Possible to load a dynamic plug-in through a static plug-in?

Try to implement a static plug-in that will handle the necessarily logic for a vendors' dynamic plug-in. Does anyone know if this is possible or not? There seem to be some conflicting issues when the MediaFactory.loadPlugin has to run first in the player for static plug-in and then in the static plug-in for the dynamic plug-in. Any inside if that is possible or not and if it is which type of static plug-in is needed (Standard, Custum, Built-in  or Proxy) ?

I think you can use a footer window for this.
but stil if you want to print this under any window as back ground. then create a new window with the same parameter of the old
window and place it under that. (Overlapping) and in new window print those texts or variable which you want to print.
Raj Gupta

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  • Load image dynamically by scripting to dynamic xml pdf, is it possible?

    Hi All,
    I've uploaded static pdf form to http://groups.google.com/group/livecycle/web/logo.pdf.
    The form contains ImageField.
    In the "docReady" event of the form I wrote a script:
    When the form is loaded the ImageField shows the image from the url
    I've updated in the script.
    Once the form is saved as dynamic xml pdf the script stop working.
    Is that means that it is not possible to load images by scripting to
    dynamic xml pdfs?
    Anyone familiar with workarounds for it?
    Thanks in advance,

    I got an answer from Adobe:
    Dynamic change of an image href has been disabled due to potential security issues. There are however a few workarounds to choose from:
    1. Embedding the images in the form as hidden objects. They can then be set to visible on initialize or clicking a button. This will affect performance, but if the images are in a compressed format, this can be minimized.
    2. Create a Web service interface to grab the image from wherever they are stored, base64 encode it and return it to the form. You would also have to update the bindings for the image field on the form (a one time operation).

  • Loading dynamic plug-ins(SWF) in OSMF

    I am working on an OSMF player  which needs to load plugin from a URL and is in the form of SWF. How can  I load this into the mediaFactory?
    I have checked over the internet and I was able to figure out way to load the SWF plug-in but it always  returns error. No request is sent to the server for loadin the SWF.

    I have downloaded the latest one from sourceforge.
    an excerpt from the code
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import org.osmf.media.MediaFactory;
        import org.osmf.media.URLResource;
        import org.osmf.utils.URL;
        import org.osmf.events.MediaFactoryEvent;
        public class MediaFactoryExample extends Sprite
            public function MediaFactoryExample()
                // Construct a media factory, and listen to its plug-in related events:
                var factory:MediaFactory = new MediaFactory();
                factory.addEventListener(MediaFactoryEvent.PLUGIN_LOAD, onPluginLoaded);
                factory.addEventListener(MediaFactoryEvent.PLUGIN_LOAD_ERROR, onPluginLoadError);
                // Instruct the factory to load the plug-in at the given url:
                factory.loadPlugin(new URLResource("http://objects.tremormedia.com/embed/swf/osmfacudeoplugin.swf"));
            private function onPluginLoaded(event:MediaFactoryEvent):void
                // Use the factory to create a media-element related to the plugin:
                var factory:MediaFactory = event.target as MediaFactory;
                factory.createMediaElement(new URLResource("http://mediapm.edgesuite.net/strobe/content/test/AFaerysTale_sylviaApostol_640_500_short.flv"));
            private function onPluginLoadError(event:MediaFactoryEvent):void
                // Handle plug-in loading failure:
                trace("Plugin failed to load.");   

  • Is it possible to load web content?

    I'd like to know if its possible to load a file (an xml file) from a web resource with a given address like: http://server.com/file.xml.
    I tried to do this with
    but this does not seem to work.
    Thanks in advance and kind regards,

