Post audio extraction

Since extracting the audio, the imovie ( 6.0.1) is herky jerky, the sound is likewise garbled and I lose control over stopping the clip - it takes several seconds- over 10 - to stop the clip.I 'v ehad to force quit everytime.

Sorry, my post was pretty garbled, too! It's late, been wrestling with video all evening...
I have a bunch of iMovie projects, made with '04. Several of them had the audio extracted with '04, because I had the sync problem with iDVD '04.
I just opened these projects with iMovie 6.0.1. The projects where the audio was previously extracted have garbled audio with 6.0.1. I looked at one of the AIFF files in the Media folder, and it is "16-bit Integer (Big Endian), Stereo, 32.000 kHz". I looked at one of the video files in the Media folder and it shows "DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720 x 480, Millions DV, Stereo, 32.000 kHz". The AIFF and video files in the Media folder look/sound fine playing in QT 7. But they are unitelligible, as though playing at wrong sample rate(?), when playing back in iMovie '06.
Any thoughts? It would be a big pain to have to start from scratch.
PowerMac G4 dual 450, 896MB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Welcome to iMovie Discussions ..premature posting of question, methinks. (..without, perhaps, having searched for or read any previous discussion of these or similar topics..)
    a - This is the iMovie HD (version 5) Discussion ..there's a separate area for iMovie HD 6 ..but I'll still be happy to answer your questions!
    1 - When audio is "extracted", the original clip is simply muted, and a copy of the original audio from it is pasted into a separate audio track below the video. Normally, you'd select an individual clip (or clips) from which to extract (Copy) the audio. If nothing specific is selected, then everything may be extracted.
    2 - An external drive must be formatted as 'Mac OS Extended' or HFS+ for iMovie to be able to work with files stored there. It may be formatted in PC (Windows) FAT 32 format, and there may be a file size limit in that format which is incompatible with your Mac operating system. See this page of error codes, where "error -1309 fileBoundsErr: file's EOF offset mark or size is too big" ..that means that the End Of File marker is incompatible with what's being copied. Googling will find other info, such as this discussion, which prompts a handy reminder that your external drive must be connected by FireWire, not by USB, for you to be able to edit and play via the external drive: a USB connection isn't consistently fast enough for playing video.
    3 - When you delete part of a clip, in iMovie HD (any version) all the rest of the material is still saved, in case you want to Undelete, or make other alterations which need still having access to the original material. [ This is part of the enhanced "non-destructive editing" which was recently introduced into iMovie. In previous versions, when you deleted something, it was irretrievable! ] That's why the full 10.66GB remains. You could 'Share' (Export) just that 26 sec clip to DV, then re-import it as a new clip, and you could then delete the entire original clip, thus regaining the full 10.66GB of space.
    So it's not a premature release: it's a considered, robust, thoughtful release, which now incorporates several solid features which make it more reliable than some previous releases.
    Once you get to know how - and why - it works the way it does, you may be glad that it does work as it does.
    There are still some bugs in it - many to do with "rendering" ..the rewriting of adjusted video, particularly of adjusted still photos within iMovie - but don't judge it just on a quick first glance!
    Hope you find it works for you's a great program, I think.

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    I'd make a DV copy of the exported master, that is, there should be no question that you got a copy of the exported video. Depending on your team's penchant for blaming each other for screwing up, you should have timecode and a supered version identifier burned into the video you are using.
    If you export from the timeline, changes made to the timeline will not be reflected in anyone's copy. That is good. Everyone at every stage gets a coy , in whatever format they want, of the exported movie, not their own exports made from the timeline.
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    About Audio and movie recording in QuickTime Player
    You can make a movie using QuickTime Player and the camera in your Mac by clicking the File menu and choosing New Movie Recording. When the recording interface appears, the FaceTime or iSight camera becomes active (a green light appears by your Mac's built-in camera). Simply press the circular record button once to start or stop your recording.
    Clicking the triangle icon gives you additional options, such as letting you choose whether to use the built-in iSight camera an external camera you've connected to your Mac, and lets you adjust the finished quality of your recording.
    To make an audio-only recording, simply choose New Audio Recording from the File menu. Press the circular record button once to start or stop your recording. You will notice that the current running file size is displayed on the bottom right of the controls while you're recording; this changes to the total elapsed time when you stop recording. The sound meter (located at the bottom of the controls) makes it easy to ensure your volume level is consistent, and is helpful for making sure you're sitting an appropriate distance from the microphone. About 21 inches of distance between you and the microphone is a good place to start.
    Clicking the triangle gives you additional options, such as letting you choose whether to use the built-in microphone on your Mac, an external microphone you've connected to your Mac, a microphone from a connected Apple display, and lets you adjust the finished quality of your recording.
    Tip:  Changing the quality from High to Maximum will produce a very high-quality uncompressed movie file. However, uncompressed audio files can use large amounts of disk space.

