PopcornTime starts with a black screen and does not load

I installed PopcornTime from the AUR and it does not seem to load. When I launch the application, it simply loads a black screen and does not move from there.  When I launch the application from the terminal, I get this output.
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: eaaf5bae2afd45ba896648b3bf6f2fc4"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: vjs is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/vendor/videojshooks.js (1)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: e4335f5d7c7f4cba82de01016965692e"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: videojs is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/vendor/videojsplugins.js (3)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: f925bf0a7bd34ecdbd3bdba5dbac2f14"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(69)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/vendor/dragwindow.js (69)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(14)] ""Database path: /root/.config/Popcorn-Time"", source: app://host/src/app/database.js (14)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: cb164b958a3d4c10a758076ead25f596"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(58)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/app.js (58)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 8a8a4d1cca6d4e92b4fb93c7191f767f"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(105)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'Config' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/config.js (105)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 561c6f00e6f24272a26808627a55bf91"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(40)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Localization' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/language.js (40)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: bed93dbe7c31482fb3abf2a9c6b71b0a"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(291)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'vent' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/streamer.js (291)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 560ecb14dfeb42a9aa9e7c2e8e26c7ab"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/filter.js (4)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 387f133dc99d4361b427f502d413f513"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(11)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/movie.js (11)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: cc8fae14131741eaaf101787a3dfbca4"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/movie_collection.js (6)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 7b1584741b7147fcb8c026eb22222c7a"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/stream_info.js (4)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: ed6d93bfbf6a40178ecae0aa0d63d8d8"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/show_collection.js (6)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 2eca5d0cc8434c7db7f8d6c2f747a30b"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/models/favorite_collection.js (6)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 1377c1c67414454a8b068bf894b9e26e"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Config' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/cache.js (6)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: e9dacbd700cc4dedb0ed361ad21eeea5"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(128)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'CacheV2' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/cachev2.js (128)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 8c4ec1c065874724b0f0df83c813ce76"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(47)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/cache_provider.js (47)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 274976668c8a40f48fa25f9bf7fad396"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(42)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/cache_providerv2.js (42)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:53" "uncaughtException: 8d07e698bd2d471eabcc6c8577bff762"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(18)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/ysubs.js (18)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 8eec46090df543a8a772c4606eff3e11"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(37)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/trakttv.js (37)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 03624594cd48407d9767f592a1f87f66"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080553:INFO:CONSOLE(119)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/yts.js (119)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 60bbd32cf6474fe383566f955beb000c"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(92)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/eztv.js (92)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: c9c3b618a9da49bc950c9037d21aeefe"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(67)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/favorites.js (67)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 7663fc27ecc146388ae3fe80f65db1cc"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(31)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/providers/opensubtitles.js (31)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 8bc10daed5064544971ba460fb2004f2"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(17)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/title_bar.js (17)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 70946259c8ce42889aba096bb748600a"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/main_window.js (6)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: ca8fc30ee2c146978518399769767401"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/movie_detail.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 21643a9627984324b61b6c8a8bcb350f"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/show_detail.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 6ba1f0fef40745ff8ffa414c94003e27"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/settings.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 1393d99ebbcd44a6a0983a3e732fef6e"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/init_modal.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: d59eda2f9f03431c8657d4dfdd3ec368"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/disclaimer.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: fa2db4c3d1764e4795974a41f7c33e03"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/about.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 066747791f864cb7b4ce25fc2837987a"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(5)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/file_selector.js (5)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 10a5106be6ce4e26b22e71fc61dfccfc"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/help.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 9fbb3c3723af4b3ab23be9ec1cc7f8d8"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/player/loading.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: a077cf7a856049dcbf9a11cbf14caa0d"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/player/player.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 5128c15ad44547b1bd49ffec348654de"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(12)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/movie_browser/movie_browser.js (12)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 0a9ba38114654c4f91b900c4cadfc775"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'View' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/movie_browser/filter_bar.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: ab751c37f72c481cbcc9901180d24ce5"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(7)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/movie_browser/movie_item.js (7)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 77d9dbb23b344f9aa3d370cef999c58e"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(8)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/movie_browser/movie_list.js (8)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: a9d052c94438459387e1989d9c41cbc9"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'View' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/show_browser/filter_bar.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 33f1e096b6024989842d11dc36e20da6"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(12)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/show_browser/show_browser.js (12)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: d74d6db001be4f1b993df8ade2a1966e"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Providers' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/show_browser/show_item.js (6)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: e847a67e7ffb4b429e3cf213c24c6b5a"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(8)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/show_browser/show_list.js (8)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 50dbc5d16ab748038848698b14fc6ba8"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/favorites/favorite_browser.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 1dbd51e95b864357aed5cfbe36e07b49"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/favorites/filter_bar.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 421a69aa7491406ebbedb02c3be52354"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/favorites/favorite_item.js (4)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 20e785f3bd1e43f49144e45c5baf1033"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined", source: app://host/src/app/lib/views/favorites/favorite_list.js (6)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(549)] ""%s - %s" "17 Jun 08:05:54" "uncaughtException: 3c39ae6503b341139802f5be4de6ecff"", source: util.js (549)
[923:0617/080554:INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'start' of undefined", source: app://host/src/app/bootstrap.js (3)
It seems as though quite a few files are missing, though the yaourt built the application just fine.

