Podcast App Displaying Dozens of Grey Tiles no matter what I try.

I've unsubscribed to all of my podcasts which were these:
You can see above and below them, grey tiles.  The grey squares still appear, after unsubscribing and seem to represent a single episode of various podcasts.
Next I tried to remove all downloads, but 52 of them come back. 
Next I uninstalled the App and reinstalled. They still come back. 
Here's a video demonstrating the problem and the effect (hint none) of my efforts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9KvNisadUk (I recommend setting the quality to 1080p)

I had similar gray episodes after installing v2.1.1. Here's what I did to fix:

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    1. Do you have any idea what could be going on?
    2. Can apple do anything about a software-related kernel panic issue?
    3. If Apple can't fix it, and an erase-install won't work, when else can I try?
    Sorry for the long post, and thanks a bunch for the help, I appreciate it.

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    So far I've resynced podcasts many, many times. I've uninstalled the app from both the iPhone and iTunes, selected "Do not sync podcasts" and then reinstalled everything and attempted to only sync one file at a time. I've restarted my phone multiple times and I've updated to 7.0.4, all of which have no effect.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    FYI, there's another thread going on this issue:  https://discussions.apple.com/message/23501372#23501372
    No final solutions have been discovered yet by the end users.  Lotsa frustration out there!

  • All manually staged podcasts get merged into one tile when viewing in Podcast app

    This is probably going to end up being a bug report, but here goes:
    iTunes x64 for Windows 7
    IOS 6.1.1 on iPhone 4s
    Apple Podcast app
    I have two podcasts whose mp3s were all downloaded from the artist's websites. Neither is available for automated download in the iTunes store.
    Both are tagged as podcasts and have all Artist, Album, and Sort tags applied.  Both appear seperately in iTunes and are listed logically alongside their iTunes downloaded counterparts.   iTunes lists everything properly.  All is well here.
    When I chose to sync one of the podcasts (Artist A) to my iPhone, it synced properly and appears correctly within my iPhone's Apple podcast app.
    When I added the second podcast group (Artist B) by checking the box to automatically sync with my phone, it added them to Artist A's "podcast group" in the Podcast App. 
    -When viewing podcasts on my local computer, all podcats are seperated correctly. 
    -When viewing the podcast list from iTunes on my iPhone, the podcasts are seperated correctly.
    -When viewing the podcasts within the Podcast app on my phone, all Artist A and Artist B podcasts are merged into Artist A's podcast group (tile).  For example, Artist A has 5 episodes in their podcast grouping.  Artist B has 2 episodes.  The podcast app places all 7 episodes into the Artist A group (tile).
    I cannot get them to seperate so that the Podcasts app on my phone will list Artist A and Artist B with their own individual tiles.  Anyone have this happen to them and know how to fix it?   I've sorted through all the various tag fields, tried renaming each, toggled between designating them as "music" and "podcast" (they each started their life as "music" after manually adding the files in iTunes).   Nothing has worked.
    As a test, I added a 3rd manually staged podcast, and the Podcast app also merged its content into the one previously referenced tile.


  • Apple Podcast app won't display past episodes of The Rachel Maddow Show. Does anybody know why you can only listen to the episode from the last day, and then it disappears?

    I love the Rachel Maddow Show but rarely get to watch it on TV. So I rely on the podcasts to listen to every day. I've been using Stitcher but Apple's more recent Podcast app has much better functionality (downloading episodes to listen to on the subway & plane, for instance). However, for some reason (and it appears to only be TRMS podcasts), the Apple Podcast app ONLY displays the last episode. For some reason, each day, the last episode disappears from the app.

    Same here! Older episodes don't necessarily disappear as soon as new ones come in; sometimes I have a few episodes on the iPhone, and can listen to them normally. But then I'll look later, and all but the latest will have disappeared. I'll have to start paying attention to discover what triggers the wipe; my guess is that syncing with iTunes does it, but I don't know yet.
    Whatever the cause, it's odd. I thought that perhaps queued episodes would stick around if I partially listened to them (thus ensuring that they get actually downloaded, I'd think), but partially-viewed episodes and unviewed episodes both disappear. I can understand that an episode that never got downloaded might become unavailable after a day or few, but why would one already downloaded get automatically erased?
    It's also worth noting that I don't have the problem in iTunes on the Mac. Episodes there stick around in the normal fashion. The problem is just on my iPhone, and just with this one podcast.
    If anyone knows what's up, please tell!

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