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    I don't believe there will be any difference, as long as you are in the digital domain... Usually, on older computers, the CD Dri've had a DAC that transformed the sound into analog, then through a cable to the CD connector of the soundcard... So with that type of connection you will get different results because the soundcard's ADC and the DAC of the CD Dri've come in question. However in newer PCs that connection is unused, as the audio is transferred digitally through the IDE cables. So there shouldn't be degradation in quality there... But when the soundcard comes into question, like the Li've!, Audigy and X-Fi, the frequency will be upsampled to 48kHz and especially on the st 2, there may be artifacts introduced. (The X-Fi's SSRC is helpful here). To avoid the DSPs limitations, there is a "bit-accurate" option in the Audio Console which completely bypasses the DSP, although I thing it only works when connecting the CD Dri've with the digital SPDIF cable to the Digital input of the card and not the IDE cable.

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    The audio isn't really "extracted". The original clips still have the audio, but the volume is set to zero. Just raise the volume.

  • Audio - Extracting, Unextracting, Split Edits

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    I've used iMovie 3 & 4 in the past for animated photos/slideshows for friends' wedding rehearsals - taking photos and using various fx and Ken Burns effect.
    Now I want to add video into the mix - my thought was to use a mix of stills and cut back and forth between them and the video. I've gone ahead and broken-up the video interview (45 minutes) into 40 clips, one for each question/section, and imported all the photos into iPhoto (which crashed every 5-10 minutes due to external editing in Photoshop - nice stablility, Apple!).
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    - overlaying photos on top of video, so that you get:
    TITLE -- VIDEO -- PHOTO -- VIDEO, with original video audio underneath, possibly coming in early under the Title Card.
    I guess I just want to be able to cut back and forth between photo and video without losing sync,
    It seems like the best way may be to use the "paste over at playhead" to insert the stills at the playhead, but this overwrites the original clip and splits the audio. Plus, it takes a ton of time - I'm working on a 2.0 GHz Intel iMac and this is taking 10 minutes to insert a 5-second title into a 30-second video clip!
    I've also thought about duplicating all my clips and letting it split the audio on each overnight; I'd then have the originals plus clips with extracted audio, but it won't let me drag the video AND audio into the clip bin, just the video. So, nope.
    Also - is there any way of simultaneously trimming a split audio and video? I can do both separately, but it doesn't keep the sync even when I lock the audio. I can drag them when they're locked, but not edit both in sync.
    This is completely frustrating - I feel screwed!
    Thanks in advance -
    iMac 20", 2 GHz Intel Dual Core   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Hi, Mark!
    I can't answer all of your questions, but whenever I am going to do "paste overs," I always extract the audio from my main track FIRST. It may take awhile depending on the length of your base clip, but I think you'll find this will make your inserts go a LOT faster.
    Also, I can't answer this definitively without the application open in front of me, but I think you can do title without fades by simply setting the fade slider for the effect to zero. Alternatively, you can create a regular title complete with fades then, while watching it in the main iMovie window, pause it when your title is showing fully and choose the menu command "CREATE STILL CLIP FROM VIDEO" (I forget which menu header it's under, but it shouldn't be hard to find). Then, you can set the duration of that still to last as long as you'd like.

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    However, instead of the audio file having a starting time code of  10:41:17:23, the time code on the file starts at  10:41:34:20. 
    So, the time stamp has jumped forward 16 seconds, 21 frames.   And, the jump amount is not consistent.  Another file had a 37 second plus jump.
    Since we are talking about the STARTING time stamp, in all instances, I believe frame rate, codec, etc. are immaterial unless someone can convince me otherwise.
    If I was dealing with different frame rates/codecs/etc., I could understand the time code being out of sync later in the file, but I cannot understand why it would be out of whack at the very start of the file.
    Anyone got any ideas on possible cause/cure?   It's a pain having to manually search for the audio file for the correct location instead of being able to just punch in the same time code the video uses.