I had the same issue with the git version. Install the stable version and it should work fine

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    Hi MacGruff69
    That has all the classic signs of unseated, improperly seated or bad RAM.
    Laying the iMac face down on a soft towel and reseat the module(s) by pressing real hard on each one with both thumbs, then closing the ejector clips and replacing the cover.
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    It seems thst the MBP is not recognizing the internal HDD.  Look at this link and probably the section 'Start from your Mac OS X Install disc; use Disk Utility' will be applicable:

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    It sounds like the hard drive has failed. A bad hdd can prevent a boot up or ability to enter BIOS.Since you are able to boot from a cd with hdd unplugged that seems to implicate the hdd even more.And the fact that Windows 7 dvd doesn't see a partition to install on. Replace the hdd with a new one of comparable size, boot with your Recovery Disks to reinstall back to factory.
    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
    **Click Accept as Solution on a Reply that solves your issue to help others**

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    I got my iPad Mini 6 days ago, and this morning I woke up to it overheating (to a point which any contact with it, or the case) was painful. Along with this overheating, the screen was and still is black. The iPad is not responding when I try to turn it on, off, hard reset it, etc.. It has not been taken off charge in approximately 6 hours, so I highly doubt lack of battery is a reason.
    HElp, please. And thank you in advance.

    Time to make an appointment with Apple.

  • My mac book air keeps starting with the same programs and does not save changes made such as dock preferences, my mac book air keeps starting with the same programs and does not save changes made such as dock preferences

    every time i boot is like groundhog day, i keep getting the same programs and system settings that either have closed or modified, like dock magnification, programs saved on the dock, etc.

    every time i boot is like groundhog day, i keep getting the same programs and system settings that either have closed or modified, like dock magnification, programs saved on the dock, etc.

  • I installed Mountain Lion and now some times when I start my mac it look with a black screen and white text. I'm really worry about it, can somebody help me?

    I installed Mountain Lion in my IMac and now, some times, when I start up my mac it looks with a black screen and white text. I'm really worry about it, can somebody help me?

    Don't worry, this is probably just Verbose Mode. It's perfectly harmless.  If you're not specifically invoking it, than it's probably down to an unwanted setting in NVRAM.  See this article on resetting NVRAM if it continues to bother you.

  • When I open my MacBook Air the keyboard comes up along with the screen and does not stay still?!

    When I open my MacBook Air the keyboard comes up along with the screen and does not stay still. So I need to hold down the keyboard while i open it. Other than that it works fine despite the fact that the fan noise some times is loud and sometimes it's getting warm at the base. I wonder if this can be fixed if i go to one of the apple branches.

    Yes. Take the computer to the Apple store to have it fixed.

  • My MacBook Pro shuts down within seconds after starting with a Gray Screen and Apple Logo, a bar comes at the bottom.

    My MacBook Pro starts with a Gray Screen and Apple Logo, a bar comes at the bottom, but after few seconds the machine shuts down. This was bought approx 1 year back. Please help!!

    which model MacBook Pro do you have (did you buy it new?), and which version of OS X is installed on it?

  • I have a mid-2011 iMac running Mavericks. When I click restart the computer goes to a white screen with a spinning circle and does not go any further until I hold down the power button to turn it off. What do I do?

    I have a mid-2011 iMac running Mavericks. When I click restart the computer goes to a white screen with a spinning circle and does not go any further until I hold down the power button to turn it off. What do I do?

    Ok, sounds like the safe mode boot worked... You probably don't want to always be in safe mode though (some reduced functionality) so does it do a normal boot now? If not, you should then reboot into safe mode and run Disk Utility. Then select Macintosh HD on the left hand side, and click the Verify Disk button. If needed, it will ask you to Repair Disk. If there are errors found, Repair Disk again until there are none. Then try another normal boot and reply with result, wether good or bad.

  • Mac won't boot, starts with white apple screen and spinning wheel. Also has grey loading bar which disappears after loaded then stays at white apple screen.

    Mac won't boot, starts with white apple screen and spinning wheel. Also has grey loading bar which disappears after loaded then stays at white apple screen.

    Hi cybertoof,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you're seeing a startup issue with your Mac, it's booting to a gray screen with an Apple logo. Try the suggestions in the article linked below, they will resolve most issues related to starting up your Mac.
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup
    I hope this helps.

  • Macbook Air starts with a white screen and permanent "poing"-sound...

    Macbook Air starts with a white screen and permanent "poing"-sound...
    Tried SMU, PRAM, MMU resets, but nothing helps...
    Thank you for your support.

    You need to take it in for service, it may be a stuck key or component failure.

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