Portal iView Usage

Do we have any standard sap functionality which can give some information like how much time & what areas(may be iviews..) that user spends inside the portal.

Using the portal activity report feature enables portal administrators to gather and present information about portal activity, including information about the users who logged on to the portal and about the content that was viewed.
Check this:
Monitoring portal users
Praveen Gudapati
[Points are always welcome for helpful answers]

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    We are using WebTrends to track site statistics for all of our web sites, but the one piece of the puzzle we are missing is being able to track iView usage on our portals (EP6 SP2 and EP6 SP9). 
    WebTrends provides software that tracks statistics via a javascript include file, and we are trying to determine if there is one place we could put this javascript - either include it in another javascript file, or a page, that is used by all the iViews.
    Is there such a place (thing, file, etc...)?  Or is there some other solution that SAP provides that would help us track iView usage?  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Patrick,
    I've used WebTrends some years ago, but solely the log file analysis.
    For a certain iView, for sure you can include some JS; it's mainly the question if you have the source code under your control or if it's an iView delivered by SAP as portal standard iView (then you would have to decompile / add / compile / redeploy; but loosing everything when an update gets deployed).
    There is also here in the download section the "Portal Activity Reporting" (Downloads -- Developer or Administrator Tool -- EP); some people regulary report problems with it, but maybe you could give it a try...
    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers. Thanks in advance!

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    I need to create a callable object of type Portal iView / Page,
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         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.ui.co.portal.dt.VBrowse.appendChildren(VBrowse.java:523)</b>
    Please suggest some way out,
    Thanks in advance,

    How many actions  are there in your process?. Is it having only one action that is Web service?.
    I think, The process should at least contain one UI action.
    If your process is having multiple actions, there may problem with other actions. Test the web service action seperately to confirm this.

  • Link to SAP R/3 Logon from Portal IView

    How is the Link to SAP R/3 Logon from Portal IView?

    Hi Raissa,
    Check these links
    Configuring EP for connecting to SAP R/3
    Creating system object

  • Event handling in Portal IView of JspDynpage

    Hi All,
    I have created the portal iview with jspdynpage.Can any body tell whether event handling can be performed from the portal iview which is created from the jspdynpage?
    V Karthi

    check this threads
      Event handling in portal through sap netweaver.
      From creation of JSP page to iView at Portal

  • Error in BI4 SP04 Olap Analysis Using Portal iview list template

    We are trying to host the BI Launch Pad BI4 SP04.1 in the SAP Enterprise Portal (7.3.1.Sp04) on AIX 6.1 using the SAP Business Objects Document List Template, but getting an error when trying to use Olap for Analysis.
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    Login Failed. Invalid, User Name or Password
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    I have entered an OSS message for this issue and making little progress there.  If you have made this work or have some ideas you can share, I would be very grateful!
    Lee Lewis

    Just want to update with more information-
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    Connects through to BI Launch Pad without having to login-using the BW ABAP credentials
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    Anybody successfully use the BO document list ivew using Olap connections with SSO and not just a pre-defined user?
    Lee Lewis

  • Logging in Portal Iview

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    I have found
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/e2/f410409f088f5ce10000000a155106/frameset.htm">SAP Help Logging</a>
    but I have difficults "translating" this sample into a portal iview, since I am a Java "Beginner".
    Thanks -hs

    Hi Holger,
      I don't have any samples. But these weblog might hep u.
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 1)
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 2)
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 3)
    Harini S

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    Thank you,

    You can call an portal iView from anywhere with in portal (not only with VC) using relative navigation target, but for VC you have to:
    assign system action to the button as Hyperlink and provide the relative navigation target url of the iView that you want to open like:
    NavMode can be as follows:
    mode 0 for internal window,
    mode 1 for external window with content,
    mode 2 for external window with full navigation,
    mode 3 for external headerless window
    Note: "ROLES://portal_content/every_user/general/eu_role/com.sap.portal.eu_ws/com.sap.portal.portal_information" should be replaced with your iView path.
    Check System Administration -> Support -> Navigation -> Navigation Types for more options on you portal.
    Trikanth Basetty

  • Calling and executing a function module in the Portal iview development

    Hello Portal development gurus...
        I am very new to portal iview development and am learning a lot of stuff.. I now have a requirement to do the following:
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    Could anybody please explain me how to do the coding on this front?
    I appreciate if anybody can share documentation about this kind of a development.
    As always, points galore for useful and helpful suggestions.

    Firstly Have you searched in SDN for the same, anyhow please go through the link to work on the requirement
    Go through the thread which will talk in detail
    Hope this helps.

  • Drag and Drop a Portal iView in WPC

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    In a container that allow resource type portal iview, I clicked on the "pencil logo" and click on Add. A "Web Content Browser" is invoked. It there, the portal iView is not found as these iViews are sitting in the Portal Content directory.
    Just wondering how do we go about in "drag & drop" a portal iview from this editor.

