((playerlist.size() == 0) && (mgr != null))
                         }//edn of if
               }//end of if
     }//end of controllerupdate
     public void closeManager()
          terminatedbyClose = true;
          // first close all the players
          for (int i = 0; i < playerlist.size(); i++)
          if (mgr != null)
               mgr = null;
     }//end of closeManager
     class RTPPlayerWindow extends PlayerWindow
               public RTPPlayerWindow(Player player, String title)
               public void Name(String title)
          }// end of PlayerWindow
public static void main(String args[])
client cl=new client();
}//end of client

hi there
as far as i can see, you don't start the processor
that provides the datasource to the manager, before
starting the sendstream.
System.out.println( "Created RTP session: ");
sendStream = rtpMgrs.createSendStream(dataOut, i);
System.out.println("stream send created");p.start();
System.out.println("sendstream started")

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    Hi gababu,
    The battery on the Classic is a definite improvement, I'm getting two full days whereas before I would get a day at best on my Z10 and my wife also only a day on her Q10.
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    Vinay Saini said "
    Jun 9, 2009 9:28 PM                             (in response to geetsingh22)
    Re: client are not connected through 802.11n (AP 1140, WLC 5.2.178)
    Hii ,
    1. you need to configure WPA2+AES for the WLAN with WMM enabled on Qos page.
    2. AFter doing this you will be able to connect at 144
    3. For making 300 Mbps , Enable 40 Mhz operation for the AP
    1. Go to AP radio setting page , disable radio
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    3. Change the channel width to 40 Mhz
    4. Enable radio
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    Hai All,
    I am Farooq working in Tulip as ABAPer. I joined this company in August. And 'am the only ABAPer for this company. As I do not have Prior SAP Experince & 'am alone, I have lot of trouble at work.
    I am trying things but its very difficult with no person to guide. Can any one guide me to what to do or anyone who is already working in some other company can guide me on week ends like tutions or can anyone show me the way. I am in Delhi. Atleast give me some contacts in Delhi from whome I can learn things. I am ready to pay. My mobile number is 9911720210. Even I am trying to change the company, 'am directly ringing companies & speaking HRs, but no one is reverting back just keeping my CV... PLEASEEEEeeeeeee HELP ME. I will be very thankful to U. I will be waiting.

    Check some helpful documents and links Provided in SDN forums.
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  • Cheapest Routing using graph theory

    i'm really stuck on this. someone please help me out. The purpose is to determine the cheapest and most economical strategy to fly from the starting city to each of the other given cities.
    The program's outline/requirements can be found at:
    All template files can be found at:
    There is basically only 2 algorithms that need to be coded. The pseudocode for each algorithm is given in the project outline.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEeeeeeeeee help me with this. It's due tomorrow and I'm totally lost on this.
    I am willing to pay $50 if anyone can complete this for me.

    i got most of it working but i'm stuck on this
    specific part of the algorithm:
    public static int[ ][ ] MinPath(Graph L, int m)
    int j=L.n_vertex, k=L.n_edge,w[ ][],d[ ],p[ ];
    for(int i=0; i < L.getVertex(); i++)
    d[ ] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    p[i] = 0;
    }I know there is some error here but dunno exactly
    what or where.I think you stole this code... in fact I am pretty sure of it.
    That's okay because it doesn't make any sense either.
    Problems include
      &bull; Missing return
      &bull; d[ ] does not compile
      &bull; Doesn't do anything. Somehow if I was looking for the longest or shortest something I think an if statement fits in there somewhere
      &bull; No context in terms of what Graph is (though I suspect something not all that useful to you)
    I think you should just accept your failing mark. This code appears to have something to do with Graphics that you lifted from somewhere and you are trying to fool us into writing your assignment for you. Sorry but that turkey won't fly.
    Either try and learn and figure it our yourself or fail. Please stop trying to cheat like this.

  • Imag g5 duocore fan loud noise

    Save me and my life....
    People my Imac g5 intel isight fan is making loud noise as soon a dvd is insertedi bght it in febu 2006 and i have hardly used it and no software update has been done pleaseeeeeeeeeee help because i love this systm and want the sound to go ....Syt sps
    Machine Name: iMac
    Machine Model: iMac4,1 :CPU Type:Intel Core Duo :Number Of Cores:2
    CPU Speed: 2 GHz
    L2 Cache (shared): 2 MB
    Memory: 512 MB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz

    Hi sir
    i was going through online answered questions on forum and it looks i am so in to sh*t... that after being comp litrate could not make out anything
    I saw you giving advice to check cache flder and check for /
    (cache inst) while having problems with software updates (from macosx10.4.6 to 10.4.8 combo becuse of intel based mac) did it and then i never knew what i am trying to get this done for past 4 days yet nowhere to go..
    i think the comboupdater.. was giving error(error.199) while opening the file because i have stopped it many times to do something else (manual downlod)
    which is a bad bad thing to do (read it in forum)
    please help me and you can also write to me on [email protected] to help ...
    the only thing is i have 15mbps lan et so it takes 7 hours to download a 298mb file manually or through automatic updates
    please help me out..