    OK. I double checked and the timecode showed 23.976 for my test .mov file in Premier Pro,  with a sample rate of 48,000  32-bit. 
    I made sure my timecode default was set to SMPTE 23.976 in Preferences/Time Display in Audition.  I then opened the .MOV file in Audition, let it split the audio out, and moved the audio to the editor panel.
    The timecode in the audition editor panel shows 23.976.  The preview panel also shows 23.976. 
    For what is worth, the "time code" block of blue numbers in the lower bottom left of the Audition preview panel shows 00:00:00:00.    I believe this is because the primary "Time Code Start" field in the Canon 70D .mov format files is empty and the camera is putting the time code in the Alternate Time code fields.
    I then opened the Effects drop down menu and applied Noise Reduction/Restoration, option Adaptive Noise Reduction, using the preset "Light Noise Reduction."
    After the apply completed I saved the modified audio file with a format of Wave PCM, leaving the Sample type at the default of 48000 HZ Stereo, 32-bit and Format settings of Wave Uncompressed 32-bit floating point (IEEE).
    I left the box checked next to "Include Markers and Other Metadata."  And, clicked OK.
    I then went to Premier Pro and opened the just saved audio file.  The starting time code on the file is 10:38:52:22.   This does not match the starting time code on the original MOV file which is 10:38:14:10.
    So, based on my limited understanding of both Premier Pro and Audition, I am gettting the exact same sample rate settings and time code settings all the way through the process in both Premier Pro and Audition up to the point of saving the modified file out of Audition.  It is at the point of saving that things get changed.
    Charles asked me to post screenshots and a sample file somewhere.  I am working on doing those tonight.  I just have to figure out where to post them.  My original test files were quite large, but I got the same results with a 2 second file in my second test, so I'll post those files someplace.

  • Interrupted audio extraction, now audio LOST on some clips!

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    Hi n
    Are You sure.
    If advanced user and really know this, then You need to:
    • delete iMovie pref file
    • Repair premissions - Apple Disk Util tool
    • Repair Hard disk - Apple Disk Util tool - You need to start from CD/DVD or external hard disk to do this.
    If not so sure or a beginner:
    • When Extracting audio the original sound is not moved from Your Clip only silenced. If You turn on
    audio adjustment "rubber-band" then You just increas the audio of Your clip to 100% ant ther it is.
    Last point is my main bet.
    iMovie is a non-destructive movie editor. That's why Your sound should be with Your clip and just
    silenced after extracting.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Audio Extraction for Compressed Movies

    Hi all,
    I am trying to extract audio from Quicktime Movie. I followed the steps in
    It works fine.But When i try to extract any movies which is compressed(Audio is compressed as AAC), it gives a first chance exception.. In callstack it shows CoreAudioToolbox.dll... If is do continue it renders the audio without any issues.
    In Mac, this works without any issues.
    Is this really anything to worry about...
    I am a QT Beginner. Please help me
    My QT version is 7.6.7(1675)

    You can control Captivate SWFs via JavaScript using the CaptivateController. It allows you to control all the standard Captivate variables from HTML.

  • Audio extraction from 400+ QT files with between 1-8 channels

    Hi there,
    I need to extract all the audio channels individually from more than 400 QT files, with the number of channels ranging from 1 to 8.
    Do you know of any script or automator action out there which could help me? Ideally I want to extract the audio as AIFF.
    I've seen these, but as far as I can tell they won't extract each track/channel on its own:
    Thanks for any help.
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I have brought my export back into PP and I don't see audio. As you suspect, my export settings were incorrect. I failed to set Channels to 8 Channel; it was set to Stereo. I am creating a new test file for the broadcaster.
    Thank you!

  • Audio extraction - pops

    I have an annoying problem with pops between clips when I extract audio. The clips sound fine when the audio is not extracted, but when it is, audio pops are sometimes present.
    I am making long movies in which the audio tends to get out-of-sync with the video unless I extract it.
    I am using iMovie/iDVD 4.01 and Quicktime 7.1.1. If iTunes is relevant, the version is 6.0.1.
    Have others experienced this problem? Does anyone have a solution?
    MDD PowerPC G4 1.25 GHz Dual   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1.5 GB RAM

    I don't have a definate
    solution but I do know that OS 10.3.9 and QT version
    7 don't really like to play nice together.
    I would be willing to revert to Quicktime 6, if that would help.
    Any suggestions on how to re-install version 6 from a version of QT 7?

  • Audio extracted and deleted  but short noise remains randomly at edit point

    the more I paste over at playhead and extract audio the audio bug occurs at edit point which then cant be deleted (titles or transitions not used)
    Can anyone suggest how ot fix this

    Hi Sue,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have zoomed in on the timeline and the audio files are always completely deleted.
    I extract audio a lot when making a programme as I feature interviews with inserts pasted over at playhead. It seems the more I do this the more likleyhood of this audio bug occuring randomly. If you had any workaround ideas they would be much appreciated.
    I dont use transitions or titles when this fault occurs

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