    3. In the Portal Content Directory (PCD), create a folder for iViews that Web content managers can use on Web pages.
    a. Choose Content Administration u2192 Portal Content and create a folder under Portal Content, for example WebPageiViews.
    b. Create permitted iViews in this PCD folder (for example, as delta links).
    c. Choose System Administration u2192 Permissions and navigate to the folder you created in step a.
    d. In this PCD folder, give the everyone group Read permission, for example, and activate the End User indicator.
    4. Show the PCD repository in the KM configuration.
    a. Choose System Administration u2192 System Configuration u2192 Knowledge Management u2192 Content Management.
    b. Choose Repository Managers u2192 Show Advanced Options u2192 PCD Repository.
    c. Deactivate the Hide in Root Folder checkbox.
    d. Restart the servlet engine.
    5. Create an entry point for the folder that you created in step 1d (for example, /wpccontent/iViews).
    See next instead of "Step 1d"...
    1. Choose System Administration u2192 System Configuration u2192 Knowledge Management u2192 Content Management u2192 User Interface u2192 Mapping u2192 Component.
    2. Edit the wpcDragExplorerEntryPoints configuration object.
    Use the following parameters:
    Web Content Browser Parameters
    Parameter                    Description
    displaymode                Specify select
    maxproviderprio            Highest priority number that standard entry points can have and still be displayed in the Web content browser
    entriesperrow               Number of entry points displayed in each row (default: 5)
    Prefix of the entry point repository If you specify a value for this parameter, standard KM entry points are also displayed in the Web content browser.  Default: /entrypoints      
    sharedcontent               Semicolon-separated list of paths to be displayed as global entry points for shared content
    Examples of parameter values:
    displaymode=select,maxproviderprio=30,entriesperrow=5,entrypointsprefix=/entrypoints,sharedcontent=/wpccontent/Cross-Site Content;/documents/MyFolder

  • Deploying  ABAP Web Dyn Pro application in a portal iView

    Our goal is to Deploy Web Dyn Pro application to public internet user and at the same time we want to keep the ABAP Web Application server that host Web ABAP  Dyn Pro application behind the firewall so that no one can directly access the ABAP WAS over the internet. To do this we are planning to deploy the ABAP Web Dyn Pro application with in a portal iView where the portal server has anonymous access to the internet user. 
    The question is when we embed the ABAP Web Dyn Pro in a portal iView, does the web browser directly talk to the ABAP WAS?  If so, is there any other method where we could keep the ABAP WAS secure and give the public access to ABAP Web Dyn Pro application.

    Hi Vimalan,
    <b>I'm assuming you use some kind of a reverse proxy in front of the portal server</b>.
    Here how it goes:
    1. Create a WD ABAP AppIntegrator iView in the portal.
    2. The iView will use a system that holds the ABAP server details (host:port and protocol)
    3. The system will be configured to have the host:port and protocol of the reverse proxy server.
    4. On the reverse proxy server, create a rule that will forward all URLs with the template of <i>/sap/bc/webdynpro/</i> to the real host:port and protocol of the ABAP server. This way you achieve what you intend to do.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to redirect to portal iview from a stand alone webdynpro application

    I need to able to navigate from a standalone webdynpro application, for which I do not want to create Portal iview, to a Portal iview with some data.
    Please let me know how can I pass the string value and how to navigate.

    You're walking in circles. There is no magic answer to this problem. Web Dynpro is not an application of communication / interface with other applications, but a presentation layer for the user.
    To perform this procedure interaction (simulating an ajax) you will need to use a middleware interface (CAF, EJBs, or any other technology that communicates directly with the Web Dynpro), or use the version 7.2 of Web Dynpro (maybe that solves their problems).
    If only the external page you need to open did not have the user interaction (just loading and returning information) you could consume it like a WebService.
    without more,

  • Need a call a portal iView from a WebDynPro ABAP Application

    I have to call a portal iView from the WD ABAP application.
    The iView root is e.g.
    How can we call it using Absolute navigation or Relative Navigation.
    I just want to call this path.
    Can anyone provide me with a code snippet.
    Best Regards

    Hi ,
    I am calling the following method in my action call of a Webdynpro ABAP View
      CALL METHOD lo_portal_manager->NAVIGATE_ABSOLUTE
        NAVIGATION_TARGET   = 'Roles://portal_content/xxxx._and_remuneration'
       WINDOW_NAME        =
       HISTORY_MODE       =
       TARGET_TITLE       =
          CONTEXT_URL       = 'http://xxx.xxx.adsint.biz:50000/irj/portal'
    But it is still noot opening the page for me from the WD ABAP application.
    Can anyone let me know , what can be the reason.
    Best Regards

  • Employee Basic Information Portal iViews*GRANT POINTS!!!*

    I am trying to find best solution how to through the  Portal iView or set of iViews to get Employee Basic Information, say
    Phone number,
    Location in the building,
    Email address
    Manager this employee report to
    Team Viewer
    I know it is possible to have ESS Personal Data or MSS packages to use a subset of worksets and iViews.
    The question: Is there other way to to extract that data from HR Master Data in a form of iView.
    If there is not, and I have to implement ESS or MSS to do that, could you give me some advice from HR backend perspective What has to be done( we do not have ESS or/and MSS configured/installed on the backend)
    I will give point to anyone who will assist me!!

    Hi Denis,
    All these info you can get from the standard ESS Whos' who (know as Employee search) & Change Own communication data services.
    Hope this help.

  • How to find the ABAP Webdynpro Component Name in the Portal IView(WDA)

    Hi All
    I got one ABAP Webdynpro IView in portal , when i opened the Iview i got the Application name of ABAP Webdynpro in the properties of the Iview but i could not able to find the component name .
    Please let me know how to find the component name of WDA , as i already got the Application name of component  from Iview i.e WDA_ED_RDF ( this is applicaiton name found in the portal Iview for ABAP Webdynpro)
    Please get back to me on the same , it would be great help to me.
    Edited by: PortalUser100 on Mar 24, 2011 11:51 PM

    Right Click on any UI Element in Portal->Go to more field help->TEchical Information. You can see all the information about component, application, ui elements etc.
    Please check this... may helps more

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