    Here is an example -- works for me: imports an XML file from a web site into the active document.
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
         alert("Please open a document and try again");
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    if (! doc.saved) {
         alert("Please save document somewhere first");
    var url = "http://kasyan.ho.com.ua/downloads/temp/xmlfile.xml";
    var fileName = url.split("/");
    fileName = fileName[fileName.length - 1];
    var xmlFilePath = File(doc.filePath + "/" + fileName);
    var xmlData = GetURL(url, false);
    if (xmlData != null && xmlData.body != null) {
    if (xmlFilePath.exists) doc.importXML(xmlFilePath);
    function GetURL(url,isBinary)
      // This function consists of up to three 'nested' state machines.
      // At the lowest level, there is a state machine that interprets UTF-8 and
      // converts it to Unicode - i.e. the bytes that are received are looked at
      // one by one, and the Unicode is calculated from the one to four bytes UTF-8
      // code characters that compose it.
      // The next level of state machine interprets line-based data - this is
      // needed to interpret the HTTP headers as they are received.
      // The third level state machine interprets the HTTP reply - based on the
      // info gleaned from the headers it will process the HTTP data in the HTTP
      // reply
      // If things go wrong, GetURL() will return a null
      var reply = null;
      // Below some symbolic constants to name the different states - these
      // make the code more readable.
      const kUTF8CharState_Complete = 0; 
      const kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte = 1;
      const kUTF8CharState_Binary = 2;
      const kLineState_InProgress = 0;
      const kLineState_SeenCR = 1;
      const kProtocolState_Status = 1;
      const kProtocolState_Headers = 2;
      const kProtocolState_Body = 3;
      const kProtocolState_Complete = 4;
      const kProtocolState_TimeOut = 5;
        // Chop the URL into pieces
        var parsedURL = ParseURL(url);
        // We only know how to handle HTTP - bail out if it is something else
        if (parsedURL.protocol != "HTTP")
        // Open up a socket, and set the time out to 2 minutes. The timeout
        // could be parametrized - I leave that as an exercise.
        var socket = new Socket;   
        socket.timeout = 120;
        // Open the socket in binary mode. Sockets could also be opened in UTF-8 mode
        // That might seem a good idea to interpret UTF-8 data, but it does not work out
        // well: the HTTP protocol gives us a body length in bytes. If we let the socket
        // interpret UTF-8 then the body length we get from the header, and the number of
        // characters we receive won't match - which makes things quite awkward.
        // So we need to use BINARY mode, and we must convert the UTF-8 ourselves.
        if (! socket.open(parsedURL.address + ":" + parsedURL.port,"BINARY"))
        // Dynamically build an HTTP 1.1 request.
        if (isBinary)
          var request =
            "GET /" + parsedURL.path + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
            "Host: " + parsedURL.address + "\n" +
            "User-Agent: InDesign ExtendScript\n" +
            "Accept: */*\n" +
            "Connection: keep-alive\n\n";
          var request =
            "GET /" + parsedURL.path + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
            "Host: " + parsedURL.address + "\n" +
            "User-Agent: InDesign ExtendScript\n" +
            "Accept: text/xml,text/*,*/*\n" +
            "Accept-Encoding:\n" +
            "Connection: keep-alive\n" +
            "Accept-Language: *\n" +
            "Accept-Charset: utf-8\n\n";
        // Send the request out
        // readState keeps track of our three state machines
        var readState =
          buffer: "",
          bufPos: 0,
          // Lowest level state machine: UTF-8 conversion. If we're handling binary data
          // the state is set to kUTF8CharState_Binary which is a 'stuck' state - it
          // remains in that state all the time. If the data really is UTF-8 the state
          // flicks between kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte and kUTF8CharState_Complete
          curCharState: isBinary ? kUTF8CharState_Binary : kUTF8CharState_Complete,
          curCharCode: 0,
          pendingUTF8Bytes: 0,     
          // Second level state machine: allows us to handle lines and line endings
          // This state machine can process CR, LF, or CR+LF line endings properly
          // The state flicks between kLineState_InProgress and kLineState_SeenCR
          lineState: kLineState_InProgress,
          curLine: "",
          line: "",
          isLineReadyToProcess: false,
          // Third level state machine: handle HTTP reply. This state gradually
          // progresses through kProtocolState_Status, kProtocolState_Headers,
          // kProtocolState_Body, kProtocolState_Complete.
          // contentBytesPending is part of this state - it keeps track of how many
          // bytes of the body still need to be fetched.
          protocolState: kProtocolState_Status,
          contentBytesPending: null,
          dataAvailable: true,
          // The HTTP packet data, chopped up in convenient pieces.
          status: "",
          headers: {},
          body: ""
        // Main loop: we loop until we hit kProtocolState_Complete as well as an empty data buffer
        // (meaning all data has been processed) or until something timed out.
          ! (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Complete && readState.buffer.length <= readState.bufPos)
          readState.protocolState != kProtocolState_TimeOut
          // If all data in the buffer has been processed, clear the old stuff
          // away - this makes things more efficient
          if (readState.bufPos > 0 && readState.buffer.length == readState.bufPos)
            readState.buffer = "";
            readState.bufPos = 0;
          // If there is no data in the buffer, try to get some from the socket
          if (readState.buffer == "")
            // If we're handling the body of the HTTP reply, we can try to optimize
            // things by reading big blobs of data. Also, we need to look out for
            // completion of the transaction.
            if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Body)
              // readState.contentBytesPending==null means that the headers did not
              // contain a length value for the body - in which case we need to process
              // data until the socket is closed by the server
              if (readState.contentBytesPending == null)
                if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
                  // The server is finished with us - we're done
                  socket = null;
                  readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Complete;
                  // Attempt to read a byte
                  readState.buffer += socket.read(1);
                  readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
                // If the socket is suddenly disconnected, the server pulled the
                // rug from underneath us. Register this as a time out problem and
                // bail out.
                if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
                  socket = null;
                  readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_TimeOut;
                  // Try to get as much data as needed from the socket. We might
                  // receive less than we've asked for.
                  readState.buffer = socket.read(readState.contentBytesPending);
                  readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
                  readState.contentBytesPending -= readState.buffer.length;
                  // Check if we've received as much as we were promised in the headers
                  // If so, we're done with the socket.
                  if (readState.contentBytesPending == 0)
                    readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Complete;
                    socket = null;
                  // If we're downloading binary data, we can immediately shove the
                  // whole buffer into the body data - there's no UTF-8 to worry about            
                  if (isBinary)
