Podcasts apps on IOS 7.1 plays by itself

I'm having the problem where the podcasting apps on my iPhone 5 will resume playing by itself when the phone is locked.  I'll pick up my phone and in the lock screen it will show the podcast playing from when I stopped it hours before hand.  It mostly happened with Apple's podcast app but now has started with Instacast. I have a feeling its because you can slide up on the lock screen to access the controls but it's getting aggravating because I'm losing my place on a podcasts due to what seems like a design flaw. 
Is anyone else having this issue?
~ Chris

Apps are "hidden" only if they're restricted, and only a few of the apps included with the iOS can be. Third party apps can be restricted by ratings:
Settings > General > Restrictions >
If not restricted, search for it using the Spotlight search box  - it may have been moved to another home screen page or inside a folder.
Also: Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout

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    I gave up and switched to downcast 2 days ago. Even though it was a hassle to re-subscribe to all my podcasts, im so much happier.
    To make switching easier, I found that in iTunes you can "get info" on the podcast and copy the RSS address to the clipboard. Put all of these in a message note. When iCloud syncs the note to your phone, you can copy and paste the urls into downcast one at a time to subscribe.
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    log out of your cc app and then log back in.

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    Hello SKBE123,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    I understand that you are looking for a way to display podcasts in a specific order. The following article explains how to set up a "podcast station" that allows you to organize your podcast subscriptions. 
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Download podcasts and educational media
    Go to the section "Create a podcast station".
    Jeff D. 

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    OK, Bhazel, I think I just found what I was looking for, and I tried it and it worked. check out this discussion
    Re: Podcasts App - No sync with iTunes?? 
    Oct 7, 2012 1:10 AM (in response to luckman212)
    I also had a lot of podcasts in my Mac's Itunes library, but none of them appeared in my iPhone's podcasts app.
    Here's what worked for me:
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    6- Sync
    7- It worked for me!
    Hope that helps!

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    Same here (iphone 6, ios 8.1.2), podcast startup normal and just auto quit while begin to play.
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    1. I do not know if this will help you or not. In researching this issue with my wife's iPhone 5c 8GB, the most common answer you will get is to adjust this or that setting, and disable this or that App. These at best are only a band-aide solution at all. The best reply I got was from a Verizon Rep that stated "By design, iPhones do turn off WiFi when they go dormant. So if a download is in progress, or information is being back-up wirelessly and the phone goes dormant, it will switch to use cellular data if it is left on". Afterwards, I discovered the exact same information here on the Apple Support Forum to support this statement.
    2. Later onward, I read that if you keep your iPhone connected to a power source, it will prevent it from going dormant. In which case, this will prevent the iPhone from turning off the WiFi, and keep it connected to the WiFi. So far, this has help the most in controlling the amount of data usage being used, by my wife's iPhone.
    3. Now about looking at the detailed usage summary online, you can not go by it to see the exalt date/time stamp of the data usage. Because, by design the cell towers will collect and store certain data usage for up to a six-hours period. After the six-hour period, then the cell towers will release the stored data usage to the company's servers. And at that time, the collected data usage will be recorded on your detailed usage summary online. For a long time, I brainwork that I had caught Verizon with their hand in the cookie jar for say. Because I knew that we were not using data usage at these odd-ball hours of the night or day. Yet, now I have learn that this is just not the case.
    4. Here is a web site that may help you at http://www.iphonehacks.com/2014/09/fix-ios-8-wifi-problems.html .....

  • Episode description shows up in all web and desktop clients but not iOS 7 podcast app

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    Browsing this forum, it seems like other people have reported similar problems, but they all came down to feed metadata problems, which were preventing episode descriptions from showing up anywhere on iTunes. While it's certainly possible that something is wrong with my feed metadata, what's weird is that episode descriptions show up just fine in iTunes, or if I look at my iTunes URL in a web browser. It's just on iOS that there's a problem. And yes, I do know that you have to be subscribed and tap the little 'i' - that just takes me to a page with my episode's length, data size (almost always very incorrect) and no description.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    For reference, here is my feed URL:
    And here we are on the iTunes store:
    Thanks guys.

    You are using feedburner - and with it you have it tracking stats - turn that off.
    That is known to cause issues - especially with iOS devices.
    In your feedburner settings.
    under - Analyze  and then  "Configure Stats"  - make sure all items are deselected.
    And then under - Optimize -  and then "smartcast"  make sure "include itunes podcasting elements" is also NOT selected.
    That should take care of issues people are seeing.

