Podcasts App Updated, App Vanished

I updated my Podcasts app to 1.2.3 earlier, now the app isn't visible on my Springboard. I can't start the app, I can't kill it in the switcher, and I can't reinstall it. Restarting my phone didn't help, anyone else having this issue?

I found turning off Wi-Fi worked on my iPod touch.  If you can turn off both Wi-Fi and cellular network that may work on the iPhone / iPad
IOS 7 iPod (5th Generation) iTunes

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    Several months ago, I purchased two new iOS devices and have not been able to use Podcasts on either device. I spoke with a level 2 Apple tech support specialist over the course of several days trying to resolve the issues and he eventually concluded that the bugs were in the programming and said he would pass the information along to the engineers.
    After many months of being unable to use Podcasts, I was excited to see a new update for the Podcast app.  Unfortunately, it appears the major issues plaguing the app have not been addressed.
    Is anyone else able to get this app to work reliably?  I try copying/syncing podcasts, and you can watch them copy over and see them displayed in iTunes, but they do not display in the Podcast app on the device.
    Can anyone else confirm this behavior? Is there any procedure that will get the app working correctly? I have tried removing all podcasts, as well as removing, redownloading, reinstalling the Podcast app, but so far no good. Is there a third party app that will allow me to play podcasts under iOS 7.0.4?

    I have managed to get the Podcast app to work somewhat reliably as follows. Note I haven't tried 2.0.1 yet so I don't know if they broke it further (if that's even possible) -- or perhaps they will buck the current Apple trend and actually fix something.
    1. Forget synching with iTunes -- it's completely broken. I subscribe to the podcasts on iTunes but don't download on iTunes. Subscribing on iTunes is useful because it doesn't seem to "lose" episodes the way the Podcast app does, so when the Podcast app loses episodes (discussed below) I can still see them on iTunes so I can retrieve them again.
    2. I subscribe to all my podcasts in the Podcast app. I set them to download automatically and keep all unplayed. I leave the sort and play options at the default of Sort Newest On Top and Play Oldest First.
    3. I don't use My Stations except for On-The-Go when I want to listen to episodes from different podcasts -- just add each episode to OTG in the order you want to listen to them.
    4. If I have multiple episodes of a single podcast I want to listen to, I just open it in My Podcasts and start the oldest one playing and they will play in the proper order.
    5. You can stream a podcast on iTunes -- that seems to work, and it may even remember the playback position. When I'm at home I Air Play to my Apple TV from my iPhone.
    6. The Podcast app will sometimes discard unplayed downloaded podcasts. Resetting the iPhone usually triggers this but sometimes a simple power off+on will do it as well.  To get them back, you need to open each podcast in My Podcasts and tap the Add Old Episodes. Lo and behold there are the "disappeared" podcasts still marked as unplayed. Just add each one back and it download again.

  • My podcast is updated in the store, but for some reason won't update to my Podcasts App or to my subscriptions in iTunes. Can anyone tell me why?

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    That is the correct feed URL.
    The title for the episode of 4th February has an ampersand ('&') in it. You can't have an ampersand in an XML file such as a feed because it indicates the start of a code sequence which is never completed, thus rendering the entire feed unreadable in same readers. I'm surprised that the Store is coping with it  - evidently the programming recognizes that it's within a tag; the iTunes application, which is a different program, isn't and so is showing no episodes as it can't read the feed.
    You need either to replace the ampersand with the code
    or the word 'and'.

  • HT4623 my IPOD is using version 5.1.1 and says it is up to date.  One of my apps updated for IOS7 and now doesn't work on my IPOD.  What can I do?  It is a podcast app that I use every day.

    My IPOD touch is using version 5.1.1. and no updates available.  I use a podcast app which I listen to every day.  The app updated for the new IOS7 and now doesn't work for me any more. 

    All yo can do is either find a compatible app that works for your 3G iPod (iOS 5.1.1) or purchase a new model iPod.