                    readState.body += readState.buffer;
                    readState.buffer = "";
                    readState.bufPos = 0;
            else if (readState.protocolState != kProtocolState_Complete)
              // We're reading headers or status right now - look out
              // for server disconnects
              if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
                socket = null;
                readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_TimeOut;
                readState.buffer += socket.read(1);
                readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
          // The previous stretch of code got us as much data as possible into
          // the buffer (but that might be nothing, zilch). If there is data,
          // we process a single byte here.
          if (readState.buffer.length > readState.bufPos)
            // Fetch a byte
            var cCode = readState.buffer.charCodeAt(readState.bufPos++);
            switch (readState.curCharState)
              case kUTF8CharState_Binary:
                // Don't use the UTF-8 state machine on binary data
                readState.curCharCode = cCode;
                readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
              case kUTF8CharState_Complete:
                // Interpret the various UTF-8 encodings - 1, 2, 3, or 4
                // consecutive bytes encode a single Unicode character. It's all
                // bit-fiddling here: depending on the masks used, the bytes contain
                // 3, 4, 5, 6 bits of the whole character.
                // Check
                // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
                if (cCode <= 127)
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode;
                  readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
                else if ((cCode & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x1F;
                  readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
                  readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 1;
                else if ((cCode & 0xF0) == 0xE0)
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x0F;
                  readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
                  readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 2;
                else if ((cCode & 0xF8) == 0xF0)
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x07;
                  readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
                  readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 3;
                  // bad UTF-8 char
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode;
                  readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 0;
              case kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte:
                if ((cCode & 0xC0) == 0x80)
                  readState.curCharCode = (readState.curCharCode << 6) | (cCode & 0x3F);
                  if (readState.pendingUTF8Bytes == 0)
                    readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_Complete;
                  // bad UTF-8 char
                  readState.curCharCode = cCode;
                  readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
                  readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_Complete;
            // If we've got a complete byte or Unicode char available, we process it
            if (readState.curCharState == kUTF8CharState_Complete || readState.curCharState == kUTF8CharState_Binary)
              cCode = readState.curCharCode;
              var c = String.fromCharCode(readState.curCharCode);
              if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Body || readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Complete)
                // Once past the headers, we simply append new bytes to the body of the HTTP reply
                readState.body += c;     
                // While reading the headers, we look out for CR, LF or CRLF sequences           
                if (readState.lineState == kLineState_SeenCR)
                  // We saw a CR in the previous round - so whatever follows,
                  // the line is now ready to be processed.
                  readState.line = readState.curLine;
                  readState.isLineReadyToProcess = true;
                  readState.curLine = "";
                  readState.lineState = kLineState_InProgress;
                  // The CR might be followed by another one, or
                  // it might be followed by a LF (which we ignore)
                  // or any other character (which we process).
                  if (cCode == 13) // CR
                    readState.lineState = kLineState_SeenCR;
                  else if (cCode != 10) // no LF
                    readState.curLine += c;
                else if (readState.lineState == kLineState_InProgress)
                  // If we're in the midsts of reading characters and we encounter
                  // a CR, we switch to the 'SeenCR' state - a LF might or might not
                  // follow.
                  // If we hit a straight LF, we can process the line, and get ready
                  // for the next one
                  if (cCode == 13) // CR
                    readState.lineState = kLineState_SeenCR;
                  else if (cCode == 10) // LF
                    readState.line = readState.curLine;
                    readState.isLineReadyToProcess = true;
                    readState.curLine = "";
                    // Any other character is appended to the current line
                    readState.curLine += c;
                if (readState.isLineReadyToProcess)
                  // We've got a complete line to process
                  readState.isLineReadyToProcess = false;
                  if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Status)
                    // The very first line is a status line. After that switch to
                    // 'Headers' state
                    readState.status = readState.line;
                    readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Headers;
                  else if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Headers)
                    // An empty line signifies the end of the headers - get ready
                    // for the body.
                    if (readState.line == "")
                      readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Body;
                      // Tear the header line apart, and interpret it if it is
                      // useful (currently, the only header we process is 'Content-Length'
                      // so we know exactly how many bytes of body data will follow.
                      var headerLine = readState.line.split(":");
                      var headerTag = headerLine[0].replace(/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/,"$1");
                      headerLine = headerLine.slice(1).join(":");
                      headerLine = headerLine.replace(/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/,"$1");
                      readState.headers[headerTag] = headerLine;
                      if (headerTag == "Content-Length")
                        readState.contentBytesPending = parseInt(headerLine);
                        if (isNaN(readState.contentBytesPending) || readState.contentBytesPending <= 0)
                          readState.contentBytesPending = null;
                          readState.contentBytesPending -= (readState.buffer.length - readState.bufPos);
        // If we have not yet cleaned up the socket we do it here
        if (socket != null)
          socket = null;
        reply =
          status: readState.status,
          headers: readState.headers,
          body: readState.body
      while (false);
      return reply;
    function ParseURL(url)
      if (url[2] == "undefined") url[2] = "80";
      var parsedURL =
        protocol: url[0].toUpperCase(),
        address: url[1],
        port: url[2],
        path: ""
      url = url.slice(3);
      parsedURL.path = url.join("/");
      if (parsedURL.port.charAt(0) == ':')
        parsedURL.port = parsedURL.port.slice(1);
      if (parsedURL.port != "")
        parsedURL.port = parseInt(parsedURL.port);
      if (parsedURL.port == "" || parsedURL.port < 0 || parsedURL.port > 65535)
        parsedURL.port = 80;
      parsedURL.path = parsedURL.path;
      return parsedURL;