  • Help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee

    i recently did the ios4 update on my iphone 3g and everything works fine except for my phone. when i click on phone app i cant scroll or click anyhting therefore i can ring anyone but i can recieve calls. please help me.

    Help us Pleeaseeeeeeeeeeeeee: What is your machine ?
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Help needed urgently pleaseeeeeeeeeee

    okay here's my problem:-
    1. My screen wont let me enter in my passcode and I can't access anything, it's like the screen is frozen in some way
    2. A small circle of lines , like a timer going on in the back ground
    3. it will not connect to WIFI
    4. I've tried everything but restoring as I don't want to lose anything
    5. it keeps vibrating evry couple of secs and briefly saying Sync
    6. it wont show the red line that says turn off
    thank you to anyone who can help

    When you say you've tried everything, does that include resetting it? That is, pressing both the top and bottom buttons simultaneously until the apple symbol appears? If so, I'm afraid that a full restore is about the only thing you can next try, unless you want to take it to an Apple store, but they are likely to do the same thing. Your iPhone's settings, files etc. should be backed up on your computer anyway, so you shouldn't lose too much.

  • Please help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee

    i have a 4g ipod touch with 5.0.1 and when i turn it of into sleep mode and try to tturn it back on it flickers on and then off but when i try again it works and i can unlock it. this does not happen all the time. is this normal and if not is their a fix soz for the bad spelling
    thanks for the helpp this person has the same problem as me but he explained it better then me

  • Palm TX - window XP - Loss all contact -- Please help!

    7/23/09 - sync error. all my 10 years of contact gone!
    click on hot sync see record that 7/20/09 hot sync went OK.
    Is there a way to go back to 7/20/09? System restore ?
    What can I do to get my contact back? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
    Do I need to manually back up data myself? I should have done this once a month to avoid this problem in the first place.
    This support site is huge, can somebody send me down the right path at least.
    Downloaded Palm 6.2  is not helping.
    Please tell me how to sync with palm over ride desk top. seen it but do not remember where and how. I have some old contacts from 2007 on handheld for some unknow reason, if I can not go back to 7/20/09 may be 2007 is OK for now. ( I can not set all those contacts to catagories either, they all goes to "unfile")
    Prior to contact went crazy, I can not set/schedule my task to future date. if I do it went away to plam heaven.
    Message Edited by imjustagirl on 08-07-2009 01:31 PM

    You can recover the data from your user folder provided you have only sync'ed once with the PC when you discovered the data missing. When you sync to the PC there are files created for each PIM category in your user folder. For Example; datebook.dat or datebook (Depending on the version of Palm Desktop) and datebook.bak. Using 6.2 the file names are .mdb and mdb.bak. For 6.2, the files are located in the username folder in PalmOSdesktop in my documents.
    The files are named .dat and .bak. When you sync, the current data is stored in .dat. The next time you sync the data in the .dat file is copied to the .bak file. You can rename the .dat to .old. then rename the .bak to .dat. If the data in the .bak file is intact, it will now be in palm desktop when you reopen Palm desktop. I have included a link to show you how to find the userfolder on the PC.
    Here is another link regarding data loss;
    The best way to backup your data is to use the export feature in Palm Desktop. Make a new folder on the PC desktop named Palm Desktop Backup data. Next, select the category you want to export. You will get a window that asks where you want to save the file, save in the folder created on the desktop. There is a button that allows you to select currently selected record or all, select all. If you don't select all, then only the record highlighted is exported. You will then need to name the file for export, I suggest the name of the category, eg: datebook (With current date). Do this for all critical data in each category. With the data exported to the folder on the PC desktop, you can save this data to a flash drive, external hard drive or a CD-RW. With this method you will have your data in a seperate place than Palm desktop and the device. If you "Lose" data again, you can import the data back into palm desktop.
    Make sure that when you make changes in palm desktop or the device to export the data to the folder created for the backup.
    Here is a link for other options for backing up your data;
    To change the hotsync conduits to handheld overwrites desktop;
    Click the HotSync icon in the Windows Taskbar and select Settings.
    Click the link for Applications
    Highlight the conduit you want to change and select change.
    Set the conduit to handheld overwrites desktop.
    Change each conduit to handheld overwrites desktop.
    Sync the PDA to the PC.
    If you do not check the "set as default" box the changes will only last for 1 sync. If you sync and have a problem with the sync, make sure you go back and change the conduits to handheld overwrites desktop.  You can set the conduits to "set as default" while you are trying to get the data on the PC. After you have the data on the PC, change the conduits to sync the files.

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