Pop quiz for iPhones

I got the latest iPhone earlier this year, and tried to sync it on my iMac. It kept coming up with me needing to download the latest version of iTunes, even though my computer is the one before the latest iMac. Methinks they should be compatible........ummmmmm
I also tried on another apple devise and the same happened.
What can I do to fix this?

Thanks for the tip, really helped

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    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes for Windows forums.

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    bristles wrote:
    ... the version I'm on is 10.5.8.
    If possible... you need to Upgrade to Snow Leopard = OS X 10.6.x  (which will Run iTunes Version 11)
    It is Not available as a download... It is a Paid Upgrade.
    Do this first...
    Check that your Mac meets the System Requirements for Snow Leopard...
    Snow Leopard Tech Specs
    If so... Purchase a Snow Leopard Install Disc...
    Other countries...
    After the Successful Install, run Software Update to get the latest updates for Snow Leopard and iTunes.
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    You should also consider more RAM... Get the Maximum you can for your Mac...
    It is important to get the Correct and Matching RAM
    See Here  >  OWC RAM  >  http://www.macsales.com
    The above site also has videos on how to Install RAM should you need it...

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    Dear Roger,
    Another problem is popping up.
    After I followed your advise the episodes immediately showed up in Itunes.
    But this week we added a new episode which has taken 30 hours to come online.
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    Google doesn't, to the best of my knowledge, even make a browser for iOS. Even if they did, you would have had to have downloaded it from the App Store. And, even if you had downloaded an alternate browser (there are quite a few), they wouldn't launch if you tapped the Safari icon.
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    The iPhone SDK requires an Itel Mac. [See here|http://developer.apple.com/iphone/program/download.html] in gray text below the +Download now+ on the left of the page.

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    I was able to get around this by setting the "DYLDFRAMEWORKPATH" variable in my project. Go to Project -> Edit Active Executable menu. A dialog should pop up, navigate to the "Arguments" tab, and add a new environment variable (bottom-half of the dialog). You'll want to set to the path to something like "${DYLDFRAMEWORKPATH}:/Users/foo/your/framework/path", where the path is the path to where your framework is on disk. This should allow the simulator to find the Framework code at runtime.
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    Im not sure what garage band is, but i can tell you the way apple recommends making ringtones. Highlight a song in iTunes, right click and select get info. Goto the options tab and youll see the time lengths (write down the ending time) for the start time type in where you want the ringtone to start, ringtones can only be 30 sec long so make the ending time 30 sec later. Exit it out of the info and while song highlighted goto the "advanced" tab at the top of iTunes where you will see an option that says "create aac version". after creating the aac version you will have a duplicate song in your iTunes, change the original back to the correct time length. Take the 30 sec aac version and drag it to your desktop, right click the icon and click "preferences" You will then be able to change the name of the file which will be somethign to the effect of "songnamehere.m4a" you just change the m4a to m4r. you now have a ringtone, drag the new file to iTunes where it will pop up in a new tab labled ringtones. If you cannot change the name of the file when it is on your desktop let me know and i will give you instuctions how to be able to change it. Once you get it figured out you can use any song you have on iTunes to make a ringtone.

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    Go to the website for the email account.
    Delete the emails in question.
    Most email accounts will update the other assocaited devices immediately.  If yours doesn't, it might be a POP account.

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    Any insight would be great, thanks

    This will do what you want: http://www.ecamm.com/mac/phoneview/

  • Suggesttions for iPhone SOFTWARE upgrade (v1.1 possibly?)

    Suggestions for iPhone software upgrade (v1.1)
    •Better compatibility
    oOne thing that I believe is very important would be better compatibility with existing iPod products. I’m going to have to find a new FM transmitter/charger and new alarm clock/radio so that my iPhone will work on them, not to mention in my sister’s and girlfriend’s cars, the stereo adapter won’t play music from the iPhone over the radio or even charge the iPhone.
    •Bluetooth Data Transfer
    oIt would be nice to be able to transfer pictures, music, ring tones and such between my iPhone and computer or my iPhone and another phone via Bluetooth
    •File transfer through media message
    oNot everyone can access email on their phones, it would be nice to be able to send a picture or sound file as a media message to someone.
    •Music used as ring tones
    oI think everyone was expecting to somehow be able to use their songs or part of a song as a ring tone for incoming calls and messages. This would be an amazing addition to the iPhone
    •Keyboard sideways on texts and notes also
    oI have large hands and I’m sure many people do, so it would be easier if you could turn your phone sideways and type text messages and notes with the larger keyboard
    •Save pictures from the internet
    oIt would be great if I could somehow save photos directly from my web browser on my iPhone to the iPhones memory without have to do it on my computer like a middle man or something.
    oA voice recorder would be great, it would really help the iPhone expand into the college and business areas.
    •Flash, java, and macromedia support
    oThe internet browser is great but lacks one thing, support for such things as flash, java and macromedia applications such as moving images or internet radio.
    •Copy and paste text
    oThere’s been several times that I’ve wished I could just copy a text and send it to multiple people or resend it to the same person or something without having to completely retype it.
    •Deeper Customization
    oEverything I about customization now days, it would be cool if you could figure out a way to have more customization such as different themes and animations
    oSome kind of zoom and on phone picture editing would be nice, especially the zoom, but not necessary.
    •More Apps
    oI know that these are in the works but more downloadable widgets and games would be cool