  • Problem in loading 0calday infoobject date format through Flatfile in cube

    Hi All,
    I am facing problem  in loading the 0calday infoobject  data through flat file( format - test.csv) in infocube..
    Suppose consider we are having two flat files(test1.csv,test2.csv).
    1.First file(test1.csv) has a proper date format (ie YYYYMMDD), while loading it is succesfully .
    2.Second file(test2.csv) has improper date format(ie DDMMYYYY), loading fails because of this format..
    Is it possible to write the Routine(Start Routine) in the Infopackage (External data-Tab) in such a way the if the flat file(test1.csv) is proper date format load calday data without any conversion, if the file is test2.csv convert the date field format from (DDMMYYYY) to (YYYYMMDD) and finally laod data in cube.
    With regards,
    +91 9323839017

    Hello Dinesh,Anil
    There is no distinguishing field between the two flat file loads.
    We are using only one infoobject(ie 0calday) for two loads.
    We are using two external source system(one system generate file as YYYYMMDD date format,and another system generate date formate as DDMMYYY, here two file names are unique.
    Here my requirement is i have to compare two file names using start routine of the package (tab:External data) .
    load as it is 0calday data (since it is in proper format YYYYMMDD)
    else if(test2.csv)
    then convert from DDMMYYYY to YYYYMMDD and load data to 0calday infoobject in cube.
    Is it possible to compare two files names using start routine.
    with regards,

  • Is it possible to load data at aggregated level directly

    Hi All,
    My question may sound vague but still would like to clarify this.
    Is it possible to load data at some higher level than the leaf level? The reason for asking this question is that we are facing severe performance issues while loading the cube.
    We are trying to reduce the number of members which inturn can reduce the loading time. On this attempt to reduce the number of members client said that there are 3 million leaf members(out of 4.3 million total members) for which they do not bother if they appear on report or not but they want to see the total value correct. i.e. the dimension will be only loaded with 1.3 million(4.3 - 3) members but the total can still be correct(including the 3 million leaf members).
    Is it possible to have two loads one at leaf level only and other at parents and above levels.
    DB -
    Also I want to know when do we use allocmap? how does this work?
    Edited by: BGaur on Feb 13, 2009 3:33 PM