  • After 7.1.1 update jpg's unreadable and podcast app dies

    That about says it. the update screwed the phone and the ipad (at least the jpg issue, don't use it for podcasts). 
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    podcasts stopped working.... or exactly, the app crashes after about 20 seconds. problem started the same time. There is nothing that can be done about this. Don't have to listen to anything, app just crashes. you can listen to about 20 seconds of a podcast though if you get to it before app crashes. At first it was telling me to update my computer itunes version. There was no update available, but those messages went away after a computer restart and resync with phone.
    Question is whether to get an HTC phone at this point, or if Big Brother Apple will fix in the 2 days before my contract is up. I'm sick of this. I now have a cross platform podcast app. only thing keeping me is maybe the address book sync. Hmmm......

    No. Because import jpg issue is off both iphone and ipad.
    Tried. restart. reset settings. I hate doing the complete reboot but maybe that's next on phone
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  • My podcast no longer updates in the podcast app

    I host several podcasts, but one of them hasn't updated the last 2 days after I posted it--and pinged it. I'm seeing it everywhere else it gets burned to, except the Podcast app. What's going on--and is there something I can do on my end to fix it? (My other podcasts are updating just fine, so it seems strange that it has to do with the podcast app--esp after I recently did the latest update which was supposed to fix that bug).

    The 'itunes:summary' tag for the episode of 19th January ends like this -
    &quot;This year, I will exercise more.&quot...</itunes:summary>
    As the '&quot;' tag has been truncated you have an ampersand (indicating the start of a code sequence) but the code is never finished. This renders the rest of the feed unreadable, and as that includes the closing tags the entire feed is invalidated and iTunes cannot read it.
    There's no reason to have all these '&quot;' tags - just type " (iTunes won't render the code but will display it, which looks messy) - but in any case don't let a code be truncated like that or you will have this problem.
    Incidentally it's better all round to start your own thread when you have a query, rather than tag on to an existing one which can cause confusion if a discussion is ongoing. You're also more likely to be noticed.

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    Everything seems OK except that the podcast app says updating library for about 30 seconds then the app crashes.  I have seen solutions that suggest uninstalling the podcast app then re-installing, but I don't think you can uninstall the podcast app in iOS8.
    Any suggestions?

    I was in the same boat and just tried something that worked.... (iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1)
    First I bought another podcast app and tried to import my library, which didn't work. Hopefully buying another app has nothing to do with my podcast app working now
    So I started searching for my podcasts by name and couldn't find one. Went to Safari and looked it up and tried to subscribe via the website...suddenly my Apple podcast library re-opened for business.
    Hope that helps someone!

  • Why can't I use the Podcast app with the new update?

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    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store
    Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up              
    Restore to factory settings/new iPod

  • HT4528 my podcast app is shutting down after a few seconds iv tried to reinstall several times but nothing is working even after the podcast update last week im still having no luck getting it working any suggestions?

    my podcast app is shutting down after a few seconds iv tried to reinstall several times but nothing is working even after the podcast update last week im still having no luck getting it working any suggestions?

    if you are subscribed to the Hardwell podcast... quickly open the Podcast app and delete the most recent Hardwell podcast from 3/22.
    for some reason that's causing the crash. i've deleted and it works fine again.

  • Podcast app not loading any content  after ios8.2 update

    I recently got a new MBP and have finally been able to update my old 4s from ios6.0.1 to ios8.2. 
    The new look is nice, some of the features are better but I have not been able to get my podcast app to load any podcast at all.  It hangs on the "updating library" and then crashes!  I went into the podcast section on iTunes and clicked on the ones that I want and nothing at al loads.  I have only 4.8gb of free space, I know it's not much but something should load! 
    Am I missing something......I'm assuming that it works the way it used to where it isn't actually downloading the content but would just stream it.  Or do I need to download them to my MBP then sync?
    The new iOS is nice but it's very bloated for the older/smaller devices and I find my battery drains a lot quicker than it used to.

