Got an iPhone 3G, but can't use most of the features in South Africa-HELP!

Hi there. I got my iPhone about 4-5 months ago in South Africa. I love the hardware, I love the way it looks, what you can do with it, etc. But there's one thing I find really really annoying, and that is the fact that I can't use the phone features

I started the newest update for my phone but when it started installing it to the phone, a error message showed up and now my phone is stuck in recovery mode and itunes wont recognize it. what do i do?

started the newest update for my phone but when it started installing it to the phone, a error message showed up and now my phone is stuck in recovery mode and itunes wont recognize it. what do i do?

Swap size limitations / default rules

I've been playing with software raid to speed up my hd performance. I currently have 4 x 160 gig hd's (2 x sata & 2 x pata). I got my 4'th hd today, so I did a clean install (got too much spare time) and for some reason decided to set my swap to 1gig


Hello All, please i will need help in connecting oracle9i via dblink to sqlserver 2005. i have done some configurations already * started the listener = which starts alright * the tnsping was also successful but i keep getting ORA-12154:TNS:could not

Garageband sounds goes missing in the middle of the project

in the middle of my projects I get a "file not found result error = -43" when I click on garageband sounds. I copied the sampler instrument folder from garageband and placed it in the sampler instruments folder in logic. But they still load up and in

I understand that when using Numbers/Pages - an up-arrow on a document means that the file is still to be uploaded to the cloud, what does a down arrow mean? It seems the document can't be accessed until the arrow clears.

I understand that when using Numbers/Pages - an up-arrow on a document means that the file is still to be uploaded to the cloud, what does a down arrow mean? It seems the document can't be accessed until the arrow clears.

Problem with smart guides in CS5 with converting type object to outlines.

Hi There, I recently upgraded to Illustrator CS5, and am having some issues with the smart guides.  I create some type with the text tool, then convert that type object to outlines.  Now, when I want another graphical object to "snap" to any of the a

Launching IE from Java

Hi, My requirement is as follows: I must be able to launch Internet explorer from Java. Also i must be able to open a pdf file inside it (embedded inside IE i.e. acrobat reader inside IE). I have tried using OleControlSite object, but does not work (



IMP Version incompatibility between and

Dear all, I am trying to run to do an import from oracle to So on the source server, I did an exp of the db And on the destination server, I am doing an IMP I am having the below error: IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the exp

Beware Fake Apple Email.

i got this email today after few hour of pre-order my iphone 6 i was able detect is not legit, but it looks real so beware people and don't click on the link Thank you for your recent iPhone purchase at the Apple Online Store. Wel

Stored Procedures VS Indexed Views - Performance?

Hey folks, In the past, one of the factors I'd consider when choosing to use a Stored Procedure over a View was the fact that the Stored Procedure would get optimized by storing the query execution path (I'm a developer so I understand this at a high

Dropped frames on the timeline... why ??

Hi everybody, This is my first post here... i'm French, so please excuse my english I have a little but very annoying problem on Final Cut Pro 7. I work with a Canon HV40, HDV 1080 25p. The FCP project is set on HDV 1080 25p. When i play the imported

Problems with iTunes U

I have just started using iTunes U. Yesterday I started downloading files for a course. There were problems so I suspended subscribing and quit iTunes. Today I launched iTunes and the downloads continued. I noticed that the listing included a lot of

Mass Categorization of APs

Is there a way to do a Mass Categorization of APs found by RWDDs?  For instance I want mass categorize all "AdHoc" APs found to external friendly.  Currently I am only aware of going into each alert and then categorizing it there. WCS Featu

Construct dynamic menu through iteration of [for each]...

Hi, I'm trying to create a menu based off a json file structure. Per the code below, I'm trying to build a menu structure that resembles the image below. In order to complete this piece of code, I'm trying to figure out what [mcMenuItem.y] and [mcLes

Data Service+File Technology

Hi, Im trying to transform data from Source CSV to target CSV with staging area different from target(the staging area is a RDBMS) LKM - File to SQL IKM - SQL to File Append... Im unable to generate the Data Service on the target datstore(File datast

XMLAGG problem

We have stored procedure which creates a long string of XML (which is stored as a clob in the database column)using the xmlAGG and XMLElement. The stored proc calls sub functions which all run fine when called individually however when called collect

Shared numberVar for Group

Dear All, I have made a report which has 1 group called Project Number. The report contains Sales Order Project Number which is a Row level database field and Sales Order Document Total Now I have made a 2nd Report which is from AR Invoice which also

Running AppleWorks on new Mac Mini

Hi. I recently bought a new Mac Mini, only to learn that AppleWorks didn't ship with it because it has been discontinued. So, I was wondering if there's any way to get AppleWorks to run on Leopard. If there is, how would I go about obtaining a copy o