    Suggestions for iPhone software upgrade
    •Better compatibility
    oOne thing that I believe is very important
    would be better compatibility with existing iPod
    products. I’m going to have to find a new FM
    transmitter/charger and new alarm clock/radio so
    that my iPhone will work on them, not to mention in
    my sister’s and girlfriend’s cars, the stereo
    adapter won’t play music from the iPhone over the
    radio or even charge the iPhone.
    The device is a phone and an iPod. There may be interference issues with older iPod accessories. Apple is working on a line of "Made for iPhone" accessories. The phone isn't even 2 weeks old, unfortunately you're going to have to hold your horses on this one.
    •Bluetooth Data Transfer
    oIt would be nice to be able to transfer
    pictures, music, ring tones and such between my
    iPhone and computer or my iPhone and another phone
    via Bluetooth
    This all would be pretty slow, but I think what would be reasonable is to allow all of your:
    to all be synced via bluetooth OR WiFi by your .Mac Account
    I think songs and videos would take forever.
    •File transfer through media message
    oNot everyone can access email on their phones,
    it would be nice to be able to send a picture or
    sound file as a media message to someone.
    I'm not confident that this will definitely be supported, but considering AT&T's reputation, I think it will be supported with a software update
    •Music used as ring tones
    oI think everyone was expecting to somehow be
    able to use their songs or part of a song as a ring
    tone for incoming calls and messages. This would be
    an amazing addition to the iPhone
    It sure would be; I think we can expect this feature in the first software update. After all the WWDC keynote had a tab for "ringtones"
    •Keyboard sideways on texts and notes also
    oI have large hands and I’m sure many people do,
    so it would be easier if you could turn your phone
    sideways and type text messages and notes with the
    larger keyboard
    AMEN. I've already contacted feedback support on this one. Great recommendation, especially with text messaging.
    •Save pictures from the internet
    oIt would be great if I could somehow save photos
    directly from my web browser on my iPhone to the
    iPhones memory without have to do it on my computer
    like a middle man or something.
    I think we can do a little bit more with the internet. I'd be interested in:
    1. The ability to open another window in a new tab (electively)
    2. Support for a pre-set homepage that always pops up first
    oA voice recorder would be great, it would really
    help the iPhone expand into the college and business
    Another feature that was oddly omitted. It may be possible to do this with a Widget
    •Flash, java, and macromedia support
    oThe internet browser is great but lacks one
    thing, support for such things as flash, java and
    macromedia applications such as moving images or
    internet radio.
    Adobe is working on this.
    •Copy and paste text
    oThere’s been several times that I’ve wished I
    could just copy a text and send it to multiple
    people or resend it to the same person or something
    without having to completely retype it.
    It's hard to do on the iPhone, I can't imagine what kind of "tap shortcut" they would do to create this feature... it just unfortunately doesn't seem feasible
    •Deeper Customization
    oEverything I about customization now days, it
    would be cool if you could figure out a way to have
    more customization such as different themes and
    This would be nice, we do have now 700,000 identical iPhones out there right now, some personalization would be good.
    oSome kind of zoom and on phone picture editing
    would be nice, especially the zoom, but not
    I agree that the phone, considering 4 & 8GB respectively, should have some sort of "photobooth" program
    •More Apps
    oI know that these are in the works but more
    downloadable widgets and games would be cool
    As everyone suggested, multiple emails to the feedback forums would get the features we want. I don't think apple, like other cell phone companies, will leave us with a limited first generation device. I think we can expect multiple updates and improvements much like they do with OS-X.
    Great ideas, they sound very reasonable. Just be sure, like I have already in the past, to let apple know what makes a difference to you so that we can get some better features on this phone.

  • Using iOS 8.1, can I still use pop account for email instead of imap

    UUsing iOS 8.1 on iPhone 4. Can I still use pop account for my email instead of IMAP. Don't like all my email on mail server

    MMy biggest problem is both iPhone and iPad when I set up email account uses IMAP automatically. So I really have no choice. Since IMAP doesnot allow downloading email to device, I have to leave all restates on mail server. This really concerns me.

Maybe you are looking for