    Hi greg h,
    The first thing I would suggest is to try to stream a podcast with the Podcasts app for iOS.  This will not take up any space on your iPhone 4s, and should not require any updates to your iTunes library.  Click on the link below for additional information regarding downloading podcasts directly to your iPhone or syncing with iTunes.
    Podcasts app for iOS: Stream, download, and subscribe to podcasts - Apple Support
    With Podcasts for iOS, you can stream or download podcasts over a Wi-Fi or a cellular network. You can also subscribe to podcasts that you listen to or watch regularly. Podcasts for iOS even lets you subscribe to password-protected podcasts.
    What you'll need
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with the latest version of iOS
    Podcasts app for iOS
    Wi-Fi or cellular internet connection
    You don't need to be signed in with your Apple ID to play or download podcasts, but you will if you want to sync your podcasts.
    You can stream podcast episodes you don't want to be stored on your iOS device. Your iOS device will need a continuous internet connection when you choose to stream.
    Browse or Search for a podcast.
    Tap a podcast to view details.
    Tap the name of an episode you want to play.
    The podcast episode will begin playing. If you allow Podcasts to use cellular data (under Settings > Podcasts), streamed podcasts of any size will play.
    - Judy

  • What's wrong with the Podcast app after latest update?

    Dear Apple. What the h... did you do to the Podcast-app in the last update? Nothing works anymore! It won't update new episodes and I can't delete the episodes I've listened to without the app crashing. Get it together and get it fixed. Now! Please!

    looks like it was just updated, try and update the app and try again?

  • Problems with my podcast updating on Podcast App.

    Hi folks.
    My podcast What It Is, updates on iTunes very quickly after we post it on our wordpress blog. However, we are having some major issues with the podcast on the podcast app.
    -The episodes do not update on the podcast app. You need to go to the search function, search the show and then download the new episode. The auto download and updates DO NOT work for our subscribers.
    -The names of the episodes do not appear on the Podcast app, as well. It just says 'whatitispodcast' for every epsiode when viewing the show in the podcast app. It is also showing the relase date of every episode as 2011-12-31
    Should I send an email to iTunes support or is there a problem I can fix?
    Thanks folks.

    Oh man, I really love this question. It's so uncommon!
    To avoid repeating myself, you can find some answers here, here, and here.

  • The Podcasts App Isn't Updating

    I'm using the latest version of the Podcasts app in iOS 8.0.2. Thing were running fine before the weekend but now my podcast feeds are not updating. When this started to occur I had not changed any of my settings or subscribed to/unsubscribed from any podcasts. They don't update even when I try to do it manually. I know there are new episodes because I see them on their respective websites, Twitter feeds, etc. Any thoughts?

    That is the correct feed URL.
    The title for the episode of 4th February has an ampersand ('&') in it. You can't have an ampersand in an XML file such as a feed because it indicates the start of a code sequence which is never completed, thus rendering the entire feed unreadable in same readers. I'm surprised that the Store is coping with it  - evidently the programming recognizes that it's within a tag; the iTunes application, which is a different program, isn't and so is showing no episodes as it can't read the feed.
    You need either to replace the ampersand with the code
    or the word 'and'.

  • Podcast app won't open after updating to 7.1.1

    I just updated my iPhone to 7.1.1 and now the podcast app doesn't work. When I press it, it just sort of blinks and then nothing happens.
    I have tried un-installing it, and then re-installing it, but that didn't help. Thanks for any advice.

    Okay. That's looking like a badly broken QuickTime (although it's not the most common message people see under those circumstances).
    So we'd better try swapping out your existing QuickTime. Since it's giving you "fatal errors", it's unlikely that you'll be able to use Add/remove Programs to uninstall it. So we'll try getting it out of there by other means.
    Download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. then use it to clear any existing QuickTime installation configuration information from your PC (Run CleanUp, find "QuickTime in the entries in CleanUp, select the QuickTime entry and click "Remove"):
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    Next, we’ll manually remove leftover program files and folders.
    1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
    2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.
    3. Open Program Files.
    4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.
    5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.
    6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx.
    7. Restart your computer.
    next, we'll try to get a fresh copy of QuickTime into your PC by doing a repair install of itunes.
    switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the repair install.
    go into Add/Remove and select itunes. click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    if the repair install goes through okay, restart the PC and try launching itunes again. does it launch properly now?

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