Power plug failure?

My power plug (where the plug connects to the computer) has been very very finicky lately. It's all the way in, but slightly knicking it will cause it to lose it's connection (the light goes out, and the computer says it's running on battery power)
Is this a common issue? Or do I need to send this beauty in for repairs???
(It isn't horrible now, but it's getting slightly worse, so I'd have to get it take care of before I restart school)

Hi Andrew,
Mine has gotten that way once or twice over the years, from getting the cord caught on something.
If you're out of warranty, just take a pair of pliers and gently form the round, thin, circular portion into a shape more conducive to fitting snugger.
Fixes mine up good as new.

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    J. Miller Adam

    Normally this happens to no one.  The fact it has happened to both multiple machines and multiple adapters says either you are mishandling the wires unknowingly*:
    Or your power source is unreliable.    Some old house wiring can be really suspect, and I recommend using an APC surge protector in case you are uncertain.
    Make sure the adapter in question is rated for the model in question.

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    Parameter2: 00000000`0000012c
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    Parameter4: fffff802`a70d4950
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    ntoskrnl.exe is known as a kernal image for windows operating system, but hard to find the actual acuse basically according to this error message you provided in the original post, maybe a 3 rd party program or a missing file, or corrupted driver.
    Please uplaod the dump file after running Driver Verifier, you can find detailed instruction in the following link (provided  by Patrick Barker)
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    We do need the actual DMP file as they contain the only record of the sequence of events leading up to the crash, what drivers were loaded, and what was responsible.  
    We prefer at least 2 DMP files to spot trends and confirm the cause.
    Please follow our instructions for finding and uploading the files we need to help you fix your computer. They can be found here
    If you have any questions about the procedure please ask
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    Grumpy Gator,
    Please note it did say at the store's discretion, but people have actually been able to return it to the on-line store. (I only saw a couple who tried.)
    And given the outcry, I would think Apple might have other Apple stores join in. Just in case, though, if you can, you might bring it in today.
    If it's an ARS, my guess is they can stick to their 14 day return. Apple cannot force them to do it. SO if it's not bought directly from Apple, and it's past the 14 day deal, I'd bring it in to the store today if you have one. When I gave people the cnet.com site, I gave it so people could read it and know only Apple had made the decision for Apple. And I suggested to some that an Apple reseller would probably stick with their own return policy.
    Because Arnie had just bought his, he should be able to return it to Apple or an ARS because an ARS has to have some kind of full refund or at least return for credit within 7 or 14 days of purchase.
    Hope this helps.

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    Contact a repairer in your area.. we can fix them cheaper than data recovery.. and you will get a working TC back as good as new.. in fact we can make it better than new because we can fix the fundamental flaw .. no cooling.
    https://sites.google.com/site/lapastenague/a-deconstruction-of-routers-and-modem s/apple-time-capsule-repairers

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    Mine gets warmer than the power adapter on my original iPad, but .... It does not get "Very Hot". I would take it back to Apple and show them, and ask for a replacement, it should not get that hot.

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    It is the smallest barrel connector I've ever seen.  If I had a micrometer that measured inside diameter and outside diameter, I could come up with the ID, OD and length, and possibly buy it from Digi-Key or another parts supplier.  Possibly I could estimate the dimensions, but I want a precise fit.
    I've already replaced the 431446-001, and apparently that was only part of the connector problem.  Before replacement, I was getting no DC to the computer.  Now I get DC to the computer when the  barrel plug is held in just the right position.  A common solution is just to replace the external power supply, but I know that the connector is the only problem.
    Can anyone help?
    Tad Cook, K7RA

    Well,  the dimensions  of that tip are 4.8 x 1.7 mm.  Can't find a dimension for the length.
    The tip numbers for a targus adapter are L107 and 201.  The reason for the 2 different part numbers is because targus makes 2 different adapters that the plugs plug into different ways.
    The price of a targus tip is around 14 bucks on ebay and the price of a new ac adapter for your machine is about 9 bucks on ebay.  If you do a search on ebay make sure you use dv6000, not dv6.  You'll get a monster tip for a dv6, won't fit.
    You won't be able to adapt a targus tip coz the connector pins are recessed into the connector.  The tip numbers are just for your reference in case you still want to source a tip somewhere.  A company might be able to match a tip to those numbers.
    Did someone help you? Pay it forward. Help someone else.
    NC4400, TC4400 Win 7 Ultimate, xp pro, both dual boot
    a bunch of thinkpads

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    It is up to you to decide.
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    Well a robust defence of your product Apple well done!

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    MacBook Pro

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    My power plugs are getting shorts to where they will not charge up the laptop any longer. I had this laptop 2 years and been through 3 cords already. Sometimes they get really hot too

    what country are you in?
    youre blowing capacitors on the charger block board.  
    Use the included extension cord that came with your Macbook Air to ground your system better.

  • Power plug

    My late-2012 mini does not have the 3rd prong on the power plug.  What is the best way to safely plug into the wall?  I.E. grounding?  I'm in U.S. in a apt complex built @ 2004.  Is grounding something I need to be concerned about?  How is the mini 2 prong plug different from other electronics using the 3 prong plugs?  Thanks

    The Mac mini uses an IEC C7 socket (female), and you plug in an IEC C7 cable (male) to whatever your wall socket uses.
    As it only has two pins on the socket of the Mac mini it is impossible to use an earth connection. This is not a problem this model Mac is designed to work safely without a mains earth connection.

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