    Hi Carey,
    Thanks for your response.
    I worked on your suggestion and I could able to load data at higher level for a value based hierarchy. But I met with a other problem while doing this.
    I am describing this as a level based but while loading we are converting to value based hierarchy.
    we have following levels in the customer dimension having two hierarchy
    so prnt and leaf is common levels are common in both the hierarchies but we were facing multipath issues in second hierarchy and we work around it by concatenating the level name.
    In attemp to decrease the number of this dimension member(currrently 4.3 million) business suggested that there are some kind of customer for which they dont want to see the data at leaf and prnt level instead the level4 or lvl5 should have the total consisting of those members. So by this way we need not to load those members and they were making up 2.4 million out of 4.3
    To implement above I did following.
    1. Created six hierarchies.
    one to have members from level4 till level1
    second to have members from lvl5 till lvl1
    third to have all members of hier1
    fourth to have all members of hier2
    fifth will have leaf and prnt of hier1
    sixth will have leaf and prnt of hier2
    In fifth and sixth hierarchy leaf is common but prnt is different due to the concatenation.
    In the cube I am selecting the aggregation hierarhies as first,second,fifth and sixth. hierarchies third and fourth will be used for viewing the data.
    Fact will have data corresponding for leaf level data,level4 and lvl5.
    The challenge I am facing is that if there is some fact value for leaf level loaded through relational fact but no value being loaded through fact for lvl5 or level4 I am not seeing the total value as leaf value is aggregating till prnt level and no value at level4 or lvl5 so same is propagated till lvl1 and level1.
    I tried to be as clear as possible but still if there is any confussion pls update the thread. I understand that the approach is vague but I am not seeing any other way.

  • Is it possible to get the value of variable through answers page ?

    Hi all,
    I had Dynamic variable ETLRundate . I want use this variable in Answers page to see the out put ?
    Is it possible to get the value of variable through answers page ?if so how I can use ?

    Use the link below and download the documentation
    I think you will find what you are looking for in the Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide, but in short the syntax to display a variable value is as follows:
    As shown above the syntax for using a presentation variable is:
    For Session variables use:
    For repository variables use:

  • Is it possible to load pictures directly from your computer to your ipad.  When I loaded the camera pictures onto the computer, re ordered them and fixed some, I then tried to move them to the ipad.  It does not allow me to paste the copied file.

    Is it possible to load pictures from a computer to your ipad.  When modified my camera pictures and reordered them, I was unable to load them to the ipad.  I could copy but not paste.  If I reinstalled them on the memory card, the ipad did not recognize them.

    The iPad can be pretty picky.
    One way, if you sync your iPad to your computer, is to use iTunes to 'sync' the photos onto the iPad. Of course that has the downside of if you sync them on you have to use iTunes to sync them off.
    Or you can download the iCloud control panel and use photostream to put the photos onto your iPad. WHen you install the iCloud panel and enable photo stream it'll put a folder on your computer. Import photos into that folder and they'll go onto your iPad (they do transfer via wifi so it's not exactly an instant thing, might take a few minutes depending on your network and file size.
    Or, if you have a few, you can e-mail them to yourself, open that mail on your ipad and save them from there.
    Or, to use the camera kit, you can import htem onto your iPad, but the camera connection kit requires a very specific naming protocol. There must be a folder named DCIM on your memory card, and then all files on that card must be in that folder and have a name of 8 characters. If you follow the naming convention, once you plug the memory card in the iPad will see it and allow you to import the photos.
    there are also third party photo apps I just dont' have any to recommend.
    One more thing to bear in mind, even if you rename the files, the ipad persists in organizing the photos by date, so I'd experiment and make sure it doesn't totally rearrange your files before you spend a lot of time on it. (third party apps may respect the name of the photo and organize it that way rather than by date first, then name)

  • Is it possible to LOAD and INSTALL applet during pre-personalization?

    Hi Friends..
    Currently, i use JCOP card
    I want to know the other way to LOAD and INSTALL applet not through CardManager..
    I mean, is it possible to LOAD and INSTALL applet during pre-personalization time?.
    Thanks in advance

    i want to LOAD and INSTALL Applets while pre-personalization phase..
    No, i don't want to defer the LOAD and INSTALL..In the past, we have used the pre-personalisation phase to load KDC keys onto a card and remove the ISK and set issuer specific identifiers (IIN and CIN) etc. You could also load your applet at this time if you wish. You can also load the applets at personalisation.
    How do you plan on doing the personalisation phase? If you were to use a GP scripting environment for example, the CAP files are embedded as a part of the install scripts and only loaded onto a card when you begin executing your personalisation scripts. Since I assume you will be using the small desktop printers mentioned in a different thread, you may be better off integrating the applet loading into your personalisation code (printer integration) so you do not need to double handle cards.
    Actually, is it possible to LOAD and INSTALL applet if we don't authenticate to the CardManager?..There are ways to load and install an applet without explicitly calling INIT UPDATE and EXTERNAL AUTH, but you still need to be authenticated to the card manager, otherwise anyone could manage card content. You can use install tokens and delegated management (which are all outlined in the GO Card Spec).

