Podcast Video not appearing

When I download and play video podcast I get only the audio. No video is aooearing. This is the case in front row as well.
Am I missing something. Please help
C. Badrakumar

iTunes is not using the feed at the URL you give. It is using
In a browser this redirects to
which is the URL you give.
This second feed references an image at
which does exist.
However submitting the feed URL iTunes is using to FeedValidator shows that it is referencing an image at
and there is no image at that address.
iTunes is probably not recognizing what seems to be a server redirect.
To further complicate matters, although the feed shows up OK on subscribing, the Store page is only showing one episode and so has evidently not updated for some time.
To begin with, you should if possible remove the (presumed) redirect and deal with a feed at the address iTunes is expecting. If you want to redirect iTunes to a different feed there is a proper procedure to follow:
which involves placing a tag in the original feed.
Before doing that you need to try to get the original feed sorted out and iTunes updating properly from it. It validates but with a couple of comments which you should look at.

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    Message was edited by: Andy Barnes

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    Paul Bussey

    I think the problem lies in me using a Wordpress plugin called "Bulletproof Security". A similar problem was experienced by this user who also uses the blurbrry plugin:-
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    iTunes does not show the images in enhanced podcasts when you simply play them from the Store page - don't ask me why. If you subscribe, then you will see the images, and this is the best way for your students to get your podcasts.
    If you click the 'subscribe' button on the Store page, then you will see the podcast listed when you click on Library>Podcasts in the sidebar. Clicking on the disclosure triangle will show the list of episodes: the latest one will be downloaded automatically and you can click on 'Get' to download the earlier ones. All subsequent episodes will be downloaded automatically as soon as they are published (provided iTunes is running). When you play them you will see the images.

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    Long shot, but...
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    I downloaded them, their formatting should work on the iPhone.
    The videos will show up for the audio portion in Podcasts, and the video section there should be a section called podcast.
    What are you sync options in the Podcasts tab? Connect your iPhone to your computer, click on the iPhone under devices, and then go to the Podcasts tab.
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    Nathan C.

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    Not all videos are available outside of the website, no matter the platform. It could be due to copyright, or the user's decision.

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    The single download means that you won't be able to redownload it from the store without paying, either on a computer's iTunes or an iOS device - it doesn't stop you from copying the audiobook to your other computers or syncing it to your iOS devices, you just can't redownload it. (I believe that they are all supplied to Apple by audible.com, so I assume that it's them requiring the one-time download.)
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    What you are doing to sync them should work i.e.
    - connecting the iPad to your Mac
    - selecting the iPad on your Mac's iTunes
    - selecting its Books tab and selecting the audiobooks that you want to sync to the iPad and syncing/applying that selection.
    You should then get an audiobooks option in the Music app on your iPad. If they aren't appearing there  then do they show in Settings > General > Usage > Music on the device - if you have audiobooks on the iPad then they should be listed there under an 'audiobooks' heading.
    By 'restart the iPad' do you mean a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.
    You could also try closing its Music app via the iPad's taskbar : Force an app to close in iOS.
    And do a soft-reset and retry syncing.
    I assume that music and other items sync ok ?

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    Ive placed a web content overlay on a page by itself. When viewed in the Android viewer, the audio track of the video plays, but no video appears.
    I can view the video successfully in the tablet's (Xoom) browser. I don't know what the encoding specs are for the video, but it works perfectly on the iPad version of the folio. It also displays properly in the Content Viewer on my laptop.
    Mind you, this isnt an inline audio & video -- this is streaming, using a web content overlay. So the "fullscreen" setting work  around doesnt apply that i know.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Confirmed. Avoid web overlay with streaming video for the time being.
    Ha. Did more digging around and hit this little nugget. So does this mean what Im trying to do isnt supported? Can a Bob please confirm?
    Features not supported in Android Viewer
    Some of the features that work in the iPad Viewer are not supported in the Android Viewer.
    Panorama overlays, inline videos, right-edge binding, and pan & zoom PDF articles are not supported.
    Web Content overlays and HTML articles are not fully supported.

  • Thumbnails for HD videos not appearing in Photoshop Organizer

    How do I get thumbnails to appear in .mts (Canon HD) videos in Photoshop Organizer (bundled with Photoshop / Premiere 8?

    Hello A.T. Ramano,
         First and foremost I would like to take you in advance for any and all help.  I will try to answer your question to the best of my abilities but please remember I'm not all that technically savvy in these matters.
    1.     Elements Organizer is version 8.0.  Premiere Elements is version 8.0.  I've tried to down load the update but get a message that is already installed.  Not to sure what you ment by sourse, unless you're wanting to know that Premiere was installed via DVD disks.
    2.     File extension for HD video files is (.mts).
    3.     The camera is a Canon Vixia HF S20.
    4.     I'm not sure where to look for compression levels.  Video quality is set at the highest level on the camera (MXP).
    5.     Thumbnails show up in the Premiere elements organizer (sometimes), but never in the Elements Organizer.
    6.     Haven't tried downloading the trial version of Premiere 9.0, that's next.  If that doesn't work was thinking about uninstalling Premiere 8.0 and re-installing it.
    7.     QuickTime Player is version 7.6.9.
    8.     Windows Media Player is version 11.0.6002.18311.
    9.     Pixela Image Mixer 3SE player is version 6.0.1.  Tried to update all three players and received a message that players were up to date.
    10.   Video is shot in 16:9 mode, Super Fine / 1920x1080, Cinema Mode progressive frame rate of (PF24).
    11.   Computer is a Dell Studio XPS laptop, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40 GHz, 4.0 GB of ram, Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit operating system service pack 2, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 video card with 1GB of on board ram.
    If there is other information you require, please don't hesitate to ask,  Thank you again for your help.

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