  • Enhanced podcast (don't see chapter and pictures in podcast app on iphone or ipad)

    hi people !
    i create enhanced podcast, and try that podcast on itunes app on my pc. Everything work ok, except pictures but i know that this is bug with curent version of iTunes. Then i opet same m4a enhanced podcast in quicktime app on my pc, again everything work ok, i see chapters and i see pictures. Then i put same file on my server, i see that podcast in my podcast app on my iphone and ipad and when i stream it , i don't see pic and logo for chapters. when i scan my enhanced m4a podcast file i see that my file have: general,audio, video & menu section
    in first general section
    Format :
    Codec ID :
    this not working on podcast app on iphone or ipad !
    then i scan enhanced podcast file downloaded from podcast app from my iphone with working chapters and pic made with garage band on mac by someone
    and i see sections: general,audio, video and text 1 and text 2 sections (my not working does not have that last 2 , my last is menu section)
    Format :
    Format profile :
    Apple audio with iTunes info
    Codec ID :
    look at format profile ! it says Apple audio with iTunes info !
    last thing is that i download from appstore app called Downcast, and try my enhanced podcast in that app wooow, everything work again ok when i stream, i see chapters i see pic. then at the end i download
    Podreel — Enhanced podcast authoring tool for Windows
    and try to build test podcast with that app, when i analyze enhanced podcast made with that app i see info say that podcast is made with garageband ??? this is fake tag made by podreel because podcast is made with podreel and not garage band, file made with podreel have this
    Format :
    Format profile :
    Apple audio with iTunes info
    Codec ID :
    again format profile is same like one from that working.
    is podreel make fake tag because podcast app in iphone and ipad play exclusively enhnaced podcas make with garage band (podreel fake tag) or somebody know where I'm wrong. why my enhanced podcast don't play pics and chapters when is on iphone or ipad podcast app. i will write again that my file work on downcast app on iphone or ipad, work on pc in itunes, work on quicktime player etc work everywhere except there where i want to work in podcast app on iphone or ipad

    hehe if somebody knows something this is def you Roger about first thing with seeing pic in itunes i think that i read all possible posts on web in last 7 days and nights and this is not working on my pc with control-click (Windows) but i don't care ! i wait for apple do magic bug fixing on new itunes version. And now about main problem. iOS devices are capable displaying chapter images because this is working right now with some podcast on my phone, i give you pic example iphone 4 iOS 6.1.2
    in first pic you can see streaming podcast and chapters (little white dots on bar),second picture is first song with cover of single playing, and if you look close right from the clock zzz simbol is chapter logo, if you press it you will be see pic no.3 so this def working but working when you mad your podcast on mac with garage band ! that's why i write about format ids, tags etc
    i test your podcast episode 36 then episode 33 and 31 ! bad news my friend no chapters and no pictures only one main pic. but when i test your podcast in downcast app in my iphone wooo i see text i see your pic i see chapters i see everything. so that mean it's working everywhere like mine except iphone and ipad app and now we come to theory of garage band things tags in m4a files. you write that you have done all this in podcast maker not garage band. This is now real mistery to me !
    i analyze your file here and you have in last section menu1 and menu 2 so maybe problem is somwhere around this, not in format id because you have ok format id like one that working ok

  • Podcasts app not refreshing new content?

    Hi, my podcasts app is not refreshing new content for last 4 days, is anyone else facing the same issue?

    Hello there, ikgandhi.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps to review for issues with the Podcasts app for iOS:
    Podcasts app for iOS: Managing subscriptions
    Default settings: From your Home screen, tap Settings and then Podcasts. These settings are shared by all of your podcast subscriptions. These are known as default podcast settings.
    Refresh Every: You can choose how often your iOS device checks for new episodes to your subscriptions. It's set to check every six hours by default.
    Limit Episodes: You can pick how many episodes you see for subscriptions.
    Download Episodes: The latest episodes of your podcasts will download automatically if your iOS device is connected to Wi-Fi.
    Delete Played Episodes: If this is turned on, episodes will delete 24 hours after you finish playing them.
    Use Cellular Data: If your iOS device has a cellular connection, you can allow downloads to use cellular data when Wi-Fi isn't available. This is off by default. Downloads using cellular data are limited to 100MB per episode. If an episode is larger than that, it won't start downloading until you're connected to Wi-Fi.
    Podcast-specific settings: The second place you'll find subscription settings is within the Podcasts app. Tap a podcast subscription under My Podcasts and pull down with one finger to reveal the settings buttons. These settings are unique to each subscription. If you don't change anything here, the podcast subscription will just use the default settings. If you do make changes to a specific subscription’s settings, they'll only apply to that podcast.
    Play: This setting lets you change the order in which a subscription plays. If you're listening to a news style podcast, you may want to set this to play the new episodes first. If the series is more episodic, you may prefer to play oldest to newest.
    Sort Order: This changes the sort order of episodes that appear for a podcast (not its playback order).
    Subscribed: When this is on, new episodes of this podcast will be marked as unplayed as they become available.
    Refresh Every: You can choose how often your iOS device checks for new episodes to your subscriptions. It's set to check every six hours by default.
    Limit Episodes: You can pick how many episodes you see for subscriptions.
    Download Episodes: The latest episodes of your podcasts will download automatically.
    Delete Played Episodes: If this is on, episodes will be deleted 24 hours after you finish playing them unless you've marked them as Saved.
    Inactive subscriptions
    If you do not play or access a subscription within 15 days, your subscription to that podcast will go inactive and you will no longer receive updates to it. As soon as you access the subscription again it will refresh. 
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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