  • Is It possible to load Html page inside Adobe Flash...?

    Hi Everyone!
    Is It possible to load Html page Inside Adobe Flash CS5.
    Any help would be a great help...!
    Originally, i wanted to bring in through <IFRAME> but i don't see that flash understands that.
    Thanks in advance!

    Not exactly sure how you where planning to display that HTML content in relation to the overall page, but given the limitations of Flash... that may just not be possible...
    But, it would be a simple matter to display an HTML iframe over the top of or behind a Flash .swf... So while the iframe would not be a part of the .swf, it certainly could be designed to make it look as though it were.
    Controling the stacking order or layering of content on a Web page is accomplished through z-indexing. Correctly positioned and z-indexed, the iframe could apear over the top of the .swf... the .swf in effect being the background... OR the iframe could appear behind the .swf and with a transparent section in the .swf, the iframe would appear through that hole. If there is navigation or links in the iframe, they will be blocked by the .swf though.
    But this may be an option....
    Best wishes,

  • Unable to load classes compiled in JDK15 through JVM started from JDK142

    I am trying to load some classes through reflection. I am running the java program on JDK 142. When a try to load a class which was compiled on JDK 15 it gives me the following error.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: sun/managemen
    t/ConnectorAddressLink (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:537)
    at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:12
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:251)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:55)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:194)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:187)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)
    at com.appperfect.monitor.controllers.jmx2.JMXController.loadClasses(JMX
    at com.appperfect.monitor.controllers.jmx2.JMXController.connect(JMXCont
    at com.appperfect.monitor.controllers.jmx2.JMXController.main(JMXControl
    I want to know whether it is possible to load classes of JDK version greater than the JDK on which we are running the program.

    Long answer: nooooooooo.

  • Decrease dynamic disk size through VMM 2012 R2

    Is it not possible to decrease a dynamic disk max size through VMM?
    Do you really have to use the Hyper-V Manager?
    Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
    Kenny Klausen

    Just had the same issue, although related to migrating storage for a VM and managed to fix it...
    Did quite a few modifications in SCVMM, but the key things that seemed to get this working was that I made sure my VMs were connected to the right virtual network and also that they had a VLAN enabled.
    This was done by right-clicking the VM in SCVMM, selecting 'Properties', then 'Hardware Configuration', then select the Network Adapter - 
    Make sure the "Connected to a VM Network" has the right (for your setup) VM network selected, then check the "Enable VLAN" checkbox just below that and select a VLAN ID from the drop-down list.  I only had one VLAN configured on
    my VM Network so the selection was easy.
    Once I did this the 26857 error went away and I could migrate storage.
    Hope this helps !

  • Loading Master data into BPS through layouts

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    Is it possible to load the master data into BI-BPS through layouts(in BI 7.0
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Pradeep,
    if its combination of charactertics & keyfigures, then you need to load master data in Info objects(Characterstics) and for key figures you can load directly in the layout, once you save it , these values get saved back in Cube.
    Hope this helps

  • Loading videos dynamically into FCP?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to load videos/images into FCP dynamically? I know it can be done in Flash using an XML file but can it be done similar in FCP?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Well, if you mean relinking an instance of a clip in a sequence to a new quicktime file, then yes.
    Final Cut will not support authoring these types of interactive or dynamic relationships into QuickTime movies, but you can use QuickTime Pro to take movies you make from Final Cut and build in the type of functions I think you are referring to. IIf you have FCP, you have a QT Pro license.
    Read some of the tutorials you can find hhere: I think this is what you are looking for::
    but no, Final Cut won't do that kind of stuff by itself.

  • Urgent - Is it possible to Load a DLL in ABAP ?

    Hi All,
       Is it possible to Load a DLL from ABAP ? If so how ?

    Hi sunil,
    1. Its not possible for DLL,
      but if its Activex EXE,
      (ie. OLE concept is there),
    2. then it can be done.
    amit m.

Maybe you are looking for

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